Law_Rebel Guardians MC

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Law_Rebel Guardians MC Page 13

by Liberty Parker

  “Yeah, baby?” I respond, reaching out my hand. When she takes it, I gently pull her down next to me and cuddle her close. I was never much of a cuddler, but with her, I want us to be touching as often as possible, even when we’re not having sex.

  “Can we just chill tonight? I’m kinda tired and know we’ve got a busy weekend.”

  “Works for me. What do you want for dinner? I’ll call a prospect and have them go get it for us, that way, we can stay right here.” Nan has all the kids for some strange reason. She’s done that in the past to give “her boys” time with “their women” and now, thanks to Emma, I’m a part of that.

  “Something light. I think we’re going to be eating a lot tomorrow.”

  “Let me call then, okay? You stay right here, I’ll be back.” Getting up, I kiss her forehead and head into the kitchen. Calling the prospect, I give him a food order and tell him that I’ll leave the side door into the kitchen unlocked. I go back into the living room and plop back on the recliner next to her. I pull her over into my arms and she rests her head on my shoulder. “Do you want a boy or girl?” I ask her.

  “Didn’t we already have this conversation?” she asks me, and we have, but I want to see if her answer has changed from the first time. “I’m like you, I don’t care as long as our baby is strong and healthy. I do want to talk about Emma though. I know she was in pain today and that’s the reason she was acting out, but honestly I had no clue how to handle her little temper tantrum.”

  “She’s not normally feisty like that, I think it was more to do with the fact that she was in pain rather than her being disobedient. Let’s give her a break this one time, and figure it out if it happens again...together.”

  “I saw a little chair that we could use for time-out purposes. What do you think? I mean, I know she’ll likely get her fair share of spankings, but with all of this shit still so fresh, I don’t want that to be our go-to for discipline.”

  “Let’s check into it. Why don’t you nap a bit, it’s going to take the prospect about an hour to get here with the food.” We pull out the laptop and find a timeout chair that we both like. It won’t be something we want her to think is fun and desire to sit on daily, so we in turn make sure it doesn't have any princesses, or cartoonish type designs, to entice her to enjoy it as a play chair.

  “I like this one.” The one she likes is wooden bench style, it says ‘Time out Bench’ so I place the order.

  We shut the laptop down, and she goes and plates dinner up for us and I go and wake up our grouchy bear. When I walk into her room, I notice she’s awake and just lying there in a daze. “You hungry?” I ask her.

  “Hungy,” she states, pointing at her belly.

  “Let’s go feed the monster then,” I reply, picking her up. She laughs at me, but first I take her to the bathroom and let her do her business and help her wash her hands. “You in a better mood, miss grouchy pants?” I ask as she curls into me while we’re walking to the kitchen.

  “Not gwouchy, Lah,” she says, patting my cheek. “Hungy.”

  “Well, alrighty then. Let’s do this!” I say, putting her over my shoulder being careful of her still healing injuries.


  Morning sickness sucks ass! I didn’t think I’d ever get everything that needed done taken care of this morning. Elijah pitched in and we got laundry finished, bags packed and are ready to hit the road in the morning to go and finish taking care of tying up my loose ends and getting my house packed up and my belongings moved here. I’m excited and scared to see that chapter of my life come to a close. I promised to do my guys’ hair one more time, but they’ve even said they’re willing to travel to me and make it a vaca twice a year. The other times, they’ll have to go back to whoever they were using before and I’ll clean up whatever needs done that the other person didn’t do correctly.

  “Buttercup, we’ve gotta get going to the clubhouse, you ready?” Elijah asks, coming into Emma’s room where I’m going through her bag one last time.

  “Yeah, anything we forget we can pick up while we’re gone, I guess.”

  “Absolutely, don’t worry. And for the record, I think we’re putting some ginger ale and crackers on your nightstand to help with the morning sickness. Plus, I think you need to call your doctor to make sure this is normal.”

  I start laughing because I have meds but I ran out and with everything else going on, I didn’t get it refilled. “Honey, I just have to get the prescription refilled.”

