by Thomas H. Ward

  God hasn’t spoken to me yet, so in the mean-time I’ll do what I think is best for Adam and Tocabaga. Maybe I’ll pray a little more.

  If you have any ideas on what I should do to help Adam please email me.

  Email me at [email protected]. I WILL REPLY.

  That’s all for now.


  Jack Gunn



  Adam de Molay – A future Knights Templar leader. Sent to Jack by God.

  Albert Madison – Navy Vet. who comes to Tocabaga with his wife and two kids

  Army Mike – Retired Army combat vet, we just call him Mike

  Barry – A quisling killed by the Gunn family

  Billy – Kid found living on the street with his sister Rosie and brother Peter

  Brogan – A Tocabaga security guard who went MIA

  Bok Lam – A Chinese man and close friend of Jack’s since high school

  Buck – Motorcycle gang leader killed by Maggie

  Chase – A quisling

  Colonel Turner – Commanding Officer of the Army Rangers based at Fort Desoto

  Colonel Park - aka Captain Kim a South Korean spy working for China

  Corporal Phillips – In charge of the communications office at Fort Desoto

  Captain Sessions – Combat officer, commands and controls combat operations in the field

  Captain Riley – Female tank commander, girl friend of Captain Sessions

  Captain Zhu Lei – A commie killed by Tommy

  Chris – Tocabaga security guard and close friend of Jack

  Daniel Gibbs – Bad guy from a convoy on Interstate 75

  Dew – A quisling killed by the Gunn family

  Dr. Carl Urban – The inventor of the RCCD Units and friend of Jack’s

  Dr. Carl Urban, Jr. – Son of Dr. Urban

  Dr. Alvin Sinclair – Robot inventor and Commie killed by Jack

  Ellen – A lonely woman

  Emma de Molay – The sister of Adam found on Interstate 75

  First Lt. Fisher – TALOS Warrior, Platoon commander

  Farmer John – An old farmer saved by Jack, now living on Tocabaga

  Guy Allen or GA – Suspected spy living on Tocabaga was killed by Jack

  General Chen – A Red Chinese Army General in charge of the Florida invasion force

  General Harper – Commander of the Rangers located at SOCOM

  George Taylor – A nice kid who was bullied in school by Nick

  Grandpa Jack – Jack de Moley the Knights Templar Grand Master

  Hemmi – Wife of Jack Gunn

  Joe – RCCD tech. Supervisor; a tough guy killed by Jack

  Little Johnny – Adopted grandson of Jack’s

  Johnny the Fisherman – A quisling killed by security

  Jill – A warrior killed by Feds

  Jim Bo – Husband to Amy and son-in-law of Jack

  Jimmy Smith – A bully from years ago

  Ken – US Deputy Marshal who went missing

  Leroy – The man who killed Jack’s little brother Mike

  Lee – A Chinese invisible

  Mike – Jack Gunn’s little brother killed by a doper

  Maggie – Wife of Robbie, who is in charge of the farming

  Mr. Johnson or Famer John – Old time Farmer

  Mr. Horn – Pig farmer and dirt bag who wanted to kidnap Maggie for breeding

  Nick – A bully from Junior High School

  Peter – Little nine year old brother to Rosie

  Rosie – A fifteen year old girl Jack found living on the street

  Robbie – Best friend of Jack Gunn, a Tocabaga security guard killed by the FPF on April 27, 2025

  Ron – Brother of Jack Gunn Retired Navy vet. Part of Tocabaga security.

  Rick – President of Tocabaga Association, security team member

  Sam Smith – Leader of a convoy of bad dangerous people

  Sally – A warrior killed by Feds

  Scotty – A quisling killed by security

  Sergeant Hammer – Army Ranger

  Sergeant First Class Dale – killed in action

  Sergeant Major Willis – Ranger squad leader and security guard for Jack

  Sergeant Cain – the Drone Master

  Sergeant Smith - Army Ranger assigned as security guard for Jack

  Stan – Deputy Marshal

  Sue – Wife of Albert Madison

  Tommy Gunn – Son of Jack Gunn and a retired Marine Scout Sniper

  Tony – Bar keeper and sharp-shooter for Tocabaga security

  Trini – Amazon Warrior who killed Troy

  Troy – A quisling killed by security

  Victor Elway – An old farmer from Ellenton now living on Tocabaga with his friend Farmer John

  Zack – A quisling killed by the Gunn family




  BOOK #10


  Potestas Gladii


  As stated in my earlier chronicles the United States is in a state of chaos, and extreme turmoil. We came to this because of an overzealous President and a Congress that sat by and did nothing to protect our rights.

  The President put into effect Presidential Executive Order 13603, which to everyone’s surprise declares that all property belongs to the Federal government, your house, money, guns, and even your kids. They can tell you where to live and where to work.

  Back in 2013 the NSA started to tap our phones, reading our emails, reading our snail mail, reading our face book page. We were all being watched, we were all suspected of doing something wrong, we were all having our Bill of Rights violated in the name of government security, and no one did anything about it.

  Benjamin Franklin once said, “He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.”

