The Liar, the Witch, and My Wife's New Wardrobe: Books 1 to 3 Collection

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The Liar, the Witch, and My Wife's New Wardrobe: Books 1 to 3 Collection Page 7

by Charles P. Lingham

  "Fuck, yeah," she muttered, eyes fluttering slightly open.

  "Randy," she said pleasantly. "I love it … when you please me like this…" It was still DickDonna's voice. I shuddered as my own cock twitched against my boxers in response to hearing its dulcet tones.

  I did so love to please her. It turned me on so much to make DickDonna happy.

  "Mmmmmmmmmmmm," DickDonna purred as I twisted her thick nipples between my thumbs and forefingers before pulling at them. I dragged my fingers up from their base to their tips, milking them as I stretched out the breast behind them.

  "Oh my," DickDonna croaked. "You are a master at playing with my tits." My whole body shivered at DickDonna's compliment and I had begun to hump my dick against the inside of my boxers. "Y'know, I was having the most wonderful dream."

  Yes, I know, I thought. It was a dream where I was your slave, and sucking on your beautiful, delicious cock.

  Fuck. I shook my head again. I have to act now.

  "Your nipples are too dry Donna," I said. "Here. Let me wet them for you."

  This was one of her all-time favourite activities. In high school, I would pull at her nipples for what seemed like hours, using her own saliva to moisten them.

  DickDonna knew what I had in mind, and smiled devilishly as I offered her one of my fingers. She sucked it into her mouth, moving her head around as she coated the finger liberally with saliva. Pulling that finger out of her mouth, I dribbled the saliva that it had captured over one of her nipples, and then pulled at it again. The lubrication changed the sensation, and she cooed in response.

  "Oh yeah baby…" I interrupted her by plunging the finger of my other hand into her mouth so I could go after the other nipple. She obliged by coating it in saliva just as enthusiastically as she had with the first finger. "Mmmmmmm (slurp) … You just (slurp slurp) … Oh God … (lick) … I'm soooooo horny…"

  I switched hands, latching onto the remaining dry nipple with my newly wet fingers, even as I went back for more with the other hand. I had to keep her from forming coherent sentences while I worked her up enough to get her off in a way that didn't involve my mouth on her cock. The game was having the intended effect. DickDonna was even more beside herself with lust. She was humping the air now with her dick, flinging wads of her syrupy pre-cum everywhere.

  Between her own slurps, DickDonna was desperately trying to issue commands, but I just wouldn't let her. It's not to say I hadn't been affected by my wife's pheromones. Pre-cum was splattering my arm, and part of me (one that was getting louder and louder), really, really wanted to see what it tasted like. If she had even suggested I do as much, then all was lost, but I might be able to avoid it if I could just keep DickDonna from completing a sentence.

  I kept pushing finger after finger into her mouth to coat them in saliva so that I could then apply it to her sensitive nipples in turn. And when a digit between her lips wasn't enough to distract her, I'd pinch a nipple really hard to break into her train of thought.

  "Oh Randy … (slurp) … suck my… (pinch) … ooooooooooo… (slurp) … Please, it's all I can think about (slurp) … I want you to … (pinch) … Oh God … MY COCK … (pinch) … ggggggggnnnhhh."

  DickDonna was so close now. Her whole body was shaking, her stomach clenching as she threw her hips forward repeatedly, desperately trying to rub her cock against something besides just air. I switched positions quickly and, with one finger still in her sucking mouth, I did the last thing I wanted to do, and grabbed a hold of her cock and pumped.

  "Cum for me Donna," I called. "Cum for me now!"

  Three strong strokes was all it took before she unloaded loudly all over her face, the pillows, and the headboard beyond.

  "FUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKK!" she screamed as she ejaculated wildly, thrusting her ass up into the air quickly and repeatedly. I kept pulling at her cock as she continued to pump out stream after stream of spunk. It must have been a full two minutes before she started to slow down, the final spurt of cum dribbling out onto her stomach to pool in her belly button.

