Rev: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Marauders MC)

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Rev: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Marauders MC) Page 14

by Nicole Fox

  “Whatever it is,” he said, his tone a blend of rage and annoyance, “you’d better spit it out fast.”

  He didn’t have to worry about that. Everything came out in a messy tumble.

  “There’s someone chasing me down in a black car or lots of black cars, I don’t know, but I think they’re trying to kill me or something, I don’t know, but I’m so scared and I can’t find a job and I have no money and I don’t have a friend in the world and I don’t know, I don’t know, I’ve never felt this bad before, and and on top of everything else, I’m pregnant, and it’s your baby.”

  That was how it came out, not even a break for breath. When I was finished my lungs hurt and I felt lightheaded.

  Zane continued to look down at me, his face some strange expression that I couldn’t read.

  “Fine,” he said. “Come in. But right now I’m taking every word you say as a lie until you can come up with hard proof otherwise.”

  Then he turned and walked back into his apartment without waiting for me. The door still open, I hurried after him, not sure what to expect next.

  Chapter 23


  Was she lying? Was this more bullshit? I had no idea. But she seemed genuinely scared for her life, and that was enough for me. I was pissed at her, sure, but that didn’t mean that I was ready to leave her out in the cold like that.

  I stepped into my kitchen as Roxy entered the apartment.

  “Sit down,” I commanded.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I watched as she hurried over to one of my couches and took a seat. She seemed so small and pathetic and scared that it was hard not to feel some kind of sympathy for her.

  “Want something to drink?” I asked.

  “Sure,” she said. “Just as long as it doesn’t have any booze in it.”

  Maybe she was just really committed to the bit, but I was starting to think that she wasn’t lying after all. I put the kettle on and prepared a couple mugs of tea while Roxy collected herself. By the time the hot water was ready, she seemed ready to talk. Mugs in hand, I walked over to where she sat.

  “I know you probably think I’m full of shit, and I don’t blame you one bit,” she said. “So, here.”

  She lifted her ass off the couch just enough to reach into her back pocket and pull something out. Two somethings, actually—two folded sheets of paper that she tossed onto the coffee table in front of her.

  “What the hell are these?” I asked.

  “Read them and find out,” she said, her eyes downcast.

  I set the mugs onto the table and picked up the papers. With a few quick flicks, I unfolded them. The first one was an official document from one of the local NYPD stations. Scanning it, I saw that it was a typed-up report that the rape investigation against me had been closed on account of the accuser recanting her statement.

  That was that, I supposed—I was off the hook; one problem had been taken care of.

  But as I looked over the other sheet of paper, I realized that right in my hand was another problem to replace it. This paper was from a local doctor’s office, and stated in very clear terms that Roxy was, in fact, pregnant. It wasn’t a lie; it was all true.

  I plopped down on the couch next to Roxy, having no idea what to do.

  “Let’s start with the car,” I said. “You’ve been being followed by some black car?”

  She nodded. “Some black sedan. Or maybe a few different ones; I don’t know. They keep coming to my apartment and driving by slowly, revving their engines. And on the way here one of them followed me to the subway station.”

  “Sounds like Buck,” I said. “If this is true about you taking back the rape report and not playing along with his bullshit, that means he’s probably moving to the next tool in his kit: intimidation.”

  It also meant that Buck had been lying when he said that he and Roxy were working together.

  “Do … do you think that means he’d really hurt me?”

  “I wouldn’t put it past the fucker,” I said. “He’s a vindictive son of a bitch, and knowing him, there’s not much he won’t do to get even with someone who he thinks did him dirty.”

  A soft sob escaped from Roxy’s mouth. There was no question about it—I was going to have to keep her safe. Step one was getting her out of that apartment.

  “You … can stay here for now,” I said. “If he knows you’re at that apartment, it’s only a matter of time before he pulls some shit. Even if he finds out you’re staying here he’ll know to back the fuck off unless he wants to start some serious noise.”

  “Thanks,” she said softly.

  This, of course, meant that I was now in the middle of whatever beef Buck had with Roxy. It was only a matter of time before Buck and I had to square off for good, and I knew this would only hurry the process along, for better or for worse.

  “And you’re pregnant.”

  More tears trickled from her eyes as she nodded.

  Damn, the girl was a wreck—she really had nowhere else to go. It was hard not to feel for her.

  “And I can’t help but worry that you don’t care,” she said, “that you’re so pissed off at me that you’re just gonna toss me out on my ass. I guess I wouldn’t really blame you, after what I’ve put you through.”

  I shook my head.

  “That’s bullshit and you know it,” I said. “Sure, I was fucking mad as hell when I thought you and Buck had conspired to screw me over. And can you really blame me? But now that I know this was all some fucked-up plot of his, what have I got to be mad at you about?”

  Roxy turned her head towards me, the faintest glimmer of hope in her eyes.

