Red Flags

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Red Flags Page 15

by C. C. Brown

  From Jacob Bradley

  I only asked because he was so frantic here, so I wasn’t sure how he was going to act once he got back home. A lot of stress here, that I am sure we cleared up, but he left feeling rather uneasy. He can be a damn head case at times; I think, somehow, you mellow him out.

  I quickly responded:

  To Jacob Bradley

  We haven’t gotten that far. I don’t really know why he had to rush out of here. He is being quite discreet. I don’t know if I mellow him out, but I do try.

  Hey, who is the pretty blond in your pics? Sorry for snooping.

  From Jacob Bradley

  That beautiful woman is my wife Heather. That excessively beautiful little lady is my daughter Abigail. No worries on snooping, I’ve done the same. Being discreet huh? Shame on him. Keep prodding; you will get him to crack.

  To Jacob Bradley

  I knew of Abigail. She is a doll. I am trying, he is one tough egg. LOL

  From Jacob Bradley

  He is breakable. Trust me!

  To Jacob Bradley


  My online conversation with Jacob was done, but now my mind was racing. I thought one thing and then immediately jumped to another. Why did he rush home? Jacob was vague with his answers, but much more forthcoming than Jason had been. I decided it was best to get it over with and speak to him, so I called him and asked him to meet me at a local ice cream shop, which he declined. He said he needed to speak to me in private, and a crowded ice cream shop, filled with the college scene just wouldn’t do. I offered for him to come to my apartment, which he declined, but quickly offered to pick me up and take me to his house. I hesitantly agreed to going to his house, but informed him that I was capable of driving myself. I got off the phone feeling vulnerable. Maybe agreeing to go to his house and being on his turf was a bad idea. I should have insisted on him coming back to my apartment, but then again, I was unaware of Chelsea’s and Mila’s plans for the night, and I wanted to be able to talk.

  I didn’t plan to go to Jason’s house until later that night, so I filled my day hanging out with Chelsea. We made a grocery trip, got pedicures, took her car to get detailed, and finally stopped at a small bistro for lunch. Chelsea had always been such a good friend to me that I felt compelled to keep her abreast of what was going on in my life.

  “Do you have plans tonight?”

  She nodded her head, unable to speak with a fork full of chicken Caesar in her mouth.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Going to some accounting dinner thing with Hunter and his family. Probably going to be incredibly lame and boring.”

  “Well, I’m off to La Jolla tonight,” I winced as I said it, waiting on the Chelsea Peters backlash.

  “Why? Make his ass come here.”

  “He offered, but I wasn’t sure if we would be alone, so I told him I would go there.”

  “Mila said she was staying home, I guess her and Ryan got into it this morning or something.”

  “Really? Well, he wasn’t happy about what I told him.”

  “Yeah, she was kind of a Bitter Betty this morning. I asked her about it and she said Ryan pretty much chewed her ass for the whole Jason thing.”

  “Well, that’s my brother and he’s going to stick up for me. What did she expect?”

  “I know. Where did you go this morning?”

  “I went to see Chase. I didn’t want him coming to the apartment with Mila home – that would just add more fuel to the fire.”

  “I figured. Well, please stick to your guns with Jason. Even if you take him back, make his ass feel your wrath. I wish I could say what I want to him right now,” she said, as she continued eating her salad.

  “I know you do and I am sure if you did, one of you would be dead.”

  “Wouldn’t be me love,” she snidely replied as she smiled her gorgeous smile while giving me a wink.


  By the time we got home, I had enough time to help Chelsea unload the groceries, shower, and hit the road. San Diego traffic on a Tuesday evening could be brutal, and without carpool, I was sure to get caught in it. I felt myself growing antsy the closer I got, and by the time I pulled up in front of Jason’s house, my hands were a moist mess. Why was I so nervous?

  I looked around, and my poor Civic was just out of place in Jason’s neighborhood. Of the cars that I could see, there wasn’t a single one that looked like is costs under $40,000. I stepped out of the car, and felt a bit relieved with the evening air hitting my face. Walking around the car, I sneaked a peek at myself in my car window, and ran my fingers through my hair. I doubted Jason was this nervous and to be quite honest, he should’ve been.