  Only afterwards, as I got up to grab a towel and was standing beside the bed, did I realize that I had also cum. It didn't surprise me anymore, and I had resigned myself to knowing that my orgasm was now inextricably tied to hers.

  As I cleaned up my wife's mess I looked queasily at her cock. It hadn't softened at all, and cum was still dribbling out of it as it continued to throb. That wasn't a good sign. That meant that my wife wasn't completely satisfied. Her needs were definitely getting stronger, and I was getting concerned at how often her secondary personality had been asserting itself, and how quickly it was coming back now after her orgasms.

  This fear was realized a moment later when my wife opened her eyes and, through a face that was coated in her own cum, she smiled wantonly at me. It was clearly DickDonna that looked back at me.

  Fuck. She was still in control. How was that possible?

  "Well you certainly know how to keep a girl from getting a word in edgewise," she said as she took the towel and started cleaning off her face. "I had such plans for your pretty mouth too."

  As she stood up, she planted a kiss on my lips. I could still detect a hint of the spunk that had been there mere moments before. My eyes rolled back in my head as my tongue reluctantly savoured the taste.

  "Ah well," she shrugged before turning away from me. "Next time then. Would you mind changing the sheets babe, I really, really need a shower."

  I watched my wife leave, incredulous. She was whistling while she walked away, her hips wiggling suggestively as she sauntered out of the room, her dick, now finally deflated but just as long as ever, swinging hypnotically back and forth between her legs. Just as she got to the door to the ensuite, Donna stopped and looked slyly over her shoulder at me with an expression that said she knew that I had been checking out her ass. Then, my wife giggled smugly, blew me a kiss and, winking, finally disappeared into the bathroom.

  This was not good, I thought as I changed the bed sheets as instructed.

  Things had obviously changed, and I had to get the hell out of here. If I let DickDonna have her way, and she started using my mouth, how long until she went after my ass? Even worse though, if she could control me so easily, how long before I was offering it to her? Maybe even begging her to fuck it?

  I was no sissy faggot, and no way in hell was I going to let her turn me into one!

  Even as I finished making the bed, I was planning my departure, deciding that the best time to do it was while she was away at work today. But, for now, I couldn't let on that anything was amiss, so, after I'd changed my clothes, I went downstairs to get the coffee going and make breakfast. When she came downstairs a short while later, she was wearing her power suit: a thick skirt and a blazer. It was something that was a little more formal than what she usually wore to work, but it seemed to fit DickDonna's more dominant personality, a personality that was still clearly in control.

  This would not be a good day for Belinda—or anybody else for that matter—to mess with my wife.

  "Thanks Randy," she said as she helped herself to the coffee. I had set her place at the table with a glass of orange juice and two large glasses of water beside it. She smiled when she saw the arrangement.

  "Best keep your water levels up," I said grinning.

  As we ate together, I realized that this was the closest we had yet come to what life had been like before the curse. Here we were enjoying a friendly breakfast together, with no obvious animosity towards me on her part. She was finally feeling comfortable with me again, and it kinda hurt that I was just playing along, waiting for her to leave so that I could run as fast and as far as I could from the seemingly sentient monster between her legs.

  After we ate, she kissed me, and left by way of the front door. I watched her walk away down the street towards the bus stop, the brash swagger of her hips making it abundantly clear that DickDonna was still prevailing. If anything, this fact strengthened my resolve to escape.

; After I spent a good part of the day packing the stuff I'd need, while hoping against hope that she wouldn't come home early and ruin everything, I left a note on the kitchen table, got in the car and drove off.

  My note to my wife read as follows:

  Dear Donna,

  I'm truly sorry, but I just can't be a part of this anymore. It's just too much for me to handle. I know I'm being selfish, but I'm not a gay, and don't like the fact that you're turning me into one.

  I'm not leaving you high and dry either. Why not contact your gay friend Gary? I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help you out.

  I'll be in touch in a few weeks' time - once you've gone back to normal - and we can discuss next steps.

