One Wild Night

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One Wild Night Page 8

by A. L. Jackson

  “I would never—”

  “Do you know how many of Paxton’s playthings I’ve dealt with? I let him have his fun, he gets his rocks off, and then I come in for the sweep. And let’s just say that job keeps me plenty busy. Paxton knows the game. Hell, he hired me for it. But every once in a while…someone slips through the cracks…someone who looks so innocent and sweet, Paxton doesn’t have the first clue what she’s really up to.”

  Insecurity bubbled in my chest, and I fisted my hands. “I’m not trying to take advantage of Pax. I don’t want anything from him.”

  She scoffed. “Then what are you doing here?”

  “Spending time with him.”

  Low laughter rocked from her throat, and she edged forward. “Do you really think I’m that stupid? That clueless? Maybe Paxton is, but the truth of the matter is, he really doesn’t have to worry about any of that, now does he? He doesn’t have to deal with the consequences or the shit he leaves behind it. No. That’s my job. And I’m damned good at it.” She jabbed a red, manicured finger into my chest. “Don’t think for a second that’s going to change now.”

  She turned on her heel and moved down the lit pathway toward her seat. My hand shot out to keep myself from falling, and I forced myself to pull in deep breaths as I fought against the heartbreak that came rushing in to blot out the excitement.

  What the hell was I doing?

  Did I really think this was a good idea?

  That this would solve any of my problems?

  So I liked Paxton.

  Actually liked him.

  That definitely didn’t change either of our circumstances.

  Kendall’s words spun through me. Do you really think you’re any different?

  Bitter laughter rushed up my throat. Maybe I had.

  With my head held low, I shuffled back to my seat.

  A small yelp left me when a hand snatched me around the wrist. Warmth spread, and I was hauled onto Paxton’s lap. He was sitting up, my legs straddling his waist, my chest beating against his.

  His insanely handsome face was barely visible in the shadows, his voice rippling with the accent that made my knees weak. “What the fuck did she say to you?”

  “I don’t… I don’t want to cause any trouble for you Pax. I should just—”

  “Fuck her.” He cut me off. “Fuck her and whatever she told you or made you believe. Fuck her for making you question coming with me. I know she’s looking out for me, because that’s her job, but she doesn’t always know what’s best for me. She doesn’t always know what I want.”

  My head shook. “You don’t even know me.”

  The reality was, I could be one of those girls. The premiere could have been a total set up. An elaborate plan Elle and I had concocted to get me close to the world’s most sought-after bachelor.

  But it wasn’t. Our meeting hadn’t been anything close to that.

  Did that really matter to him or was this just another mess he was all too happy to leave Kendall to clean up?

  He brushed the back of his fingers down my cheek, then cupped them in his big, strong hands. “No…you’re right, Kaylee Rose. I don’t. But I want to. These press junkets—the premieres and the parties—it gets so damned old, Kaylee. So old it blurs and becomes another part of the job. This is the first time I’ve been excited about one in years.” He squeezed my face in emphasis. “Years. That’s because of you. And I won’t let her take that away.”


  His name came out so soft. In relief. In need. In all the confusion that had become my life.

  He edged forward. His words were nothing more than a breath whispered near my mouth. “I could make a call and have just about any woman waiting in London for me, Kaylee Rose. But there’s one I want. Only one I haven’t been able to get off my mind.”

  He leaned in, his mouth murmuring against the sensitive flesh of my ear. “You.”

  I panted. Actually damned panted at a single word. Or maybe I was panting because of his body. Because of his possessive grip or his cock that grew hard and thick between us.

  Oh, God.

  I rocked against him, suddenly overcome with the need for this man to touch me.

  “Kaylee,” he murmured. His hands trailed down over my shoulders, tracing my ribs, before one hand was cupping my knee. He eased it up my thigh and under my skirt.

  I inched up a fraction to make him room, and I bit down on my bottom lip when he dipped his fingers beneath my underwear and slicked his fingers through my folds. I buried a needy gasp in his neck when he brushed my clit.

