by Helena Smith
As we lay in bed later on, I turn to Robert and run my hand over his chest.
‘Robert, can I ask you something?’
‘I think you will find... you just have.’
‘Haha... okay… when all of you men were talking tonight Caterina said you were all talking business and it was best not to interrupt. I just found it a little strange.’
‘Strange how?’
‘Are you all in business together.’
‘Kind of…. it’s a bit complex.’
‘Why is it complex? What kind of work do you do?’
‘We buy things, and we sell it for a better price.’
‘You make it sounds like you are an avid ebayer.’
‘Haha.. not quite Bella. We buy businesses and commodities and basically sell them on. We work as a family, to ensure the good fortune is shared. That’s all. Quite simple really, but the guys... they are very old fashioned and when the men talk business... we are to be left.’
‘Ohhh.... okay.’
I struggle to open my eyes with the daylight pouring through the crack of the curtains. I turn over and I know before I turn over there is a void in the bed, and that Robert is not there. I am proved right. I wander over to the en suite, and after a shower I remember that I should text Ash. I get my mobile out and she has beaten me to it.
*Hope your ok. I can have next week off! YEY xx*
*YEY, I will book your flights and text you the details xx*
This is exciting news, I can’t wait for her to come and see this place. Enjoy the beauty of the scenery and we can explore it all together. I get dressed and tie my hair back and put some makeup on. I decide on only light makeup so it doesn’t slide off my face. It’s too hot for trousers so I settle for some nice shorts and a boob tube. Thankfully I had fake tanned before I came here, so I don’t resemble a milk bottle. Everyone here looks so chic and fabulous, I hope I don’t stick out like a sore thumb. I go downstairs to look for Robert and I can hear male voices. I can make out that one of the voices is Roberts.
‘Giuseppe, you’re over reacting for god sake.’
‘Over reacting, for fuck sake Roberto get a grip. While you have been flying back and forth falling in love with that woman, the shit is hitting the fan.’
‘There is nothing that can not be sorted out. We never lose. We never have and we never will. This is just a minor blip.’
‘Blip... fuck me Roberto... understatement of the year?? A blip is losing some money in an investment. This, well this could mean loss of lives. If the ragheads start to retaliate..... ‘
I walk down the next step and it my heels made a sound on that last step. Robert swings the door open and looks shocked to see me.
‘Bella... are you ok?’ He asks so aggressively... I can feel my cheeks warm.
‘Yes... yes I am.. I am fine. Are you? ‘ what the hell do I say? He spins round and must glare at Giuseppe, for he is equalling that glare.
‘I am fine Bella. Let us go for breakfast. I am sure the maid has put on a lovely spread, and then we will go into Palermo so you can see the sites.’
‘Fine’ It comes out so quietly, even I struggle to hear it.
Robert was right, the maid had put on a beautiful breakfast, and the orange juice was divine. I can become addicted to that. Real freshly squeezed.
‘Robert, Ash said she can get next week off is that okay? Or do you want me to cancel?’
‘Why on earth would I want you to cancel?’
‘Well... with you and your brother arguing... I just didn’t know whether it would be a good time or not. ‘
‘Anytime is fine, I will get David to arrange her flights okay?’
‘Yeah that’s lovely.... thank you’
‘Bella... what did you hear when I was talking with my brother.’
I repeated what I heard and he squeezed his napkin tightly.
‘Robert... what did you mean by loss of lives? What does ragheads mean? Why is the shit hitting the fan?’
‘Bella... my brothers English is somewhat.. rustic. He means loss of livelihoods, that people may lose their jobs. He calls them ragheads as a term of slang. It’s a deal that could have been handled better. That’s all. Nothing for you to be concerned about okay?’
‘Urmmm I suppose so.’
‘Good, go and get your things and lets set off shall we.’
‘Sounds good’
I ran upstairs and gathered my belongings. Was I okay with his explanation? I think I was, I mean they are a lovely family and I am sure his brother was just stressed out. I just hope he isn’t resenting me already for taking up Roberts’s time. I go downstairs and David is outside holding the door open for me.
‘Hello Miss Stone’
‘David? Seriously your amazing. You just turn up... everywhere.’ I giggled and he laughed in return.
‘Robert will be a minute Bella, I do believe he is just collecting something before we set off’
‘okay super.’
I climb into the air conditioned car, but it didn’t help my legs sticking to the leather on the seats. Robert came out looking every inch the model. A white short sleeved shirt, navy blue shorts, sunglasses and some loafers. So stylish, so Robert. He climbs in and shows me his mobile with the flight details for Ash. He holds his phone so I can see it and text Ash the details. She responds with
*OMG... way too excited, don’t think I will sleep all week. Have fun xxx*
I show Robert and we both laugh and shake our heads a little. As we get into Palermo the streets are full of people doing their shopping. Alex dropped us off near the Piazza Verdi and we walked passed the beautiful opera house called Teatro Massimo. We walked around the streets, hidden gems of old buildings that play hide and seek around the streets. Busy little cafes and restaurants were full of buzz. We stopped off for lunch and Robert announced that we should hit the beach and have a lazy afternoon with some wine. That sounded perfect, so we headed off to some shops and managed to get some swimwear and towels. David met us and drove us to what can only be described as paradise. It was quiet, idyllic and perfect. San Vito Lo Capo Beach. The sand was golden and the water was a crystal blue. We managed to change out of sight of anyone. Laying on the beach, cold wine in hand. I feel like the luckiest girl on the planet.
