Taken By The Bear: BBW Billionaire Bear Shifter Romance Standalone

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Taken By The Bear: BBW Billionaire Bear Shifter Romance Standalone Page 7

by Natalie Kristen

  Ruby turned to Nate, dumbfounded.

  “T-they...” She pointed at Isabelle and Tania.

  “They're good.” Nate shrugged. “I wouldn't have sent them to you otherwise.”

  Nate ushered a speechless, gaping Ruby out the door. She could hear Isabelle and Tania squabbling and joking as she left. Nate wasn't kidding. They were good. And they were lethal.

  Lethal, deadly bears.

  Who were great with coffee, cupcakes and customers.

  “Where's your suitcase?” Nate asked.

  “In the bedroom. But...”

  Before she could stop him, he had gone to retrieve her old, worn suitcase from the room. He came back to her in a jiffy with her suitcase in hand. She stared at him for a moment. She didn't even have to ask him to help her carry her suitcase. She wouldn't have asked anyway. She was intending to leave her old things behind and just go. Leave the old behind and all the bad memories.

  But Nate respected her. These were her belongings, however meager and old. He wouldn't leave any of her things behind. He would cart them all back to his place for her.

  She didn't have to ask him to do it. He just did it. Matter of fact. Matter of course.

  Ruby let Nate bundle her into his Bentley. She turned to him as he dragged on a pair of sweatpants swiftly over his naked butt and started the engine.

  “You okay?” he asked her.

  “Yeah. But I'm worried about poor Mrs Raine. I helped her into her apartment and locked the door for her when I left. She's a widow and she lives alone. I...”

  “I'll send one of my medics to check on her,” Nate answered, pulling out his phone. “And I'll pay her for any damage to the apartment and the furniture. I promise I'll get everything repainted and replaced.”

  “I want to come back and visit her, make sure she's okay,” Ruby said.

  “Of course.”

  Nate spoke rapidly into his phone, then clicked off. Ruby leaned back and closed her eyes. “It's over, it's finally over,” she whispered.

  “Yes,” Nate said grimly, keeping his eyes on the road. “I spoke to Logan Reed, the new Alpha of the Red Fangs pack in Misty Valley. Logan told me that Colton Smith was banished from the pack for hurting a human woman in Misty Valley. The Red Fangs pack has changed a lot under Logan's leadership. Logan doesn't tolerate violence from his wolves against defenseless humans.”

  “So he had a good Alpha, but he was a bad wolf,” Ruby muttered.

  Nate nodded. “There will be rogue shifters in every pack, every clan. I will personally execute my bears if they turn rogue. It has to be done.”

  Ruby gave Nate a sidelong glance. Nate was sweet, protective, caring, but he was also a powerful, deadly alpha bear. And he shouldered many responsibilities as the Alpha of the Silvertip clan and the Chairman of the Silver Group.

  The Silver Group. With their many restaurants and eateries.

  Ruby thought for a moment.

  “I want them.”

  “What?” Nate turned to her and frowned. “Who?”

  “Isabelle and Tania. I want them.”

  He huffed and wagged a finger at her. “No poaching my staff.”


  His stern facade crumbled. “I bet they made you put in the request for them.” He laughed. “Those girls have been trying to wriggle their way out of office duty.”

  “No,” she lied. “They love their work at the office. But you should see them in the cafe! They're in their element! They're really great and they're so happy working in the cafe.”

  Nate tweaked her nose. “You are a bad liar. No way Isabelle and Tania love their work in the office. I know my bears. But every bear has to serve some time in the head office. It lets them understand the workings of the Silvertip clan better.”

  “So...now that they've served their time, you'll release Isabelle and Tania to me?” she prompted.

  Nate pretended to look put upon. “What will I do without them?” he mock grumbled.

  Ruby laughed and patted his arm. “You'll find a way I'm sure.”

  “Fine. You can have them. On one condition.”


  “You close the cafe before sundown and come home before it's full dark. It's dangerous at night, and...”

  “Okay, okay, I promise!” She kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you!”

  Nate smirked and added, “Don't blame me if they eat up all your cupcakes.”

  “They can have all the cupcakes they want,” she answered with a heartfelt smile. Gazing out the window, she stared at the rows of shops and houses they were driving past. The dappled sunlight danced and twinkled on the pavement and she saw shopkeepers throwing open their doors and greeting their first customers cheerily.

  Ursa Springs looked so peaceful, happy and beautiful. Ruby knew that every shifter town had its fair share of violence and bloodshed, but she wasn't afraid anymore.

  This was where she belonged. She would stay here, in this beautiful town and build a future with her mate.


  Nate turned to his side and his arm landed on the rumpled, empty sheets beside him. Growling, he opened his eyes and pushed himself up on his elbow.

  “Ruby...” He groaned at the sight of his mate walking out of the bathroom, all showered and dressed in smart tailored slacks that hugged her luscious ass and thighs. She was wearing a white, frilly blouse and her only accessories were an elegant diamond watch on her wrist and a pair of glittering stud earrings.

  “Come back to bed,” he growled.

