KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4)

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KYLE: A Mafia Romance (The Callahans Book 4) Page 5

by Glenna Sinclair

  I ran my hand over her jaw, sliding my fingers slowly into her hair. Her eyes widened as I tugged her hair to pull her into the perfect position to capture her lips. I wasn’t gentle this time; I didn’t take my time or ask for entrance. This time I simply took what I wanted. I buried myself inside of her, urged her jaw open, tasted what I wanted to taste, and touched what I wanted to touch. She responded with almost the same amount of need that was suddenly bursting through me, her inexperience apparent in the awkward way she moved her jaw, but even that was sweet and exciting. I was quickly discovering that there were some benefits to being with an inexperienced girl.

  I wondered how she handled last night. Was I gentle? Or did I pass out before we got to the fun stuff?

  I think I would remember this if it’d happened last night. I mean…damn! This was hot!

  I slid one hand down over her jaw, across the side of her neck. Then further. My fingers brushed the hard tip of one nipple and felt the quick catch of breath as they brushed along her ribs. Then her hip was in my palm the perfect fit. I tugged her leg up and pulled her harder against me, wishing I’d gone with the shorter dress rather than this more elegant, down-to-the-ankle style. I wanted to touch flesh. I wanted to taste more than just the sweetness of her lips.

  But then the elevator door opened, so even if her dress had been shorter, the laughing group of late night gamblers waiting just outside the door would have been the same cold shower it was in that moment.

  I turned, tucking Amelia behind me.

  “Newlyweds,” I said, knowing that would explain it all.

  One of the men laughed, while another said, “Get a room!”

  “Already got one. Just couldn’t wait.”

  “Don’t blame you. She’s gorgeous!”

  I glanced back, a spark of anger growing in my chest. But they were already on the elevator and quickly disappearing behind the closing doors. Amelia pushed against my shoulder, encouraging me to continue down the corridor. We slipped through the double doors of my suite, and I drew her close to me again, stealing her lips even as she looked up at me, something she wanted to say caught on the tip of her tongue.

  She moaned, and I devoured it, pushing her back against the wall, my hand returning to that hip, sliding around to that beautiful, perfectly contoured ass. She pushed at my wrist and made me move my hand, but I couldn’t resist the need to go back, to feel that bit of perfection again. She moaned again, even as she responded to my kiss with as much heat as I knew I was exuding. Our tongues danced together, her jaw working against mine in perfect synchronization. Her hand was curled in my lapel, her grip hard, pulling me tighter. She might not want my hand on her ass, but she wanted me just the same.

  And when I let my lips slide down the curve of her jaw, the angles of her throat, she sighed, her fingers moving over the back of my head. She leaned her head back and gave me perfect access to the top of her beautiful breasts, to the creamy flesh that peeked out of the top of her gown. I nibbled a little, drew her skin into my mouth, and brought something like a little scream from her lips. I loved her responses, the sighs and the moans. The women I brought into my bed often made noises like that, but there was something about the sounds coming from between Amelia’s lips that felt more genuine.

  I wanted her. Really, desperately, wanted her. And that scared me a little.

  “Let’s go to bed,” I said, taking her hand even as I pressed my lips to hers again.

  “Kyle…if we’re going to get an annulment…”

  “Fuck the annulment.”

  She sighed against my mouth. She opened to me again and moaned as I touched a place on the roof of her mouth that seemed to have the power to make her press her hips tighter against me, making her do things with that gorgeous body that I doubt she’d ever done before. And she was already a pro at it, sending a fire rushing through my body.

  I tugged at her skirt, pulling it up one painful inch at a time. When my fingers brushed the bare skin of her thigh, fireworks seemed to explode inside my head. I pulled higher, slid my hands under the light material, searching for the bottom edge of her panties, that sexy spot that announced the nearness of the source of the ultimate pleasure. But, instead of touching silky panties, I found myself sliding my fingers over bare skin, barely brushing the silky flesh of outer lips.


