New Empires: Conglomerate Series Book 3

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New Empires: Conglomerate Series Book 3 Page 3

by William Frisbee

  “Humans have proven very effective against the Vress, both in space and in hand to hand combat” Vakasa said. “What will it take for your people to win your war and join us?”

  Luke stared at the Bronkaw thinking. What did humanity have?

  “Enough Bronkaw battle wagons would keep Josaka secure. They are worthless against the Vress anyways,” Bruce said in English. “They have enough fire power to stop Caliphate juggernauts cold. With fighter and frigate support the cruisers would be easy prey. Josaka would be ultra-secure. Bronkaw battleships also have the armor and firepower to crush anything in Sol, maybe even another juggernaut.”

  Luke turned to look at Bruce.

  “I would have to agree,” Brita said. “The Bronkaw would do much better fighting the Caliphate and we would be better fighting the Vress.”

  “The Prime Minister won’t go for that,” Luke said.

  “I disagree,” Bruce said. “He doesn’t want to kill humans, even goat humpers. We are both veterans and we both know the cost of killing fellow humans. Besides, if we can hold off fighting the Caliphate while we build up a veteran cadre of ships and officers then the conquest of Earth will be easier.”

  Luke stared at Bruce.

  “We don’t have enough ships,” Luke said. “It will take time.”

  “There is also the Caleet,” Brita said. “And the Nalee. The Caleet owe you a favor and you could talk them into helping the Bronkaw. Their military ships are fast and I’ll bet they can out maneuver the Vress, even if they can’t out gun them.”

  “But New Alamo is still a month away,” Luke said. “We need to push the Vress now while they are still reeling.”

  Vakasa nodded and Luke realized he understood English.

  “If the Pral are dying as a race, and the Tal are gone, then we need to look at the long term,” Vakasa said. “Your brain is bigger than your tiny size suggests and you are right. We need to build alliances and work together. You take the battle to the Vress if you will. I will contact the Prime Minister and the Caleet.”

  Vakasa paused as he saw Luke catch him with glare. Luke realized the Grand Marshal could read human body language. Was the Grand Marshal’s InnerBuddy as good as Luke’s? That could only mean the Topa trusted Vakasa as much as Luke, or more.

  “Will you continue to battle the Vress?” Vakasa asked.

  Luke nodded, it is what Topa Suresh would want anyways.

  “As best I can,” Luke said. “I cannot make any promises but I will do what I can.”

  “Thank you,” Vakasa said. “Please let me know what we can do to help. I will place what Bronkaw vessels I can at your disposal.”

  “Thank you,” Luke said.

  “I will open diplomatic channels with Prime Minister Harrison then,” Vakasa said looking down at Luke with some disappointment. “Is he any bigger?”

  Luke smiled. The Bronkaw would have to learn that size wasn’t all that mattered.


  The Nalee

  The meeting had been sudden, but the Nalee had been obnoxiously insistent that Luke meet with them, only Leonessa and Halsey had come this time and he was glad of their company. To be summoned by senior members of the Nalee and be brought into one of their most prestigious board rooms, Luke feared they would demand the Tigress back, or demand he stay to protect them. He wasn’t sure what to tell them since their death would be more important to the enemy and there would be a great deal of justification in their argument. All the attack so far had been against the Nalee and the Bronkaw had proven themselves unable to protect them. The enemy could not allow the ship building moon to survive. The Nalee ship builders could build a massive fleet if they were left unmolested.

  Now he stood in one of their beautiful meeting rooms with several of the senior board members around him. They were all staring at him with an intensity of hungry birds watching their prey. Back on Earth the raptors had been predatory pack hunters and now Luke felt he was in the middle of such a pack of predators preparing to pounce. The senior one, the chief executive Shroofal was droning on and on about how Luke had saved them. Luke began contemplating what it would take to shoot his way back to his ship.

  Then Shroffal said something that caught Luke’s attention yanking him back and forcing Luke to replay his memory buffers.

