New Encounters

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New Encounters Page 6

by Helena Smith

  ‘Shit. Bella, I can’t, I’m running late as it is.’

  ‘Running late for what?’ I can’t hide the annoyance in my voice.

  ‘I have 15 minutes to get to the airport. I have to fly out somewhere for business. What I have planned for you will take alot longer than 15 minutes.’

  Its my turn to take a deep breath.

  ‘Well, you better go then Robert.’

  ‘I’m sorry Bella’ he departs again with a kiss.

  I skulk and go off to bed, and fall asleep relatively quickly considering.........

  When I got home I notice that there is a chain on our door as well as a peep hole and several bolts. On looking at it, its actually a brand new door. I look at Ash and she gasps....

  ‘Well a guy came round with a door. Said that Robert had sent him, and this door was more secure.’

  ‘It sure looks secure, how strange’

  I explained about Robert returning, and how he wasn’t happy that I opened the door so quickly.

  ‘Oh Bells. He is so thoughtful and obviously worried about your safety’.

  ‘Yeah your probably right, I’m probably reading too much into it. Its a sweet and thoughtful thing for him to do’

  To: Robert Costa

  From: Bella Stone

  Subject: Fort Knox

  Hi Robert.

  How has your business trip gone? I just wanted to say thank you for the new door that has now made my home into Fort Knox. A tad extreme, but I appreciate your concern.

  Bella x


  To: Bella Stone

  From: Robert Costa

  Subject: Concern

  Bella, concern doesn’t even come close to it. Your safety is my primary concern and I do not want you opening the door before looking through the peephole and keeping the door on the chain to check. Make sure Ash does the same. My business trip has not gone according to plan. But that shall be resolved very shortly, and I can’t wait to come back to you.

  Robert x


  To: Robert Costa

  From: Bella Stone

  Subject: Peep holes

  Robert, I have never in my life checked through the peephole before opening the door. You worry too much.

  I am sorry that your business trip has not gone very well so far but I am sure you will fix that. When do you think you will be back?

  Bella x


  To: Bella Stone

  From: Robert Costa

  Subject: DO AS YOUR TOLD

  You must start doing that. Just humour me, ok! If you don’t know who is at the door then don’t open it. Two women on their own should be more wary.

  As for the business trip, your right..... I will fix that and I am eager to do so, so I can be back with you. I am not sure when I will be back, but I am hoping for it to be by the end of the week.

  Robert x


  End of the week! I was hoping he was going to say earlier than that. Well... looks like I am going to have to entertain myself until then. It will probably do me good to have a few days away from him. Get some rest and try and get my head around him. I also need to meet up for dinner with one of my friends.

  *Hiya Smythe, you up for dinner tomorrow night? Have a catch up?x*

  *Hi Stone. Dinner tomorrow night sounds super. Lets meet at Romanas at 6:30pm x*

  *Super, see you then x*


  To: Robert Costa

  From: Bella Stone

  Subject:Shouty Captials

  Will get you nowhere Mister! But I will try and get in the habit just to please you. I hope you fix everything soon so you can be back here... soon. I have just organised dinner with a friend tomorrow night. I forgot to tell you..... as we were a little distracted last night. Ash came in my room last night before you turned up for the second time. She was dressed in a onsie with bears on it, and she has bought me a matching one! haha (If your not sure what it is then google it.)

  Bella x


  To:Bella Stone

  From: Robert Costa

  Subject: Distracted again....a onsie?

  Oh dear I googled it...... they are different! I hope your going to model it for me? Who is this friend you are going out with? Where are you going?

  Robert x

  p.s has your onsie got bears on it to?

  p.p.s I am not shouting..... well I was a bit. I just want you to be careful.


  To: Robert Costa

  From: Bella Stone

  Subject: Modelling a onsie

  Careful Robert, or I will buy you one as well ! I am meeting Sarah, been friends for years. We are going to an Italian in town.

  Bella x

  p.s your onsie will have bears on it too

  p.p.s I will be careful. Stop worrying.

  p.p.p.s I am off for a shower. Speak later x


  He makes me giggle. I skip off to the shower and have to admit to myself that I quite like him being jealous and wondering where I am off to. It will keep him on his toes to know that I am not sitting in waiting for him.


  Sitting in the restaurant like billy no mates waiting for Sarah. Ash, Sarah and I all went to school together and have always remained close friends. She is always late, I totally forgot my usual trick. I usually tell her 20 minutes earlier and that way she is on time. I can see her rushing past the window now and as she enters the room she offers her apologetic smile that says ‘Im sorry Im late’.I just laugh and give her a big hug. We eat our dinner and manage to talk constantly the whole way through. She tells me that she is moving in with her boyfriend. I am so thrilled for her, she deserves to be happy. A rough life is an understatement for Sarah.

