Aristotle (The Strong Pack Book 2)

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Aristotle (The Strong Pack Book 2) Page 11

by Crystal Dawn

  I didn’t tell her everything Sam Deeds had said as he lay dying. Yes, a proper head shot would drop and kill a wolf easily but Jasper knew the rogue had answers we needed and Jasper was an expert shot. This Deeds and his organization threatened my pack as no one else ever had. There were many pack alphas either mated or wooing a white wolf, but they had picked us to attack. They had thought they found a weakness and we needed to know what that was.

  Deeds lay bleeding and half dead and I don’t like being cruel, but what choice did we have? Edward took charge as this was his area of expertise the interrogating part, not the execution that came later. My slayer George, would handle the death dealing. Edward turned Deeds over, for he had fallen on his face. The look of death stalking a once vigorous wolf was not good but in this case it was necessary. It reminded us all despite our longevity that was a gift from the goddess, we too could be removed from this world under the right circumstances. I wasn’t in good shape but I refused to leave until the questioning was over. A medic worked on me as best he could so that I would make it to the doctor alive.

  “Tell me Deeds what it is I wish to know and we will send you to your judgment quickly.” Edward directed.

  “What do you want?” Deeds ask gasping for each breath. Spittle mixed with blood came out of his mouth showing the shot had sent blood down to his throat. Pain wracked him and he shuddered. He would be beyond our threats soon and answers were needed.

  “Why this pack?” Edward asked.

  “You mix with white wolves and you are isolated more than most. You are far from the council, the army and the wardens. You show mercy.” He finished as he struggled to breath. His wolf trying to heal him even though there was no hope. Our wolf side desperately wanted to survive, not just live but reproduce. It refused to pass without a struggle even though the pain must have been unbearable.

  “Yes we show mercy, but only to those that we have reason to. Who are your leaders?”

  Deeds laughed and it was the cackle of the insane. “You’ll know soon enough when they lead you as well.” His eyes rolled back in his head. Perhaps it was an involuntary response caused by the damage the bullet had done.

  It pained me to allow him to suffer so but my family and my pack needed the safety the answers could provide.

  He seemed to come back to himself and his eyes rolled back to look at us. “The fight may destroy us all. I never wanted that.” He said, his voice a low whisper full of pain.

  I wasn’t sure what to think. I hadn’t thought the pure blooders to be that strong or to carry any power in our world. The council had to be notified. I saw that Edward was recording the conversation and I was once more glad for how well he did his job. I hoped we would get a few more answers but it was clear Deeds was nearly done for.

  “Why the white wolves? Others have mated humans and other supernaturals. Why did the white wolves cause you crazies to come out?” Edward quizzed.

  “Dangerous. They are so dangerous.” Deeds choked out before he gasped.

  This time his eyes rolled back and closed. I feared it might be for the last time as his chest rumbled and shook. His whole body started shaking and he tried to sit up as he struggled to draw in a breath. He fell back and I heard the sound of his breath released for the last time. We had only gotten a little information from him and none of his team had survived, but I doubted they would have known anything. All we knew for sure was that the pure blooders were now actively causing harm. They had people, money and they hated and feared the white wolves.

  My own condition was grave and while the medic had cleaned and wrapped my wounds, he didn’t know why they weren’t healing and he could do no more to help me. We needed to get to the doctor and hope he knew something that might help. I felt like I might be running out of time as I was loaded into the back of the SUV. I felt hot, feverish really, so I knew something was attacking my body. The pains around the wound were fierce, but I was strong and could take it, I hoped. I fought to stay strong, awake and aware because I feared if I let go and let the darkness claim me, there might be no coming back for me.

  I thought of my Sherona, my mate and my very life and how pissed off she’d be if I died. She’d follow me to wherever I ended up just to kick my ass. I couldn’t leave her now that I had found her and soothed her resistance to mating. There might be a pup growing in her belly that would need his or her father. It was said white wolves were having daughters in equal or possibly greater numbers than sons. I had always hoped to have a little girl someday to love and spoil. She would look just like Sherona and fill my heart with immeasurable joy but only if I lived to hold her.

