Red Flags

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Red Flags Page 18

by C. C. Brown

  Jason turned me over to face him and without saying a word, dove into my mouth, with every ounce of him. I quickly returned the favor, and relished the fact that this beautiful man, as moody as he could be, was fully attuned to me. My body was sending shock waves through me all thanks to the performance of Jason. He pulled the blankets down, and as my eyes measured him up, I was met with his rock hard erection. He focused on my bruises, and worked very gently around them. He had his left hand underneath me, holding my behind, his right hand fondling my breasts, while his tongue continued its onslaught against me. My body was bucking and quivering, but that didn’t deter him, in fact, it encouraged him, and he picked up the pace. The fact that he had yet to say a word was a bit mysterious, but I didn’t have the capability to think about that any deeper.

  I took both of my hands and thrust them into his hair, tugging and pulling as hard as I could. He was being aggressive, so I figured it was best to return the favor. He shook his head, trying to remove my hands, but to no avail. Finally, he took both of my hands, over my head, and held them down. He began kissing and licking my neck, knowing that was the soft spot that broke down my will power. The more he kissed, the less I was able to fight back.

  He worked my neck for the next couple of minutes, moving more and more vigorously the more I moaned. My breasts were next in the order of attack. The bites, the licks, the tongue flicks, all sent shocks down my thigh, straight to my crotch, making me tingle in ways that screamed for him to enter me.

  My hips were severely bucking now, and I finally caught a slight glimmer of a smile on his face. He started licking, from my breasts, down to the middle of my torso, swirling his tongue around my belly button and finally landing at the entrance of my crotch. I felt it swelling, and the longer he was there, the more it throbbed for his entry. He sucked, deep, slow suctions, making me cry out for more. Finally, his hands made their way down there, but only to open me up so that his tongue could enter with incredible depth. He twirled his tongue around in circular motions, building my orgasm. Just when I was on a full-fledged erotic breakdown, he pulled back, sat up on his knees, and rammed his rock hard length into me. The force with which he entered, and the rigidity of his length, sent my body into shock. I was already on the edge, and now I felt like I might shatter into a million pieces. He was working me carefully, slowly, as if he was trying to savor every moment of this.

  I kept my eyes open just long enough to see pure satisfaction on his face. He picked up the pace, moving rapidly, and I could tell he was building. Very careful of my thigh, he grabbed hold of my legs and lifted them, allowing himself the space to move even deeper. I felt myself crumbling, and no amount of wincing or clawing was going to stop what was coming. I threw my head back and allowed my body to explode. It felt like an out of body experience. I had come before, with Jason, so this level of euphoria was quite the mystery. He pounded into me three more times before arching his back, and growling something completely inaudible. After filling me, he lay down on my chest, blew out a few deep breaths, and then slowly pulled out of me. I could feel myself contracting with every inch that slid out.

  After a few silent minutes, he looked at me and finally spoke. “It’s been way too damn long.”

  “Is that what that was about?” I asked, still confused as to what had come over him.

  “That and the fact that I hate being doubted.”


  “Yes, doubted.”

  I was at a complete loss; I had no clue what he was referring to when he said doubted. I looked at him, my face had confused written all over it, and he took it in his hands and peered into my eyes. “It’s been much too long since I’ve had that pleasure, and you need to know, I am only capable of fucking one girl at a time like that.”

  “You’re referring to Stacey?” I asked, sounding like a complete airhead.

  “Yes. I thought about it in the pool and it just pissed me off. This is reserved for you, and that is reserved for me. I can’t and I won’t have anyone else, and for your doubts, and my depravity, you just got a serious necessity fuck.”

  “Necessity fuck?” I asked, half amused by his lingo.

  “Yes, it was necessary that I enjoyed what I’ve been missing, while you learned that I only fuck one body at a time that way.” I looked for a hint of a smile, but got nothing. His face was stern, and he looked all business. “Don’t doubt me.”

  I took his words and his demeanor with all sincerity, but there was a rebellious part of me that figured if this was what I got when I doubted him, that I should doubt away.

