Nerd and the SEAL

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Nerd and the SEAL Page 1

by Grady, D. R.

  The Nerd and

  the SEAL

  The Morrison Family Series

  Book 3

  D.R. Grady

  Table of Contents

  Other Works by D.R. Grady


  Author’s Note



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  About the Author

  Trust Me

  The Nerd’s Pocket Pets

  Other works by D.R. Grady

  The Morrison Family Series:

  The Nerd and the Marine

  The Corpsman and the Nerd

  The Nerd and the SEAL

  The Nerd’s Pocket Pets

  Shadows and Spice

  Macy’s Parade

  Bad Nerd Rising

  The Me Series:

  Treasure Me

  Save Me

  Trust Me

  Heal Me

  Love Me

  The Abroad Series:

  Home Song

  Bearer of My Heart

  Please visit my website for updates on all three series.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, and incidents are all products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Known locales are also used fictitiously.

  If you enjoy this book, please buy a copy for someone else to enjoy. Please do not download or buy this from anywhere except where the story is offered legitimately. All rights reserved - including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  Copyright 2012 by D.R. Grady

  Smashwords Edition

  Please Note: While I had help with this story from several knowledgeable sources, there are still likely mistakes on my part. Authors also like to stretch and change things to make their story work. So this book does not necessarily reflect reality. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

  Author’s Note

  As I'm female and have never been in the military, you may assume I've never been 1) a Navy SEAL or 2) a secret operative of any sort. The intensive research I've conducted for this book is all I have since firsthand experience was out of the question for obvious reasons.

  Please keep in mind that I'm a writer, therefore chances are quite good that I've tweaked events and skills and reality to fit the story in my head. All I wish to do is provide you with a few hours of entertainment. I really hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Thank you,

  D.R. Grady


  To Vicky Burkholder and Victoria Smith for your help with this story.

  To CPRW – the best chapter of RWA – thanks to each of you who have helped me to keep on writing, even though this dream looked hopeless. I couldn’t have done it without your support, friendship, and encouragement. Thank you.

  To my hubby Roy for pointing out that I need to write.

  The Nerd and the SEAL

  By D.R. Grady


  Treeny Deveau’s heart tripped when Ben Morrison glanced stealthily both ways down the hall before tugging her into The Closet. His eyes gleamed in the dim light and her heart nearly stopped. She had often longed for him to lure her inside this space with him. Into her sister and brother-in-law’s spacious lakeside linen closet many of the Morrison family used for purposes other than storing linens. Family legend stated the area was used mainly for romantic trysts – where rumor had it that many of the Morrison offspring had been conceived in this very closet. Treeny shivered. Finally it was happening to her...

  “I’ve been selected for SEAL training,” Ben said, and burst her bubble and romantic illusions. Here they were in the make-out closet but instead of kisses and hugs and all things nice, he lured her in here to talk. Joy.

  “Ben, that’s wonderful.” And it was the little voice in the back of her mind reminded her. He had talked about becoming a SEAL since before joining the Navy three and a half years ago. At twenty-four, he was the perfect training age. It was all nice but when she entered this closet with him Treeny just wanted... to make out.

  “I’m pretty excited.” His grin told her he was more than pretty excited, and she couldn’t help but grin back at him. Ben Morrison was too beguiling, too wonderful, not to respond to. Too bad he was interested in a career that could easily get him killed. Treeny halted the memory of boots hitting stone steps and instead yanked herself into the present. She wasn’t going to entirely ruin the moment, such as it was.

  He was the template, the standard, by which all other men were measured. And so far every other man had come up short. None even came close to Ben Morrison. He’d definitely stunted her love-life. The least he could do was lay a kiss on her.

  “You’ve wanted to be a SEAL for as long as I can remember.” She placed her hand on his arm, and he reached up to squeeze it before carrying her palm to his lips. A thrill, much like subtle electricity, zapped through her system. Wow. Okay, Ben had kissed her. Just not the way she wanted.

  “Yeah. What are your plans?” Ben murmured.

  “I’ve been accepted into Penn State’s accelerated medical school plan.”

  “Is that where you go to school for six years and then you’re a doctor?” His brow furrowed and she wanted to kiss those ridges away.


  “But you’re only seventeen. Can you go when you’re that young?”

  “Apparently. And I turn eighteen in September.” Which wasn’t all that far away.

  His grin widened. “Wow! I thought you had to be smart to get into that program.”

  She smacked him and said, “Yeah, I thought you had to be smart to become a SEAL too.”

  “You do. That’s why they picked me.” He jabbed a finger at his impressive chest.