  He edged back to capture my attention. “I think you have the answer to every single one of those questions running through that pretty little head of yours right here, Kaylee Rose. Right here in this sweet pussy that is begging for more.”

  He pushed two fingers inside me, and my breath caught.

  “Tell me you want more,” he demanded.


  I wanted more. I wanted everything.

  He kept us nose to nose, his breaths clouding my senses as he lifted me higher and higher. My fingers dug into his shoulders as pleasure gathered fast, and part of me couldn’t believe what I was doing.

  On a plane.

  But the part of me that’d agreed to follow him to London didn’t care.

  She was too caught up. Taken by this man in a way she shouldn’t be.

  And she was going to enjoy every second of it.

  Pleasure rocketed through every inch of my body. I buried a scream in his shoulder when I came, riding wave after wave as he pressed a bunch of kisses to my forehead.

  I shivered, and this gorgeous man smirked as he eased his fingers out of me, his sexy voice back to murmuring in my ear. “Let’s go ahead and call that another one of the perks.”

  Chapter 12


  With a small thud, our plane hits the ground in London. I can't take my eyes off Kaylee, but her eyes are glued to the new world outside the window of the plane. Her fingers grip the edge of her seat as her head bobs from side to side as we taxi to the gate.

  When she finally pulls her attention back inside the plane, she turns to me with the biggest smile. Sheer excitement is written on her face, and she all but bounces excitedly in her seat.

  “Ready?” I ask her as I unbuckle my seatbelt before the chime tells me I can. She nods quickly, unbuckling herself.

  When the plane finally stops, I stand and stretch, catching sight of Kendall over my shoulder, her cell phone already pressed to her ear. She's sending me a non-verbal warning, a stern message with only her eyes as she has an entirely different conversation with whomever she's speaking with on the phone.

  I gather Kaylee, pulling her in for a quick kiss as we deplane. With her tucked closely to my side, I don't bother to wait for Kendall. “Fair warning,” I begin as we descend the jetway into the terminal. “The paparazzi are just as bad here as they are in L.A. They come out of nowhere and when you least expect it. Don’t let your guard down, they’re everywhere. Same rules apply. Don't say a word. Don't make eye contact. Just move.”

  “Got it.” She pulls me tighter to her, her fingers pressing into my side. I hate that these vultures won't leave us alone, and instinctively I want to protect her from them. We're chauffeured into a line that's shorter and more obscure for our passport check—and I'm thankful for this. Kendall has caught up to us but keeps her distance—though I can feel her anger from ten feet away.

  The passport check is quick, and we're on our way to claim our baggage in no time. Kaylee's fingers are laced through mine as we try to blend in with the crowds of other travelers. It's hard not to notice Kaylee's eyes darting from side to side, checking out every person in our path. Her fingers squeeze mine harder as the crowd lightens and we become more visible.

  As we arrive at baggage claim, Kenneth, Kendall's 'right arm' in the UK, has all of our baggage already on a cart and is waving us in his direction.

  “Paxton,” he says in
his thick British accent, offering me his hand to shake. “Good to see you, man.” His handshake is firm and fast. Kenneth is the epitome of professional. He’s direct, buttoned-up and doesn’t play the bullshit games that Kendall does.

  “And this must be the lovely Kaylee.” He leans in and air kisses both of her cheeks. She blushes but offers him a courteous smile in return. “You two have really made a splash the last forty-eight hours,” he laughs, holding onto her hand. “I'm Kenneth. Publicist extraordinaire on this side of the pond. But don't get too excited. You'll never be rid of her.” He nods his head over Kaylee's shoulder just as we hear Kendall approach, her heels clicking on the tile floor.

  He smirks at Kendall who ignores him and continues chatting away on her phone. “I see she's still charming as ever,” he mumbles under his breath as he rolls his eyes.

  “Now that you're all here, I have a car waiting. It's a shit show out there,” he huffs as he pushes the luggage cart. “Head down. Walk fast. Don't take any questions.”

  “Pax already warned me,” Kaylee politely tells Kenneth as we fall into line behind him.

