by Loren Teague
She moved closer to him. A soft breeze blew gently, cooling her skin, and blowing back the tendrils of her hair. It cleared her thoughts, chasing away the last remnants of doubt. Her heart suddenly soared.
‘Oh, Rick,’ she murmured. This was a chance for happiness, wasn’t it? And oh … it felt so right.
He lifted his hand again, skimming his knuckles over her cheekbone.
‘I’ve been thinking, Gina Rosselini.’ His voice had dropped an octave as he said her name caressingly. Then his arm slid casually around her shoulders, drawing her away to a secluded corner, out of sight of the police officers. His lips found hers. The kiss was all she ever dreamed it could be and more.
When she pulled away to take a breath, he said, ‘I’ve got us a flight booked on the first plane out in the morning. We’ll head to Sicily for our honeymoon.’
Surprised, she stared at him, noticing his smile filled with promise. She only had to say yes. He was waiting for her, ever so patiently, and for that she was grateful.
‘We’ll have lots of kids,’ he carried on teasingly.
She gave a smile. ‘You mean we’ll have fun trying.’ She couldn’t resist a little teasing herself.
He chuckled. ‘I’m Italian, don’t forget. Kids and marriage go together,’ he added softly, with a glint in his blue eyes.
As if she could ever forget that, she thought. ‘Know something? I’ve always wanted to go to Sicily … and lots of kids sound just fine,’ she replied, the lump in her throat growing. ‘Besides, I’ve already decided that I can’t live without you.’
He raised a brow. ‘You have?’
‘Uh-huh. I love you, Rick Caruso. I love you now. And I’ll love you forever.’
As they both climbed into his car, Gina realized how lucky she really was. Sure they had both faced adversity, but they’d both come through it. And in doing so, it made their love even stronger. Nothing would ever break it. Or them.
‘No regrets?’ he asked.
‘None,’ she replied firmly.
And she knew then, there never would be.
By the Same Author
True Deception
Ultimate Betrayal
© Loren Teague 2010
First published in Great Britain 2010
This edition 2012
ISBN978 0 7090 9981 9 (epub)
ISBN978 0 7090 9982 6 (mobi)
ISBN978 0 7090 9983 3 (pdf)
ISBN978 0 7090 8995 7 (print)
Robert Hale Limited
Clerkenwell House
Clerkenwell Green
London EC1R 0HT
The right of Loren Teague to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988