Expecting Surrender (Dominion Trust Book 3)

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Expecting Surrender (Dominion Trust Book 3) Page 18

by Trent Evans

  “Need me?” He raised an eyebrow, in mock innocence. “I won’t know, unless you tell me.”

  “Inside me,” her thighs shook continuously now, her struggle to keep them spread taking its toll on her. “I want you inside me, Sir. Please.”

  “All in good time, bad girl.” He placed a palm at the join on either side of her pussy, pressing, spreading her open even wider. Her scent was strong now, her juices flowing freely, the erect clitoris fully emerged from under its hood, a bright red nodule begging for attention at the top of her slit.

  Rising, he sat on the bed next to her hip, leaning over her belly, facing her sex. He palmed the heat of her cunt once more.

  “What do bad girls get when they smart off?”


  “Tell me, Kirsten.”

  She groaned, her thighs tightening, but remaining spread. “They get … punished.”

  “That’s right, they do.”

  He brought his palm down onto her sex, then again, and a third time, each impact a ringing, wet slap. Breath burst from her lungs at each blow.

  “Should I stop?” He squeezed the blazing plump labia in his palm.

  “Yes… no.”

  “Good answer.” He slapped her pussy three more times, making sure his fingers wrapped over her sex, snapping down along the seam of her labia. She cried out at the last one, her breath a quick, almost panicked rasp.

  Stroking the flushing pink of those well-punished lips, he pushed back the hood fully back from her clit, worrying the deep red nodule with the pad of his thumb. She jerked hard as he circled it, working it briskly.

  “Oh my god,” she whimpered. “Oh fuck that’s…”

  “I like this look on you, Kirsten.” He patted her mound and stood up, looking down upon her. Her eyes met his for a moment, then dropped to watch him stroking his erection. “Your pussy is nice and pink and swollen. Did you like me spanking it?”

  Her gaze darted up to his at that, her slim throat working.

  “Answer me.”

  “Yes,” she whispered, her face flaming, her eyes locked with his.

  He grinned at her. “What do you say then?”


  “What do you say?” He enunciated each word, his voice dropping an octave. This was actually a revelation to him, how these verbal commands excited him — and how they apparently excited her, no matter how much she might blush. He was starting to see the path to a compromise, another way that they could continue things, a different avenue that could be explored while she was pregnant.

  A psychological avenue.

  Keihl unbuttoned his shirt, Kirsten’s eyes watching every movement of his fingers, her tongue licking her lower lip as he pulled the shirt off, dropping it to the floor, his slacks following in short order. Her molten gaze dropped to his cock as he took it in hand again, stroking it slowly. Just looking at her laying there helpless, had him near to boiling over, but he couldn’t allow it.

  She’d said she wanted him inside her — and there was nowhere else he’d rather be.

  Settling between her widespread thighs, his gaze locked with hers as he slid slowly into her wet heat, savoring the intimacy of having her this way, bound, helpless, those big, pretty eyes unable to hide from his lust-filled gaze as he thrust languidly, possessively within her. He ground his pubic bone against her hard clit, and she threw her head back, moaning.

  “No coming until I say, bad girl.”

  Her breath caught, her gaze bright. “Yes, Sir.”

  Then he took her lips, his kisses turning harsh, savage, dropping down the side of her throat to nip her, then suck the swollen bites, feeling the beat of her pulse against his lips. His thrusts came on harder then, shaking the bed, her body shuddering under the assault, her breath hot at his ear as he kissed under her jaw, finding that spot he knew made her fly apart.

  “Please Keihl… oh god, please!”

  “Now, bad girl.”

  Her cunt squeezed his cock, over and over, her face and chest flushing, her eyes rolling back with a rattling, desperate moan. His thrusts became frantic, his own climax boiling over as she screamed into the darkened room, his hips pounding into her as he spilled his seed deep within her spasming pussy. As he came down, breathing hard, he reached up, releasing the manacles at her wrists, then laid his head upon her chest. She murmured something, but he’d already closed his eyes.