  I know it may be hard for you to realize this now, but I love you,


  I'd been on the road about an hour when the backup phone rang. This was an old flip-phone that we kept in the glove box for emergencies. It was also the phone that I'd used to communicate back and forth with Anatolia during our brief affair to reduce the chances of getting caught.

  Could it be Anatolia?

  Without really thinking about it, I reached into the glovebox, fished out the phone, and flipped it open. I was pulling over to the side of the road, and was about to speak into the phone when I felt it: something sticky was dripping onto my wrist. That's about when I noticed the smell too.

  That bitch.

  Donna had covered the inside of the flip-phone with her pre-cum and, at this range - with the phone up beside my face - I didn't have a prayer. Although I immediately tried to pull the phone away from my face, I couldn't. All I could do was take deep sniffs to absorb as much as the deep tangy scent as I could. I had never been this close to her pre-cum before, and the effect was even more pronounced than ever. I was instantly hard. Instantly docile. Instantly ready for DickDonna's commands.

  "Hello Randy," spoke Donna's voice from the phone.

  I groaned and breathed in deeply though my nose.

  "Where are you?" she demanded. "Tell me, now."

  I couldn't help but tell her.

  "What are you doing Randy?" she asked in a tone of voice that made it clear that, by virtue of the fact that she had undoubtedly read the note that I'd left, she already knew the answer.

  "I'm running away … (deep sniff) … before I do something gay," I answered meekly.

  This had apparently been the admission she had been waiting for. Immediately, her voice grew louder.

  "Of all the selfish things that you have done lately Randy, this tops the list! You thought you would just go away? Where exactly would that leave me? You know I can't control this lust anymore, and you know what would happen if I give in to this monster of a cock!"

  At the mention of her cock, I moaned out loud as I imagined Donna on the other end of the line, grabbing it to emphasize her point.

  "This is all your fault in the first place," she continued, "and you would leave me with it for the rest of my life?"

  "But … there's Gary…" I countered weakly.

  "Gary has absolutely nothing to do with this!" she replied loudly. "Nice try, but yours are the only hands I want. At least they were. I want something else now. I want your mouth." She calmed down suddenly, her voice becoming icy and low. "Now listen closely Randy, here's what you are going to do," said DickDonna in the most commanding tone I'd yet to hear her use. My whole body tingled in anticipation of her forthcoming order. Everything about me was ready to comply.

  "Turn your car around, and head home. Now."

  Without hesitating, I put the car in gear and, after checking for traffic, executed a quick U-turn, and headed home.

  "Did you obey me?" I could hear a smile in her voice and imagined how the power must be going right to her head.

  "Yes," I breathed, deeply aroused. Apparently, her power was going right to my head as well, turning any defiant thoughts that I might have had into Swiss cheese.

  Donna sighed into the phone. "You have no idea how much it turns me on when you obey me Randy," she purred. "Now, here's what's going to happen. You will come home right now and I'll be waiting for you. When you see me, you will drop to your knees immediately, and then you will suck my horse cock. Do you understand?”


  "Excellent," she said. "Now tell me what you are going to do when you see me."

  I moaned, trying to focus on my driving while I answered. "I am going to drop to my knees and suck your horse cock, Donna."

  My wife laughed derisively. "Good boy. Now, drive safe my little toy." Then, she was gone. Even though the line was dead, I continued to hold the sticky phone close to my face so that I could continue to savour its smell.

  Over the next hour as I drove quickly home, my own lust built until I could barely control it. My dick was painfully hard the whole time, and my pants and the seat beneath me were soaked through with my own arousal. Not once was I able to get the image of DickDonna's cock out of my mind. I wanted that pretty thing in my mouth, and no amount of shaking my head to force some sense into it could make me stop wanting it.

  By the time I got home, my hands were shaking with need. It took some effort, but I was able to pull the car into the garage without scraping it along the wall. I quickly slammed it into park, turned the car off, and then swung the door open to sprint into the house.

