Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5)

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Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC Book 5) Page 16

by Jani Kay

  There was just one thing left to do. One thing that could still derail everything.

  The shooters were still out there, threatening everything we had.

  Summers and Savage never got their marks.

  It had to change. I wouldn’t rest until our enemies were gone.

  I had everything to lose. Everyone to protect.

  The game was far from over.

  *** The END ***

  The story continues in Razor and Lexi’s book: SHOOT THE MOON Book #6 in the Scorpio Stinger MC Series.

  Preorder available now.


  Book #6

  Find out what happens next in the Scorpio Stingers MC series.

  It’s rawer, it’s grittier and downright dirtier than any of the other books.

  If what’s happened before has shocked and delighted you, get ready to be rocked on a whole new level.

  Meet the anti-hero and the spitfire in SHOOT THE MOON.

  Razor & Lexi’s Story




  Shoot the Moon

  1. To attempt the near-impossible.

  2. To take a risk for great rewards.



  1. Morally ambiguous and flawed hero who is hard and jaded and not entirely pure but has hidden noble intentions.

  2. A bad boy with heroic qualities.

  3. Individuals who often possess dark personality traits such as disagreeableness and aggressiveness.




  1. A person, especially a girl or woman, who is of fiery temper and easily provoked to outbursts.

  2. Wild & free. Someone whose angry words sting like fire. Considered strong emotionally & spiritually.

  3. Someone who you don't want to be on the bad side of.



  Razor has some heavy boots to fill. He’s always lived in the shadow of his brothers and he’s sick of it.

  Lexi is wild and out of control. She won’t be told what to do and she has a filthy mouth that’s gotten her into more trouble than she can admit.

  He wants her from the first moment he lays eyes on her.

  She only has eyes for another man she can’t have.

  He’s determined to claim her and make her his.

  She fights him tooth and nail.

  Is Razor the one man who can tame Lexi and make her his?

  Available for Pre-order.

  Shoot The Moon Excerpt — Razor

  All my fucking life I’ve lived in the shadows of my brothers. Being the baby of the family and growing up without a mother meant I got the shit kicked out of me by the evil twin, Daemon, and my father, Chopper Malone. Cobra was the golden boy of the family and he made all the fucking rules as president of the Scorpio Stinger MC and I was sick of it.

  Yet it was a blessing in disguise. I was the toughest motherfucker of them all. Blood excited me. Caused an adrenaline rush like nothing else. So when everyone else was too much of a fucking pussy to do the job right, guess who was their number one man.

  Me, of course.

  Razor Malone. Mean badass motherfucker and proud of it.

  I didn’t disappoint. I never missed a target. If dirty work was required, consider it done.

  There was only one thing that could bring me to my knees. Raven haired, full body tattoos and piercings in the most provocative places made me drool. But it was her dirty mouth and I-don’t-give-a-fuck attitude that gave me a raging hard-on for Lexi Clarke.

  Lexi could simply turn me on with her wicked sexy as fuck smile. Even if that fucking smile was directed at Ryder, her eyes glued to him.

  Rage filled every inch of my six foot two frame when she looked at Ryder the way I wanted her to look at me. I’d fantasize about slitting Ryder’s throat with the razors imbedded into my biker boots so many times that I practically salivated over it.

  “You’re such a fucking slut.” Leaning over the sticky bar counter that had seen better days, I growled next to her ear. “Ryder’s cock belongs to Jade. He doesn’t see you sweetheart, he only has eyes for her.”

  Her cheeks reddened and her eyes blazed as she shoved me away. “Fuck off, Razor.”

  “Only if you come with me.” I took a sip of my beer and watched her pour another for Ox and slide it across to him.

  “When will you get it through your thick stupid skull that I don’t want you? I’m never going to fuck you, Razor, so quit wasting your time.” She looked around the club room. “There are plenty of whores who’ve told me all about your pierced cock, and I must admit that intrigued me, but it’s never going to happen. So suck it up and move the fuck on.”

  I loved a fucking challenge.

  “You like pierced cock, don’t you? Well, babe, you’re gonna drool when I fuck that dirty little mouth of yours. You don’t know what you’re missing, but I’m going to show you. I’m gonna have you screaming my name,” I smirked, “you’ll never want another cock as long as you live.”

  She laughed, her whole body shaking so that the tops of her tits jiggled in her low cut top. Lexi had a pair of knockers that could send a man to war. Once I’d had the pleasure of kissing the soft white flesh when she’d lost a bet. That was before she knew never to wager against me. I was a gambling man and I loved taking risks, especially for a payoff like that. I collected my prize with all the satisfaction of a cat who got the cream.