  She tried to push my hand away, but all that material from her skirt trapped me there. And I took advantage of it, pressing my palm to her ass, as a mixture of a groan and a laugh slipped from between my lips.

  “If I’d known you were going commando, I would have done this sooner!”

  “I only had the one pair, and they caused a line…”

  She blushed as the words slipped from between her lips. She wouldn’t look at me, her face turned to the side. I kissed her jaw and nibbled at the skin just below that first curve.

  “I like this,” I said in a low, deep whisper. “I like having access to you without having to fight your fancy underwear. I like knowing that just a little lift of your skirt and I could have what I want anywhere, any time.”

  She shook her head. “Please…”

  “You can pretend that you don’t like it, but I know you do.” I slid my fingers over her luscious cunt lips, dipping my fingers between them as a groan and a word of protest got tangled as they came from between her lips. “I can feel how much you want me.”

  “Please,” she whispered again. “We can’t. I can’t.”

  “We did last night, didn’t we?” I pulled back slightly so that I could see her face, still turned to the side, even as my fingers sought out more depths, more of her, more of the moistness that told a story she couldn’t hide. “You were quite naked in my bed this morning.”

  She opened her mouth, but then my finger found the swollen nib of her clit. She bit her lip so suddenly I briefly wondered if it was bleeding, then this long, deep moan slipped from her throat. I liked that reaction, and I liked the pleasure that was clearly dancing in her eyes before she closed them and the excited blush that rose over her cheeks. I pressed my finger harder against her clit, crushing it back against her pelvic bone, rolling it until she responded with a little roll of her hips.

  She was so wet my finger slipped off her clit. But it wasn’t so bad because it slipped down to her tight, little entrance, sliding deep inside of her with a minimal amount of effort on my part. She stiffened slightly, pressing her back tighter against the wall. I kissed her neck, loving the feel of her pounding pulse against my lips. And then I pulled my finger out of her and slid it against her clit again, catching it between two fingers and rolling it until she looked as though she might collapse right there, straight into my arms.

  “That’s good, isn’t it, baby?” I asked softly against her ear. “Has anyone ever made you come with just his fingers before?”

  Her blush deepened and I chuckled, dragging my lips over her throat again, moving down into the valley between her breasts, sliding my tongue between the firm tissue there. She tasted like salt and warmth, like a sunny day at the beach. I buried my face against her throat as I continued to play with her clit, feeling the tension grow inside of her, feeling the quick movement of her breath. I knew the moment she hit her orgasm because her entire body stiffened and she made the most beautiful sound, like the highest note of a perfectly tuned piano. I stilled my fingers and held her close as she rode the waves, then I lifted her into my arms and carried her into the bedroom as a proper groom should do.

  She turned away from me when I lay her on the bed, her face hidden in the pillows. I didn’t mind. We had all night to play this little game of cat and mouse. I slid her shoes off her feet before settling on the side of the bed, slipping my hands slowly over her legs as I worked my way back under her dress. She pulled her knees up, trying to protect herself from my invasion. But I just followed, stretching out behind her, pressing my face to her shoulder for a long second.

  “You are my wife. Isn’t this my right?”<
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  She didn’t answer. But the tension in her body grew, as though she thought that by stiffening every muscle in her body it would stop me from taking what I wanted. I kissed her neck, rested my hand on her hip, and stretched out behind her for a long moment, waiting for the tension to disappear. It didn’t.

  What the hell was going on here? She could take me when we were both drunk, but she couldn’t take me tonight when she was sober and I was…well, not sober. But not black out drunk, either.

  I started tugging at her skirt again, but the vibration of my phone against my hip pulled me away. I sat up and pulled the phone from my pocket.


  “What’s up, brother?”

  “We need you home, Kyle. I’m sorry, but the Italians are going to town on us and Pops needs everyone he can get. But with Sean MIA and Killian wrapped up with Stacy and the baby, it’s kind of just you and me, you know?”