  He wasn’t sure how long he’d been out, but as he came to, he realized his weight was fully upon her, Kirsten’s breathing just now coming down. He jerked up, afraid he’d hurt her, but her arms caught him, her legs wrapping tight around his hips.

  “It’s okay, Keihl. It’s okay. You’re not hurting us.”


  “You sure?”

  “Well, besides having my brains just fucked out. Otherwise, it’s safe.” Her smiling eyes met his, and he noted the wetness in her gaze. “Stay with me. Please.”

  He hugged her tight, pressing a soft kiss to her ear.

  “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The sunlight poured into the kitchen, filling the space with a warm, suffused brightness, Keihl a mere silhouette against it.

  She sipped from her coffee, wrapping her palms around the warm mug. Yes, her hands were a little cold in the cool morning again, but that wasn’t why she gripped that mug as if her life depended upon it.

  It was because she didn’t want him to see how her hands shook, her fingers trembling like leaves.

  How many times had she rehearsed the conversation, going over the exact words, the points she wanted to make? She wanted to be clear, but she didn’t want to scare him off either.

  She’d thought about not saying anything, simply waiting until she was further along. Was this coming to a head because she was a hormonal wacko? She’d have to chance it, because hormone swings or not, she needed to say it.

  “Keihl, I’m going to ask you something, and I need you to just listen. And not freak out.”

  He set down his own mug, the steam from his coffee shimmering above it. “Okay.”

  Kirsten took a deep breath. “Things have been going okay, right?”

  “Sure.” He leaned forward, his face emerging from the bright shaft of sunlight, his brow furrowed. “You not feeling good about things?”

  “No. No, it’s not that.” She glanced down, then met his gaze. “Just hear me out on this, okay?”

  “Okay, girl.”

  “You remembered what we talked about a few weeks ago? About The Game?”

  “I guess, yeah.” He winked. “I think about it all the time.”

  “You do?” She struggled to keep giddiness out of her voice. “I mean, what do you mean? You think about what I said, or about The Game?”

  His brow quirked. “Well, both I guess. I mean, it’s been great. I don’t think things have ever been … better, between us. Wouldn’t you say?”

  “God, would I,” she murmured, taking a sip.

  He smiled at her. “So what’s the issue then? Worried about the baby? Totally understandable—”

  “Keihl, you remember the term ‘Head of Household’? We talked about it that night at the restaurant.”

  Kirsten’s heart was in her throat. Now that she’d brought it up again, it couldn’t be ignored. It was out there now. No more dancing around things, no more evading it. She was going to hit it head on.

  He tilted his head. “Uhh, yeah. First thing it made me think of was taxes. I… know it’s got nothing to do with that though…”

  She shook her head. “Lawyers.”

  “What about it? Is that what’s been on your mind?”

  “Well, partially. I’m talking about Head of Household in a relationship context. We just… kind of let it lie when I first brought it up. Can we talk about it again?”

  She didn’t anticipate that he wouldn’t investigate the concept once she’d first mentioned it. This would make it trickier. But she had no choice
but to forge ahead anyway.

  “I’m listening, my dear.”

  He got up, grabbing his coffee mug then pointing at her, his eyebrow raised.

  She waved a hand. “I’m good.”

  Kirsten couldn’t help but watch his ass as he moved to the counter, pouring himself more coffee, the faded jeans he’d picked this morning showing off that muscular backside of his to mouthwatering perfection.

  “Remember what I said about The Game?”

  He looked at her over his shoulder, setting the pot back on its burner. “You don’t want it to be a game anymore.”


  He turned, leaning his ass against the edge of the counter. “That’s good, because I don’t want it to be either.” He tipped his mug toward her. “Like I said, if you’ll remember.”

  “Yes, you did say that.” She put her elbows on the table, crossing her arms. “But I haven’t seen many… differences.”

  Keihl leaned one arm on the counter, his gaze cool. “Explain.”

  She swallowed down a lump in her throat. “You said you’d do it. But you haven’t really… done it.”

