Law_Rebel Guardians MC

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Law_Rebel Guardians MC Page 15

by Liberty Parker

  “Was thinking about last night,” I tell her, and a blush covers her face. “It was a good shower, I love seeing your body nice and wet like that.”

  “You’re bad!” she says with a smile on her lips.

  “Only where you’re concerned,” I tell her.

  “Well, the feeling’s mutual, actually,” she replies, coming over and plopping on my lap. My hands automatically go to where our baby lies growing within her. I rub her swollen stomach and am so very grateful for this woman making her way into my life. She’s given me the greatest gift a woman can give a man. She lays her head on my shoulder and I pull her in closer to me. Nan has Emma for the day, she’s spending time with her grandbabies and has Maxum with her today.

  “Since it’s just us, how about a repeat from last night?” I ask her, wiggling my eyebrows at her causing her to giggle, one of the sounds I love to hear more than any other sound that leaves her delectable lips. She gets up out of my lap and I hate losing her heat in my arms. She walks slowly over to the door and whips her shirt over her head. I grow hard in my jeans and adjust myself because I feel like my dick is choking in my jeans.

  “If you think you can keep up,” she winks at me causing my jaw to drop in surprise.

  “Run!” I call out, and laugh as she squeals and rushes down the hallway and out of the room. I count to three in my head and get up to follow her to our room, dropping my clothes as I go. By the time I reach our bedroom, she’s laying in the middle of the bed, propped up on pillows and baring her pussy for my viewing pleasure. “God, you’re beautiful,” I whisper out, and she ducks her head. “Look at me, baby,” she lifts her head and I see light and love shining at me through her eyes. “Don’t ever hide what you’re feeling from me. I need to know that you’re right here with me, seeing and feeling my love and devotion for you.”

  “I love you,” she rushes out.

  “Love you more, buttercup.”

  “I love it when you call me that, but appreciate that you also use my name and humanize me at times as well.”

  “You’re everything to me, when I call you buttercup as a term of endearment, it’s because in that moment I feel here,” I pound on my chest.

  “You always have the right words that I need to hear at the time. I hope someday I can make you feel as deeply as I do with you and have the right words to express myself.”

  “I don’t need your words, I need you.”

  “You have me, Elijah...all of me, now and forever my love.” I can’t help myself, I need to feel my lips on hers. I crawl up the bed and straddle her body. I first put my hands to her stomach and lean over and kiss her stomach. “Love you, baby,” I tell my child and then lean up and kiss his or her mother’s lips. We start off slow, showing each other our love for one another and then it becomes a possessive type of kiss—one where I want to bang my fist on my chest and scream out mine...for all the world to hear. With her belly more pronounced, we’ve had to get a bit creative in our lovemaking, and today, I want to be face-to-face, so I roll over and sit with my back against the headboard and say, “Ride me, Cassarah.” She gets up with my help and positions herself over me and slowly slides down on my dick. My eyes roll to the back of my head with how tight she is and how she swallows me whole in this position. “Fuck yes, fucking hell, take all of me inside of that tight, wet pussy!”

  “I love your dirty mouth,” she whimpers as she rises up and drops back down.

  Leaning forward, I kiss that spot right by her collarbone, causing her to moan and move a little faster. “Your lips on my body always cause me to shiver,” she says, and I look down and see goosebumps have risen on her arms.

  “Baby, everything about you turns me on,” I reply, capturing a nipple in my mouth. Her breasts have gotten very sensitive and just the little bit of stroking and licking can make her come without my dick anywhere near her pussy. I feel her walls clench around me as I continue caressing the one breast while nipping and licking the other. Fuck, this is gonna go faster than I want it to if we don’t slow it down. Then again, being on this runaway train with my woman in my arms is the best fucking feeling in the world.

  My hips thrust upward as she moves down becoming more erratic the closer I get to my release and I want her there before I go over, so I reach down between us and begin stroking her clit, using our combined juices to lubricate the small bundle of nerves.

