The Blood Groove (Purgatory Wars Book 4)

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The Blood Groove (Purgatory Wars Book 4) Page 17

by Dragon Cobolt

  “Fiance,” Liam rumbled.

  “-was fucking a goddess. And his Hierophant! The scandal! The shame!”

  “Wait till you see the form I used!” came a voice.

  Liam was too tired, too spent, and too deliriously happy to really give a damn about Loki barging in on him after sex again. He simply grunted and opened one eye. Loki was laying on the half of the bed that Meg and Liam didn’t occupy, by dint of the fact they were so tightly entangled it’d take a crowbar to extract one from the other. A crowbar and superman, considering Meg’s strength.

  “What was it?” Meg asked. The fact she had enough energy to sit up after the round she and Liam had just gone through - not to mention having shattered her own prison with her bare hands (well, and a soup bowl), flown a marathon, fought pirates, then dueled her grandfather, - left Liam rather impressed. And incredibly nervous.

  Loki chuckled and a flash of light surrounded her. Liam had thought explaining her first form would be difficult but Loki was a master at finding new and fascinating ways to leave him squirming.

  Loki looked like Meg. Everything was perfect: long blonde hair, bright glowing blue eyes, porn-star body, all of it.

  Meg blinked. “Sorry, Loki, not buying it. Liam here is a grade A self-hating pervert-”

  “I’m not self-hating,” Liam muttered, letting his arm rest over his face.

  “You said you were going to feminist hell!” Meg said, giggling.

  “It was a joke, you over-titted pigeon,” Liam muttered.

  “-but!” Meg continued, forcing herself back onto the conversation, her finger thrust into the air. “He’s also a creative grade A self-hating pervert. No way he’d have a shapeshifter on his grubby hands-”

  “They’re not grubby,” Liam muttered.

  “-grubby hands!” Meg barreled over him, laughing. “And not make her turn into something freakishly bizarre.”

  Loki smiled, slowly. “You two should go on the stage. You have the timing down perfectly.”

  Meg smiled. “We’ve had a year of practice.” She paused. “You know, though, I have to say...” Her finger rubbed along her chin as she considered Loki. “You are quite attractive.”

  Loki smiled, rearing up onto her thighs. Her hands went to her blonde tresses, pushing them back over her shoulders. For a moment, Liam was delighted to see two perfect pairs of tits, both of them filling his field of view as Meg and Loki loomed over him. Then Meg leaned forward and captured Loki’s mouth with her own. Now, there were two perfect pairs of tits, mashing together as wings flared and hands caressed. Liam held perfectly still. This moment had the feeling of a soap bubble.

  The wrong move might cause it to pop.

  Meg drew back, her tongue and Loki’s tongue still touching. Loki panted softly.

  “So, how am I going to tell you two apart?” Liam asked.

  Loki’s grin grew wicked.

  Her sex spread and with a slow, wet, slick slurp, a cock as long and thick as Liam’s own emerged. In fact, it looked identical to his. It thrust into the air, glistening with her arousal as Loki leaned back, her pussy lips glinting beneath her new shaft. Thanks to a great deal of hentai, Liam was less shocked than he would otherwise have been. But it was one thing to watch an anime girl grow a gigantic cock and fuck a green-haired high school student silly…

  And another thing entirely to see someone do it in real life.

  “Now I've got the best bits of both of you,” Loki said, smugly

  Meg oohed softly. “Can you change other people?”

  “Nah,” Loki said, her hand going to her shaft, stroking it gently. “Ah, it’s been too long since I’ve had a cock.” She shivered slightly, which set off the most fascinating jiggling in her tits. Liam licked his lips.

  “Dang,” Meg said. “I always wondered what having a cock was like. And what it’d be like to fuck a girl.” She grinned at Liam. “And Liam, honey, you’d be fine with being a girl.”

  “Nooo?” Liam asked, eyeing Loki's replica cock. It looked a lot bigger and scarier when it wasn't attached to his body.

  “Don’t be transphobic,” Meg said, her voice prim.

  “I’ve created a monster,” Liam groaned. Meg laughed loudly, then leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth. Their tongues met and played. Rather than aggressive bids for domination as had been the case with Loki, they simply shared themselves. Then she drew back, breathing steadily and true.