  Chapter 11

  The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. We decided that Easter would be spent at the Nakamura home, and while I loved Mila’s family, I was still a bit apprehensive about spending the day with her. We hadn’t had a chance to have a substantive talk since the last time we engaged in our shouting match, but Jason assured me that everything would be just fine. Ryan being there would certainly ease the tension, but I wanted to make sure we had a nice holiday for everyone involved.

  Chelsea was beyond pissed that we hadn’t chosen to spend the holiday with her and her family, pointing out that we were already right there in La Jolla; she swore that Jason was behind this, and while in a sense he was, I didn’t want to confirm it. I made sure to point out that I wanted to be where Ryan would be, which was true, and left it at that.

  Chelsea was also angry that we had declined on the concert that was mentioned to me by Chase. I didn’t need another run in with those two, and honestly, wasn’t up for the crowds. She and Hunter went and said they had an amazing time, but I just wasn’t in the mood.

  Easter Sunday came quickly, and after speaking briefly with my parents, Jason and I headed out to church. The church was packed to capacity, and I was reminded that while I was in no way a strict Christian, the once a year churchgoers were out in full force. Jason and I sat in the fifth row, listening intently to Pastor Mark give the Resurrection Day sermon. The songs that preceded his remarks had a few tears straggling down my face. My parents had always tried to raise us according the scripture, and I couldn’t help but feel like I had fallen off the wagon. I knew I was happy with Jason, but I periodically wondered if I was supposed to be with him. We had gone through so much in such a short amount of time; any normal functioning human being would have had questions. Jason noticed my tears, wiped them gently, and kisses my hand. The rest of the service was filled with laughter, nods, tears, and appreciative applause from the congregation. Looking around, Ryan was nowhere to be seen, so I assumed that he went to church with Mila and her family.

  After church we were cornered by all of my parents’ friends who made small talk by inquiring about their vacation. I made sure to introduce Jason to all of them, to include Pastor Mark and his wife. Jason was comfortable speaking to anyone, and instantly charmed everyone who met him.

  On our way back to Jason’s house he kept his right hand on my thigh the entire way. The Shelby was the ride of choice, since it was such a beautiful day in San Diego. Riding along the coast with the top down, my hair blew freely in the wind. Jason was focused on the road ahead, his tanned skin glistening in the sun, with dark Oakley’s on his face, was surely a sight for sore eyes. As we pulled into the driveway, he suddenly couldn’t contain a smile that had spread across his face. I scrunched my eyes in suspicion, wondering what he was up to.

  “What’s got you so happy?” I asked, barely containing a smile of my own.

  “You’ll see. Come on.”

  Jason practically pulled me into the house, and straight into the backyard. Upon first glance, nothing looked any different from what we normally saw, but after taking a second look, I spied a shiny golden basket sitting on the patio table with instructions. Jason had put together the egg hunt that he promised me. My eyes shot open, and I turned to him, completely unable to hide the smile that had taken over my face.

  “Oh My Gosh! You were serious,” I said, still a bit shocked that he actu
ally followed through with it.

  “I told you I wanted to have an egg hunt. Now, grab your basket, because there are 15 eggs hidden out here, whoever gets the most, wins.”

  “Wins what?” I asked, puckering my lips; knowing full well that I knew what he meant.

  We started our search, and although I felt completely juvenile, I had to admit that this was actually fun. I hadn’t enjoyed an egg hunt since I was probably 12 years old, and the fact that this one had stipulations attached to it made it that much more intriguing. I found two eggs over by the fence line, and then two more over by the path leading to the pool. Jason was running around the backyard like a carefree kid, collecting eggs left and right. I moved to the outdoor kitchen area and found an egg hiding in a cubby. A couple more eggs were hidden by the door leading to the garage, and I realized that I was probably close to winning. I ran by Jason and tried to knock his eggs out of his basket, hoping to collect a few. He stopped and stared at me, and I did the same.

  “How many eggs do you have?” he asked, trying to catch his breath.

  I counted my eggs, “seven,” I pompously answer, “I only need one more,” I said, with the smuggest smile I could muster.