  “Yeah, of course. But you realized Kevin’s just hanging around Pops’ house.”

  “Pops won’t bring Kevin into this, you know that. He wants Kevin to be an artist, or whatever it is he’s trying this week.” There was clear frustration in Ian’s voice as he spoke. But then his tone softened as he said, “But maybe that’s for the best. Things are really crazy right now and the fewer of us involved is probably better.”

  “Probably.” I glanced over my shoulder at Amelia. “I’ll fly out as soon as I can get myself together.”

  “I’ve already sent the jet. It should be waiting for you in less than an hour.”

  Then it was serious. Ian rarely sent the company jet for me unless I begged. He liked to have me beg for things.

  I disconnected the call and stood, grabbing my bag off the valet sitting in the corner.

  “Go change your clothes. We’re flying to Boston.”

  Amelia sat up slowly. “We?”

  I glanced back at her. “Yeah. Until we can arrange an annulment, you’re my wife, right?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “Then you come home with me.” I turned to face her, crossing my arms over my chest. “Unless you’re prepared to go down to the courthouse the moment they open and file for a divorce.”

  She shook her head. “No divorce.”

  “Then get changed.”

  I started shoving clothes into my bag, but realized she hadn’t moved as I was almost finished.


  “I don’t have anything here to change into. Just that other dress…”

  I cursed under my breath, amused that it brought another blush to her full cheeks.

  “Come on,” I said, grabbing her hand, “we’ll stop by your place so you can pack. Can’t have you meet the family wearing that.”

  She snatched up her shoes as I dragged her out of the room, her in one hand and my bag in the other. I glanced around to make sure I had everything, dropped the room key on the bar—Mickey could deal with that later—and headed out.

  This was going to be interesting. Imagine me coming home with a wife. Pops would shit bricks, and I could already see the I-told-you-so’s from Ian and Killian. Yeah. This was definitely going to be interesting.

  Chapter 5


  I could almost feel the derision coming from Kyle as I unlocked the flimsy door to my tiny efficiency apartment. He didn’t say anything, but his eyes scanned the place slowly, taking in the second-hand furniture and the lack of electronic equipment. I didn’t even have a television because it would have cost more than it was worth to hook it up for cable.

  I ducked into the bathroom and quickly slipped into a pair of jeans and a light t-shirt, tugging the bobby pins from my hair and replacing them with a simple elastic band as I pulled my hair into a ponytail. I was back to that girl who’d come here seeking a quick way to make a lot of money, the sad girl who never seemed to get ahead even with the generous tips waitressing two jobs provided. It was depressing.

  I shoved my little bit of makeup and my toiletries into a bag, then returned to the main part of the apartment to shove jeans and t-shirts, a few nice blouses, a pair of slacks, and my one good dress into a worn, pathetically used duffle bag. Again, Kyle didn’t say a word, but I could feel his judgment in the way he watched me move.

  “Just a week’s worth,” he said. “Anything more you might need, we’ll buy in Boston.”

  I nodded, but I didn’t take anything out of the bag. I wanted my things. I didn’t want to feel like I was dependent on him for more than I already was.

  The last thing I grabbed was a photograph of my family that was tucked into a book in my nightstand. Shoving it into my shoulder bag, I turned to Kyle.


  He held out his hand, and I thought I might blush again. The memory of his touch was still there, this pulsing in my clit and this sense of fullness inside of me…I didn’t know what to do with it. I was overwhelmed with shame and excitement all at the same time. It was as if I’d done something wrong, but it was so much fun I wanted to do it again.

  And again and again…

  I walked toward him but didn’t take his hand. He slid it over my shoulder as he followed me out the door, resting his hand against the small of my back and that was worse, somehow. There was a rented Cadillac Escalade waiting for us at the curb. It was late, an hour or two until dawn. I should have been exhausted, but I was energized with a nervousness that made my hands shake and my knees knock. Kyle helped me into the passenger seat before slinging my bag into the back with his and climbing behind the wheel. It wasn’t but a few minutes before we pulled through the gates of a private airstrip just outside the city.