  “I know you’re not transphobic,” she whispered softly.

  Liam smiled.

  Meg shifted, swinging her legs up and over Liam’s hips. Her sex pressed to his cock. It was still soft – Liam was still in his early twenties, but he had been well and truly fucked over the past hour. He smiled at Meg apologetically. She pouted.

  And then Loki leaned forward.

  “Let me try something,” she said, then kissed Liam. Liam felt a spark leap from her tongue to his. His back arched and energy jolted through his body. It felt like taking a hit of caffeine after going without for decades. His nerves sang and the meaty slap of his cock surging to full hardness against Meg’s cunt made his heart race. Meg lifted her hips ever so slightly, then drove herself down, hilting Liam inside of her.

  Liam grunted, deep in his throat.

  Then Meg screamed. “Oh fuck, yes!”

  Looking over Meg’s shoulder, Liam could see, well, Meg’s face, grinning and wicked. Loki kissed Meg’s cheek, then looked right into Liam’s eyes as she started to grind her cock along Meg’s ass. Meg whimpered, her eyes half closed. “W-Wait!” she hissed. “I’ve never, ah, done it like that before.”

  “And you call yourself a Hellene,” Loki said, her voice dripping with scorn.

  Meg snapped her head back and glared at the goddess. Loki cut off whatever Meg might have said by leaning forward. Her tongue thrust into Meg’s mouth and Meg moaned into the kiss. Liam, feeling not at all guilty, helped the goddess with a slow, gently thrust. His hips pumped up and Meg bounced and moaned louder through the kiss. Her eyes rolled slightly back into her head as she chose to continue the kiss rather than draw back to breathe.

  Loki broke the kiss first. Panted. Grinned.

  “Let me show you what you were missing.”

  Meg moaned again as Loki kissed the back of her neck, her hands cupping Meg’s firm, perky breasts. The goddess used her fingers to tease and twist Meg’s nipples as she kissed down her spine, leaning forward more and more. Meg’s wings spread wide, giving Loki plenty of room. Meg started to look confused, then her back went completely straight, her eyes wide with shock. Liam laughed, slowing in his thrusts as Loki’s tongue coiled and twisted and teased and explored Meg’s ass.

  “What-” Meg stopped, her mouth opening wider. “Oh! Oh! Nnh ah fuck that’s wrong.”

  Despite her words, she started to press back against Loki’s mouth. Liam grinned.

  “You know, I could have done that,” he said.

  “P-Pervert!” Meg laughed. Her sex clenched on his cock as a climax shuddered through her body. That seemed to be all Loki needed for encouragement. She reared up, her own wings spread to match Meg’s excitement, then paused.

  “Say pease,” Loki purred. And in that instant, she sounded exactly like Meg, from tone to delivery to the wicked gleam in her electric blue eyes.

  “Fuck you,” Meg hissed.

  “Close enough,” Loki said, laughing as she drove her hips forward with the might of a goddess. The sensation on Liam’s end was nearly indescribable - the massive girth and length of, well, his own cock pressing against him, with only Meg’s sex seperating the two. It was incredible. Meg trembled, her face a mask of pure pleasure.

  “Meg!” Liam groaned through gritted teeth.

  “We need to do this more often!” Meg gasped out... She leaned forward and pressed her breasts into Liam’s chest, kissing his neck, sucking on his skin as she moaned happily. Her hips bucked against Loki’s thrusting and Liam felt his own body responding despite himself.

  His hips
slammed upwards into Meg, and each thrust that he made put a new counterpoint to the swaying of her breasts. He reached up, cupping them. Squeezing them. Finding her nipples and taking advantage of her tougher constitution by twisting them.

  Meg squealed. “Ah, yes!”

  Loki bit down on her shoulder, muffling her own cries of pleasure as she fucked faster and harder, making Meg tremble.

  Meg reached back with one hand, her other hand on the bed. Her wings were folded to her sides, so she was able to take hold of Loki’s cheek and turn her head upwards. Their mouths touched and they kissed with the desperate passion of those deep in the throes of lust. Their tongues wrestled and the two made muffled but eager moaning noises as they continued to thrust and bounce. It was clearly too much for Loki. She broke the kiss, screaming her pleasure, her wings flaring wide as she came and came hard. Liam felt the force of her cum filling Meg’s ass. The sensation – as well as the warmth dripping on his own balls – sent Liam over his edge too.