  “Uh-huh. Someone paid them,” she countered and they engaged in a minor tussle. Every moment of which Treeny savored.

  Their skirmish brought them into close proximity and Treeny stared up at him, wanting at least one kiss. One real kiss. It might be all she ever got from him.

  “Um, Ben?” she whispered as they both stilled.

  “What?” His hand trailed up her back.

  “You do realize we’re in the make-out closet, right?”

  That brought an additional stillness to his long, lean frame and he quickly scanned the space before a devilish grin creased his lips.

  “So we are.” He tugged her closer.

  Excitement skittered up and down her spine in little jolts of energy. She’d waited a long time for this kiss...

  When his lips met hers, she nearly cried. Her first kiss. And from the right man, too. Her heart beat so fast she was afraid it would gallop out of her chest.

  Treeny put everything she had into that lip-touch, wanting him to know how deeply she felt. She nearly drowned in the emotion he poured into their

  When they finally parted, gasping, she stared up at him in wonder. This had been the sweetest, most amazing moment of her life.

  When his lips descended for the next kiss, the door whooshed open. Kids and canines piled into the scant room. In less time than a heartbeat, their secret oasis was filled with the same noise and confusion of a school yard at recess.

  His lips twitched and she couldn’t help the giggle that escaped through lips that had been so lovingly caressed only a moment before. As the cacophony increased in the closet so did her mirth.

  While she was upset their second kiss had been denied them she couldn’t be mad. If Lainy Morrison was in the vicinity, this was the conclusion of every coupled closet encounter. Lainy usually gave the intertwined couple a few moments before she sent in the horde.

  Never suspecting she’d be one of the lucky enough to have a chance in this closet with her dream man, Treeny usually helped Lainy in her population control endeavors. But this, her first kiss, would forever be precious. Maybe someday, in the distant future, she and Ben would have a chance together. The right man and the right time.

  She wouldn’t mind spending more time with Ben in this very closet. Without the kids and dogs.

  Eleven years later...

  Chapter 1

  Ben Morrison waited impatiently for someone to appear. He forced himself not to drum his fingers on the counter. A Navy SEAL was trained to wait patiently, quietly, silently. So how come he was having such difficulty?

  His heart tripped an extra beat when a woman strolled through a door and caught sight of him. She padded across the room and slid open the glass doors separating them.

  “May I help you?” Her tone was professional, but not helpful.

  “Yes, I’d like to see Treeny Deveau, please.” He again resisted the impulse to tap his fingers on the counter.

  “She’s not seeing new patients at the moment,” the woman said with a severe frown.

  “I’m not here as a patient. I’m a friend.” Ben resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Seemed he was doing a lot of resisting lately.

  The woman continued to frown at him, but he stared her down. Like this woman, who reminded him of a feminine SEAL trainer, could intimidate him. Not after facing terrorists, sharks, machine guns, and a few incidences he didn’t care to think about. Besides, through all those experiences he had certainly learned how to be intimidating himself. SEALs were trained in the art in fact.

  Another woman entered the room. The first woman turned to her. “This... gentleman would like to speak to Dr. Deveau.” Her tone implied he was an escaped convict.

  The second woman offered him a dazzling, white smile. He returned the favor. Her eyes took on a dreamy expression and he winced. Get Treeny, he thought, and gritted his teeth.

  Finally, with a sigh, she turned on her heel and floated from the room. Ben forced a smile at the first woman. Please find Treeny.

  “Treeny! There’s a really hot brother out front asking for you. And I mean, hot, girl,” Vanessa said, barreling around the corner so fast the woman nearly knocked her over. Treeny grasped Vanessa’s elbow in an effort to keep herself upright while hanging onto a small laptop computer.

  “Slow down a second. What’s going on?” Treeny placed a hand over her galloping heart, hoping to calm her excited organ.

  “There’s a totally hot brother out in the waiting room, asking for you.”

  Treeny tried to translate, but failed.

  “Yes, gorgeous African-American man, tall, lean, built, beautiful, out in the waiting room asking for you.” One of Vanessa’s perfect eyebrows rose into her cornrows, and what the nurse said finally clicked.

  “A man in the waiting room for me?” She couldn’t quell the joy that erupted inside. A man, an African-American man asking for her. Ben? Could this be Ben? Please be Ben.

  She thrust the laptop at Vanessa and took off down the hall.

  “Wait!” Vanessa bellowed. “Don’t tell me that man is Ben Morrison?” Her friend nearly howled the protest. Treeny kept running until she hit the door. Then she stopped short, and smoothed a hand over her hair, then down her lab coat.

  When she pushed open the door into the waiting room, her breath suspended. “Ben,” she uttered breathlessly, and her respiration and heartbeat accelerated to Kentucky Derby proportions.