  “Have any suggestions?”

  She looked down, shaking her head. “I don’t… it’s not supposed to work that way.”

  Keihl was silent a long moment, the muscles of his forearm rippling as his fingers drummed on the countertop. “I see. You don’t want to have to tell me what to do, or when to do it, is that it?”


  Calm. Stay calm. We’re close now.

  “So you want me to read minds then?”


  Kirsten sighed, setting down her mug and picking up her phone. “I’m texting you the url for… a site.”

  “A website?” Keihl walked back over, taking a seat at the table across from her. “You could just, I don’t know, tell me.”

  “No, I don’t think I could.”


  “Why not?” Keihl’s voice softened. “You seem… distracted. This isn’t because of the pregnancy, is it?”

  “Goddammit, Keihl, I’m pregnant, not mentally ill!”

  “All evidence to the contrary,” he murmured, sitting back.

  “Shit — I’m sorry, Keihl. I shouldn’t have said that.”

  Well done, idiot.

  He shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. You’re a little out of sorts. I don’t blame you. I’d probably be in a straitjacket if I were pregnant.” He smiled. “Thank God you women volunteered for the duty.”

  “You have to sleep sometime.”

  Laughing, he reached across the table to take her hand. “Seriously, I’m sorry for saying it too. I’m just trying to help — sometimes I don’t know how, and need to just shut the fuck up.”

  “You sure know how to apologize.”

  “Lawyers are good for a few things after all.”

  He pulled his phone from his pocket, Kirsten wishing it were her hand brushing against that pleasing bulge between his legs.

  Settle down, slut.

  But it was impossible. The idea of what he’d read — the same things she’d read — and how he might react had her so nervous she wanted to scream. It was terror, and anticipation, and hope, and delight all rolled up into one. Did he have the instinct for it? Well, of course he did — but would he get it? Would he understand what she was really asking for, what she really knew now that she needed, pregnancy or not?

  Like he said, you could just tell him, genius.

  She watched his eyes widen as he read the post on the home page for the site. She remembered seeing it, and sitting back in her chair, slack-jawed, her heart slamming away in her chest. It was like giant, profoundly important tumblers had fallen into place just right, opening a lock on her desires, her fantasies, on the truth of what she was, and what she needed.

  He glanced up at her, his face frustratingly neutral, giving away nothing of what he might be thinking. “You’re serious? This isn’t a parody site?”

  “I’m serious — and so is that site. Read it and you’ll see.”

  Oh God, please let him see.

  He set his phone down, a telltale wavering of his fingers giving her a tiny sliver of hope. It had affected him! Was he thinking about it? Did it turn him on too? She’d never wanted anything more. This was a huge risk, but she knew it was worth it. It had to be.

  “Kirsten, I’ll read it today.”

  “Promise to keep an open mind about it?”

  “I will.”

  “What did you think of what you’ve read so far?” She had to force her voice to stay calm, quiet, her anxiety threatening to spiral out of control. This definitely was the hormones talking now, but she just had to fight through it. This was too important.

  “I do have one question.” He leveled his gaze at her, his lips a straight line, but his eyes warm. “Why now?”

  Steady, Kirsten. You can do this. You have to.

  “I’ve always been … in charge. At work, at home, just everywhere. Mom and Dad, and my sisters — they all expected me to know, to figure out, to do it, to make things happen.”

  “One of the things I love about you — and I sense a ‘but’ is coming.”

  She nodded, giving him a rueful smile. “It’s not me. It’s never been me — not totally anyway. I’ve always — always — dreamed of … something different.”

  “A time when you’re not in charge.” He laid a hand on the table, a finger tracing the grain of the wood. “The Game takes care of that need, doesn’t it?”

  “You do understand,” she whispered, trying not to gasp in relief.

  “I don’t understand all of it, but I think I’m in the neighborhood anyway.”

  “I stumbled across that site one day,” she said, sipping from her coffee. “I can’t remember what I was doing.”

  “Surfing for smut.”