  “Fuck, Elijah, I’m so close,” she murmurs, her body dropping back slightly to lean against my thighs. She looks like an erotic goddess right now, her hair tumbling down, her breasts swollen and red from where I’ve been playing and her pussy...where I can see us glistening with her arousal. And seeing the proof of our love in her burgeoning belly has me moving even faster.

  “Come now,” I grit out between my teeth, knowing that I won’t be lasting much longer.

  “I’m there, fuck I’m there, Elijah!” She clamps down on me so hard that I see stars dancing behind my eyelids and I scream out her name when my release hits me. “Cassarah!”

  My movements slow but I don’t stop until she’s a shuddering, beautiful mess in my lap. Pulling her close, I roll so we’re face-to-face, our legs entwined. “Love you, baby,” I pant out as I catch my breath, I push her hair back from her face so I can see all the beauty that is her. We’re both sweaty messes but right now, I could care less. I want to hold my woman for a while. “Let’s rest before I get you cleaned up, okay?”

  “Sounds like a plan,” she murmurs, her eyes closed. “I love the pregnancy hormones, but dammit all, I get worn out too fast.”

  I pull the throw up from the bottom of the bed, covering us both. “Then rest, baby. I’ve got you.”

  “You always do,” she says as sleep claims her. I hear my phone ping, I pick her up and lay her back down after I give her a pillow to clutch in her arms. It’s not as good as her holding me, but it gives her comfort when I’m not the one in her arms. I grab my pants and see a text from Axe.

  Axe: Club, church in twenty

  Me: I’ll be there.

  I look over at my sleeping beauty, and give her a kiss on her forehead. I write out a quick note letting her know where I’ll be and place it on the bed next to her where she can’t miss it. Walking out of the room, I look back and wish I was staying in bed with her, but the club calls and I know it’s a meeting I can’t miss.

  I walk into the clubhouse and as soon as I step foot inside the men all walk back down the hallway and I fall in and follow them. Once we’re all seated, Axe bangs on the table bringing all of our attention his way. “Chief has the results from Cassarah’s break-in.” Everyone looks his way and I can tell he’s angry with the findings.

  “You were right, Law. It’s Cassarah’s brother-in-law, the senator, Sterling Brown Jr.”

  “Sounds like an entitled asshole to me,” Smokey states.

  “The senator is a dead man!” I growl out.

  “Well, we know where he’s been at least and now we can track him,” Bandit replies.

  “How? How are you going to find him? He’s been underground for so long that he keeps staying one step ahead of us at every turn!”

  “Calm down, brother, let the man speak,” Twisted tells me, it takes everything I have not to flip him off. What the fuck? Telling me to calm down? It’s not his woman’s and kids’ necks on the line here.

  “I’ll see what I can find, toss in a bunch of things to search. I bet he’s trying to find Cassarah so he can get to Emma.” Not what I want to hear come out of any of my brothers’ mouths.

  “Over my dead fucking body,” I state. I don’t give a fuck if we’re not a one percent club at this rate, I will kill the motherfucker who hurt Emma and murdered her mom, then destroyed my woman’s things. I.Will.Kill.Him. And if I’m not able to do that, I’ll make his life a living hell, that’s for sure.

  “Alright, Bandit, you’re on that. Don’t need to tell you that speed is needed here,” Axe states.

  “Got it, brother,”
Bandit replies, pulling his laptop toward him and opening it. Within minutes, he’s done whatever it is he does and looks up, saying, “Got a shitload of searches running. Hopefully, we get a hit soon. And, brother, we’ve got your back. If the situation presents itself, we’ll figure out a way to make it look like self-defense.”

  “How’s it going with Nan and Gino?” Smokey asks. I watch Axe’s face and see a strange look come across before he gives a slight smile. Damn circus act in here...weren’t we talking about my woman and Emma’s safety? Now we're on to Nan and Gino? I have to count to five to keep myself from strangling Smokey.

  “Actually, pretty good. They’ve gone out several times since her birthday and as far as I can tell, he’s courting her.”

  “But does she glow?” Bandit asks.

  “What the fuck do you mean, ‘does she glow’?”