  The road was rough in places and it jarred me making liquid fire shoot through my wounds. I suppose I deserved no better for deceiving my mate by leaving her behind. Yet I was more certain than ever that they’d hoped she would be there and they would have tried to abduct or harm her. She was mine and I had protected her the only way I knew how. We arrived at medical and they carried me in. I saw the look of shock on the doc’s face and feared the worst.

  “Sherona.” I whispered as I went under, unable to stay awake another moment.

  My mind snapped back to the present as I felt a hand take my hand. I growled my pleasure as she stroked me. Not as firmly as I would have, but I knew she was teasing and distracting me. Her thumb slid over the tip of my rock hard cock and slipped in the drop that had formed there in anticipation of what was to come. I groaned as my sensitive shaft sent a few more drops of fluid for her to play with and play she did.

  She leaned down bending at the waist and her tongue ran over my hardness from root to tip. She licked off every drop of essence left on the tip of my cock as I moaned with sexual enjoyment as the tension built. Her hands cupped my balls massaging them gently but firmly. More drops of fluid leaked which her ravenous tongue instantly soaked up. It was almost worth nearly dying to get this kind of treatment. Her hot wet mouth slid over me and I growled, caught off guard. Pleasure wrapped around me tightly and moved to encompass more of my length. It stunned me when I felt the back of her throat. I felt a tingling all over my body, it was way too soon.

  “Aw Sherona, Baby. Stop before I feed your mouth every drop of cum I have in me.” I threatened but the power was all in her hands.

  She pulled back just a little. “Give me your best shot.” She said as she sank her mouth down my shaft all the way.

  I felt a wave of need shoot through my stomach. I’d never felt anything like that before. She dropped to her knees in front of me without losing her hold on me. I tried not to think about how amazingly talented she was at this. I also tried not to think about how much she must have practiced. It wasn’t like I was inexperienced in bed play. I was hanging on by a thread regardless of my not so sexy thoughts. When her mouth tightened around me and she sank down again, I couldn’t stop the seemingly endless ropes of white hot cum that shot from me deep into her throat. Her mouth rode me until every drop was wrung out and I jerked but I knew I had nothing left to give.

  She put me to bed asking for no release of her own and not allowing me to give it to her. She settled with me in bed wrapping her body around me and I instantly began to feel better and stronger. I breathed in her unique scent and I had never felt more at peace. I drifted off to sleep even though I hadn’t intended to. I woke looking at the white ceiling above me glad that I wasn’t in medical and thinking my near death experience must have been a dream. I slid down the sheet and the scars were gone. I looked over at my mate and wondered if she had really healed me as Jasper had whispered or if the poison leaving my system had just allowed my natural healing to kick in.

  Either way she had saved my life. A life that had already been hers from the moment I had met her. I looked around the room and I saw a masculine room that showed no sign that a female was about to share it with me. I would change that. I would change many things now that I had my perfect mate at my side. She would be at my side as my partner. Several years with no alpha female in the pa
ck had allowed us males to get set in our ways. Sherona would kick us out of that comfort zone, but it would be worth it with all that we would gain. She was beautiful, brave and smart. She was everything I wanted and needed and I would change the world for her if she asked me to.

  I looked down at her plump lips, the ones that had wrapped around my shaft so lovingly. My cock jerked in remembrance. She had given me just what I needed to get the solid sleep to heal with. Now I would give her the perfect thing to wake up with. She was naked and lovely, her breast right below my lips. I moved down just enough to take one pink nipple into my wet mouth and tug on it firmly. She moved a little but settled back down with a slight whimper. I moved to the other nipple lest it feel neglected. It had a faint berry taste with just a bit of salt from her skin. She moved again but settled down quickly.