  I rang the doorbell, and within a few seconds he opened the door. He looked sensational in fitted jeans, with a black V-neck t-shirt, and black sandals. He greeted me, and took my hand, leading me into the kitchen, and handed me a glass of my favorite wine. I thanked him and looked around his immaculate place. It looked exactly the same as the last time I was there. Oddly, it felt like light years since I had been in his home, and being there made me miss it that much more.

  “I’m so glad you agreed to come, I didn’t think you would.”

  “At first I wasn’t going to,” stopping to take a sip of my wine, “but, I know I have to figure this out.”

  “He took a sip of his drink, and licked his top lip. “Figure what out?”

  “Us Jason.”

  “I fail to see what we need to figure out. We have things to talk about, but we’re okay.”

  I peered at him, dumbfounded. “How can you say that?”

  “Because Cara, I think you’re blowing this out of proportion. “I was wrong, I admit it, but going off the deep end isn’t the answer.” He grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and refilled his glass. I knew he had been drinking even before I got there. “Before we get all hot and heavy into this, I wanna eat. Are you hungry?”

  “Not really, but if you made food, I can eat.”

  “I threw some tri-tip on the grill; let’s go out to the patio.”

  Jason led me back to the patio where he had two place settings ready for dinner. I had to give him credit, when he wanted to be considerate, he could be. Making our way through dinner, I almost finished the entire bottle of wine. It was building up my courage so I went back to my line of questioning, trying to be direct – leaving him no loopholes to jump through.

  “So what was so important that you had to rush home Jason?” He lowered his eyes, and I had to assume it was from the shock of my frankness.

  “I already told you Cara, I will tell you when the time is right.”

  I sighed, frustrated as ever by his elusiveness. “That’s part of the problem; you can’t be forthcoming and honest. What happened to no secrets?” I knew throwing his words back at him would have an effect on him.

  “It’s not a secret, but I’m not going to give you half a damn story and can’t complete it. Look at you now,” he said, throwing back the last of his drink.

  “Well are you okay with whatever happened or didn’t happen?”

  “I guess I have to be, why?”

  “Just wondering. I just hope the amount of time you spent down there, not thinking about me, you figured out or solved whatever was wrong.” I could see him getting angrier by the second, but he was making a valiant effort to conceal it. “Jason, what’s more? You’ve been in contact with Mila, and that pisses me off. She and I had an argument this morning.”


  “Because, as my friend, she should have clued me in that you were back, and contacting her.”

  “I asked her not to. Didn’t know I was getting’ the poor girl raked over the coals.” He ran his hands through his hair in an obvious display of frustration.

  “Are you so clueless that you couldn’t predict how angry I would be?”

  “I honestly thought you would question me, but as angry as you are, it’s like I slept with her or something. And speaking of w
hich, seeing you with Chase made me want to fuckin’ destroy that guy. Did you fuck him?”

  “Are you shitting me? You can’t be serious?”

  “As a heart attack baby and watch your mouth.”

  I wasn’t going to be scolded by him, and certainly wasn’t going to allow his absurd line of questioning when I wasn’t the one on trial. He was the one that should be answering questions.

  “You are insane Jason. How could you think that?”

  “I know that fuckin’ idiot wants in your pants, and based on what I’ve been hearing, you have been pretty vulnerable.”

  “So you think I would just jump in bed with someone to solve my problems?” I was insulted and my fury was growing rapidly.

  “You jumped in bed with me.”

  My mouth fell. I couldn’t believe he said that with a straight face. True, I did sleep with him the first night that we ever truly talked, but that was out of the norm for me, and I now wished that I could take it back because I could see he was going to hang it over my head.

  “Fuck You Jason!” And, I slammed down my wine glass and stood up, storming back into the house, and grabbing my keys while heading for the door. He came running after me and stopped me at the front door. Grabbing me by my waist, he pleaded with me to stay and apologized, blaming his outburst on the whiskey. I was further reminded that I couldn’t legally drive myself home anyway, not after finishing an entire bottle of wine.

