Aristotle (The Strong Pack Book 2)

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Aristotle (The Strong Pack Book 2) Page 7

by Crystal Dawn

  He was sitting at the table acting like the father I should have had all along. “I got some test results today.” I said.

  “Oh really? What kind of test did you take?” He asked as he continued to read the newspaper.

  “A blood test and it might surprise you to know that I am indeed your blood.”

  “Sherona I-I, I’m sorry.” He looked caught off guard to say the least. Maybe he had realized his doubts had been unfair. Even if I hadn’t been his I felt he was wrong to withhold his love and that of his family. In my eyes they were no better than he was.

  He hung his head and I walked away. It was shortly after that that he moved out. Did he feel guilty or relieved? I didn’t know or care. I’ve not spoken to him or his family since. Anyone that would punish a child for something they weren’t sure of doesn’t deserve my love or loyalty. I went to my room where I cried for the loss of a father and the grandparents I should have had. I cried until I couldn’t squeeze another tear from my red, swollen eyes and my throat ached with the emotions I was trying to drown with my tears. Maybe that was the center of my relationship issues. If it was I didn’t know how to work through it.

  We made it to the medical center and Jericho sat with T.J. and his son. They looked like the perfect family and I was so happy for my baby sis.

  I would admit to a touch of envy and I looked up to see Ari watching me with his sharp eyes that missed nothing. The wolf was too handsome, too perfect. Was I comparing him to my father who was also a handsome if less charming man? I could just take Ari’s hand and let him lead me into his world. I could jump and hope he’d catch me. I could get the life of my dreams or a heart ache I might never recover from.

  Now I would make a decision that would either give me my happily ever after or eternal heartache. I had never been a coward. Not like my dad who could have had the answer to his question and gotten on with life. I decided to forge ahead win or lose, on the roll of the dice. I examined my potential mate approving of the silky shoulder length black hair that was much like Jericho’s without a trace of gray. I wanted to run my hands through the soft, shiny length and lift it to my nose to take in his male scent.

  His eyes were as dark as mine except for the gold glow of his wolf which he always held in check. His skin was a light tan and I’d bet that was his natural color and that it was all over his body. That thought made my mind drift to other things like his broad shoulders and tapered waist. I’d bet he carried an eight pack on his abs. He had a nice tight ass that made me want to grab it and hang on tight. I moved my eyes up to those full lips that I loved to kiss and saw I had been caught once again staring at his beautiful body. I blushed lightly. I was getting use to his observant eyes catching everything I did.

  “I’m so glad you guys are here. I want out of this room so bad.” T.J. declared.

  She looked good considering she had just had a baby. I saw no signs of the early morning delivery and she seemed happy as she smiled at all of us. I was glad she would be able to go back to the house side of things and not be stuck here where the smells of a hospital seeped into everything.

  Sandy and I helped her dress and blanket the baby and herself while Ari and Jer waited outside. I carried the diaper bag, Sandy carried T.J.’s personal items and T.J. carried the now sleeping babe.

  I might not be ready to have a baby right away, but my nephew was a doll and I wouldn’t mind helping take care of him and snuggling up with the little guy.

  As soon as we entered the pack house everyone descended on us. Poor little Joe was passed from person to person and he struggled to sleep through it. He finally gave up and opened his eyes to give an unhappy look to the person currently holding him. It was a teenage female who giggled at the put out look he gave her. When he was older I bet he would get a better response from his pack members. If a baby could have a look of long suffering on his little face, Joe was managing it well. The girl finally passed him on to an older female who declared the pup had had enough. She handed him to his mother and told everyone else that they could see him tomorrow.

  It amazed me what a big impression one little baby was making on hundreds of people. I was beginning to understand the importance an alpha was to his pack. T.J. and I hadn’t been raised with an understanding of how a pack functioned since until recently, werewolves weren’t real to us. They inhabited that dark realm of creatures that everyone knew about, but few actually believed in. When we had found out that a legendary werewolf blood line ran through our family, we had responded first with disbelief.