  “Well, when women are getting it on the regular, they tend to have that look about them,” Bandit replies. When he sees Axe’s face at the thought of his mom and Gino having sex, he bursts into laughter and soon, the rest of us join in because seriously, that’s some funny shit.

  “Don’t only pregnant women glow?” Hatch asks, confused.

  “Fucking hell!” I growl out. “Can we keep to the subject at hand, for fuck’s sake?” This is fucking ridiculous! I want a man’s head on a silver platter and they’re talking about glowing women.

  “Until we get some search results, we gotta keep moving forward,” Twisted says. Yeah, he’s right, we need to see how all the businesses are doing and talk about Cassarah’s salon. The prospects have helped get the renovations done and Bridget moved into the upstairs apartment. Hannah has been working on the murals.

  “I get y’all, I really do, this is so fucking frustrating though,” I say.

  “True, but we’ve gotta keep calm,” Axe replies. “So, in other news, all of our businesses except the salon are in the green. I’m sure you’ve noticed that fact in the payouts you’ve been receiving.”

  “Salon should be ready in the next week or so,” I state. “Hannah is working on finishing up the mural. Cassarah has been utilizing my membership online and ordering the shit she needs and Bridget is helping get everything set up when it comes in.”

  “They need to use the prospects,” Capone responds. “She’s got enough on her plate between therapy and school, she doesn’t need to be working so fucking hard.”

  “Maybe she needs to keep busy,” Hatch states. “Most of our women are hands-on, brother, remember? I know she’s got a lot of shit to sort out, and something mundane like putting up supplies probably gives her brain a rest from learning and also from dealing with the shitstorm she was living in.”

  “Just want her happy,” Capone replies. “She won’t accept that she’s mine, but I’m putting it out there now. Bridget is gonna be my woman.” Good for him, I can’t help but smile at my brother’s proclamation of claiming an old lady.

  The room erupts in laughter again because Capone is so laid back and this little slip of a woman who has more baggage than Louis Vuitton has captured his attention. “Hope that works out for you, brother,” I say. And I do. Each of my brothers has found a woman that’s perfect for him, myself included.

  “When are we planning the grand opening for the salon?” Axe asks me. I have to sit and think and know that we are really close to wrapping things up, but I need to ask Cassarah what she’s thinking as far as a timeline goes.

  “Let me get with Cassarah this evening and I’ll get back with you on a date,” I tell him.

  “Sounds like a plan, brother...sooner rather than later, okay?” Once I agree with him, he wraps the meeting up only I stay glued to my chair. Hatch, Axe and Twisted stay in the room with me knowing that I have something to discuss with them.

  “What’s up?” Twisted is the first to ask me.

  “Do I need to get the Nelson brothers to go underground and do some digging?”

  “Fuck!” Axe hollers out, “I hate owing those assholes anything, but I can’t help but think that they’d get results faster than we can.”

  “I really hate working with those three, but I agree that they know how the underground game is played better than we do, give them a call,” Twisted states.

  “They’re assholes, that’s true, but they find shit out and are somehow able to meander through that nonsense without folks being any the wiser. They’re able to blend in and I’ve used them in the past to help uncover shit that’s allowed me to win cases,” I reply.

  “Then make the call,” Axe says. “We’ll give them what they need. Your woman and Emma and the baby are family and we protect them at all costs. Plus, I know they’ll do the dirty work that will never blowback on us.”

  I nod, signifying that I’ll call them when I get a moment of privacy.

  “Atticus here, speak,” the voice says when the call connects.

  “It’s Law, Atticus. We need y’all.”

  “Fuck, you never call unless you need something, asshole,” he replies.

  “That’s because you won’t answer your phone otherwise, fucker. Anyway, let me give you the details and you tell me if y’all can help.”

  “Oh, you know we can help,” he states. “Since you law abiding pussies are too good to get your fingers dirty. Speak.” This fucker is ruthless, just what we need right now.

  I spend the next ten minutes filling him in on what’s been happening and why we need their help. Each of the brothers is a badass in that way that you don’t fuck with them even in broad daylight. I can’t imagine what some of the folks they’ve dealt with felt when faced by the three of them.