  “Well, fuck, I’ll call a prospect and have them pick it up for you. Call and request the refill.”

  Is it appropriate to roll my eyes? Because I know it’s a childish response, but sometimes, he’s so bossy, I just wanna revert to a two-year old’s behavior. “Okay, Elijah. I’ll do it on the way to the clubhouse. I’m so excited! Do you think Nan will like what we got her?”

  “Are you kidding me? With Nan, it’s the thought not the gift.”

  “I still think she’s going to be tickled at what me and the girls did for all the kids.”

  “Yeah, considering she treats all of them like grandkids, the charm bracelet y’all got her with their birthstones is perfect.”

  “And it has room for growth with the other ones who I’m sure will come along,” I say, patting my baby bump.

  He grins at me as he holds out his hand. Guess we’re finally leaving. “I’ve got her chair in the truck already. Let’s roll.”

  Pulling into the parking lot at the clubhouse, I grin. Looks like the prospects have been busy because the outside is all decorated with balloons and signs, and...are those twinkling lights? I start laughing because this is going to tickle her to pieces. I know I haven’t known her very long, but she’s devoted to all the families and the kids. She really seems to be a special woman, that’s for sure. I get giddy, excited to be doing something for Nan instead of her always doing things for all of us. I practically hop out of the car and get a look from Elijah, “slow down,” is all he says to me as he gets out and grabs Emma from the back. After making sure he’s got her and doesn't need any help from me, I take off in pursuit of the other women. I find them all huddled together in the kitchen and they are laughing hysterically.

  “What did I miss?” I ask as I make my way towards them.

  “Oh hey,” DJ says, hugging me. “Hannah was telling us about the latest adventures of Smokey and Bandit.”

  “Oh, Lord,” I say, rolling my eyes, “what have they been up to now?”

  “Nothing big,” Hannah says smiling at me, “let’s just say there was a mishap with the dishwasher and bubbles were everywhere that Duckie and Jester had a field day playing in, I had suds everywhere and the pets looked like animal versions of Santa with bubbled beards.”

  Her visual has me laughing, imagining the two pets playing in the kitchen with her two men trying to get it all contained. “So, did y’all have fun cleaning?”

  “Let’s just say that after we cleaned, we a little dirty, playing in the suds ourselves.” At her comment, the rest of us burst into laughter again, causing her face to redden. There are really no secrets in this family of women and thankfully, I’m getting used to that fact, because they’re all up in my business all the damn time.

  “Those men have been cleaning after themselves for a long time, what on earth did they use to have suds out of control like that?” DJ asks with a mischievous look on her face.

  “Apparently, we were out of dishwashing detergent, and neither of them felt like heading out and going to the store so they used liquid soap instead...a lesson they surely won’t be forgetting anytime soon,” she replies, with laughter in her voice.

  “Once again, the visual is hysterical,” I state.

  “Oh wait, you need to see the video,” Hannah says, pulling out her phone. Within seconds, we’re crowded around her as she plays the video showing Jester and Duckie running and sliding through the bubbles, batting them away and having a great time. Jester, rolling around and making tho
se happy groaning noises that dogs do, and Duckie standing on his belly popping the bubbles as they float by. We can hear Hannah laughing as she’s trying to talk to both of the animals and then Smokey’s voice saying, “What the everloving fuck is going on in here?” before he tries to walk in and slips across the floor. By now, we’re all laughing so hard that tears are flowing as Smokey tries to get up only the animals, thinking he’s there to play, keep knocking him down. When Bandit comes into the room and sees what’s happening, he starts laughing, before he says, “Seems you need some help there, Smoke,” and then we hear Hannah squeal as the phone is put down. She shuts the video off after that, a fire-engine red glow to her cheeks.

  “Um, it kinda got...interesting...after that,” she murmurs, putting her phone away. “Let’s just say another part of the house got christened.”

  “TMI!” Cara squeals out, her cheeks heating as well and once again I find myself clutching my belly from laughing so hard.