  Ariel had proven it to us and we were shocked. How could we be so close to this hidden world, have the connections to it buried deep in our family’s past, and have no clue? Aunt Daisy’s book had helped us come to accept our connections to this world. That is if you call the forced acknowledgement through absolute proof, acceptance. Now I was sinking deeper into that world by the minute. I had a lot to learn if I decided to let Ari capture my heart.

  Once T.J. recovered from delivering little Joe we would go to the new house and finish it so her family could move in. For now they would be in Jericho’s old room even if it was a bit cramped for them with the baby and all his equipment. It felt odd that my baby sister was starting her family first. I looked over at Ari and my heart froze then warmth flooded it. She might not be too far ahead of me after all. My feelings for him seemed to be growing at a rapid rate.

  I saw Edward come in and pull Ari to the side. They spoke quietly, but I could see they were both upset by whatever they were discussing. Ari looked up at me then said something more to Edward. He looked at me too and shook his head. They seemed to have a disagreement and I would swear I was at the heart of it. Finally Edward through up his hands in defeat and left the room. Ari started working his way through people to me.

  I was about to discover what was going on and my part in it. “Sherona I would like to speak to you privately.” Ari whispered.

  He moved toward a room to his left and I followed. It was some kind of sitting room I’d never been in before. The house had a lot of rooms I’d never been in before. He motioned for me to sit and he sat down next to me. I leaned so that I could see his face clearly and I waited for him to speak.

  “Deeds wasn’t the leader for the group that is causing us trouble. There will be more difficulties headed our way. We will be leaving in the morning to hunt down a possible rogue that is staying nearby. He may be giving out information on our pack.”

  “Will I be able to go with you?” I asked.

  “Why would you want to?” He asked.

  I suspected he was looking for a particular answer. I didn’t know what to say and I know he saw my indecision.

  “Are you a reporter or a member of this pack?”

  “I would be both.” I said and I saw he approved of my answer.

  He had hoped I would be open to his desire to mate. A reporter he didn’t need, but he would accept my choice of career and make allowances. At least that was the way I was reading him. Was it even possible to be an alpha whose mate was treated as an equal? It was time to find out.

  He leaned in and pulled me into his embrace. His lips brushed over mine soft as a butterfly until they came back and settled firmly on them. I could feel his burning heat. He wanted me and he wanted me now. His lips branded me and his tongue explore my mouth bringing me great pleasure. There was something about his touch, the way he made me tingle all over as if touched by by electric current. It buzzed through me, but instead of scaring me it made me want more. More of the tingly sensation and much more of him.

  The sexual need danced through my skin making me press closer to him. I lamented the lack of skin to skin contact but I enjoyed the little there was and his mouth was making a believer out of me. I had never been kissed by anyone the way I was being kissed by Aristotle right now. I had no thought of denying him, I just wanted the relief our joining would bring me. Heat swelled in my nether regions and moisture bloomed, preparing me to accept my lover. This time the
re would be no stopping us.

  He continued to kiss me as he slowly unbuttoned my top. He pushed it back off my arms and it skidded to the floor unnoticed. He moved his mouth to one shoulder, kissing it softly as he undid my bra. It popped open and my breasts tumbled out into his waiting hands sending a shiver through me. He ran his thumbs over my nipples making them stretch to a peak. He pinched them and I groaned as they grew longer still.

  “Such pretty nipples should be pierced.” He whispered in my ear and I thought, he is kinkier than I had expected.

  He dropped his mouth to one nipple tugging it hard into his mouth. I felt a thrill go through me and I felt need shoot into my already hot, wet pussy. He sucked hard on my nipples moving back and forth between them and bit lightly on them making more need shoot through me. His hands were undoing my jeans and then I would be naked while he was still dressed. I started unbuttoning his shirt so it would even our playing field. I finished and slid his shirt off his shoulders and let it drop next to mine.