  Donna was waiting for me just inside the door. She was dressed in her bath robe, hands on her hips, and feet planted firmly a shoulder-length apart. I think she was smiling, but I couldn't really tell. I didn't spend a lot of time looking at her face, I was interested in only one thing, and that thing was currently fully erect and tenting the front of her bath robe.

  I was breathing heavily now, gasping for air as I took the last few steps towards my wife. Then, I swallowed hard as my legs buckled, and I fell to my knees in front of her, involuntarily obeying her last order. The whole time, my eyes never left the bulge that was finally—thankfully—within reach, directly in front of me.

  Donna was laughing now, a deep, throated sound that was almost a cackle.

  "It worked!" she announced in DickDonna's commanding tone. "I told you to come back, and you did! What a good boy you are Randy. A good boy who deserves a nice, big, fat, reward."

  I was still kneeling in front of her, unable to move. I wanted that reward more than anything. I was actually drooling as I thought about putting that reward in my mouth and worshipping it with my tongue.

  I'm pretty sure that Donna would have liked to have drawn this out longer, but she appeared to be about as worked up as I was. If I'd been spending the last hour anxious to serve her, she'd spent it imagining me serving her in the manner in which she'd been fantasizing for days. Slowly, she reached down with both her hands to grasp the material of her bathrobe and pulled it aside so that her monster was finally free. It bounced a few times now that the terrycloth fabric was no longer weighing it down, flicking droplets of pre-cum in the process. I stared at it in wonder. If anything, it actually seemed bigger than before. It was definitely redder, the head now a deep shade of purple.

  Then, the smell hit me again, and my whole body starting shaking with need. Without even being told what to do next, I waddled forward on my knees, grasped the shaft with both of my hands to steady it, and—despite my needy eagerness—shyly licked its pre-cum coated tip.

  In response to the taste, my eyes slammed shut, I moaned loudly, and fireworks exploded behind my eyes.

  Yes, fireworks literally went off in my fucking head.

  If the smell of the pre-cum had been intoxicating, then its taste was positively drunk-inducing.

  Before I even knew what I was doing, I was lapping at the head, grunting in a primal need to taste more of her delicious pre-cum. It was like licking pure heroine.

  "Oh my," my wife said above me. "You are an eager little cock-sucker aren't you?"

  I looked up at her through heavily lidded eyes to see her looking back at me thoughtfully. The only remaining lucid part
of my brain registered that she was figuring out the same thing that I was just realizing at exactly the same time: her pre-cum was like a drug, and I was already hopelessly addicted to it.

  After a moment, I stopped thinking entirely. Instead, I just kept slurping, rewarded by the steady stream of pre-cum that seemed to keep pouring out of the fat head of my wife's cock. I was no longer grossed out. No longer hesitant. I was more than willing to continue.

  "You can't help yourself can you Randy?" she taunted. "I told you to suck my cock, and you are helpless to resist."

  I nodded as best I could, moving my lips up and down over the tip of her dick. She sucked in a breath suddenly, as this new sensation on her sensitive organ hit her.

  "That feels very nice, babe," she groaned. "But, you're not really sucking it though, honey. You're just licking. You have to take it in your mouth to actually suck it. You want to suck my cock."

  I moaned. She was right. I wanted this cock in my mouth. I wanted to suck it.

  I opened my mouth, and slid my lips over the head of my wife's dick. It was so big that it stretched my mouth open awkwardly. I flicked at the tip with my tongue, causing my wife to call out and involuntarily lurch forward, burying her cock even deeper into my mouth in the process.

  "Oh Fuck!" she called out. "That feels amazing!" In my mouth, her cock was pulsing, spurting more and more of her pre-cum down my throat. Then, she pulled it back out a little, only to thrust it back in again. She was gently fucking my mouth, and it felt so right. Like this is exactly where her cock belonged, sliding back and forth into my mouth while my tongue vibrated along its shaft. My body was in full agreement. My hands were stroking the considerable part of the shaft that—to my disappointment—didn't quite fit in my mouth, and my stomach was churning and gurgling in eager anticipation of the inevitable result.


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