Sharon's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 10)

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Sharon's Wolves (Wolf Masters Book 10) Page 28

by Becca Jameson

  Jackson did as he was told, inhaling slowly. He seemed to tremble where he stood.

  “Tell me you can’t smell her. Tell me you aren’t physically drawn to her in a way that defies logic. You aren’t even looking at her. You can imagine what her expression must be because you’ve seen the way her mouth falls open and her eyes lower when she’s horny, but you can’t see it. Is it any less intense?”

  Jackson didn’t move.

  Cooper thrust two fingers into her pussy deep and hard, making her squeal. She didn’t mean to, but she couldn’t hold back any longer.

  Jackson swung around and took two strides to get to her. He glared at Cooper and grabbed the man by the wrist to pull his hand away from her pussy.

  Sharon groaned. Her legs shook, and she grabbed her thighs to brace herself. Her nipples stood at attention even though neither man had touched them. She needed more.

  “Fine,” Jackson said. “I can scent her from across the room. And it calls to me. Dammit. It does.” He leaned over her and met her gaze. And then he lowered his face between her legs and sucked her juices from her pussy. He moaned around the torture he inflicted on her, his tongue driving her mad when it dipped into her and then flicked across her clit.

  He grabbed her thighs, his hands wrapping around hers, and pressed her wider. And the noises he made while he continued to devour her drove her to the edge of insanity.

  “I’m gonna come…” she muttered.

  “I hope so,” Cooper teased.

  She let herself go then, her orgasm pulsing against Jackson’s mouth as he continued to flick his tongue everywhere seemingly at once. He didn’t let up until she started to float back to Earth. And then he did so slowly, nibbling away from her pussy until he was kissing her thighs and her belly.

  “Can you live without that?” Cooper whispered. “Can you walk out the door and never smell that amazing scent again? Taste that flavor that is only Sharon’s? Feel the way her clit pulses against your tongue when she comes? Hear the moans that escape her mouth when she’s so far gone she doesn’t even know it? See the look on her face when her eyes flutter open and her mouth parts in that slow smile that tells you she’s the most satisfied person alive, and you did that to her?”

  Jackson leaned over her, releasing her thighs to set his hands on both sides of her head. He dipped his face to kiss her lips.

  She tasted herself on his mouth. Heady. Erotic. Sexy.

  “No,” he announced.

  “Then we’ll get through this. Why? Because we have no other choice. Fate determined you and I would share her. She doesn’t make Her choices on a whim. She means business. She doesn’t make mistakes. Sharon is ours, and like it or not, you’re a part of us now.”

  Jackson’s brow was still furrowed. “It’s frustrating,” he mumbled against her lips.

  “I know,” she said as she wrapped her arms around him and hauled his body down to press against hers. She needed more contact. What she needed was for her men to take off their clothes and fill her. Ground her. Make the insanity of being kidnapped and drugged go away.

  She heard Cooper’s zipper and smiled as she glanced over to find his chest bare and his jeans easing down his legs.

  “Please,” she pleaded, meeting Jackson’s gaze. “Please,” she repeated.

  Finally, he smiled and rolled his eyes. “That wasn’t enough for you? So greedy…” But he stood upright and shrugged out of his clothes. When he was completely naked, he set a knee between her legs and climbed onto the bed. He hauled her body several feet back and then thrust his cock into her pussy without warning.

  Sharon gasped, tipping her head back. God. So perfect. So full. So right. How could he deny this connection?

  He paused for only a moment and then flipped them both over so she straddled his waist and he lay on his back. He managed to do so without dislodging his cock.

  Suddenly her need rose incrementally. She twisted her neck to find Cooper climbing onto the bed behind her with a tube of lubrication in his hand. Thank God.

  Jackson cupped her breasts and thumbed her nipples, the simple touch making her vision swim.

  Cooper set a hand on her lower back and pressed until she lowered her chest over Jackson, causing her ass to lift into the air.

  Jackson’s hands roamed away from her breasts to her waist and then her ass.

  “Pull her open for me, Jackson.”

  She held her breath as Jackson wrapped his fingers around her lower cheeks and spread them wide, exposing her tight rear to Cooper’s gaze. No matter how many times they did this, it still left her a little embarrassed. She knew eventually she would get over herself, but it was still so new and intimate.

  When Cooper’s slick finger landed on her tight hole, she flinched.

  Jackson held her steady. “Not going to last, man,” he warned.

  Cooper didn’t waste any time. He pressed a finger into her and then added another, pumping them long enough for her to relax into his touch. It felt so good. So right.

  His fingers disappeared, and seconds later his cock was at her entrance. “Fast or slow, baby?”

  A flush climbed over her cheeks. He wanted her to make choices? Now? “I don’t care,” she whispered.

  “Fast or slow, Sharon?” His voice was firm, unwavering. He wanted an answer.

  “Fast.” The choice was easy. She needed him inside her. She was so close to exploding with another orgasm…

  Cooper grabbed her hips with both hands and thrust into her in the same way Jackson had moments ago.

  She screamed, the feel of both men filling her more than she could stand. She didn’t care who heard her or how far her voice carried. She couldn’t stop herself from crying out.