  She could resist all she liked. It made winning the prize so much more fun and rewarding. There was no doubt in my mind that I’d own her, make her come on my cock and possess not only her body, but her fucking cold as ice heart too.


  Available: December 5th 2016









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  AMAZON Author Page


  Jani Kay's Novels


  #1 Lost in France

  #2 No Regrets

  #3 Title TBA



  #0.5 Ryder Prequel

  #1 Two Worlds Colliding

  #2 Unchain My Heart

  #2.5 A Biker Christmas

  #3 Gods & Monsters

  #4 Tormented

  #5 Road To Destiny

  #6 Shoot The Moon



  #1 Debonair (Novella)



  Open Your Eyes

  Dirty Secrets (Previously titled Sex & Secrets)


  Firebird Trilogy

  Lost In France

  Book 1

  Adult Contemporary Romance

  Recommended: 18 +

  Jani Kay



  Book 1


  ISBN: 978-0-9923090-1-5

  Copyright 2013 JANI KAY

  All Rights Reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Artist: Cover It! Designs, Dress Your Books. by Ari

  Edited by: Marion Archer [Making Manuscripts]

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes, copied, or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except for brief quotations embodied for reviews.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

  If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy.

  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Adult content: Sexual Situations & Language

  Recommended 18 +

  Chapter 1

  “Be happy for me, Sis.” I swallowed the lump in my throat and smiled at a blurry Chloe. Her shimmering eyes caught mine for a moment as we said our goodbyes. Any more of this and I might just reconsider leaving. But I couldn’t. I had to go.

  “I am. Now that you’ve landed a fancy job with a ridiculous salary...but I’m going to miss you.” She blinked a few times and smiled back. “At least Lily and I get to stay in your cool apartment while you are gone.”

  “Yeah, so count your blessings, chicken.” I laughed at her excitement, even though my stomach dropped. I loved my apartment. It had been my home for close to a decade and it held everything I treasured in it. It was roomy by Melbourne standards, and extremely well located, so I was sure my two younger sisters would have a ball living there for the eight months I was away.

  Eight months.

  Lily stepped into my embrace. “Take care of yourself, Becca. I know you’re going to be a huge success. You deserve it.” Of the three of us, my baby sister was the eternal optimist—she always saw the glass half full.

  “I hope so, sweetheart,” I said, as I hugged her tight. Of everything I was leaving behind, it was leaving my sisters that was the hardest. OK, that’s not quite true. There was someone I would miss even more, but he was the exact reason I was doing this. My heart squeezed as I glanced at my watch—I was already running fifteen minutes late. He hadn’t come. It had to be a sign. I sighed and turned away so that Chloe and Lily couldn’t see the tears well up in my eyes.

  “Mom’s already waiting in the car. Gotta run.” I didn’t wait for the elevator; I had to leave before my courage left me.

  Halfway down the stairs, the shrill ringing of a phone brought me to a stop. I couldn’t breathe. Was it Julian? No. Why would he phone and not be here in person? Of course, it was just wishful thinking on my part. If Julian really wanted to stop me from leaving he would be here, wouldn’t he? Without looking back, I pushed through the door and scrambled into the waiting car.

  “Everything OK, Rebecca?” Mom had that look in her eyes that said she thought I was making a huge mistake. The biggest mistake of my life, she’d said last night. But we’d had the discussion and she knew I was determined as ever to do this. It was the opportunity of a lifetime—I’d assured myself of that over and over. Why wouldn’t I grab it with both hands?

  “Yip. I'm ready.” My voice sounded hollow even to myself, I just hoped I could bluff my way through this until I was finally on the plane taking me as far away from Julian as I could. I put on my brave face, especially for my mother, yet I knew by the way her mouth was set in a thin line that she wasn’t buying my story.

  “I still don’t understand why you have to go to another country to get away. There are plenty of jobs right here in Australia. You can still be close to us and be at another firm to where Julian is working.” Luckily she had to concentrate on the traffic, so she didn’t see the way I rolled my eyes.

  “Melbourne is a small place when you work in the same industry. There is every chance I will bump into him at work and client functions. And I just...can’t.”

  Hell, now that I’ve made up my mind, I won’t. Never again if I can help it. It’s over.

  She swerved for a taxi and cursed loudly, refusing to give way. I was used to that by now; we were similar in so many ways. I inherited my flaming red hair and my fiery temperament from my mother. Absolutely no doubt about that. Throw in the fact that we were both ruled by the planet Mars, and most people tried to avoid locking horns with us. Luckily, we were the only the two Rams in the family.

  Once we made up our minds about something, there was little that could persuade us otherwise. Mom knew there was no way she was going to convince me to stay. Yet, remarkably, she still tried.