  “I can't,” she smiled. “The grand opening is today. I have to get there early to make sure everything is ready.”

  Nate saw the pride and joy in his mate's radiant smile. Ruby turned out to be a real savvy businesswoman. He had discussed her business model with the department heads in the Silver Group, and they had all agreed that there was a lot of potential in Ruby's business. Nate had proposed that the Silver Group invest in Coffee and Cupcakes. The Silver Group had a string of restaurants but they'd never ventured into the cafe business. This was a prime opportunity.

  Nate has asked Ruby if she would consider a partnership. The Silver Group would have a fifty percent stake in her business, and she would own the other fifty percent, as well as retain full control and management of Coffee and Cupcakes. Ruby had agreed immediately. She saw it as a great opportunity to expand her business as well. With more funding, it was much easier to put her business plans into action. And a surprising number of werebears from the Silver Group had actually asked to be transferred to Ruby's branch. Nate never realized there were so many coffee connoisseurs and cupcake lovers in the Silvertip clan.

  Within a few months, Ruby opened another Coffee and Cupcakes cafe in a swanky new mall downtown. She'd put Isabelle in charge of that cafe, and Isabelle took to her manageress role like a fish to water, or a bear to honey. And today, she was opening a bigger Coffee and Cupcakes outlet right in the business distract of Ursa Springs. Tania had been appointed as the manageress of this new branch.

  His mate was a busy, capable woman. She was clearly in her element, and she was teaching the seasoned werebears in the Silver Group a thing or two about running a successful cafe business. His bears were highly impressed with their Alpha's human mate. She made money for the Silver Group, she gave her counsel quietly and unobtrusively and she kept their Alpha happy. Very happy indeed.

  Ruby walked over to him to kiss him. “What time will you be back?” he asked, releasing her reluctantly.

  “Hmm.” She glanced at her watch. “Everything should be wrapped up by five. I think. I hope.” She grinned.

  “Five,” Nate said firmly. “Be back by five o'clock. Don't be late.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him, and gasped when he threw back the covers and stood up. She blushed furiously when she saw how hard he was for her.

  “I...I better go,” she stammered, backing to the bedroom door. “I can't be late...”<
br />
  Nate lunged for her and she squeaked and scooted out the door. He chuckled and walked to the bathroom. It amused him how she could still be so bashful around him. Shifters were comfortable being naked, shifting from one skin to another. But his little human mate was just so shy and adorable. She was a tough, no-nonsense, take no prisoners businesswoman, but in the bedroom, she submitted and surrendered to him completely.

  Nate showered and dressed quickly. He had a lot to do today, and not a lot of time to do it. Everything had to be perfect.

  And everything had to be ready by five o'clock.


  Ruby parked her white Audi in the garage, and massaged her neck as she walked up to the front door. The grand opening had been a success, and Tania had handled everything beautifully. The VIPs and guests were still chatting and lounging around the cafe when she left. She'd promised Nate that she would be home by five, and she always kept her promises to Nate.

  She would never break his trust. Just as she was sure he would never break hers.

  She opened the front door and gasped. There was a red carpet stretching from the front door straight across the sprawling living room to the tall arched window. The setting sun cast a warm, golden glow into the room and she saw Nate standing by the window, all decked out in a smart tuxedo and bearing a bouquet of roses.

  “Wha—?” she sputtered.

  “May I?” Jack, Nate's youngest brother, magically appeared at her side. Beaming, he offered her his arm, and she took it automatically. Jack was similarly dressed in a tux, and for once, he had his floppy blond hair neatly combed back. Wyatt, Nate's second brother, was standing beside Nate, smiling widely at her. There was a white rose in Wyatt's lapel, and he was holding a small velvet box in his gloved hand.

  “Here comes the bride, here comes the bride!” A child's voice sang loudly and excitedly. “Here comes Aunt Ruby and she's lovely, lovely, lovely!” he squealed, forgetting to sing in tune.

  Ruby started and almost tripped over the red carpet. Her jaw dropped when she saw her sister, Rachel, step out and scoop a jumping and clapping Mikey into her arms.

  “Rachel! Mikey!” Ruby gasped.

  Rachel smiled broadly, and motioned for her to continue walking towards Nate. Her sister's eyes were glimmering with happy tears, as she struggled to contain an exuberant six-year-old boy in her arms. “Aunt Ruby!” Mikey yelled to her. “We came for your wedding!”

  Ruby blew him a kiss, and he pretended to catch it and eat it. Giggling, he stood at his mother's side and tugged at her hand. “Can we cut the cake now?”

  “Not yet,” Rachel whispered back. “If you're good, there'll be ice-cream.”

  “Ooh.” His eyes rounded and he stood at attention immediately. “I'm good!”

  For the first time, Ruby noticed the town minister standing beside Nate. The minister's eyes twinkled as he cleared his throat. With a flourish, Jack handed Ruby over to Nate and winked at her.

  “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Nate Lawson and Ruby Kyle,” the minister began solemnly. “We are here to celebrate...”

  As he droned on, Ruby turned to stare at Nate, who had his large hand covering hers possessively as she rested her hand in the crook of his arm. He glanced down at her and grinned rakishly.