  And then they moved, setting a rhythm that seemed so orchestrated it was hard to believe it happened naturally. But it did. And as much as Jackson might argue otherwise, it was Fated.

  Jackson tore a second orgasm from her when he lowered her tight against the base of his cock, pressing her clit into his groin. “That’s it. God, you’re gorgeous when you come.” He cupped her face and brushed her hair back to look at her.

  Her vision was foggy, but she knew he was taking in the scene.

  “I could watch you come all day and never tire of it.”

  His words turned one orgasm into another, shocking her. She couldn’t catch her breath before her pussy started pulsing around Jackson’s cock again. This time, his eyes rolled back. His hands held her face firmer, and she knew the exact moment he tipped over the edge behind her. His mouth went wider, his breathing stopped, and his eyelids lowered. And then he moaned.

  His noises mixed with Cooper’s behind her when he too lost control and came deep inside her tight hole.

  So perfect. So exactly right.

  Cooper pulled out of her and collapsed to her side, flopping onto his back next to Jackson.

  Sharon let her weight blanket Jackson, unable to move.

  “When will it stop being so intense?” Jackson asked, his hand stroking up and down her back until goose bumps rose on her skin.

  Cooper chuckled. “It might not. It’s different for everyone, but the draw to claim her over and over will never completely dissipate. It’s how we’re wired. And you are too.” He turned onto his side and set his head on his palm to stare down at Jackson as Sharon lifted her face to see them both. “It has something to do with pheromones.”

  “Why do you suppose you mate in threes?”

  Cooper shrugged. “We don’t really know. Other wolves do not. It’s rare.”

  “I’m not complaining,” Sharon teased to lighten the mood. “But seriously, I think overall, Fate needed our two families to blend in a way that gave us strength in numbers. Strength to overcome both natural and man-made obstacles. She wanted to combine the races. She wanted to unite the two towns and everyone in the surrounding area by mixing humans and shifters, Natives and whites. All walks of life from deputies to a nurse, an accountant, ski instructors, a vet, a building in
spector, a firefighter, an anthropologist, a safety inspector. Even a seismologist.”

  Cooper grinned.

  “Hell, I’m sure I left someone out,” Sharon continued. “She covered someone from every facet of this town. She even forced people to be accepting of threesomes. This county and the next will forever be strengthened by Her plan. We need each other. We need to work together to keep the world in balance.”

  “Now that all of you are mated, do you suppose the strange quests will end?” Jackson asked.

  Sharon shrugged. “Maybe. It’s hard to say. Time will tell.”

  Jackson turned his head to face Cooper. “You won’t leave me in the dark about this whole ovulating and pregnancy thing, right?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I mean, if you know something, you’ll tell me.”

  Sharon sat up straighter. Jackson’s cock was still deep inside her, and she had no intention of breaking that connection just yet. “How about this. How about if you leave me out of that one. It will even the field a bit, give you something I don’t know.”

  “Are you serious, babe?” Cooper asked, reaching up to stroke a finger across her cheek. “That’s huge.”

  “What do you mean?” Jackson asked.

  Sharon returned to gaze to his. “I’m not able to scent a pregnancy like the male wolves can. Well, most of them. The Bartel-Hamilton women also have some heightened abilities usually reserved for the males. But the majority of the females find out they’re ovulating or pregnant from their mates, or in some cases another male.”

  “Oh. I don’t think I quite got that part.”

  She nodded. “I’m not saying I want to be pregnant any time soon. I really would like to enjoy you two all to myself for a while, but I’ll let you two decide when the time is right without consulting me.”

  “Seriously?” Cooper asked again. His face lit up. “That would be fun.”

  She shrugged. “Sure. On one condition. You share the details with Jackson at all times. You two make the decision together. Let it be a surprise to me. How often does a wolf get that kind of surprise?”

  Jackson smiled. “I like that idea.”

  “Done.” She glanced at Cooper. “Yes?”

  “Works for me. I’m the bossy one, anyway. How could I turn down an offer to control you?”

  She swatted at him and then leaned to the side to kiss him, her lips parted, her tongue diving in to tangle with his, her body twisted to the side to keep her connection with Jackson while she fully tasted her other mate.

  When she broke the kiss, she was pleased to find his eyes half open with lust. “You may think you control everything, but I have news for you…”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Nine months later…

  Sharon ran from the truck to Melinda’s front door as if she were training for an Olympic sprint.

  “Babe, I think…” She didn’t hear the rest of Cooper’s comment because she was already inside the house before he could finish his thought.

  This wasn’t about him, anyway. Nor was it about Jackson, the man she could hear chuckling behind her as she raced past her brother Trace and his other mate Keegan. This was about Melinda.

  The woman currently in labor.

  As she rounded the doorframe and stepped into the master bedroom, Joyce glanced up at her and smiled. Laurie did too. The midwife was between Melinda’s legs. And Melinda’s face was scrunched up and bright red as she bore down. She was that close?

  “Why are Keegan and Trace in the hallway?” Sharon glanced over her shoulder to find the two men leaning in the doorframe.