  Thank God, the US Military believes Executive Order 13603 violates the US Constitution. The Army Rangers are fighting with us to gain control back from the Federal Police, al-Qaida, and numerous gangs. We will win this fight, we will never surrender, and we will persevere.

  I love our country, freedom, my family, and friends. If anyone messes with my family, or friends, justice will be swift and painful. I have no use for anyone who breaks the law, cheats or steals. For the most part I follow the Ten Commandments, but also believe in The Code of Hammurabi, which is an eye for an eye. I fight to keep our Bill of Rights under the United States Constitution. That is me, Jack Gunn, a.k.a. Tocabaga Jack, and these are my chronicles.

  I am Director of Security for Tocabaga Island. I live here along with 556 other Patriots, we are fighting to keep our freedom, keep our homes, and keep our families safe from the evil forces gone wild. Tocabaga is a sanctuary or safe haven. If you believe in the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and are of good moral character you are welcome here.

  We are waiting for you to contact us by email to find out where Tocabaga is located. Sending us an email is your first step to Freedom. There is an email address in these chronicles. Tocabaga is a real location. I will reply.

  Jack Gunn


  The world is made up of invisible forces, all of which have a positive and negative side. They can be good or bad forces. You say, invisible forces, what a bunch of bull crap.

  I can name a few. To start with, consider the wind. You can’t see it, you cannot taste it, but you can feel the air or wind blowing ever so invisible. The wind of a hurricane or tornado can destroy whole cities. It’s a very powerful force. The wind in a Tornado can be seen in directly by the dirt swirling around. The wind blowing can be felt or seen by looking at the trees. The wind can also be a good force bringing needed rain or coolness to the desert. The opposite of the wind is no wind, which also can be a positive or negative force of nature.

  Next consider magnetism. A magnetic field is invisible to your eye yet the earth’s magnetic field can affect anything
that is magnetic, like a compass. A magnetic field has a North and South Pole. There is an invisible magnetic field covering the earth protecting it from the solar winds and radiation from the sun. This field is caused by the molten iron core in the center of the earth. Most people give no thought to this powerful invisible force here on earth. In a magnetic field there is an attraction, or positive end, and a repulsion, or negative end.

  Another great invisible force is electricity. If you touch it and get shocked, you know it’s there, but you can’t normally see this great invisible force. If it arcs or shorts then it may spark. Like the other invisible forces, electricity has positive and negative sides which can repel each other.

  Gravity is the invisible force of attraction that one physical object has over another because of its mass. Everyone and everything on earth is under the influence of gravity. Objects in space are in orbit due to gravity. What goes up must come down.

  It is a scientific theory that Dark Matter is a type of matter that makes up 84% of the Universe. It does not absorb light or emit light so it cannot be seen by the human eye. What if there are other so called dark matter objects, things, people, or beings? Is this possible?

  The world and the universe could be made up of many other types of invisible forces that we don’t know about because we can’t see them. It might be possible there are beings, or life forms, we cannot see with our eyes living among us here on earth. Some may call them angles, spirits, or ghosts. Every now and then, when conditions are right, we can obtain a split second glimpse of them.

  Invisibles could be all over the earth. I think they can see us, but we can’t see them. They might follow certain people and watch over them for some reason.

  Are they God’s Angles? I don’t know, but I do know there are supernatural forces at work here on earth.


  I haven’t made an entry in over a month. I’ve been busy working with Adam de Molay, my adopted grandson, trying to influence his strange thinking and grandiose plans. He needs to be kept busy at all the time. Adam has a type ‘A’ personally, like me, but he’s mentally disturbed from years of physical and mental abuse from his father.

  Adam’s grandfather, was the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, until he passed away a short time ago. Everyone thought the Templars no longer existed. Adam’s blood line dates back to the last Templar Grand Master who was Jacques de Molay. He was burned at the stake in 1314.

  Everyone on Tocabaga has been busy getting ready for the Arctic Vortex to arrive. The temperature has dropped a little below normal and is definitely cooler at night. The cold weather seems to be slowly inching south. The question is: will it keep coming or stop? Perhaps SOCOM can provide some insight on the future of the weather.

  We’ve seen more hordes of people moving south, driving or walking, down the expressway. Every now and then a group shows up at our Tocagaba Bridge. We provide them some food and supplies that we can spare. Some groups demand entrance, which causes a conflict. Most of the hordes appreciate our help and move on in a few days.

  The guard dogs we found are working out well. My dog, Adolf, was a blessing for the whole family. Being a light sleeper every little noise would wake me up. With big Adolf guarding the door, I didn’t worry about anything unless he lets out a bark.

  I haven’t slept this well in years.


  ON AUGUST 4, 2025

  While on a hunting trip, we encountered Jack de Molay the Grand Master of the Knights Templar. He was an old sick old man who died after a few hours after meeting us. Before he died, Jack de Molay told me it was God’s wish that I take care of his grandkids after he passed. Somehow he knew my name, even though I had never meant him before.

  Adam is twelve years old and is large for his age. He’s a good looking kid with blond hair and bright blue eyes. He’s smart as a whip and is a quick learner. His sister, Emma, is a cute little eight year old girl with long curly light-brown hair.