  Ruby couldn't help the soft sigh that escaped her lips. Nate was so handsome, and he looked so happy. His brilliant blue eyes sparked with intelligence and mischief, and she knew that he had been planning this for a long time. He wanted to surprise her, and he wanted this to be perfect for her.

  The minister paused for her answer, and she shouted, “I do!” She heard Nate's brothers chuckle, but she didn't care. She was so proud to declare her love for this wonderful man. She would shout out her answer to the whole wide world, and whisper it to him every single day. For the rest of her life.

  Nate replied solemnly, “I do.” He held out his hand and Wyatt stepped forward bearing a diamond ring. He slipped it on her finger and smiled proudly.

  Mikey was at her side, holding out an elegant gold band in his small, chubby fingers. He giggled and squirmed when she bent down to kiss him and take the ring from him. Like the Lawson brothers, Mikey was dressed in a smart tuxedo with a white rose in his lapel.

  As soon as Ruby put the gold band on Nate's finger, he swooped down and kissed her passionately on the lips. The kiss went on forever, until Mikey said, “Are they finished, Mom? Ewww! They're still doing it!” The little boy was covering his eyes with his hands and peeking out from between his fingers.

  Everyone laughed, and Nate shook hands with the minister. Ruby went to her sister and gave her a big bear hug. “Rachel,” she whispered against her sister's neck, blinking away her tears. “How...”

  “Nate sent his private jet to get us. He's been planning this for quite some time.” Rachel chuckled and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

  Ruby stepped back and took a good look at her elder sister. Rachel's hair was neatly done up in a chignon and she was wearing a flowing baby-pink shift dress. “You look beautiful.”

  Rachel shook her head and smiled proudly. “You. You look beautiful, Ruby. You are a beautiful bride!”

  “I'm in my work clothes,” Ruby grimaced. “I didn't...”

  “And you look great in them,” Rachel said firmly. “Really. You've really blossomed. Look at you. Confident, capable, successful. I'm so happy for you, Ruby!”

  Ruby smiled and gripped her sister's hands tightly. She had gone back to visit Rachel and Mikey with Nate, and she had told her sister everything that had happened. Rachel had hugged her and told her firmly to put the past behind her and just forge ahead with her new life and her dream.

  Her breath hitching, Ruby touched her sister's face, and saw the jagged scar down her cheek. “Rachel...” she began in a quavering voice.

  But Rachel stopped her with a huff. “I know what you're going to say. You have nothing to apologize for. It's not your fault. At all. And it's just an old scar.” Rachel shrugged. “It doesn't hurt, and it doesn't bother me. I'm still your big sister, and I'm still Mikey's mom. A scar doesn't change me.”

  “You are the most beautiful woman I know, Rachel,” Ruby said, embracing her sister tightly. “I...”

  “Go, your husband is waiting for you.” Rachel shushed her and turned her around to face Nate. “Go.”

  Ruby went willingly into Nate's open arms and leaned into him. He nuzzled her neck and inhaled her scent deeply. “We're married, baby,” he announced. “You're my mate, my wife.”

  They shared another deep, lingering kiss before Nate's brothers started heckling him and demanding kisses from the bride as well.

  As Ruby kissed Jack on both cheeks, she saw Wyatt pick Mikey up and settle the little boy on his broad shoulders. “Hang on tight, buddy. The ride's gonna get real rough,” Wyatt said and made a revving sound.

  Mikey dug his fingers into Wyatt's soft blond hair and squealed with delight as Wyatt began to pick up speed and careen around the room. Rachel was laughing as she watched her son whoop and holler, “Faster, faster!”

  The kitchen staff had prepared a nice, cozy dinner for the family. Nate knew her so well. Only their family was present at their wedding, and it was exactly the way she wanted it.

  As his brothers and her sister trooped off to the dining room, Ruby pulled Nate to her and said, “Thank you, Nate. You've given me my dream wedding. This is the happiest day of my life!”

  “No, baby,” he said, stroking her cheek with his thumb. “The best is yet to come. From now on, every day will be the happiest day of your life. This...is just the beginning.”

  “I love you,” she said, tilting her face up to kiss him. “I love you, my husband.”

  “And I love you, my beautiful wife,” he said, crushing his mouth over hers.

  She heard Mikey's voice again. “Mom! Aunt Ruby and Uncle Nate are kissing again. Do you think they'll ever stop?” he mused, s
ounding way too grown up. “Hmph! I think they're going to do this their whole lives!”

  Ruby laughed, and continued kissing her husband. Her little nephew was absolutely right.

  They were going to do this their whole lives.

  This...was just the beginning.

  ~ End ~

  About the Author

  Natalie Kristen is a writer who enjoys mixing the sweet with the spicy, the light with the dark, the possibilities with the unimaginable. She enjoys exploring paranormal and dystopian worlds, deep desires and inspiring romances. She is hopelessly addicted to coffee, chocolate, reading and writing. She loves to hear from readers so please feel free to follow her on Twitter and Facebook, or visit her blog for the latest news and updates.










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