  I moved my mouth to his chest to taste his salty skin. My tongue ran over his nipple just before I sucked it into my mouth and bit it. He growled and arched into me, his excitement contagious as our desire ran even hotter. I tasted his other nipple finding it as tasty and sucked it into my mouth hard. His taste was so deep and masculine that I knew I wanted more. Nothing would satisfy me until I tasted his essence. My fingers worked to liberate him from his jeans. One snap then the zipper fell to my efforts. He raised his ass out of the seat so I could slide his jeans and his underwear down until it pooled around his ankles. My hands quickly grasp their prize and I made a noise of appreciation.

  As much as I appreciated his wide, long cock, I had some doubts that it would ever fit there. For now I would stroke, tempt and hopefully get a small taste of him. I started to work my way down his sculpted chest. I enjoyed the hills and valleys, the soft skin over the hard muscles. He tasted salty and spicy everywhere. I licked and kissed. I circled his belly button and he groaned enjoying my efforts and encouraging them. He was anticipating where my travels would end and his cock was jerking up toward me waving at me in an attempt to get my attention. As if I could ignore such a marvelous and big tool. My hand slid down and stroked him. The skin was so soft and silky while his shaft was as hard as steel.

  I held him still and moved my tongue over the tip catching a drop of clear fluid and I closed my eyes as I tasted it. It was salty and savory. I licked him again trying to taste another drop. He moaned and jerked up towards me wanting me to sink his length in my hot mouth. I slid his thick shaft in as far as I could and he shook with need. I felt his fingers sliding down to my thighs where my own desire throbbed. His fingers hesitated then plunged into me. I moaned my approval and he seemed to enjoy the vibrations that surrounded his cock as I did so.

  We were just like two teenagers who had snuck off to make out and while I feared we’d be interrupted, there was something exciting about being here with him this way.

  He pulled me up and helped me to sit astride his lap. My playtime was over and my mate wanted inside of me. He was ready to mate.

  I couldn’t deny that my need to feel him inside me was great too. I felt a smidgeon of fear that it would be too painful but I had to let him try anyway.

  His fingers slid inside stretching me and preparing me for his large size. He moved them in and out and added a third finger to assure that I would stretch enough. I knew what was coming next and I was both aroused and concerned.

  “Take a deep breath and relax. It will fit, don’t worry about that.” Ari assured me as he guided the huge head of his cock to my slick and prepared channel. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I wanted the excitement to outweigh the worry. I wanted this, our first joining of mind, body and soul, to be perfect.

  I felt the tip of his cock against me. It slid easily into my sheath but it filled me completely. He moved in slowly so I would adjust without pain and I only felt a mild discomfort. He continued a slow slide in until he hit bottom and I didn’t think he could fit any more in.

  He pressed harder and I felt him enter the rest of the way. I felt so full I feared I’d burst. He stayed still except for his hands and mouth which he used to deliver such pleasure I felt need roll over me. He slowly pulled out almost all the way before he moved back in. He repeated the process carefully until I found I had accepted his size and wanted him to take me harder. He obliged and gave me everything I wanted.

  I had never felt so wild or as wanton as I sat astride Ari and let him lift and move me in whatever way he desired. I lost all control and I hung on to his shoulders as I helped him by meeting his thrusts with my own. I screamed and I cried out as he impaled me on his wicked large cock and I loved every second of it. My juices flowed as we mated with the enthusiasm and the athleticism of jungle animals. He was helping me move up and down on his magnificent shaft and his rigidness moving in and out of my wet channel was making odd noises but I was beyond caring.

  I felt a charge of power run through me and my desire built to an inferno waiting to go off. I suspected he had the same feelings rushing through him based on his heavy breathing and rapid pulse. I could almost feel the energy in the air as we prepared to explode. For a moment I was sitting on the edge waiting to fall. My skin tingled, my breath came in heavy pants and I felt dizzy. Then I exploded as pleasure surged through my body and I nearly passed out from the sheer joy of it all. I screamed I was beyond thinking straight and I could only feel.