After our lazy afternoon, I slipped a dress over my bikini that I have bought today and Robert takes me to one of the very many restaurants that line the beach. We ate too much and drank too much before heading back to Roberts’s house. On entering Giuseppe was waiting in the hallway and he did not look pleased.
‘Roberto, I need to speak with you alone please.’
Oh god, I really don’t want to offend him.
‘Giuseppe, I’m sorry if I have upset you. I never meant to. I will leave you both to it please excuse me.’
‘Bella... I am sorry. I do not mean to offend you but we do have matters to attend to.’
Robert glares at him and I touch his arm before heading off upstairs. I guess I should be happy that he at least apologised, but he is still so stern with it all. He really needs to get over himself. I decide to have a bath and read some of my book until he gets to bed and then hopefully there will be something else to entertain me.
Robert comes into the room and looks angry.
‘Are you okay?’
‘Not really, some bad news.’
He goes off for a shower and then climbs into bed. So I turn over and stroke his back, which is very unlike him.
‘Robert, talk to me. What has happened?’
‘Nothing, I’m really tired. Night’
I withdrew my hand quickly as if he had stung it. I turned over and switched my bedside light out. Tears rolled across my face, he had never been so cold and sharp. Is this it? Is this the honeymoon period over. If I was back in England I would have driven home. Maybe I was being hormonal, stupid. I watched the digital clock face slowly count each minute and it took hours for me to get to sleep.
I wake up to Robert sitting on the side of the bed watching me, he is dressed in a suit.
‘Morning Bella.’
‘I’m sorry.’
‘So you should be, I cried myself to sleep last. If I was back in the UK I would have driven home.’
I get up to walk to the bathroom and he runs after me.
‘Let me go Robert I need the bathroom.’
‘Bella, I’m sorry. I have to fly out this morning to attend to some business. I might be away for 2 nights. I am so sorry, but it’s totally unavoidable and I promise, I will make it up to you. That’s why I was so mad last night, I don’t want to leave you.’
I soften about last night, at least it was because he didn’t want to leave me. He puts his arms around me and kisses my head.
‘I can’t believe your going to leave me here.’
‘I know. I will ensure that my cousins take you out and the maid lives in her quarters and will do all the cooking. Just get some rest and relax. ‘
I sigh... loudly and head off to the bathroom. After I have a shower I head off downstairs and join Robert for breakfast before he goes. At the table Giuseppe joins us also dressed in a suit.
‘Are you going away as well Giuseppe?’
‘Yes, I am Bella. How did you sleep?’
‘Very well thank you’ I lied, I can’t exactly tell this man whom I know so little about, how I cried myself to sleep. In fact I feel a tinge of blame towards him. Its his fault my Robert is going.
‘Bella, tell me, how are you finding Palermo, do you like it?’ At least he is actually making a proper effort to speak with me and get to know me.
‘From what I have seen Palermo is simply stunning. So pretty and beautiful. The little streets, the beaches.’
‘I will write it down for you, but you should take a stroll through Via Vittorio Emanuele. It is one of the two main streets in Palermo and it is filled with beautiful buildings that illustrate some of our history. But you have to stop for coffee and order a Cannoli, it is a deep fried ricotta filled cone and it is simply delicious. Then, if you want you can get one of the drivers to take you to the Piazza Indipendenza. Monreale towers over the city and the views of the Conca d’Oro is stunning. There is a cathedral that has many individual mosaic scenes. There are also royal tombs, where King William I and II are entombed along with the heart of King Louis IV of France.’
‘Thank you so much for the advice, and yes I would be grateful if you could write it down.’
‘Not a problem, if you will excuse me I need to make a few phone calls before we set off. ‘
With that Giuseppe disappears off. I look at Robert who is smiling and I blurt out.
‘He was a lot nicer’
‘So he should be, he needs to get used to the idea.’
‘Robert, will the bodyguards be coming with me?’
‘No, just the driver’
‘Why? Not that I’m not happy about not being followed everywhere. Just curious.’ As I continue to munch on my toast.
‘You are safer here than anywhere in the world. So the driver is definitely suffice. If you do need anything and you are unable to get hold of me, I will give you a list of numbers that you must put in your phone okay?’
‘Yeah no problem.’
‘Where are you going?’
‘The middle east.’
‘Oh my god is that safe?’
‘Perfectly safe, you have absolutely no reason to worry.’