  “Yeah?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I … don’t know what we’re gonna do about this baby situation—it’s a lot to take in, you know? But for now, you’re safe from harm, and I’m gonna keep it that way. And no, I’m not gonna kick you out on your ass. We made this baby together, and we’re gonna figure this situation out together. That’s a promise.”

  My words were serious—I was sure she could tell without a doubt. And as if to make my point perfectly clear, I placed my hand on her shoulder and pulled her in for a tight hug. I hated to admit it, but there was more going on inside of me than comfort as I held her. My mind flashed back to our nights together, and I felt the twitch of arousal down below at the sensation of her soft, curvy body against mine.

  “You’re probably hungry,” I said, releasing her and standing up.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “I know I should be, but I don’t know if I could eat a bite after everything that’s happened today. All I want to do is pull a big, heavy blanket over top of me and sleep forever.”

  “Well,” I said, “that’s not an option. I don’t know if I need to remind you, but you’ve got more pressing concerns going on right now than just what you want.”

  Her face crinkled up in confusion for a moment, and then she seemed to realize what I was talking about.

  “I guess you’re right,” she said. “I’m eating for two now, huh?”

  “That’s right.”

  I turned my eyes towards the window, seeing that it was a gray, overcast day. The clouds were like a sheet of slate over the city, unbroken and featureless besides their color. I knew just the food for a day like today.

  “Hold on,” I said.

  I made my way towards one of my closets and pulled out a heavy, quilted blanket. Once back at Roxy’s side, I slipped the thing over her shoulders and wrapped her up tight.

  “Just relax,” I said. “Drink your tea—it’ll calm you down. And I’ll worry about the rest.”

  The small smile that formed on her face made it clear that having someone do the worrying for her was exactly what she wanted. Roxy taken care of, I headed to the kitchen and went to work. After about an hour or so later, I had a boiling hot pot of chicken noodle soup in front of me, along with a loaf of toasted bread that I’d had going in the oven.

  I prepared a couple of bowls and, along
with the sliced bread, returned to Roxy. She was in front of my record collection again, still wrapped in the blanket.

  “Here,” I said. “Comfort food.”

  Her eyes widened as she took the bowl.

  “Thanks!” she exclaimed.

  I smirked.

  “You sound surprised,” I said.

  “You’re … just a man of many talents, is all,” she said.

  I flipped through the records and landed on one of my favorites—“Hunky Dory” by David Bowie. I set the record to spinning and the two of us sat in silence, eating our meals.

  I was shocked to hear the clanging of the spoon against the inside of the bowl after only a few minutes. A quick glance revealed that, sure enough, Roxy was already done.

  “Anymore left?” she asked.

  “Girl’s hungry,” I said, taking her bowl and standing up.

  “Hungrier than I thought. And some more bread too, please.”

  We finished our second helpings. Soon we were full and satisfied and seated on the couch.

  “Mind putting something on?” she said, gesturing to the TV. “I could go for a movie.”

  Her eyes looked heavy, and I could tell that the stresses of the day were catching up with her. I turned on the TV and flicked it over to some black-and-white vampire movie, and Roxy seemed happy with the choice. I sat next to her and she immediately placed her head on my shoulder. After a little while, her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep just as the sun dipped down and the sky darkened.

  I wasn’t about to let her sleep here sitting up, as comfy as she might’ve been at that moment. So, I scooped her from the couch and carried her, fireman style, to my bedroom. She didn’t rouse a bit as I moved her and was still sleeping like a log as I took off her shoes and put her under the covers.

  The intense, protective feeling that Roxy inspired in me only grew seeing her there under the sheets, safe and comfy.

  Chapter 24


  I slept like a log; I couldn’t believe how tired I must’ve been to zonk out right in the middle of the movie like that. But then again, the day had been taxing, and I was so comfortable on the couch there with Zane, my belly full and my head resting on his shoulder.

  When I woke up the next morning, I was in Zane’s bed. I was a little surprised to have ended up there, since Zane had a spare room. That’s not to say I wasn’t very pleased, however. Zane had only taken off my shoes last night, so I finished the job and shimmied out of the rest of my clothes until I was in nothing but my bra and panties. Now comfortable, I slipped back under the covers and watched as the early morning light streamed in through the bedroom windows.

  Zane was next to me, and a quick glance under the covers revealed that he was wearing nothing but a pair of boxer-briefs. His morning wood was fully at attention, and I felt my pussy tingle at the sight of it, and what I could be doing with it.

  Instead, I shifted over in the bed until I was next to Zane, his body warm and comfortable. Without opening his eyes, he slipped his arm under my back and pulled me close. A smile spread across my face as he held me tight. Sure, I had plenty to worry about—we had plenty to worry about, but at the moment I was about as content as it gets.