  I heard a loud howl burst through the air and wondered if it was Ari or someone else nearby. I may have blacked out, I wasn’t sure. I felt him move and I seemed to come back to awareness. I heard a knock on the door and knew that I couldn’t get dressed quickly enough if they had a way to open the door. Ari slid me off him and to a seat next to him. I think he was looking for his clothing too but he was as addle brained as I after what we had just shared.

  “What do you want?” He bellowed at the door.

  “It’s an urgent matter I must inform you of,” an insistent voice explained.

  “Meet me in my office in five.” Ari answered. He leaned over and kissed me. “I’m sorry to abandon you right now, but I must see to this matter,” he whispered in my ear. I knew this would be my life if I chose to accept him as my mate. The well being of the pack would come first always, but not just for him, for the alpha bitch as well.

  He’d managed to get his clothes together and I started to pick up mine. He handed me my shirt since his had landed next to it. He was almost dressed and I remembered his jeans, underwear and shoes had never come completely off. It made dressing easier for him and he was dressed well before me. He left the room but I heard the door lock so I knew no one would walk in on me. I finished dressing in peace and made my way to my room. I had a lot to think about as I showered and prepared for bed. The least of which wasn’t what emergency was unfolding in Ari’s office right now. Edward had to realize what we were doing, but he had interrupted anyway.

  That made my reporter’s nose start to itch like crazy. Edward knew Ari would not appreciate being disturbed for anything less than a total emergency. That meant whatever was going on had to be big and was undoubtedly bad. I could wait until the morning to find out or I could slip downstairs and find Ari’s room. T.J. would direct me there, but was I brave enough to make such a bold move? What would Ari think of me? Would he think I was ready to commit? Would he think I wanted more sex? Or worse yet, would he think I only cared about a story and what was going on with the pack?

  I couldn’t do that to him because he meant too much to me to allow him to feel used. I did want him and wished I could sleep in his arms but that was just not going to happen tonight. I decided just to go to sleep and hope I would find out what I wanted to know in the morning. I slipped into a quiet sleep, but it wasn’t long before I felt something climb into bed with me. I started to scream but a hand closed over my mouth. I considered biting and struggling but a voice whispered in my ear.

nbsp; “Sherona it’s me. I hope you don’t mind, but I wanted to sleep with you tonight. You felt so good and right in my arms that I hoped to hold you all night long. Is that okay?”

  I nodded since his hand was still over my mouth. “Sorry.” He said as he dropped his hand and I turned to face him.

  “I’m glad you came back.” I admitted to him. I moved my hands around his neck and pressed my body close. His heat and his marvelous male scent immediately wrapped around me. He dropped his lips to mine and claimed my mouth in a kiss designed to generate more than a little heat.

  He growled. His wolf was close to the surface and I could see him when our eyes met. Ari was alpha and there was no doubt of it when I saw the power of the wolf in his eyes. I wasn’t fully sure at this point if I wanted to commit completely to this relationship but I couldn’t deny I wanted more of the incredible sex we had shared. It was ironic that male wolves often hated to commit but I had found one ready to jump in and I was reluctant to take the plunge. I knew he could sense my hesitation, but why couldn’t we just enjoy a physical relationship first?

  “I want to mate you Sherona. You understand this don’t you?”

  “Yes I know, but I need time.”

  “I will try to give you this, but my wolf is hard to control.”

  I shivered at his words, but I knew he spoke the truth. The control Ari had shown thus far had been incredible. Most wolves wouldn’t have held back, they would have taken what they wanted. It was a testament to his strength and his respect for me, but I understood he would make no promise that he could hold back. If we went forward it would be with my acknowledgement of the risk I was taking. My body ached for him and if I didn’t take the risk, I would never join with him again.

  “I understand and I want you anyway.” I whispered and he rolled me under him so fast it made me dizzy. He worked his hands under my night gown removing it handily. I realized then that he was naked and had been since he had entered my room. The better to ravish me!


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