  I decided to make a move she wouldn’t settle down from. I slid much farther down her body and put my face between her legs. I breathed in her musk and it aroused me greatly. My cock grew hard as steel but it would have to wait because right now my mouth watered and my tongue itched to taste her. I let my tongue slide along her crease pushing firmly until it parted to let me inside. I tasted her salty sweet honey, so good and plentiful. I wanted to get it all so I licked aggressively. She woke at some point and I could hear her moan and feel her legs spread to let me in deeper. I tongue fucked her for a little while letting her relax before my fingers replaced my tongue and my tongue went to her clit to worry and lick it.

  She was fully aroused, possibly painfully so, as I finger fucked her and licked her clit with vigor. She was close, so close that a little vibration might send her over. I smile and then I hummed. Her thighs squeezed my head so hard I thought it might explode and her hands twisted in my hair holding my head right where it was as she thrashed against me. I gorged on her cum as it flowed on my tongue. Ah yes, this was paradise.

  Once her jerking slowed and her hands and thighs released me, I moved up her body and slid in hard and fast. I went all the way in, deep as I could. I groaned, the pleasure swamped me as I stilled to enjoy the way her channel clutched me as if she never wanted me to move. I pulled back just so I could drive in hard and fast again and again. So tight, hot and wet I felt my perfect home was deep inside her. I moved until I was pounding deep and hard into her and she encouraged me to go even faster and harder.

  I was certain I sensed her wolf in her, riding her. She was tougher to take the punishing plunges deep inside her, I wasn’t sure a human could have. She rose to meet me, wanting even more so I turned my beast loose to accommodate her. He too, seemed to sense his mate in her. It would be time soon to loose her wolf and we would run in the forest. But first we would finish this mating dance. The signs of a mild heat were there, but weak. I rammed my cock into her and my finger reached down to roll her clit. She screamed my name as her pleasure rolled over her and her squeezing clutching channel pulled me along for the ride. I howled my bliss to the four winds and beyond.

  We collapsed to the bed and rolled so we were side by side. I had meant to wake her but our unfettered love making had worn us both out. Exhausted we slept again, but just for a little while I told myself as sleep claimed me. This time my mate woke me. She was more cautious, just gently pushing me but I looked under partly closed eyes to see where she was and grabbed her pulling her on top of me as she squealed.

  “What was that sound you just made?” I asked with a chuckle. She turned red and held her head up refusing to reply. I tickled her and soon we were involved in an all out tickle fest which I naturally won being the strongest and finding all her sensitive areas.

  “That’s not fair,” she protested, “you held me down.”

  “And you would hold me down if you could.” I answered. Her eyes dropped down and she was examining the floor. There was no point in her denying it. She was trying to think of a way around it but couldn’t.

  “Maybe, but I’d rather hold you up.” She said as she grabbed me and had me hard almost instantly.

  “I prefer that too.” I growled at her.

  She made me feel young again and I enjoyed that feeling. I leaned in and kissed her lightly. It was a kiss full of affection not lust. Oh the lust was there, but that wasn’t all I felt for my gorgeous mate. We had a connection that was hard to explain. We were two separate people but our soul was joined into one. I was beginning to sense her feelings and I was sure she was sensing mine. Each soul connection was different, but some could almost read each others thoughts once they’d been together long enough. Our legends spoke of this, but I’d never believed it before. I was beginning to believe it now.

  We dressed and without speaking, we both seemed to understand what we needed to do today. It was time for her wolf to run and I would run with her. I was excited and so was she. We would see what her wolf looked like and take our first mated run through the forest of our home. If I imagined my big tough wolf right now, he would be jumping up and down like an excited puppy. He was turning in circles chasing his tail for something to occupy himself with while he waited not so patiently for this incredibly important event.

  We left our room and moved quietly hoping not to draw too much attention. It was a wasted hope as we stepped into what was used as the common living room of the pack house. It was a large room and filled almost to capacity with some couples sitting double, meaning the female sat on her male’s lap. It didn’t look like the males thought of this as a hardship. Now that we had added some rogues to our pack, it might be time to add a recreation and entertainment building to our property.