  He had less to give, thanks to the earlier session, but Meg still clenched and quivered and gasped with the pleasure of it.

  Then, suddenly, Liam found the downside to being in a threesome with a woman and her duplicate.

  Both Meg and Loki were lighter than they seemed, due to being in the form of valkyrie.

  That didn’t matter when both let themselves go limp and started to squash him. The fact that it was four of his fiancee's pillowy tits suffocating him only added insult to injury. Then Meg and Loki both squirmed, shifted, and settled down to either side of him. Liam blinked and looked down. Neither had a cock. But then he spotted cum dripping from the girl on the right and knew she was Meg. He smiled at her.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “You love Loki?” The other Meg said, sitting up.

  “What?” The Meg that Liam was speaking too scoffed. “I’m the real Meg, she’s Loki.”

  Loki scoffed – and looked like she was about to continue fucking with them. Liam decided to cut that off by reaching down and plunging both of his fingers into Loki’s sex. Loki moaned, her body clearly still sensitized by her recent climax. She spread her thighs, her wings thumping against the bed as she arched her back. Then Liam drew his fingers from her pussy lips, holding them before Loki’s eyes.

  “None of my cum,” he said.

  “Dang it,” Loki purred. “I didn’t cum again.”

  Liam laughed. “We do have a world to save...” He paused, then added under his breath: “Tomorrow.”

  Meg grinned as she watched Liam go to town on Loki.

  “It’s good to be home,” she said.


  New Athens.

  Liv watched the city grow as her small ship rose and fell on the waves.

  New Athens was the second finest thing that the Hellenic people had ever built on Purgatory. The first, of course, being Sparta. And nothing made Liv feel quite as confident as seeing that standard - the lambda - flying above and ever so slightly to the right of the Athenian one. The walls were festooned with hoplites and other soldiers, and as they sailed closer, Liv stood and lifted her sword above her head.

  “I am Livianna of Sparta, daughter of Ares! I come bearing news of the enemy!”

  As she spoke, Eerika remained by the body, her hand resting on the sail cloth they had used to cover Vulkis. It was the most they could do, but the boat had already started to smell sickly sweet.

  “Enter the harbor!” a voice called down from the walls. “Welcome home, Livianna of Sparta!”

  The dinghy bobbed into the harbor before the mighty defensive works moved into position. The walls had been built to block the harbor off – an immense sheet of bronze had been crafted to serve as the gate. Green with rust and barnacles, it had been blessed by Poseidon and crafted by Hephaestus. It would hold. As the harbor gate closed, Liv saw the greeting party approach. Men and women with spears and shields and - worse - officials.

  Liv sighed.

  This was going to be fun.


  “If I had known being a queen was this annoying, I’d have... well, I'd still have killed grandad,” Meg grumbled as she tossed the two valkyrie to the ground. Then, louder, she continued. “If I hear either of you insult a landling again, I will kick your fucking ass. This tribe’s going to change, and if you don’t fucking like it, challenge me.”

  The two valks shook their heads as they stood, rubbing where Meg had smashed their skulls against one another.

  “Now,” Meg said, waving her hand dismissively. “Wing along.”

  The valks took to their wings and soared off. The tribe was restive and grumbling – not happy about having to work with landlings. Tough. Meg would get them to understand that people were people, and that her grandfather was wrong. Fortunately, Mary had lent her not inconsiderable powers of persuasion to the task. She was the gentle, guiding, nurturing focus who could connect valkyrie to landling and bring about new understanding.

  And Meg was there to kick the people who were too rock stupid to understand things had changed in the head.

  “We make a good team,” Meg said to herself.

  “Queen Megara of Olympus!”

  The young man – dressed in the official uniform of the Cross Guard’s messengers – who ran up to her was cute enough to be slightly tempting. But Meg had to restrain herself. Even if her irritation at her own people was kicking up the urge to work stress out through fucking.

  “Free Lord Liam Godkiller requests your presence, and the presence of a member of your tribe,” the messenger said. “He says the name is...” He paused. “Sunchaser?”