  After seeing a twinkle in my eyes, she enquires with what has been happening with me and I divulged my latest news. She is as thrilled for me as I am for her. But she said he sounded a bit controlling and I had to be careful of that. I reassured her as I pour another glass of frascati, that I will indeed be careful. As I look up Robert is stood in the doorway looking smouldering. It takes me a few seconds to register that it is him... isn’t it?

  ‘Bella are you alright you look like you have seen a ghost’

  ‘Urmm Robert, he is there....’. I make no sense because I still can’t quite believe he is here.He walks over and kisses me on my cheek and extends his hand to Sarah. She looks as enchanted as I feel. But I can’t help feeling slightly miffed. When did he get back and why is he here? Sarah excused herself so she could go to the ladies, or maybe give me a few minutes alone with him.

  ‘Robert, why are you here?’

  ‘I wanted to see you so I flew back.’

  ‘How did you know where I was?’

  ‘A wild guess’

  ‘A guess? Come off it, how the hell did you know?’

  ‘I was worried about you, so I had my IT guy check where you were.’


  Robert starts to look annoyed now, but I don’t care. I feel as though he is intruding. I just can’t help but feel annoyed.

  ‘Are you not pleased to see me?’

  ‘Don’t dodge the question Robert. ‘

  ‘Okay okay, I asked my IT guy and he tracked you via your mobile.’ I look at him with fury. He equals my look.

  ‘You had no right Robert. I feel like you are checking up on me. Do you not think that this is controlling?’

  ‘I’m sorry, I just wanted to surprise you. I couldn't wait to see you. Perhaps it is a little controlling of me. Forgive me. Indulge me that Bella.’ He finishes with his smile and looks at me with loving eyes. All I can muster in respon
se is ‘hmm’ as Sarah returns. She makes her excuses to leave and nods at Robert with disapproval in her eyes. He has not won her over with this little stunt. She goes to get her purse out and I shake my head reminding her that it was my turn to buy dinner, it’s her turn next. With that, she gives me a squeeze and nods again at Robert and leaves. The waiter brings the bill out and Robert tells me he is going to buy it.

  ‘Like hell you are Robert. Thank you anyway, but it was my dinner with my friend. I will be buying the dinner.’

  The waiter stands awkwardly and accepts my bank card, he clearly knows not to bet against me tonight. After I have paid, I pull on my jacket and walk outside. Robert spins me around and grabs me firmly before kissing me, aggressively.

  ‘I’m sorry Bella.... I didn’t mean to upset you. I have trust issues. I also like to know that you are safe.’

  ‘Stop worrying about my safety I have managed 33 years of being alive so far. As for trust issues, well we all have them. Especially at our age. We have all been burnt in some way. But you can not bring that baggage to me.’

  ‘Okay.... okay. I hear you loud and clear. Just bare with me. I have actually restrained myself’

  ‘Good god... restrained yourself. Why what were you going to do? Lock me up?’

  ‘Well.... kind of yeah’ his response is said with such a cheeky grin on his face. With that we both start laughing. We walk around the corner and low and behold the driver is stood there. The same one.

  ‘Is he your permanent driver?’

  ‘Yes he is. I have to say Bella I like your feisty side’

  ‘Thats nothing Robert. That was a warning’

  He laughs and opens the door for me, and the car speeds through the quiet roads back to my house. This time though, I am not going to invite him in. I kiss him and he holds me close.

  ‘Bella I have to fly out again. I’m sorry, but by the end of this week I will have finished. This weekend we are going away.’

  ‘I never asked you in. I thought you had finished your business stuff.’

  ‘I had... but I was interrupted.’

  ‘By what?’

  ‘Like you have to ask Bella?’ With that I realise that the interruption was me. I’m shocked by this revelation as I am with everything about Robert. Before I have chance to quiz him, he interrupts my thought train.

  ‘I will be picking you up on Friday at midday. Pack enough to go away for the weekend.’

  ‘What kind of clothes’

  ‘Your so funny Bella. Always so organised and needing to know. We will be going out for dinner..... or maybe we might just need room service. So actually..... pack little.’ With that he kisses me again and my heart rate exceeds any kind of legal limit. I try not to skip to the door so I don’t embarrass myself. I also resist turning around, and it’s so difficult. I know he is still sitting in the car, still watching. As I get in the front door, I turn around to close the door and he is there.... watching me. I just give him my cheekiest smile and close the door and take a deep breath.

  After explaining myself to Ash, she is about as blinded as I am by Robert. I tell her what Sarah thinks about him being controlling. I also ask Ash does she not find it extreme that he has flown all the way back from wherever he is to turn up at the restaurant. Ash waves this off with a mere and simple explanation of

  ‘Well.... he has explained that he has trust issues.’

  Serious trust issues if thats anything to go by. My phone beeps and I pull it out and see a text from Sarah.

  *Make sure he treats you right. Seems like he has major control issues. Look after yourself. See you soon and call me if you need me*

  Christ she sounds worried. Is it really that bad? Oh I don’t know, Ash is completely in love with him and Sarah sounds like she hates him.