  “Wait,” Luke said looking up at the raptor like alien staring at him. “What?”

  “Your vessel is one of three,” Shroofal said. “We built the other two with the intent of selling them to humans. It is always easier to build more than one when building, and one was a prototype. We will refit them with weapons and technology equivalent to the Tigress. That is a small matter. The Conglomerate is no longer restricting their patents, and even so, I suspect they would not object to our actions under the current circumstances. We will place the most advanced technology at our disposal aboard your ships where we can.”

  Luke glanced at Leonessa to see a gleam in her eyes and he turned back as Shroofal continued.

  “We recognize the need to push back the Vress now that the Conglomerate has fallen,” Eeras said and his head bobbed as he looked around him at the other directors. “We will expect to be paid for the usage of these vessels in services or fees, but you have proven you are trustworthy and capable of using them. The Bronkaw Grand Marshal is supporting us in this matter and will be responsible if you default. We are building new Bronkaw vessels, and with the current threat, will build more human vessels, but this is not a quick procedure you understand. Our distance from the resources in the asteroid belts will also slow down production. The Corporate Council has decided safety is more important than speed at this stage of the battle.

  “Two more battleships?” Luke asked and glanced at Leonessa again.

  Shroofal nodded again and tilting his head in confusion. “Is there a problem with translation?”

  Luke shook his head.

  “They are almost ready but need captains,” Eeras, one of the other senior executives said.

  “Bruce and Brita,” Luke said, his mind spinning. They were both New Alamo officers and under his command. “This might delay our offensive for a very brief time. We will need more fighters, more androids, more warbots.”

  “Then we should move to the asteroid belt,” Halsey said. “We can mine for ourselves and it will give the other ships a chance to conduct their trials.”

  “How long before they are ready?” Luke asked.

  “One week,” Eeras said. “They are our priority since they are the most advanced warships in our bays. We are also allocating significant resources to creating missile mines for the defense of the wormholes. It will also take us a few days to adjust the drives on the Tigress.”

  “Adjust the drives?” Luke asked. “What is wrong with them?”

  “We have discussed the danger of the enemy using mines against you as you enter a system. By adjusting the drives, it will increase the size of the wormhole bubble. You will not have to exit at the exact location of the wormhole and may be able to enter a system in a safer manner. They will need a much larger mine field to endanger you. This is Tal technology.”

  Luke nodded. What other technologies were available?

  “Thank you,” Luke said. Grand Marshall Vakasa was promising ships as well, and the fleet was coming together, but to have human ships, human battleships, would be a game changer. Few races built or maintained battleships.

  “The Topa may not wield the power they once did, but they trust you, and we trust the Topa,” Eeras said. “It is natural to trust you. You have also shown you can serve something bigger than yourselves.”

  Luke nodded in the manner of the Nalee, a sign of respect and thanks.

  Brita came in to stand in front of Luke. Beside Luke sat Leonessa and Shum. Luke could see that Brita seemed unsure as she came to a stop in front of Luke’s desk. He had requested she formally report to him in his office. Her expression showed she thought she was in trouble.

  “Captain Brita Summers rep
orting as ordered Admiral,” Brita said, displaying nothing but cold professionalism. If she was in trouble, she would face it head on, Luke kept his face was serious.

  “At ease,” Luke said and Brita slammed to parade rest, putting her hands behind her, spreading her feet slightly, and locking her eyes on Luke, ready to fight.

  “Some changes are in order,” Luke said looking at Brita. “Captain Ferrero will become my flag captain,” Luke said, and saw Brita’s lips tighten as she tried to conceal her anger. Brita had been the acting flag captain and the next senior officer after Luke aboard the Tigress.

  Luke paused. If she was going to mess with him, he would return the favor and let her stew. Although he probably shouldn’t mess with her professionally like this.

  “What will be my responsibilities?” Brita asked when Luke didn’t continue.

  “The Nalee have built three battleships of the same class. The Tigress is one of them. You will command the second and Bruce will command the third.”