With that Robert runs and gets his suitcase and passport and Giuseppe and he gather in the lobby. Robert kisses me and assures me he will be back as soon as possible. Too quickly they are getting in the car and whizzing away. I retreat back into the house and it feels so empty. Funny really, how can two people leaving this giant of a house leave it feeling so empty. Or should I say…. me. I decide to take Giuseppe’s advice and head down to via vittorio emanuele. I spend hours meandering through these historical streets. I could get lost here, its like a fairytale. I spend hours wandering the streets and admiring the gorgeous architecture. I decide its time to order a coffee and a Cannoli. When it arrives, oh my word... he was not kidding. These things are addictive! As you bite into the crunchy cone the inside melts in your mouth and it tastes... divine. I have lost quite a bit of weight since dating Robert and I don’t want to pile it all back on again. So I will have to restrict my intake of these Cannoli.
I am so pleased I brought so many books with me on this trip. At least I can entertain myself on a night time. I hope he will be back soon. Robert text me to say that his cousin Caterina will be coming to see me and take me out tomorrow which is really sweet of her. At least it gives me a chance to get to know her.
Well, I have had my breakfast and am sat waiting for Caterina. Last night I went to bed really early and slept all the way through. I must have needed the rest. Robert had text to say he had arrived late last night and I had told him to thank Giuseppe for his amazing recommendation but my waistline might not be thanking him after several trips to that cafe. Caterina comes bounding through the door.
‘Ciao Bella... haha Bella’
I laugh, oh she is brilliant. Really nice, and funny. She looks so Italian, so glamorous. She checks I have my bikini and a change of clothes for dinner later. The driver takes us away. We go to San Vito beach and laze the day away, sunbathing and chatting. She tells me that Robert and the family have their grandfathers little house on the edge of the town. A tiny little cottage on the waterfront. It sounds divine and I make a mental note to get Robert to take me there one day. I feel like I have known her all my life. Funny how sometimes we meet people and just click straight away.
We then get changed and go for dinner, giggling away. I have put on my chunk necklace to add a bit of pizzazz to my dress. Caterina was admiring it, and couldn’t believe it was under a tenner. I promised I would get her one when I went home and send it to her. The waiter serves us with such gratitude and manners, the owner of the hotel seems to know Caterina and comes over with complimentary wine. After that we go to a few bars and each owner comes over to Caterina, all with complimentary drinks.
‘Caterina, everyone seems to know you. I can tell that you must party alot.’
She laughs and draws on her cigarette like a Hollywood movie star.
‘My darling.... everyone knows our family. You will get used to it.’
‘Why does everyone know you guys?’
‘They just do. You will see that.’
I laugh and we talk about ex boyfriends and some of the disastrous dates we have both had. We both end up choking with laughter on our cocktails at some of our horror stories.
‘Well I am pleased it is not just me Bella.’
‘Far from it! My word, I thought I was doomed for a long time’
‘What does doomed mean?’
‘Cursed kinda thing’
‘Oh I see... I understand’
‘Not now though... I have met the wonderful Robert. If I can meet Prince Charming then I am sure you can.’
‘Well... he is my cousin, but I have to say you have got yourself quite a catch there. So yes... I hope there is still hope for me.’
The driver drops me off first and Caterina and I hug and kiss our goodbyes before he runs her home. Robert has text to see if I am ok, so I hit respond.
*Had a wonderful time with Caterina, sunbathing and cocktails. Perfect x*
*No surprise that Caterina is leading you astray xx*
*She can lead me astray anytime, she is fantastic company x*
*Better than mine??? X*
*That’s different and you know it. I am going to bed. Night.xx*
*Love you. Night night xx*
*love you too. Stay safe xx*
Robert is due back today at around 6 tonight he said. I can’t wait to see him and the niggles of our argument last time I saw him have eased
away. I have spent the last few days sunbathing or sight seeing. I went to see the Piazza Indipendenza and Giuseppe was right, it was truly beautiful, but it reminded me of how alone I am feeling right now. I was walking around grinning to myself momentarily forgetting that I was on my own. Not for long I muse.... Robert is coming back. Ash is coming tomorrow as well, she text me this morning to say she had packed her case 4 days ago. She gets so giddy and excited it makes me smile. Another text comes through, no doubt from Robert or Ash.
*I’m sorry Bella, but something has cropped up. I won’t be back for another 2 days. Xx*
My heart sinks. I have been counting down the days for him to come back, and there is only so much I can entertain myself. If I was back home I would have had friends to see and familiarity. But, thankfully Ash is coming tomorrow morning and will be here at 11am. So this has soften the blow.
*Disappointed, I was looking forward to seeing you. But it can’t be helped. Hope it works out xx*
*I promise, I will make it up to you. xx*
I know he will, but it will carry on won’t it. If he is such a high flyer in this family business, he is always going to have these moments. Diamond bracelets and diamond earrings are great, but not as a continuous ‘I’m sorry present’. Oh well, I guess today I will spend the day topping up my tan. I suppose I can always plan Ash’s visit.
Later that evening, I rub some after sun onto my shoulders. They are a little pinker than they should be, seems I have overdone the ‘topping up my tan’. I have found some great bars for Ash and I to go to when she gets here, some great quirky boutiques and of course the beautiful beaches. I can’t wait wait to see her. I feel so excited, even though its only a week since I last saw her... it feels more like months. I like my own company, but even I am fed up with myself this week.