  I brought Jack’s grandkids, Adam and Emma, back to live with my family on Tocabaga. We soon found out that Adam de Molay had serious mental issues and illusions of grandeur. I decided to try and bond with him to see if he presented any dangers for the citizens of Tocabaga.

  I took Adam to see the Tocabaga church since he expressed an interest in it. Adam and I sat in the church speechless for a few minutes as he looked around. I decided to press the issue about the Templar Knights. “Adam, tell me about the Knights Templar.”

  Adam looked at me and didn’t answer right away. I guess he was thinking what to tell me. “The Templar Order is a secret society. We are on a mission for God. The Knights Templar main mission is to restore the United States of America to be one nation under God. We’re a country founded on Christian-Judeo beliefs. We will help restore our country to its greatness.”

  “I like what you said … but how will you do that?” Now I was really concerned about what he was planning. He’s just a kid and thinking this way could be dangerous.

  Adam gave a sigh, like it was all too boring for him to explain. “Ok, I’ll tell you the theory or premise since you’re my guardian. The reason the country fell apart is because we lost our way. We lost our direction and didn’t follow God’s teachings or commandments. The country became evil.

  “We removed prayers from schools and removed the word God or Christ from our books. We didn’t teach anything about Christ or God. We took down the Ten Commandments from courtrooms and schools. We took the Christ out of Christmas and made it just another holiday.”

  “Yes, I agree with that,” I replied.

  “The Templar Knights are God’s Warriors. We must destroy any person who does not believe in God. There must be a purging of the evil ones from the United States.”

  I thought, Holy shit! This kid is nuts. “How are you going to purge the evil ones?”

  Adam was now walking around in circles, as if he was worked up into a frenzy.

  He continued, “The Templar Army is now spreading out across the United States. The Order I was with will be based in Florida, just south of here, in Bradenton. That’s where Hernando de Soto landed in 1539. De Soto was a Templar Knight. In due time, I’ll start another Order enlisting at least a thousand men.”

  This kid has been brainwashed by his Father into thinking he would be the savior of the United States. I felt sorry for him because I knew his brain was consumed with the idea he was God’s Warrior. Adam could prove to be a very dangerous person to have on Tocabaga.

  Adam continued by asking, “Do you believe in reincarnation?”

  “By reincarnation, do you mean coming back to life in a different body?”

  “Yes, that’s what I mean.”

  “Well, I don’t know. I’ve never died, as far as I know.” I gave a little chuckle, thinking what I said was funny.

  Adam looked at me with a stern face. “Jesus was born again. He came back reincarnated after three days in a different body. No one but his close friends knew who he was. Then he ascended to heaven. I’m living proof of reincarnation. I was reincarnated from the Jacques de Molay blood line, as was my father and grandfather.”

  “Adam, exactly how do you know that?”

  “I know that because secrets and ancient relics have been passed down over the generations. We have the Templars’ Treasure.”

  “If you have the Templars’ Treasure taken from Jerusalem, tell me about it.”

  “I can’t tell you; it’s a secret. Only a few people know what it is. I can tell you the treasure items prove that God is real. It verifies the Old and New Testament.”

  “Ok, I believe in God. You don’t need to convince me. What I don’t agree with is what you wanna do. You want to destroy anyone who doesn’t believe in God. That’s not what the United States is about. We have freedom of religious expression to believe in God or not. The country was founded by pilgrims fleeing religious persecution.”

  I hoped what I said would sink into his brain. His thinking was way
out there.

  Adam responded, “Yes, I know all that, but we need to go to extremes to bring us back to normal. What about people like radical Islamists? There’s al-Qaida and ISIS who would gladly cut off your head if you don’t convert to their form of Islam.”

  “We’ve done battle with al-Qaida. I agree they need to be eliminated. Perhaps, you should lead your Templars in that direction. To me, that makes a lot more sense.”

  Adam stopped pacing and sat down. He seemed to be contemplating what I had just told him. “What you say is true. They will be our first target,” Adam said.

  I replied, “They should be your only target. You can’t go around killing people because they don’t believe in God. You’ll make a lot of enemies, including the United States Army and the people living here on Tocabaga.”

  Adam replied, “You’ve given me a lot to think about. I’ll pray and see what God tells me.”

  “Ok, you pray on it. It’s getting late, so let’s go home.”

  On the way home Adam said, “Thank you for the talk. You remind me of my Grandpa.”

  I didn’t say a word as I put my arm around his shoulder and we slowly walked home.

  I never thought this kid would be a big nut case, but he’s messed up. On the other hand, it would be nice to have a counterforce to fight the never ending attacks of the radical forces of ISIS and al-Qaida. There are thousands of them slowly taking over parts of the country to create their own Islamic State. The Knights Templar could help quell the extremists.

  We arrived home and ate dinner. I usually say the prayer at dinner, but I let Adam say grace. After eating I rounded up my male family members and we went to the Green Room. I had to tell them what Adam had revealed to me. I needed to seek some advice.

  I informed them of Adam’s thinking and everyone was pretty much surprised. Ron commented that the kid freaked him out. Tommy told us Adam would probably outgrow the ideas that were drummed into his head by his grandfather.


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