  Luke couldn’t contain his smile any longer. She hadn’t lost her composure, but she remained speechless as she digested his words. Her eyes stared beyond Luke and her jaw was slack.

  “You will need to select a name,” Luke said, trying to appear nonchalant. “I will also transfer Lieutenant Commanders Amanda Cussack and Jeremy Blake to your command as your crew.”

  Brita’s eyes focused on Luke.

  “A battleship?” she asked and Luke nodded. Her brain was working again. Good.

  “I’m sure you are ready,” Luke said. “You are also a senior officer and I can’t think of anyone more qualified I would want in my squadron or on my flank. Still means you will be under my command though. Sorry.”

  “Thank you, sir!” Brita said and Luke tried to rein in his smile as he saw the energy and excitement flow through her.

  “I doubt I have the authority to make it permanent,” Luke said. “Especially if New Alamo gets to keep them, but I suspect after this campaign your position and experience will be unequaled.”

  “Understood,” Brita said. “Thank you, sir!”

  “Now get your gear off my flagship, take command of your vessel and tell me what you need to get operational,” Luke said standing up and holding out his hand.

  “Aye, aye, and thank you, sir!” Brita said shaking his hand, saluting and then departing.

  “I think she is happy,” Leonessa said as Brita almost danced out the door.

  “Long overdue,” Luke said. “I think Mark will let her keep it too, especially since he is not here and it will take time to get anyone else trained and ready for it. By the time we get back she will have proven herself I’m sure. Now how can we mess with Bruce?”

  “You wanted to see me Admiral?” Bruce said entering the Tigress’s CIC.

  “Yes,” Luke said. “Thank you for coming over.”

  Bruce looked suspicious. There had been no real reason for a physical meeting that Bruce knew of, except bad news.

  “What was so important that you had to have me come over here,” Bruce asked looking around him. There was an energy in the room and Bruce didn’t know what to make of it. Musashi was glaring at Bruce but he glared at everyone and was ignored for it, but it looked like everyone else was trying to contain smiles.

  “I have not released you from my command yet,” Luke said looking over the other officer.

  Bruce nodded and tried to keep the scowl off his face. The Proud Infidel was only good for soaking up damage. The Crusader was a fine ship though and Bruce was looking forward to using it against the Caliphate.

  “I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to transfer your command again,” Luke said. “You will need to choose someone among your crew who can take command of the Crusader.”

  Bruce didn’t bother to hide his scowl and Luke noted the clenched fists.

  “I just got used to that ship,” Bruce said. “She’s mine according to the contract. You can’t relieve me of command. Send me home if you want, but I’m not leaving Crusader.”

  “That presents me with a dilemma,” Luke said with a smile that would disarm Bruce. “The Tigress is one of three battleships. I am being given command of the other two in order to press the attack against the Vress. I was hoping for an experienced captain to take charge of the third battleship but I will understand if you want to turn down the command.”

  Bruce grinned, realizing he had been had.

  “Just like the Tigress, Admiral?” Bruce asked. “Why didn’t you say so?”

  Luke smiled. “Not exactly like the Tigress. She still needs a name and doesn’t have the android facilities, but otherwise I’m told she is identical. She is yours to command if you will follow me in pursuit of the Vress?”

  Bruce looked at Luke. It meant he would not be fighting the Caliphate any time soon but Bruce had seen what the Vress did to the Bronkaw. They needed to be stopped, and the Caliphate wasn’t going anywhere. Besides, the Topa would be paying him, if they still could.

  “I’ve got time Admiral,” Bruce said trying to hide his unprofessional smile and failing.

  “Excellent,” Luke said. “You are responsible for both ships. Spread your crew among them as you see fit. You have more people than I do. Let me know what you need and I’ll let Eeras know you are coming.”

  “Aye, aye Admiral. Thank you!” Bruce said.

  “One other item,” Luke said. “I can’t promise you will remain in command of the ship when we get back to New Alamo. Right now, the ship is on loan, we are still working out the details and payment. Crusader will remain yours.”