  “This from the woman who has sex at work?” DJ asks. “C’mon now, we know you better than that.”

  “I need a drink,” Cara states. “Let’s get this stuff going.”

  “Party pooper,” DJ states, sticking her tongue out.

  I see Bridget standing off to the side, taking everything in but saying nothing. I don’t know her well. Actually, I don’t know her at all, but remembering what Elijah asked, I walk over and say, “Hey, I’m Cassarah.” I say, sticking my hand out for her to shake it, once she does I continue, “I heard you’re going to beauty school?”

  “Um, yeah. I’m Bridget,” she replies.

  “Well, I don’t know if you’ve heard or not, but I’m going to be reopening the salon in town soon and would love it if you could come work for me. Of course, it would be the basic kind of things, but I’ll teach you everything I know so you’ll be ready to take over a chair once you’ve graduated.”

  “Really? You’d let someone like me work for you?” Bridget asks.

  “Absolutely. And I understand you’re looking for your own place as well. There’s an apartment above the salon, would you be interested? I have no clue what the condition of it is, but Elijah and the guys are helping me with getting shit up to date and up to code, so if there’s anything that needs fixing in the apartment, they can handle that as well. I would feel better if someone was living there that had an interest in the salon on a personal level. It would actually be a favor to me if you’d consider residing there.”

  She looks at me with awe on her face. I don’t know her story, but hope that someday, she’ll want to share it with me. “I...if you’re sure? I’m doing the accelerated course and thankfully, was able to opt out of a lot of the mundane courses.”

  “I’m positive. When we get back from Montana, I want you to come and check it out. Plus, like I said, you’ll be able to do a lot of the non-cutting things, like shampoos and shit, which will earn you tips.”

  “Hey, I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on your conversation,” Hannah states coming up to us. “If you want to move into the apartment, Bridget, I could always paint a mural on your wall for you. Incorporate something soothing and using the things you love.”

  “You do murals?” I ask her.

  “I do,” she states proudly.

  “Would you be interested in doing something for the salon?”

  “I would love too!” she happily replies.

  “I have a few ideas, let’s talk about it when we all get back.”

  “Sounds great.” By the look on her face, I know I’ve made myself a lifelong friend just by giving her this opportunity.


  “Listen up!” I holler out to get everyone’s attention, “Axe just messaged me, they’re leaving Nan’s now, let’s get everything ready!”

  With my words, things start happening quickly. Gino already has the tents set up with warming trays that smell fucking delicious. I notice him nervously smoothing his hair and have to hide a grin. He’s so screwed. Well, then again, so is Axe, having to watch another man woo his mom. I hear my phone buzz and nod at the kids, who line up so they’re the first thing that Nan sees when she walks in. The door opens and she strolls in only to stop short when she hears the kids all scream, “Happy birthday, Nan!” Tears form in her eyes and slowly leak down her face as she all but runs to the kids she’s claimed as ‘hers’, engulfing as many of them in her arms as possible. I hear Lily and Luca tell her they love her, and Shelby crawls up onto her lap, giving her a wet toddler kiss that has her throwing her head back in laughter.

  “Someone is going to have to help her up,” my woman whispers in my ear. I smile down at her and nod my head, because one of us will always be there to help Nan up. To my surprise, Axe isn’t the one that makes it to her first, it’s Gino and Nan gets a blush on her face when her hand grabs a hold of his. I look over at Axe and see him looking anywhere but at the two of them.

  “Let’s get this party started!” Smokey hollers out. “There’s food to be eaten, cake to be devoured, and the ladies who can drink want some of those fancy-schmancy margaritas Gino makes!” At his words, the adults start laughing. It’s the truth though, the women love those damn margaritas and thanks to DJ’s efforts, we now have the fixings here in the clubhouse.

  Watching my family celebrate the club matriarch has me feeling grateful for this brotherhood. True to his word, Gino and Stephan have been serving everyone, but our old ladies? They’re something else because they got involved as well and decided that Gino and Stephan needed to enjoy the party as well. Right now, Nan and Gino are over by the playground watching the kids run around. Looking closer...I see that their holding hands. Mmhm, I bet Axe’s head will explode. This is gonna be fun to watch. Seeing my woman, I motion for her to come closer. “You feeling okay?” I ask, nuzzling her neck.