  Zane’s eyes opened slightly, his blues even more brilliant in the morning light. He glanced down at my body and saw that I was wearing not much of anything at all. A playful smirk formed on his face, and I could tell right away just what he had in mind.

  I wasn’t in the mood to waste any time. I didn’t know if it was the hormones or what, but I was hornier at that moment than I’d been in as long as I could remember. My hand shot down under the covers as though under its own power and grabbed onto his cock through his underwear.

  Zane let out a sexy little moan as I took hold of him. I played with his prick over the fabric for a few moments before getting down to business and slipping my hand down under the waistband of his boxer-briefs. Waiting for me was his thick, warm cock, and I let out a sigh as soon as I grabbed onto it.

  Zane pulled the briefs down his legs as I stroked him, kicking them off once they were down at his ankles. I stroked him harder and harder, feeling the first hot drips of cum form at the end of his cock. His muscles tightened and tensed, and I could tell that he loved the service I was giving.

  He wasn’t content with me stroking him, however. After a few minutes of this, that hungry, animal look that I’d seen in his eyes the last times we’d screwed appeared, and I knew that he was ready for me. With a quick motion, he moved his body on top of mine and stared down at me with primal eyes.

  His hands moved over my body, getting me out of my bra and panties so fast that I could hardly believe it. And once I was naked, his prick hung down heavy just over my pussy, pointing right at where I wanted it to go.

  Zane then lowered his head and kissed me hard, his tongue entering my mouth and playing with mine. His right hand moved down my body as we kissed, squeezing my breasts, teasing my nipples, and dragging slowly over the flat plane of my stomach. I opened my eyes just a bit to see what he was doing once he reached down below, and I was more than pleased to see that he was taking hold of his cock and moving it slowly towards my sex.

  When he finally entered me, the feeling was like nothing else. I closed my eyes hard as each inch passed through my lips, and when he was finally buried to the hilt, a whimper of pleasure escaped my mouth. He felt so good inside of me, I could hardly stand it.

  Zane held fast like that for several long moments, kissing me deeply and moving his mouth down to my nipples, sucking them gently, chills of delight spreading through me as he did.

  Then, positioning himself over me and supporting his weight with his thick, strong arms, Zane began fucking me. His thrusts were slow at first, giving me the chance to savor just how good his manhood felt buried in me. Soon his tempo increased and he began splitting me in half with such force that I almost felt as though my body might not be able to handle it.

  The orgasm built and built inside of me as Zane relentlessly pounded me as hard as he could. And by the time it broke loose, filling my body with an indescribable pleasure, I felt as though I might melt into a plaint puddle of pure delight.

  Zane came just at the peak of my orgasm, shooting his load deep into me, the feeling of his cock exploding just the thing to take my pleasure to the next level. He pressed my body against his as we both came and, for several long moments, we were a single being of pure ecstasy.

  He collapsed at my side, both of us taking in long, deep draws of air as we recovered from the lovemaking. Zane pulled me close, and together we watched as the morning light continued to stream in through the windows. For those precious moments, it was just the two of us.

  Chapter 25


  I must’ve drifted off to sleep again, because when I finally opened my eyes the bedroom was very bright—the sunlight pouring in was no longer the first ghostly morning beams. And Zane was gone. I moved my hand over the side of the bed where he’d been sleeping and found that it was cold—he’d been gone for a while.

  I felt refreshed and energetic for the first time in as long as I could remember. Being with Zane, having him close and sleeping with my body pressed against his, had been just what I’d needed. I lay in bed for a time, letting my muscles relax as I prepared for the day.

  But through the open bedroom door I could hear the strains of a guitar. I listened to it for a time, letting the notes wash over me as a broad smile formed on my face. It was Zane—turned out he was as talented on the guitar as he was on the drums.

  I felt ready to get up and start my day, so I heaved myself out of bed and grabbed one of the comfy-looking robes that hung inside Zane’s large bedroom closet. I wrapped it around my body, enjoying the toasty warmth as I made my way to the living room, the sounds of the guitar growing louder by the second.

  And, as I could make out the music more clearly, I began to realize that it was a song I knew. Sure enough, it was “Oh You Pret
ty Things,” by David Bowie. But just the chords—Zane wasn’t singing along to it.

  I stepped into the kitchen and spotted him on the couch, guitar on his lap as he strummed away. His eyes locked onto mine as I entered the room, the smallest hint of a smile forming on his lips. Music wasn’t the only thing in the air—I could smell the delicious scents of freshly-cooked sausage and eggs.

  But right now what I wanted was to make some music. So, I stepped over to the couch, plopped down next to Zane, and found my place in the song.

  “By a puzzled man who questioned what we were here for; all the strangers came today. And it looks as though they’re here to stay,” I sang along, letting the melody drift through me as I did whenever I was on stage. When we hit the chorus, Zane joined along, his low, manly voice harmonizing perfectly with mine.


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