  *Don’t worry Sarah, I will stand my ground with him. See you soon. x*


  Much to my relief the last half of the week flies by. Before I know it, it’s Friday and I am getting ready for when Robert calls at his usual prompt time. I have packed everything, I think. Then I think sod it, if I have forgotten something there is shops everywhere unless he is taking me to somewhere random like the Antarctic. Oh god I shouldn’t even joke. I have packed my most sauciest underwear. There is no way I am taking no for an answer. It has been a long time, and I am going all out now, on the full charm offensive. I have been fake tanned, so I look bronzed. I have barely eaten this week through sheer excitement. At least it has taken off a few pounds on the old waistline. I am waxed to a near inch of my life. To the point where I was worried about how intimate the beautician was prepared to get.

  I hear the doorbell, and as I go downstairs and open the front door...Robert is stood there with a frown on his face.

  ‘What’s up?’

  ‘I told you, you must check the peephole, then put the chain on the door and open it to check who it is. Okay?’

  ‘Yeah yeah, minor details. Come in’

  ‘Bella, these are not minor details. Please, just do this for me.’

  ‘okay, I just forgot because I was busy packing’. Trying to pacify him, and hope that this will do the trick which it seems to. He pulls me into his arms and kisses me and holds me. I could be held like this forever. But I must not go all Mills and Boon.... I must stay strong. My mantra all day is that I am a Strong sexy woman. I give him a rundown of what I have packed to check that I have everything for wherever he is taking me. He assures me that I have everything and runs up to my room with me to get my things. He is out of my room before I get in it.

  ‘Bella I can’t be in your bedroom with you, we need to set off.’

  ‘I don’t understand what do you mean?’ I ask but can’t hide the amusement in my voice as I watch him walking briskly to the stairs.

  ‘If I stay in that room with you.... we will not be going anywhere tonight’.

  YIPPPPPEEEE....... looks like I am gonna get some excitement tonight. Phew... I was beginning to feel like i was in the sahara desert. He stopped on the stairs and looked at my face.

  ‘Bella... stop it. You are encouragable’.

  ‘Oh Robert.... like you wouldn’t believe’

  ‘Careful what you wish for Miss Stone..... ‘

  Robert has a land rover outside. I am quick to make fun out of him and ask if he is ok to drive or if he needs me to. He reacts by swooping me in his arms and tickling me calling me cheeky. In the car, Robert explains that he has booked us both into a castle for the weekend. I can’t hide my excitement and squeal with delight which makes him giggle.

  ‘I love castles. I love scotland. ohhh I am so excited. Yeyyy’ I am clapping my hands with glee which tickles him even more.

  ‘I know you do’


  ‘The night you were a bit drunk..... you mentioned how you love scotland and you love scotland.’

  I blush at the mention of how drunk I was and am quick to change the subject.

  ‘Well thank you for remembering’ and kiss him before he can mention my drunkeness.

  With that we set off on our journey northward bound. We stopped at the lakes for dinner and the scenery was simply stunning. I feel carefree. When Robert throws yet another curve ball into the mix.

  ‘Do you like your job Bella?’

  ‘Well.... it pays the bills. I wouldnt say its a life’s passion though’ I laugh. But deep down I don’t know what my life passion is.

  ‘Leave your job’

  ‘I can’t leave my job. I have bills to pay’

  ‘Well you don’t really. I can transfer the money into your bank account tonight. ‘

  ‘NO! That would be wrong’


  ‘Where do I start. Robert this is a new relationship, I don’t want it starting out with me owing you money.’

  ‘It would be a gift. If the worst came to the worst and you didn’t want me anymore then call it severance pay for having to put up with me.’

  ‘It would feel wrong, like t
here was strings attached to this relationship that is going so wonderfully well.’ He looks at me with a sheepish grin on his face. Why do I get the feeling that he has already done it.


  ‘Well, I have kind of already done it.’ He is bracing himself for my reaction.... I am bracing myself as well.

  ‘Robert, I don’t know what to say. I guess your IT guy did some digging and found out my bank account.’

  ‘Ummm yeah. It wasn’t hard, you must be more careful with your security.’ I am gobsmacked. I am trying to think of something to say but I can’t.

  ‘Well....? do you want to know how much?’

  ‘I haven’t even thought about it Robert. You and your curve balls.’

  ‘My balls?’

  ‘Its a turn of phrase. You do the unexpected’ I drink some water from my bottle and he blurts out....

  ‘Oh okay, I put 2 million into your account’.

  The water flies out of my mouth onto the windscreen as I choke on the sip of water that was supposed to go down my throat.

  ‘How much?’

  ‘2 million’

  ‘Robert, you make it sound like you have just transferred 100 quid. I can’t accept that.’

  ‘Well it’s tough, because it’s there. If you transfer it back, then I will just return the favour. Its yours. I want you to understand that you have everything you could want, wish for or need.’

  I fall silent... I really do not know what to say.

  ‘Bella... talk to me’


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