  “You have a jet?”

  “It belongs to Callahan Industries, my father’s side business.”

  I just nodded, my eyes drawn to the slim lines of the jet and the model-perfect people standing beside the steps leading into the interior. They must have been the pilot and the rest of the crew. There were two men, both impossibly handsome and well coifed despite the hour, and a woman who filled out her skimpy uniform the way a woman was supposed to fill out a tight, little outfit like that. She made me feel frumpy in my jeans.

  Kyle helped me out of the car, his eyes moving over my face for a long second.

  “I’m sorry for the rush. Hopefully things will settle down in a day or two.”

  I wanted to say that things could rush for as long as they needed to. This situation—whatever it was—had saved me from having to do something I knew was coming, but was hoping I could avoid. I knew he’d expect me to sleep with him. But I…I barely knew him. How could I give him something I hadn’t given the boy I dated for three years in high school, or the man I was briefly engaged to after a two-year relationship in college?

  But, again, if his touch could do what it did back there in the hotel, how could I deny myself that kind of pleasure? Did it all feel that way? Was it all that delicious, that mind blowing? Or was it just something about his touch, on this night, in this situation?

  I was afraid of the answer. And I was afraid I’d never feel that way again.

  Kyle slid his arm around me and led the way to the plane. He tossed his keys to one of the men—they all seemed to know him and they greeted him with respect—gesturing back to the car.

  “It’s a rental. Make sure it’s taken care of. And our bags are in the back.”

  “Of course, Mr. Callahan,” the man said, moving immediately to do as he was told.

  “I’ll never get used to that,” he whispered against my ear, as he turned me and pushed me gently toward the steps that would allow us access to the interior of the plane.

  I walked up them slowly, feeling judged, as though they knew I didn’t belong here. But then Kyle was behind me again, his arm sliding around my waist as he guided me to a long, couch-like spot toward the front of the plane.

  “Have you ever flown before?”

  I nodded, my eyes moving slowly over the carpet and the leather upholstery and the wood accents that filled the plane
’s cabin. I’d flown many times before, but I’d never thought I would fly on a private jet again.

  Kyle reached around me and secured the seatbelt to my waist before doing the same for himself. Then he leaned close and nuzzled my neck.

  “Once we get going, we’ll have a couple of hours to fill.”

  “We should probably sleep.”

  He nodded. “I’m sure there’ll be plenty of time for that, too.”

  Dread built in my chest. So much for assuming I was out of the woods.

  The flight attendant came aboard behind us, a bright smile on her lips that revealed perfect teeth that must have cost her parents a fortune at some point.

  “Can I get you a drink?”

  Kyle straightened a little. “Do you want a little something before we take off?”

  I hesitated. I didn’t drink very often. But this situation seemed to scream for a little oblivion.

  Kyle didn’t wait for me to make up my mind.

  “Why don’t you bring us both one of those Irish coffees you make so well, Samantha?”

  She smiled, tilting her head ever so slightly before quickly heading off to the back of the plane where a tiny kitchen was hidden.

  “You know their names.”

  “My father taught us that it’s good business to be respectful to those who work under us. He taught us to learn their names and to be as polite as we can without letting them think we’re soft. It’s a fine line, he told us, but he taught us how to navigate it.”

  “Your father’s a smart man.”

  Kyle nodded. “Pops is…he’s not above making the occasional mistake, but he’s a good man and he’s never failed to let all six of us know how much he loves us, even those of us who were adopted.”

  “Six kids? You mentioned you had siblings, but you never mentioned you had so many.”

  “Yeah. Killian, Sean, Ian, me, Kevin, and Stacy.”

  “How many are adopted?”

  “Four. Only Killian and Sean are biological. But Abigail made sure that we understood that that didn’t matter.”


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