  “Shut up.”

  He grinned at her, leaning his chair back onto two legs, his form disappearing into that shaft of bright sunlight again.

  “I think I read it for … hours. It said exactly, exactly, what I didn’t even realize I’d been wanting. What I’d been needing. For years.” She inhaled deeply. “And not only that, it told me something else. That I wasn’t alone, that it was okay. That there were other women like me. A lot of them.”

  “You’ve never struck me as the kind of woman who needed external validation, Kirsten.”

  “Don’t talk to me like we’re in a deposition.”

  “Sorry,” he said, dropping his chair to the floor, laying his elbows on the table. “What I meant was that you’ve never seemed not confident in yourself, in who you were. I’d never have guessed in a million years — and I’m your damned husband.”

  “I hid it well, then.” She looked down at her coffee, tilting the mug back and forth so the dark liquid swirled. “Honestly, I don’t think it was really a conscious thing. It was more a case of something missing, a lacuna.”


  She grinned at him. “Hey, I like that word! You’re not the only one who gets to use big words, counselor.”

  “Now that we’ve got that out of the way, smarty pants.” He gave her a little half smile. “Are you going to tell me what this all means?”

  “I would if you’d shut it for second.”

  He frowned at her at that, but gave her a little nod.

  He’ll make you pay for that later.

  The sudden heat between her thighs told her all she needed to know about that possibility.

  “What I think I know now, is that I… I don’t want to be in charge anymore.”

  “Okay — but what about work? Are you saying you’re quitting? Finding something new?”


  He looked away from a moment, pursing his lips. “I — I’ve heard about this. Read it actually. The nesting instinct.”

  “This isn’t about a fucking nesting instinct.”

  “Kirsten,” he said, his voice soft, but the meaning clear.

nbsp; “Sorry.” Blowing out a breath, she stood, pacing back and forth along the counter. “I just — this isn’t about hormones — not really. This is about knowing now what I’ve always wanted, and yet, not knowing I needed it.”

  “That doesn’t make much sense.”

  “I know it doesn’t, but I need you to try to understand, because there was something else I learned from that site.” She turned to face him, pushing a strand of hair away from her face. “There weren’t just other women like me — there were other men.”

  “Men? You mean guys who wanted to be… submissive?”

  “How did you pass the Bar?”

  He laughed again, waving at her. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding!”

  “I know it seems… weird to you.”

  “I think a feminist reading this site would literally drop dead — but it’s not weird to me.” He gave her a rakish grin, then held out a hand, patting his hard thigh with the other. “Come here, pregnant girl.”

  For a moment, she thought he meant to have her lay over his lap, her sex spasming at the thought, but then she went to him, sitting on his lap.

  “Put that down,” he said, extricating her coffee mug from her fingers and setting it on the table. He hugged her close, nuzzling his stubbled chin against her neck, sending a tingle down her spine.

  “I just — I need you to know I’m serious about this.”

  “I do.” His lips played gently against her flesh, and her breath hitched. “Now tell me the rest before I bend you over this table and make you late for work.”

  Oh God…

  For a moment she was tempted, but plunged on regardless.

  “Ever since I learned I was pregnant, something’s changed. Something in me — and no, it’s not just the hormones talking, doctor Keihl.”

  “Mm, I like the sound of that, nurse Kirsten.”


  “Damn right.” He softly worried her earlobe between his teeth, his breath hot against her skin.

  She shivered, biting her own lip to keep from moaning.

  Then she looked at him, willing herself to say what needed to be said. “It’s like something inside me just woke up. Made sure I couldn’t ignore it anymore. And then when I finally acknowledged it, looking at it — I realized it is me. I’ve always been in charge at work, in life, everywhere … and it’s left this hole inside me, in my heart. Something’s missing, something doesn’t quite fit — and it never has. Now, I’m finally able to admit it, acknowledge the truth of what I’ve been feeling for so many years.” Her bright, liquid eyes met his. “I don’t want to be in charge at home anymore. At all.”


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