  “I’m going to keep on you,” I said, frowning at him, while feeling my heart beat a mile a minute.

  “Keep on me?”

  “Yeah. You’ll eventually crack, so I was told.”

  He looked at me, liked a dog trying to figure out a command. “Who told you that?”

  “It’s not important.” I walked past him straight for the living room, plopping down on the sofa and appreciating the soft cushion underneath, He trailed me, still looking puzzled.

  “Who told you that?”

  I knew he knew; he just wanted me to say it, so I gave in.


  His face turned so red that I thought he’d blow. The fury that spread across his face alarmed me, and I wished that I had kept my mouth shut.

  “You’re still talking to Jacob? What else did my dear fuckin’ brother tell you?”

  “Not much, so whatever your secret is, it’s safe. He was just asking if you were okay, and if we were okay.”

  In a flash, Jason darted for my purse and I ran after him. He reached in and grabbed my phone. I tried in vain to pull it out of his hands, but I was fighting a losing battle. He tapped the Facebook app, and my messages opened. I tugged on his arm and struggled to free the phone from his grip, but he was relentless in his quest to know what we had been talking about. Calling his name and trying to take possession of my phone was doing nothing but exhausting me.

  “So, he wants you to come to Texas? This sly little attempt to fill you in is so Jacob. What a fucking bastard!”

  “You are so gosh damn vague that I cannot possibly understand the depth of your hatred for your brother. You have to give me something Jason.”

  “I have. I told you not to communicate with him; that I can’t fuckin’ stand him, and that we will probably never get along. That isn’t enough?” His breathing was erratic; he shut his eyes.

  “No it isn’t. Why can’t I know why?” I crossed my arms, determined not to relent and, just like that, he walked out of the room and into his office. I followed him and found him on the phone.

  “Heather, its Jason, where’s Jacob?” He barked, in a rather brash tone. “Well, put him on the phone.”

  I stood in the doorway, disgusted by his tone with Heather; she looked like such a nice wholesome girl, and didn’t deserve the wrath that he had for his brother. I couldn’t hear Jacob on the line, so I only got a one-sided conversation, but trying to fill in the blanks, I could tell that Jacob wasn’t intimidated by Jason in the least bit.

  “Seriously Jacob? You think it’s okay to talk to Cara behind my back?” He paused, waiting for Jacob’s response.

  “Well, she is off limits to you. I thought I made that clear.” And, there was another pause.

  “You know what, fuck you, you piece of shit. You’re lucky I didn’t beat you to a pulp while I was there and had the chance to.” Jason’s fists were clinched, and I knew if Jacob were here, they would be in a full on brawl. “I’ll tell you what, contact her again, and I’ll be on the first flight to give you and old fashioned ass whoopin’.” Then he slammed down the phone and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked up at me, eyes stone cold and froze me right where I stood.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I stared at him, almost positive I wasn’t going to get a straight answer.

  “Cara!” he yelled, looking at me exhaustedly.


  “Don’t what me. Why is it so important for you to talk to him?” His southern drawl so thick that it made me painfully aware that he was on the verge of erupting.

  “It’s not. He was asking how I was doing, how we were doing, so I answered him, didn’t want to be rude.”

  “Rude? Fuck being rude. You were fishing for information and he was hoping you would find it without him implicating himself.” He walked over to me, like a predator stalking his prey. “He is a fucking snake, and will use you Cara, use you to get to me. Stay the fuck away from him.”

  I looked down, and Jason tugged me into him, my head in his chest, and I began to sob. This day had been yet another rollercoaster. How did I go from feeling powerful and in charge, to being reprimanded and crying? We stood in each other’s embrace for a few minutes, and he allowed me to cry. He ran his fingers through my hair, apologizing repeatedly, while trying to stop my cries. I pulled away and looked at the clock on the wall showing eight fifteen. I told Jason that I had a bag full of clothes that I kept in my car, so he went out to get it.