  “Yeah, having a good time, too. When we get back, I need to show Bridget the apartment and see if it needs any work.”

  “We’ll get all of that going when we get back from Montana, baby,” I tell her. “Now, kiss your man. I miss your lips.”

  I’m lost in kissing her and thinking of later when we’re alone and what I’m going to do with her then when I hear, “Hungy, Lah.” Looking down, I see Emma, being pushed by Shelby of all things, and she’s grinning at me.

  “Looks like our parrot is hungry again,” I murmur.

  “Thinking your baby is too,” she replies when her stomach growls.

  “Well, let’s get our family fed,” I tease her. “Gonna wanna dance with my woman and she needs her strength.”


  The party has been an absolute blast! All the kids are tucked into bed and the adults are beginning to wind down as well. We’ve danced and eaten and Nan opened up all the gifts that arrived for her, beaming at each one. When the kids presented her with the charm bracelet we bought, she lost it, tears of joy streaming down her face. And Gino has been next to her all night long. I wish those two would give into their feelings and put us all out of our misery already. Now, though, it’s time for some me and Elijah between the sheets. “C’mon, buttercup, let’s head to bed,” he murmurs, coming up behind me.

  “Need a shower, Elijah, I’m all hot and sweaty,” I reply, turning into his arms and looking up. Damn, I could look at him all day long. He grins down at me and nods and I know that shower time is about to go down.

  “Love the pregnancy hormones, baby,” he says, walking me into the clubhouse and up to his room. “I can’t seem to ever get enough of you, you’re like a siren calling to me, and the fact that you’re carrying my baby makes me hot as hell.”

  “Yeah, me too,” I state, grinning at him. “Love you, Elijah.”

  “Love you more, buttercup.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Despite a night that didn’t end until the sun was coming up, I’m up early and ready for us to hit the road and get this chapter of Cassarah’s life wrapped up. I kiss her forehead and say, “Time to wake up, sleepyhead, we’ve gotta get
this show going.” Her grumble makes me laugh. Until she rolls over and I see her tits hanging out. Fuck, we’ve got no time. “I’m gonna get dressed and make sure Emma’s ready. Hopefully everyone else is motivated this morning. As it is, it’s gonna be a long haul.”

  I quickly dress then head out into the main room, where I see Axe and Hatch drinking coffee. “The women are all moving a bit slow today,” Hatch states as I make my way to the coffee pot and pour a cup.

  “Couldn’t have anything to do with the margaritas last night, could it?” I reply.

  “Or the monkey sex that was undoubtedly going on thanks to the tequila that was flowing,” Chief adds as he walks into the room. “Not that I know anything about crazy monkey sex,” he states, seeing the looks that everyone is now giving him.

  “Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Chief,” Smokey states. “We know the truth. I think we all got a little lucky last night and we did such a good job, our women are exhausted.”

  “What a dreamer you are,” DJ states, coming through from the kitchen. “We’ve got breakfast just about done if y’all wanna eat. I know we gotta get moving, so y’all stop your yammering and come on.”

  Her statement is met with laughter because, well, DJ can be fucking funny without even trying. Scary, too, but I’ll keep that thought to myself. I head into the kitchen and stop, seeing the buffet style setup that Gino and Nan are standing over. Hmm, interesting. Very interesting. I glance at Nan and see a glow about her that wasn’t there last night. Yep, Axe is gonna pop a vein. Not my place, I have to remind myself, I’ll just be there to stop my brother from popping his top and taking it out on poor Gino. I look up at Nan and our eyes collide, I give her a wink and she smiles at me shyly then continues on with what she was doing. I’ve never seen Nan on the shy side and it’s a little refreshing if I must be honest. It’s great to see the ballbuster herself has a little bit of a feminine side even though she tries to hide it more often than not.


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