  He looked at me, and I knew we were down to one final egg. Whoever found the last egg would win the hunt, and even though I knew there was a delicious prize awaiting me if I lost, I was much too competitive and needed to win. We both went in search of the egg and after back tracking all of our steps, decided that the final egg was not in the backyard. We ran to the front of the house, searching frantically, but came up empty handed. I walked back to the backyard and tried to think of places that I had not previously looked. Jason came walking in behind me but went in the opposite direction. Just then, a glimmer in the pool caught my eye, and evidently caught Jason’s attention as well, because he stopped and looked at me. Before I was even aware of what we were doing, Jason and I were both diving into the pool, fully clothed, in hopes of recovering the game winning egg.

  I could feel Jason’s hands on my back, trying to move me out of the way. I kicked harder, making my way down to the egg, but Jason somehow managed to hold me back, plunging even deeper into the water, and making his way triumphantly to the surface with the egg in hand. I came up, spitting water, and stared at his victorious fists pumping on the water.

  “Ha! I win,” he yelled, smiling so broadly that I could see every tooth in his mouth.

  It suddenly dawned on me that this entire game may have been rigged, and I decided to call it a forfeit on his behalf.

  “You cannot win Jason, this entire hunt was rigged.”

  “How so?” He asked, playfully insulted by my insinuation.

  “Um, because you hid the eggs. You knew where every single egg was, so this was not a fair fight.”

  He swam over to me, “try again gorgeous. I had Patrick hide them and you can ask him. No cheating here, you will just have to pay up,” his arrogance filled the pool.

  “I guess… but we need to get ready to go to dinner.”

  He smiled, got out of the pool, and carried me into the house, soaking wet, but because of his joy, not caring in the least bit.


  We took the Shelby to Mila’s parents’ house, hair flapping in the wind, carefree as ever.

  Jason’s peach pies, that he refused to clue me in on how to make, were sitting in the backseat, smelling enticingly delicious. As we pulled onto the tree lined street housing the Nakamura home, I felt a sudden twinge in my stomach. Was this a sign that things weren’t going to go well? Jason drove slow, taking in the beautiful scenery.

  The Nakamura’s house was a stunning beauty. The white two story home, adorned with outdoor, metal sconces, had strategically placed tree sculptures, and a circular driveway leading to the soaring, red front door.

  Jason helped me out of the car and my purple sun dress flapped in the breeze. He took my hand, leading me to the front door, with his peach pies in his other hand. Dr. Nakamura greeted us, and I proceed to introduce Jason. He took the pies and led us into the living room. Mrs. Nakamura greeted us, and was especially taken by the beauty of Jason. Seriously? Who wouldn’t be? Ryan made his way out of the kitchen to greet us, with Mila’s 15 year old brother Kato right behind him. I hugged them both, and watched Jason and Ryan exchange pleasantries. Mila came walking out, and the awkward moment I had been waiting for had finally arrived. She embraced Jason in a rather strong hug, throwing me back a bit. She turned to me and smiled, making her way over in my direction.

  “Well Happy Easter to you too Pinks,” she said, batting her eyelashes at me. I saw she was in a playful mood, so I relaxed a bit.

  “Happy Easter Mila,” I said, thankful that the old Mila seemed to be back.

  “Hey, we’re over that Pinks. We’re going to have a great day, and forget about all of that shit, okay?” I nodded my head and we hugged, much to the delight of the guys who were watching intently, probably hoping we didn’t ruin Easter for everyone around.

  Dinner was amazing. Mrs. Nakamura outdid herself, making a roast duck, pineapple ham, mashed potatoes, a broccoli and cheese casserole, and homemade dinner rolls. Jason’s peach pie, a recipe from his grandmother that he refused to share, was a hit for dessert. As the guys made their way outside to the outdoor gazebo in the backyard, Mila and I walked to the front to sit on the steps and talk.

  “Pinks, I have to say, I’m glad you’re here.”

  I smiled at her, “I’m glad to be here, I was a little nervous to come.”

  “I know, and truthfully, I was too.”