  When Jason returned, I was in his bathroom, running the water for a hot shower. He asked if he could join me and I obliged. The shower was just the right temperature, and the overhead stream was therapeutic, which I desperately needed after the day that I'd had. We got into the shower and stood under the overhead, taking in the gratifying message as the beads hit our heads and rolled down our bodies. He cupped my chin in his hand, and tilted my head up ever so slightly.

  “I’m sorry babe. I can’t let my temper get the best of me,” he whispered, “not where you’re concerned.” and with his other hand, he wiped the slow, trickling tears from my face.

  I put on a brave smile, and slowly nodded my head. Words failed me at the moment, and somehow, it’s okay, just doesn’t seem sufficient.

  Jason took the sponge and proceeded to wash my body. I returned the favor, and soon we were both covered in a rich, decadent smelling lather. After a few moments of just basking in the lather and steam, we rinsed off, and exited the shower.

  Jason towel dried my hair, and I was reminded of how much he enjoyed my curly tresses. I actually enjoyed him doing that, so I relaxed and let him work his magic. When he finished, I put my panties on, and walked over to the bed. I was emotionally spent, so bed was all that was on my mind. He fished some boxers out of his drawer and after putting them on, walked over to the bed to join me.

  “Cara, I can’t tell you enough how sorry I am for losing my temper with you today.”

  “We both got a little out of hand today. I’m sorry too.” I sniffed my nose, and shook my head. “Today was so unlike me.”

  “I know and the alcohol didn’t help.”

  “Didn’t help you either, I think whiskey fires you up.”

  “It’s one of a few.”

  I knew his brother, and even me were on that list. He handed me the remote control to the TV, and I placed it on the nightstand next to the bed.

  “I don’t feel like watching TV right now, I just want to lie in your arms and fall asleep.”

  He smiled at me, “then that’s what we’ll do.”

; In what felt like a matter of seconds, I was lost in a deep sleep.


  I woke up, alone and glanced at the clock to find that it was only two thirty-three in the morning. Where was Jason? We went to bed on such a good note that I was hoping he didn’t start thinking about the absurdity of me and Chase and throw himself back into a violent rage.

  I walked out of the bedroom and followed the blue light of the TV into the living room. Jason was on the couch with a beer in his hand, staring at the TV, but not necessarily taking in anything that was actually on the screen. He was startled by my presence, but shifted to a welcoming smile. He tapped the couch, signaling me to come over and sit next to him.

  “Why are you up?” He asked, his voice full of concern.

  “I don’t know. I woke up and you weren’t there. Why are you up?”

  “I couldn’t sleep. I was tossing and turning all night, and you were sleeping so peacefully that I didn’t want to wake you.” His tone was low and longing.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Everything. I wasn’t sure if you had gone to bed with us being okay or not, and I couldn’t bear for you to go to bed being mad at me. If there is one thing my Mama has always told me, it’s never go to bed angry. I’m trying.”

  “Guess that’s why I’m up. I wanted to make sure we were okay after the horrendous day that we had yesterday.”

  He smiled a genuine smile at me and laid me down with him, my head on his chest. He gently massaged my head, and I allowed myself to escape with his touch.

  “You are so amazing Cara. I mean, I know I don’t deserve you, and yet somehow, you’re here.”

  “Shhh,” I replied, “too heavy a conversation at this hour. Plus, I’m still tired.”

  He propped me up, stood, carried me down the hall, and laid me down in the bed. He joined me, and I ran my fingers over his beautiful face. There was definitely something eating away at him, but right now was not the time to play Perry Mason. He took my finger and kissed it, softly. I felt my skin tingle at the sensual touch of his lips, and I leaned over and planted an emotionally charged kiss on him. He thrusts his hands into my hair, while his tongue entered my mouth. I joined him, and the passion that was the foundation of this dysfunctional relationship had entered our realm once again. As we pulled away, we gazed into each other’s eyes, not saying a word. We gave mutual smiles, and I lay my head down on his chest. No words necessary, no sex necessary, just our affection for one another, and the realization that as fucked up as this relationship had been, we both wanted it, so we were going to make it work.


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