  “And here,” he reaches for a pair of sunglasses he has tucked into his button up shirt. “Put these on. You look like shit.” He shoves the sunglasses at me as Kaylee giggles.

  I slide the Ray Ban aviator glasses on and pull Kaylee close to me as the large sliding glass doors open and the assault of flashing lights and questions begin.



  “Kaylee! We'd love an exclusive interview with you!”

  The screams, questions, and flashes are overwhelming even for me, I can’t imagine what Kaylee is feeling. She tucks her head into my chest, and I wrap a protective arm around her shoulders pulling her closer. Right where I want her, in my arms.

  A large black SUV waits at the curb with the rear doors open. I begin walking us faster toward the car as Kenneth uses the luggage cart to his advantage, clearing a direct path to the waiting SUV. I damn near shove Kaylee into the back seat, before slamming the door behind us and locking it.

  “Holy shit,” she mumbles, brushing her hair out of her face. “Kenneth was right. They're just as bad here as back home.”

  “Fucking animals,” I bark as the car is surrounded by flashing lights and people banging on the windows.

  “Sir?” the driver says loudly, getting our attention. “Buckle up. We're going to be making a fast exit once we get our final passenger loaded.”

  Poor Kenneth is loading luggage into the back of the SUV as Kendall sits quietly in the front seat, face pressed to the window, ignoring Kaylee and I in the backseat. Kaylee shoots me a look of concern, and I brush it off with a shake of my head. Kendall can be a complete bitch when things don't go exactly her way. She's pouting, and I refuse to play her games.

  With the slam of a door, Kenneth slides in next to Kaylee, sandwiching her between us.

  “Go!” he hollers, and the driver makes the exit he warned us about, fast and abrupt. We're not even out of the airport when Kenneth pulls his phone out and begins dolling out orders.

  “Pax,” he begins. “Thursday night is the premiere. But tomorrow you have an appearance on the Graham Norton show and interviews with the BBC and a whole shitload of radio interviews. Radio will be done from your suite bright and early. Kendall will take the lead on the radio. I'll be by with a car to take you to Graham Norton immediately following.”

  “Got it.” I nod.

  “That leaves some downtime for you and Ms. Kaylee to explore London. I can make arrangements for dinners or shows should you wish. Just ask, and I’ll make it happen.” I can’t think of anything other than getting Kaylee naked and underneath me.

  “Kaylee.” He smiles at her and rests his phone on his leg. “A stylist has been busy shopping and has an entire rack of dresses for you to try on in the suite for the premiere. Hair and make-up will be there for you as well. Everything is taken care of.”

  Her eyes widen as Kenneth runs down the amenities that will be at her service. “Anything that's not there that you need, you ask me.” He side-eyes Kendall to see if she has any reservations, but she still hasn't moved, her forehead still pressed to the window in the front seat.

  “I can make almost anything happen, but time is of the essence. If you need something for tonight, you need to tell me soon.” He looks at me when he says this. I’m sure he’s thinking I’m going to ask him to get me at a table at an exclusive restaurant or one of the hot nightclubs. Fuck that. Tonight, it’s all about me devouring Kaylee.

  Kaylee takes a sharp breath and nods at him. “Thank you, Kenneth.” She looks genuinely relieved that she doesn’t have to worry about a damn thing.

  “Pax.” Kenneth turns his attention back to me. “For the interviews, both radio and television, I think it's best to stick strictly to questions regarding the movie. Everyone has been warned to avoid personal questions, but you and I both know those arse holes never stick to script. Avoid answering personal questions at all costs. Keep this about the movie. Kaylee's been through a lot—”

  “Or just answer the fucking questions, Pax. It's what you'll do anyway. I'm not sure why you bother having publicists when you don't listen to a goddamn word we say,” Kendall snaps from the front seat. Her voice is laced with venom and bitterness.

  “There she is!” I blurt out, and Kaylee squeezes my hand, a silent warning to be kind. “Now that you're back with us, do you have any additional requests that Kenneth hasn't covered?”