  “So basically, some fucking senator killed his wife, maimed his own fucking kid, and is now going after your woman. I got that right?” he asks.

  “In a nutshell, yeah. Oh, and my woman is pregnant.”

  “Fuck me, you’re having a kid? Never saw that one coming, glad to see you got rid of that bitch.”


  “Yeah, word on the street is she’s got her next meal ticket lined up.” I don’t know how they find shit out and quite honestly, not sure I wanna know. Plausible deniability and all that shit.

  “Don’t wanna know, man. She can do whatever the hell it is she wants...she’s of no concern to me. She can jump off a skyscraper and I would laugh at the fact that she thought she had the balls to fly. She did me wrong and I’d only show up to her funeral to spit on her grave,” I tell him.

  “She fuck you over? We can take care of that for you,” he states.

  “Naw, not worth it, man. Appreciate the offer, though.”

  “Yeah, we’ll work on this one and I’ll get back to you when we have something. Tell me now, does it matter if he doesn’t come out of it alive?”

  “I’d prefer he never breathed the same air as we do again, if you get my meaning.”

  “We got you, Law,” he replies. “Consider it a done deal.”

  “What’s it gonna cost?” I ask because nothing’s ever free with these fuckers.

  “Get back to you on that one. Thinking we may do this ‘just because’ since I have a hate on for fuckers who hurt women and children. Then again, Silas likes markers, would you be good for that?”

  “A marker? Yeah, whatever it takes. My brothers and I will roll with what y’all do.”

  “No blowback on you or your riding club.”

  “It’s a motorcycle club, asshole.”

  “Whatever. Don’t give a fuck. Later.”

  With that, Atticus disconnects, leaving me grinning at my phone. Sterling Brown, Jr. ain’t gonna know what hit him. I’ll be sleeping like a baby tonight knowing that that will be one less asshole on the streets threatening my family.


  When I told Elijah when I wanted to open, the ball got rolling and three weeks later I find myself here at the salon getting ready for the grand opening tomorrow. Today is about last-minute touches and getting the register updated and ready to go. The small things, but those men
ial things are what will keep the salon up and running. We’ve named it Cissy’s Place in honor of my sister and the opening tomorrow just happens to be her birthday, or what would’ve been had she lived to celebrate another year. The club threw a party that weekend, and we partied, and Emma and I received our cuts. It was a day I’ll remember for the rest of my life. Being claimed by your man may seem barbaric to some, but to me it was a promise of forever and his undying love to me and our girl.

  “I’ve got all the towels folded and put up and the back bar at the shampoo bowls is fully stocked as well,” Bridget says, coming over to my station. “What else do we need to do?”

  “Um, we’ve put out an ad, dropped flyers everywhere, and have a radio spot as well. I think we’re good. How’s school going?”

  “Not too bad, actually. There’s a lot of book work right now, but I find it soothing to read and answer the questions. Can I thank you again for taking a chance on a whore like me?”

  I look at her and reply, “You’re not a whore, Bridget. What you did was what you had to do to survive. Please, please don’t take that on as who you are. It’s something that happened to you, not something you chose to do. Your past doesn’t define you at all and I’m proud to call you friend.”

  I see the tears well up in her eyes and reach out to hug her. She stiffens at first before she hugs me back. “You know, I’ve never had friends before I came here,” she says, as tears run down her face. I want to pull her into the safety of my arms and wrap her in bubble wrap, but I know that will go against everything she’s worked so hard to achieve.

  “Well, you’ve got all of us now,” Hannah decries, coming over to our huddle and throwing her arms around us both. She’s been a godsend as well. The mural she did on the wall where I set up the dryers is stunning—my salon has a retro feel with black and white tiled flooring, and the mural itself reflects the feel I wanted to convey. I want folks to come into the salon and feel like they’ve come into a relaxing, peaceful place. I want them to come in and enjoy the time they’re sitting in the chair, getting their beauty fix. Looking around, I decide that it’s perfect.


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