  “Hey Alpha. I’m glad to see you up and about.” Ryan, one of the young wolves that had been with us at the meeting I was attacked at, said.

  I nodded to acknowledge him as we continued to try to escape the social interaction. Another young wolf stepped up and patted me on the back. It wasn’t their fault. Wolves were not only social, but their dependence on their alpha made them concerned when he was wounded or ill. They were just reassuring themselves that I was indeed back in good working order. I glanced at Sherona once it was clear to me I needed to take a few moments to soothe them. She nodded her understanding and I sent my gratitude to the goddess once more for sending me a mate that understood my responsibilities.

  We stayed and talked with our pack members, soothing their concerns and building bonds. The bonds were mostly Sherona’s to build since I’d known most of these wolves since birth. She was their new alpha bitch, as these youngsters liked to call the female alpha. I’m glad none of them called her that yet because I wasn’t sure how she’d respond. I wanted to explain it to her first. We were finally able to make it out the door and into the light of the afternoon. It was a beautiful day with sunshine lighting our way. The smell of the earth and the trees as we made our way to the woods, warmed me and excited my wolf.

  A first morph for a newly changed wolf was an important event. I knew much could go wrong but she was young and her blood was strong. I had called Ariel, the matriarch of the white wolves and she had explained much about what to expect and how I should proceed. She assured me that all had gone well with the changes of her people except one that had carried great age and been taken against her will. I had nothing to worry about, yet I fretted anyway.

  I pulled my mate into my arms to soothe and comfort her. It was important that she be calm when we started this. I listened to her even breathing while I felt her steady heart beat. It was time, so I moved my lips to hers and brushed them softly.

  “You must call your wolf to you. Close your eyes and imagine what she looks like. Are you doing it?”

  “Yes.” She answered. “She’s a feisty critter.”

  I smiled because I had expected no less.

  I felt the tingle of a morph taking place and stepped back so I would not interfere accidently. She appeared in wolf form in seconds. I was ecstatic that it had worked the first time. I was bowled over by the beauty and playfulness of her wolf. She was white, but grey was threaded evenly throughout
her fur. If you didn’t look close, it gave her a pale grey cast. Up close it was easy to see the white and grey were mixed in evenly and everywhere.

  She pranced around me trying to get me to morph so I could join her. I continued to examine her amazed at her beauty and her grace. She leaned in to nip me, her impatience winning out. I smiled as I started my morph. I wanted this run as much as she did. I was now in wolf form but my smile looked more like a snarl. I knew because I had been cautioned by Jericho not to smile at females when I was in wolf form. He said it was unnerving even to him.

  Sherona looked back at me, her tail wagging with joy and she took off like a white streak. I stood there a few seconds with my mouth open in surprise and then I took off after her. She had made it deep into the woods and I guessed she was playing a game of hide and seek. I could smell her easily, her wolf form having a stronger muskier scent than her human one. The problem was, I smelled her everywhere around me. I moved away but her scent grew fainter so I headed back the way I had come.

  I looked behind trees and logs, but I couldn’t find her. I moved off a little to a small pile of soil surrounded on one side by bushes. I stalked carefully around to the other side ready to jump her but she wasn’t there. Suddenly a weight landed on me and gravity took us down to the ground. She had been hiding behind one of the bushes and she had caught me off guard. It was quite an accomplishment for a new wolf. One she would pay for. I took her to the ground under me and lightly bit her neck. She held still, submitting to me as her mate and her alpha. My position restored, I let her up and walked further into the woods with my head held up proudly.

  Sherona went racing past me stealing all my glory. I laughed but it came out like I was choking. I hurried after her. Would I always be trying to run her down? I almost ran right into her where she was stopped lying on the ground watching a wild bunny looking for either food or shelter. I saw the hunger in her eyes, they held a predatory glint as her wolf, who had never hunted felt the primitive need to do so. She had adjusted well to her wolf form, better than others maybe because of her good physical condition and athletic build. I still saw problems with her chasing and capturing this or any other prey.


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