  My eyebrows shot up. I was shocked by her admission because Mila was rarely nervous about anything. “The fact that you’re calling me Pinks puts me at ease, because a week ago you were referring to me as Cara,” I smiled and giggled. She wrapped her arms around me in a genuine I-miss-you hug. Shortly after, the guys called us to the backyard for pictures. The Nakamura’s backyard was on par with a botanical garden, so the picturesque landscape served as the perfect backdrop for Easter photos. All of the girls posed together, followed by the guys. The Nakamura’s took a family shot, followed by the couples. As I watched Ryan and Mila, I still felt a bit of apprehension, but not nearly as badly as I had the week before.

  Jason and I took a few, using Dr. Nakamura’s camera as well as my cell phone. After a few laughs, Jason and I headed out, knowing we had classes in the morning. We hugged and thanked the Nakamura’s for their hospitality and Ryan and Mila walked us out.

  “Hey Cars, thanks for coming, I enjoyed spending the day with all of us together.”

  I gave Ryan a snide sneer, and pat his back. “I know you wanted to spend the day with Mila, it was the least I could do.”

  “Are you two okay?” he asked, looking hopeful for the correct answer.

  “Yes, we are fine. Everything is okay Ryan,” I watched as the wide eyed curiosity left his eyes. He kissed my forehead and stood with his arm around Mila’s waist as Jason escorted me to the car. We drove away and I felt a sense of calm come over me; we had made it through dinner, Mila and I had officially made up, and everyone was happy. The pessimistic side of me wondered when all of the happiness was going to come crashing down, because it felt like we could never be happy for too long.

  Jason turned on the radio, closed the top, and put the heater on low. The temperature outside had dropped to a chilly 52 degrees, so the open top was a no go at night. I opened my camera on my phone and posted the photos from the day to my Facebook account. When I finished, I placed my phone in my purse and took Jason’s hand while we drove off into the San Diego darkness.


  By the time we reached La Jolla, I was exhausted and dreading my early morning awaiting me. Jason walked me into the house and stopped at his office to check on some things. I went into his bedroom, and while undressing for my shower, I tapped my Facebook app on my phone, finding quite a few notifications. Chelsea made a few sarcastic remarks on the pictures that I posted, but two of the notifications
stood out in particular. Jacob had commented on every single picture, and on two of them, Heather Bradley had also left comments. My mind drew a blank for a moment, but then I remembered that Heather Bradley was Jacob’s wife. None of the comments were derogatory, but I had a feeling Jason wouldn’t be pleased with them. Call me a masochist, but I wanted to get to know them, and Heather looked like a nice person that I could get close with. I decided to respond, fully aware, that this could turn into an argument, but I didn’t really care. Jason would, at some point, have to fill me in if he wanted me to be anti- Jacob.

  After responding, I jumped into the shower, and with absolute haste, I washed my hair and my body, shaved my legs, and got out. I decided that I would write Heather and try to get a little more information out of her.

  To Heather Bradley

  Hi Heather, it’s Cara. I have been in touch with your husband and thought I would introduce myself. I have been seeing Jason for a short amount of time, but I would like to know his family. Jacob has been rather friendly, even inviting me to Texas for the Charity Dinner. I do hope if I come, we will get the opportunity to meet.

  I left it at that and crawled into bed. I figured Jason wouldn’t know that I was communicating since it was by message, and not in public view. He was such an enigma, and my curiosity wouldn’t allow me to just let this rest. There was obviously a reason that he didn’t want me to know his family, and if he wouldn’t tell me, then I would have to have someone tell me. Just as I lay my phone down, it buzzed, and I saw a reply message from Heather.

  From Heather Bradley

  Hi Cara. Does Jason know you are talking to Jacob? Probably not or I’m sure there would have been an end put to it. Does Jason know that you want to come to Texas?

  I gawked at her reply. It was definitely not what I was expecting. Her reply came across concerned, nervous, and anxious. What is the big deal that no one will let on to? Jason came strolling into the room, and my guilt ridden face gave me away long before I could say anything.


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