  Joyce giggled. “Let’s see. I’m pretty sure it was Keegan who almost fainted at the first sign that his mate was in pain.”

  Sure enough, Keegan had one hand in front of his eyes, and he gripped the doorframe so hard his knuckles were white.

  “And Trace… Well, he sort of got chased out by Melinda’s wrath,” Joyce finished.

  “Can we come back now?” Trace asked. “I’d really like to be in the room for the birth of my first child if you don’t mind, baby.” He inched into the space.

  It would have been comical if it weren’t for the long low groan coming from Melinda as she pushed again.

  Joyce wiped a cool cloth over Melinda’s brow.

  Laurie took Melinda’s hand and squeezed. “You’re doing great. Almost there.”

  The midwife nodded. “Give me one more good push.”

  Sharon clapped her hand over her mouth as she watched the head slip out. Emotions overwhelmed her. Melinda was so fortunate. Her family was so perfect.

  Her mates sat on either side of her. Laurie passed Melinda’s hand to Keegan, and Trace took the other one. They glanced back and forth between their mate and the new life making its presence known with a shrill scream as the baby’s body slid the rest of the way out.

  Melinda smiled as she looked at the wailing infant, but her glance also flickered repeatedly to the side as if someone else were in the room. Her gaze met with empty space as far as Sharon could tell. But Melinda nodded and smiled.

  “She’s perfect,” Trace said.

  “Gorgeous,” Keegan added.

  The midwife wrapped the sweet baby in a blanket and set her on her mother’s belly. It wouldn’t be until much later that Melinda would tell Sharon and Laurie what she’d seen in the room during the birth.

  A spirit had hovered close the entire time, its presence known only to Melinda. It wasn’t particularly different from any other sighting except perhaps smaller. Melinda would explain that she knew in her heart it was Mimi. It gave her strength and comfort while she labored.


  Cooper lifted his gaze as Sharon emerged from the master bedroom. He and Jackson sat on the couch in the living room, waiting.

  Sharon’s face was flushed with excitement. “She’s beautiful.”

  “Of course she is. Did you expect an alien?”

  “Ha ha. Do you want to see her?” She pointed over her shoulder.

  Cooper shook his head. “I’m sure I’ll see her in a bit. Go. Enjoy yourself. We’ll be right here.”

  Her face split apart again, and she gave both him and Jackson a gorgeous smile before turning to leave the room and return to her sister-in-law’s side.

  “Did you see what I just saw?” Jackson asked when they were alone again.


  “You think it’s time?”

  “It would appear that way.” Cooper stared at Jackson, trying to read his expression. Even after nine months of living with the human man, he still had trouble knowing for sure what the guy was thinking. Currently, his fingers were wrapped around his knees, stiffly. “You have something to say, Jackson?”

  His mate swallowed and nodded. “How does it work?”

  Cooper chuckled low and deep. “Well, you see, when a man puts his—”

  Jackson rolled his eyes. “Not that wise guy. I mean, which one of us fathers the baby? Or do we know? Or do we care?”

  Cooper leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. “Every mated threesome does it their own way. In many cases I’m sure they have no idea which one fathered the child. Sometimes it’s obvious later after the birth, but not always.”

  “So we wait until she’s ovulating, and then we go at it like any other normal day and hope one of us makes a catch?” He smirked when he finished speaking.

  “Nope. Not this time.”


  “Because I’m leaving this afternoon to go check on that seismic equipment north of here. I’ll be gone three days.”


  Cooper shot him a grin and wiggled his eyebrows. “This first kid is all yours.”

  Jackson’s eyes popped out. “What? Now? Like today? She’s fertile now?”

  “That’s what I’m saying.”

  A smile spread across Jackson’s face, and he wiped his palms on his jeans. “That’s a lot of pressure for a human.”

  Clearly the man was up
to the task. And he was elated.

  Yeah. Cooper had made the right play. Giving this move to Jackson was the right decision.

  “Should I tell her?”

  “No. She wanted a surprise. When I get back, we’ll know. I’ll either scent it or not. I mean, don’t get me wrong, wolves don’t necessarily get pregnant every time they try any more than humans, but the odds are in your favor since I’m telling you now is the time.” Cooper knew though. Like a sixth sense, he knew. Nine months from now his family was going to increase by one.

  And he’d never been happier.

  Sharon rounded the corner again, motioning them both to come with her. “You have to see her.” She narrowed her gaze at Cooper. “She’s your niece. Stop sitting there looking like you have some sort of secret and come meet her.” Her hair flew around behind her as she twirled around.

  Cooper took a moment to watch her walk away. Or skip. She was that excited. Yeah. It was time.

  When he pushed himself to standing and glanced at Jackson, he winked. They had a secret all right. The perfect secret.

  And they were two of the luckiest men alive.

  About the Author

  Becca Jameson lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and two kids. After years of editing, she is now a full-time author. With over 40 best-selling books written, she has dabbled in a variety of genres, ranging from paranormal to contemporary to BDSM. The voices in her head are clamoring to get out faster than she can get them onto “paper”! She loves chatting with fans, so feel free to contact her through email, Facebook, or her website.

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