  Meg’s brow furrowed and only a monumental effort kept her from asking who the fuck Sunchaser was.

  It took her a few minutes to track him down. He was in the docks, helping to unload a ship. He was easily the weediest, runtiest looking valk that Meg had ever seen. He strained with every crate he lifted off the ship, and his skin glistened with sweat in the daytime sun as he worked. Meg walked towards him. Sunchaser held up his hands.

  “I haven’t done anything!” he said, quickly. “I’ve stayed on task, I’ve been working hard, see, proof!”

  He gestured to two goblins who were working beside him.

  One of the goblins laughed. “The kid’s been as eager as a pup, m’lady.”

  Meg smirked. “You’re not in trouble... Sunchaser, right?”

  Sunchaser nodded. “That’s my name, Pure- uh, Meg. Queen Meg. Queen Megara! Q-Queen Megara of-”

  “Meg’s fine,” Meg said, crossing her arms under her breasts. She deliberately shelved them, arching her back slightly. To her interest, Sunchaser didn’t even seem to notice.

  “Well, uh, Meg, my name is Sunchaser. What do you need me for?”

  “No idea,” Meg said. “But Liam Godkiller has a plan. And the last time Liam Godkiller had a plan, he blew up a big chunk of this city.”

  Sunchaser looked less than thrilled.

  When the pair of them arrived in the Free Lord’s manor, they were escorted by the head servant Mutt to the meeting rooms. Liam had replaced his desk with an elongated table, where everyone could sit and be heard. Loki, Neb, Laurentinus, Vani, Mary, two men that Meg didn’t recognize and Liam all sat at the table. Liam beamed and stood as she walked in.

  “Meg, thanks,” he said. “This is Sunchaser?”

  “That’s him,” Loki and Meg said at the same time. Meg glared playfully at Loki. Loki stuck her tongue out at him.

  “All right!” Liam said, then walked forward to the table. “Everyone be seated. Today, we’re going to begin discussing how to win the war. Night-time observation and telescopic reconnaissance makes it clear. Within two or three days, Sysminor’s entire army – about ten thousand lizardmen, ten thousand huscrals, and assorted support staff from Olimurias – are going to arrive at New Athens. If they manage to hold off the initial assault, we are looking at a siege. If not, then the Hellenic league may fall as quickly as the Aesir.”

  The table looked

  Neb leaned forward. “The Pesedjeti are going to stand with us. The instant I rose from my sickbed, I prayed to Anubis, and heard a direct confirmation. Ra, Anubis and Set are sending their armed forces to Babylon. That’s almost fifteen thousand men and women.”

  “On Earth, Egypt used chariots,” Liam said, sounding uncertain.

  “No,” Neb said, shaking her head. “Not chariots. There are too many jungles, and charioteers are too expensive. Archers, mostly.”

  Liam nodded. “Integrating them into the Cross Guard may be tricky. But we can use the infantry and the archers. Guns are great, but until you hit really modern guns, bow and arrow beats them for speed and range.”

  Neb smiled.

  “It’ll still take us weeks to get there,” Laurentinus said. “More by land, less by going over the ocean. But the ocean is swimming with Aesir warships that are going to challenge and raid us the entire way.”

  Liam leaned back in his seat. “There are three people here that you may all be wondering about, by the way,” he said. “Sunchaser, Tefan and Paul.”

  The two new men nodded to the rest of the group. Sunchaser just looked confused.

  “It was an honor to be invited here,” Tefan spoke up, his voice soft and lilting despite his grizzled, sun worn face. His fingers were knotted with age, but still seemed quite graceful. “But, ah, I’m a potter, not a soldier. I don’t know how to win the war.”

  Everyone, on hearing that, paused, then turned to look at Sunchaser. Sunchaser looked terrified. Meg elbowed him.

  “I've no idea why I'm here!” he exclaimed. “I want to get to the sun! I’ve never tried the straight shot - even at night, that's suicide - but I’ve been further up than anyone else. The air gets thinner. The ground doesn’t pull at you. It’s fascinating!”

  Liam smiled. “That’s exactly why I wanted him here. Sunchaser, you say the ground doesn’t pull anymore?”

  He shook his head. “No. The pull gets less and less, and eventually, you reach an area where you... you feel like you are falling, but you stay in place.”


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