  “Anyway, imagine the fun I’ll have working in Paris? It’s every career woman’s dream after landing her PhD in Business with honors. Besides, it’s only a flight away, you can visit when you miss me.” I joked, trying to lighten the mood.

  She smiled as she patted my hand. “I miss you already and you haven’t even boarded the plane. Since Dad died you have been my rock, helping me with your sisters—”

  My throat tightened. I didn’t want to start bawling my eyes out, so I stared out the window, even though everything was blurry. “You know why I have to go. I need to get away from Julian. Or else, it may not end well. And I can’t let that happen, I don’t want it on my conscience.”

  “Becca, he loves amount of running away is going to change that.”

  I shook my head. “I'm not running away, I'm merely starting my new career with a killer job in the most glamorous city in the world. What’s wrong with that?” I said brightly, trying my best to hide the sudden anxiety that gripped my insides.

  “All a mother ever wants is for her kids to be happy. I'm not sure hiding halfway around the world is going to help you find happiness.”

  Fortunately we had pulled up outside the departures gate. I leaned in and kissed her cheek. I sucked at goodbyes. Before she could say another word, I’d jumped out and rapped my knuckles on the boot for her to open. I quickly grabbed my suitcases and made my way toward the sliding doors. She stared at me with her mouth half open as I turned to blow her a kiss.

  Large tears were splashing on the lapel of my suit jacket. Sniffing, I wiped them with my shirtsleeves. Suck it up, Rebecca. This isn’t how the new Director of Marketing of Grant Global Industries should behave.

  A cocktail of emotions ran through me.

  Guilt. Apprehension. Excitement.

  Chapter 2

  Cursed. From the day I was born, thirteen days late. Twenty-nine years later, regardless of how hard I tried to break the spell, nothing had changed. I was still always late. And usually running. In heels.

  That’s why the announcement didn’t surprise me. “This is the final boarding call for passenger, Rebecca Clarke. Please make your way to gate eleven immediately.”

  Gate eleven. Finally I’d made it. “Just in time, Ms. Clarke,” the air-hostess hissed, a false smile plastered on her face. “We’re just about to shut the gate.” She scanned my documents and shoved them back into my hands with a look of disdain.

  Not waiting to hear if she had any other snide remarks, I rushed toward the aircraft, breathless. The bounce of the air bridge echoed my heartbeat: thump, thump, thump.

  Once on board, I scanned the luxurious cabin, there were three rows, with four seats in each row. The single seats were located next to the windows on both sides. My seat was in the middle section. Damn. I really wanted a window seat. I wasn’t in the mood for chitchat with a curious stranger.r />
  A tall, and typically elegant air-hostess, placed my cabin bag into the overhead compartment. “Welcome on board Air France, Ms. Clarke. My name is Candice, and I will be looking after you for the entire flight. So, please relax while I get you a drink. Champagne?”

  I nodded. Bring it on.

  Slowly I sank into my seat. Soft calf leather engulfed me. Bliss. The luxurious seat felt too big for one person. I strapped myself in, pulling the buckle tight. The lights dimmed and exhilaration surged through me as the massive aircraft gathered speed on the runway. The wheels popped, then we were in the air. This was really happening. Finally I was leaving Julian Palmer behind.

  I really needed to get away from it all: from the crazy rat race, from years of studies and research; but mostly from him.

  Exhausted, I closed my eyes. The shocked expression on his handsome face when I told him I was leaving still haunted me. It was the most difficult thing I’d ever done. A familiar shooting pain twisted in my heart. Julian had been a part of my life since high school. How was I going to survive for nearly a year without seeing his beloved face?

  Tears spilled from my eyes, rolling down my cheeks unchecked. My heart ached, I was acutely aware of its squeezing heaviness in my chest, stealing my breath. There was no point in pretending any longer, it was impossible to suppress my sobs; I allowed the sorrow to flow from me, my eyes pressed shut tightly.

  Fuck, I needed to get over the only man I’d loved all my life. I’d known this would be hard but I also knew with absolute clarity what I had to do—I needed to break all contact and brutally exorcise Julian from my mind and my heart. And, my treacherous body. The only way was to put distance between us.

  After what felt like an eternity, I opened my eyes. Pulling a tissue from my jacket pocket, I blew my nose hard and in a quite unladylike manner. Then I let out a deep sigh that reverberated through every cell in my body.

  Get a grip, Becca.

  We were up in the air; I was flying away—starting fresh. And there was nothing I could do about it now, no turning back. I had to learn to let go, to try to relax and enjoy the journey. I planned to savor every moment, see new places, and meet new people. Let my hair down for once and simply enjoy my life, unencumbered. This time I was determined to follow through on my decision.


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