  “Understood Admiral,” Bruce said and rendered a snappy, professional salute. “Thank you.”

  Luke returned it and watched Bruce disappear out the hatch.

  Leonessa chuckled.

  “You enjoyed that didn’t you?” she asked.

  “Immensely,” Luke said. “Can you seriously imagine the Nalee asking for the ships back after what we have done and will be doing?”

  “The ships will be so empty, like ghost ships,” Leonessa said.

  “Just don’t run around naked in the corridors,” Musashi said. “That much meat flouncing about may cause some of the AI clusters to melt down and your droids to kill themselves. My head might explode.”

  “Promise?” Luke asked and Musashi turned his gaze to the Admiral.

  “I will suffer that fate though if it will mean baby humans running around,” Musashi said.

  “That will cost you,” Luke said, trying not to notice Leonessa’s red face, or likely his own which felt warm.

  “You will be the only one paying meat sack,” Musashi said.

  “Subject change,” Luke said and Musashi shrugged.

  Musashi was right though. The Tigress was huge and even now it felt like a deserted ship.

  Which was odd. At one time, the Leonis Ultio had only himself and hadn’t felt so empty. Now he wanted more people about and he glanced at Leonessa. In reality, the ship was now hers, which felt odd, but comforting.


  Jupiter Alliance

  The view of Jupiter was a beautiful sphere that hid its true size because there was nothing the human mind could compare it to, but James Abbott didn’t see Jupiter as he looked at the view screen. He saw the icons for all the different colonies, stations and ships dotted around Jupiter. Each icon was color coded based on their loyalty to the Jupiter Socialist Party, or more correctly, him. He did not see as much green as he would have liked. There was too much amber and yellow, even one red colony. That colony would have to be dealt with because it was holding back other colonies. Some people were just anti-social and a detriment to the human race. Now humanity had learned about the much wider galaxy around them, older, more powerful races that could, and would, swat humanity out of existence if humans said, or did the wrong thing. Now, more than ever, mankind needed to be united under one centralized leader, one single party that had the best interests of the human race at heart, a government with the best expe
rts and one unified voice. Without that unity, the human race would be destined for extinction.

  “United we stand,” James muttered staring at the red colony. “Divided we fall.”

  The door chimed and James waved his hand. The door opened and Carl Lepanzo came in followed by Lee Marsh. Carl was a tall, bald man with a short mustache and beard that looked too sinister for James to appreciate it. Carl had once said he thought it made him look sophisticated and cultured, but there were too many pictures of Carl Lepanzo being compared with Karl Marx on the social nets, and that didn’t help. Karl Marx was a genius but the common people of the Jupiter Alliance were too stupid to realize what a brilliant man he was. Too many people still had bad misconceptions of him. The Soviet Union had murdered millions of her citizens but that wasn’t Marx’s fault. The school systems were working to correct those misconceptions but it would take time.

  Lee Marsh was an average height, benign looking young man. He always had a smile for people he didn’t know, but only his close friends could see past that smile to the dangerous viper underneath it. Lee could have been a super model in an earlier time and he was the more public face of the Socialist Party although nobody would mistake him for being a leader.

  James liked to consider himself a picture-perfect leader, strong jaw, wide shoulders, an easy and charming smile. He had worked very hard to cultivate that image, but when he was out of the public eye, he could be a very different, very dangerous person. These two men were allowed to see the real James Abbott, and they were his two most trusted confidants.

  “Any word from Ralph?” James asked noting the tension in his two subordinates.

  Carl shook his head, his eyes darting around, looking for anything new in James’ office.

  “We should have heard something by now,” Carl said, not meeting James’ eyes. “He would have sent a message. He must have been compromised.”

  “Alive or dead?” James asked with a frown.

  “I would think dead,” Carl said. “His implants had a suicide protocol, but who knows how competent that Conglomerate technology is. Light years ahead of ours if reports can be believed. We have heard nothing since our bungled attack on the New Alamo patrol ships.”


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