  The lean man in the shadows emerged into the light and her face split into a huge grin. When her feet finally cooperated, she raced across the room and into his open arms. When she bounced against him, strong, sure arms closed around her and scooped her off her feet.

  She breathed in his familiar, amazing scent and luxuriated in the heat and strength of him. His hair was braided in long cornrows and made him look like an island reggae singer. How she wanted this man. How she doubted she’d ever make him hers. Still, a girl could hope.

  When they finally separated, she noticed he buried his nose in her hair and held her as tightly as she held him. Did he, could he, feel the same? Because his eyes seemed to devour her as he looked down at her. She hoped he couldn’t read her eyes, because she figured the naked truth there would be very evident.

  Ben Morrison still encompassed every longing she possessed. He was the epitome of her every want and need. And now he stood before her, taking her in as voraciously as she did him. They had stolen a few snatched moments through the years where they danced around each other, neither saying what was actually on their minds. Each time they had finally grown comfortable enough to really talk, his phone rang, or a family member interrupted.

  “Can we talk?” His voice was hoarse, and since she couldn’t locate hers, she nodded.

  Glancing around the room, Ben shook his head. Reading his thoughts, she tucked her hand in his and tugged him over to the door leading into the back. Before they left, she turned back to the receptionist. Leaning through the window, she said, “Mrs. Mays, I’ll be a few minutes, okay?”

  The woman’s eyes widened and her mouth dropped as she blinked at Treeny. Waving a hand in front of Mrs. Mays’s face finally elicited a response. “You know that man?” Her eyes remained round and disbelieving. Treeny couldn’t decide if the woman’s expression was due to Ben’s slightly scary person, or simply the fact that men never visited her.

  “Oh, yes. Mrs. Mays,” Treeny leaned forward, as though she planned to tell a secret. “That man is Lieutenant Ben Morrison of the United States Navy SEAL Team Eight. He’s the most trustworthy man you’ll find. Don’t let his scary self fool you.” With that, she turned, repossessed Ben’s hand and swept out of the room. He sent her a laconic look. He ignored the patients watching them with interest.

  Shrugging, she escorted him through two doors and outside to a secluded area at the back of the building. With her free hand, she gestured for him to sit at the picnic table. She couldn’t seem to find the strength to release his hand.

  He sat, in the easy, graceful movement she associated with Ben. She could watch him for hours. Gazing into the dark depths of his eyes would be fun, too. If you don’t slow down, you’ll drown in your own hormones, a warning voice dinged in her head.

  She wanted him; she needed him. But how to obtain this yummy man? If she had discovered the answer to that question at any point over the years, maybe she’d be able to savor the memory of more than their one kiss.

  He broke into her thoughts, when, as though he couldn’t stop himself, Ben ran a tender hand over her face. She swallowed and closed her eyes as she sought to enjoy the moment.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “Please what?” he whispered back.

  Treeny swallowed. “Why did you come?”

  His brow furrowed for a moment before he ran his hand down her face again. “Remember the time we spent in The Closet at the lake?”

  Only every other second. “Yes.” She nodded and wanted him to leave his hand on her face.

  “I do, too.” He rose abruptly and prowled the cemented area.

  Trying to tamp down th
e emotions bubbling in her heart, she worked to also control her breathing. She wasn’t succeeding very well on either account. Please, please tell me you can’t forget me.

  “I can’t seem to forget you, Treeny,” he said abruptly, his back to her and she blinked. When had she become psychic?

  “You can’t?” Even she heard the hope in her voice.

  He swung around to stare at her. His eyes were hooded and nearly morose as he gazed at her. He almost looked unhappy. The bubbling hope deflated like a balloon.

  Ben stalked back to the table and sat down beside her. He stared in front of them for a moment before turning to look at her. “I can’t seem to move past you, Treeny. It’s like you’re in my blood and I’m not free.”

  “I feel the same way,” she managed to tell him through a tight throat.

  His eyes widened a bit before he reached out to wrap one strong hand around her wrist. With barely a tug, she bumped against him. He circled her waist with a strong arm and trailed his hand down her face again.

  “You can’t date anyone else either?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not even tempted. No one can compare to you, Ben.”

  He nodded, swallowed and folded her close. “That’s how I feel about you. I’m not interested in other women. The guys are starting to wonder about me – if I’m a freak.”

  Laughing, she stared up at him. She couldn’t believe he was sitting beside her, holding her so tightly against him. Fearing she could wake up at any time and this precious moment would only be a dream; she reached up and touched his cheek. Energy sizzled through her. Not a dream, thank goodness.


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