  She cocks her head and narrows her eyes, “Nope. It's all been covered.”

  “Excellent. Then let's all enjoy London.” I sit back in my seat, and Kaylee visibly relaxes as the tension begins to ease in the car.

  Our driver winds through the city before pulling up to The Ritz Carlton hotel where another crew of paparazzi are already camped out and waiting for us.

  As we exit the vehicle, Kenneth pulls Kaylee aside to brief her on this whirlwind of a trip. I hear him telling her where she should stand during interviews, how to keep her focus and not let the flashes from cameras blind her, and most importantly how to smile at all times. Even when she's scared or worried…smile. I appreciate Kenneth providing her guidance as my mind is all over the place and Kaylee takes her crash course in publicity like a champ.

  As I'm lost in my own thoughts, Kendall approaches, her lips pursed and fire in her eyes.

  “There are no words to accurately describe how pissed off I am,” she seethes, keeping her voice low so as Kaylee doesn't hear. “I'm doing everything in my power to keep—”

  “Just stop, Kendall!” I muster, getting in her face. She takes a step backward to move away from me. It’s rare I get aggressive with anyone, let alone Kendall, but she is fucking pissing me off. “Believe it or not, Kaylee is a good girl. She's here for the right reasons—”

  “I don't care why she's here. I don't like it, and I want her gone.”

  “Kendall—” my voice warns. “Don't make me choose.”

  “Choose what?” she snaps.

  “Between you and her…because you're not going to like who I pick.” I raise my eyebrows in warning, and her eyes narrow into thin slits. “Kendall, please don't make this difficult for me. I like Kaylee. A lot. I asked her to come with me. In fact, I begged her to come with me. She's different than the other girls.”

  Kendall snorts and rolls her eyes. “They’re all different,” she scoffs.

  “Kaylee is different. I could see myself falling in love with this girl. She's that different.”

  Kendall's eyes widen at my admission, and she shakes her head. “And you know this after one night of being balls deep in her?” The sarcasm dripping from her voice continues to piss me off. “Just keep her close. I don't want to have to fucking deal with her,” she says before turning on a heel and walking away.

  I see Kaylee approach cautiously as we both watch Kendall walk away, with a frown on her face.

  I put a big smile on my face and reach f
or Kaylee's hand. “Let's go get settled. I plan on taking advantage of our suite tonight.” I press a kiss to the top of her head.

  Turning to the bellman who has our baggage loaded on a luggage cart, I tell him, “Don't deliver those for a couple of hours. We won't be needing them right away.” He nods at my orders, and I pull Kaylee towards the lobby of the hotel. I have one thing on my mind right now and it's devouring her for the next few hours.

  Chapter 13


  “Oh my God.” I pressed my hand to my chest and spun in a circle as I took in my surroundings. “This can’t be real. This is absolutely amazing. Gorgeous. I can’t even. Paxton.”

  Awe dripped from every word.

  We might as well have been staying at the Royal Palace for all the luxury of the over-the-top suite.

  “Gorgeous,” he said in a low voice. I turned that direction at the sound of his voice. Only he wasn’t looking at the overindulgent luxury of the suite.

  He was looking directly at me.

  My breath caught when he began to stalk my direction.

  The air grew thick and he slanted me one of those smiles that owned the world before he ripped his shirt over his head.

  A stunned, “Oh,” bled from my mouth.

  Was that drool?

  My gaze swept his body. With each step he took, his abs rippled and the muscles of his wide, strong shoulders flexed and bowed.

  This…this was what fantasies were made of. It seemed impossible it could be my reality.

  “Are we doing this…right now?” I asked as he began to back me through the main room and into the bedroom waiting beyond.

  “Oh, yes, Kaylee Rose, we are definitely doing this right now.” His voice dropped an octave. Slow and rough.

  A tremor rolled down my spine, and my heart rate sped.

  Desire twisted through my belly and pulsed between my thighs.

  This felt so…different than the last time. Last time had felt like a secret. A memory to hold, never to be repeated again.


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