New Empires: Conglomerate Series Book 3

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New Empires: Conglomerate Series Book 3 Page 5

by William Frisbee

  “Should we help?” Day asked.

  “We don’t have that much firepower and if the dukes all turned on us, we could be in trouble. Better they fight among themselves for now,” Mark said. “We need to conserve forces. Unless the Tal make a comeback, we are alone.”

  “You sure?” Day asked.

  “Nope,” Mark said. “You want my job?”

  “Pay might be better, but hell no,” Day said. “I’m just making sure you are thinking it through. I like being an admiral.”

  Mark nodded.

  “Might as well mine the other wormholes,” Mark said. “Just in case. Maybe scouts on the other side in stealth with a few jump drones.”

  Day nodded.

  “I’m a step ahead of you,” Day said. “I’ve been preparing for that order and there are scouts with code generators. They can give the code to authorized ships. Any ships coming through without a code get blown up. The code changes constantly, and just in case the scout has a master.”

  “Not much room for error,” Mark said.

  Day shrugged. “I take New Alamo’s safety very. We are a dying species.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Mark said.


  Bronkaw Secundus

  The Tigress was the first vessel into Bronkaw Secundus and they came out at a good distance from the wormhole. The transition had been a difficult, nauseous journey falling through the wormhole. Luke was glad it was behind them and looked forward to a good night’s sleep. Right behind him came Brita commanding the Amazon and then Bruce in the Knight. Two surviving Bronkaw cruisers, the Proud Infidel and the Crusader were next, along with a host of unmanned frigates. Luke surveyed the holo field. It was the most powerful fleet he had ever seen outside of Ubashi and it was entering enemy held space unopposed. The battleships spread out with their frigate escorts and Luke kept expecting a report of incoming missile waves.

  “We have seven ships approaching the Maaga wormhole,” Halsey said. “Looks like they are fleeing. Two have a battleship size, mass signature. Four appear to be destroyers. The fifth ship is huge, but low gravon readings, I’m guessing a troop transport. There is plenty of radiation leakage from one battleship.”

  “Looks like those are the survivors,” Leonessa said and Luke nodded sitting back. “Doesn’t mean there isn’t a fleet hiding though. They are probably waiting till the last minute to see if we pursue.”

  “Agreed,” Luke said. “Set course for the Bronkaw colony on Secundus B3. Recon drones out.”

  “Aye Admiral,” Leonessa said and sent the message to the others.

  Luke looked over the system. It was a binary system, with the main colony being a habitable planet around Secundus B. The gravity was light, the way the Bronkaw liked it and the Bronkaw were doing their best to turn it into a jungle world. They had named it Kakata, which in the Bronkaw language meant shining orb. It has been their second colony, and they had been developing it for almost a thousand years. Progress had been going well until the Vress came. Luke was afraid of what they would find.

  “We are getting a signal from the Kakata,” Halsey said. “In Bronkaw. It is a request for help. Our escort is responding.”

  “They are still alive?” Leonessa asked.

  “Yes,” Halsey said. “They didn’t nuke the planet into a new ice age either.”

  “Why?” Luke asked.

  “Too many potential broodlings perhaps,” Gray said with a scowl.

  “You had to go there,” Luke said.

  “It is how they think,” Gray said. “According to Walt. They are genetically modified parasites, very versatile with some extremely impressive biological modifications. They don’t care about their young, but they won’t kill them without a reason. If they have been doing to the population of Kakata what they did onboard the Bronkaw battleships, then it might be very difficult to dig them out.”

  Luke sat there trying not to think of tiny Vress parasites burrowing their way out of a paralyzed host. It shouldn’t be possible. Biologies from different planets should be so different and incompatible, but the Vress managed it. Walt was still trying to determine if they had been designed specifically to prey on the Bronkaw. The droid intelligence officer was sure they could prey on humans and Luke didn’t like the implications. He remembered horror movies from long ago and here was one of those horror movies coming to life. What else might be out there? The current theory was they had been bio-engineered to be the ultimate, sentient parasites.

  “Don’t worry about it though,” Musashi said. “I have already had your nanites reprogrammed to detect and destroy any Vress broodlings that get inserted into your body. They also cannot paralyze you.”

  “Thank you,” Luke said, but his thoughts were on the millions of Bronkaw colonists.

  Musashi shrugged and gazed at the holographic plot.

  “The Bronkaw on the planet are hard pressed,” Halsey reported. “They are requesting orbital support, sounds like a loop but it has updates. As of eight hours ago they are still alive and kicking.”

  “Max speed,” Luke said.

  “If we don’t wait for the Bronkaw it will take us two days,” Halsey said. “But it will be hard acceleration and deceleration.”

  “Do it,” Luke said. “Sound gravity stations, tell the Amazon and Knight. The Crusader can guard the Bronkaw.”

  “This will hoover,” Leonessa said and Luke smiled glancing over at her.

  “Could be worse,” Luke said.

  “You will do anything to get out of dinner, won’t you?” Leonessa asked and Luke scowled.

  “I’m sorry,” Luke said, realizing he had promised her dinner again if they survived the transition.

  Leonessa shook her head with a sad smile, “I’m just yanking your chain. Duty calls.”

  Luke nodded and turned his scowl to the holographic field. Acknowledgments were received from the Amazon, Knight and Crusader. The Bronkaw remained silent but if they objected Luke would have expected them to respond.

  Luke was tired and just wanted to sleep as the fleet slid into orbit around Kakata. There might be a muscle that wasn’t sore somewhere in his body but there was no way to tell without a query to his InnerBuddy and he didn’t need that negativity. There was still plenty of debris from the previous battles to make navigation hazardous and Halsey sounded worried about traps left behind by the Vress. Entering orbit was not as fast as Luke would have liked, but Halsey and Leonessa were in command of that.

  Reports were coming in from the planet but it looked bad and there were few surviving enclaves. Out of almost thirty million Bronkaw who had lived here, less than five million were thought to be alive. Recon drones had been in orbit feeding information back to Luke for several hours now. It looked grim.

  Kakata was a jungle world with Bronkaw cities half buried in the ground. There were three main continents, and they were all being contested by Vress regiments that had been left behind. In the places still holding out, the Bronkaw had retreated to their cities and bases where they remained trapped. Anyone not protected was likely dead or a brood host by now.

  “We have a base on the second continent under attack,” Halsey said. “They appear to be the hardest hit right now.”

  “Give me a view,” Luke said, standing up to look at the holographic terrain table.

  Green flashes and markers appeared clustered in number of buildings. Around them red icons flashed in and out.

  “Create a ring of fire around the Bronkaw,” Luke said. “Surface impact, scorch the ground with plasma bursts. Danger close. I want frigates hunting any hostile ground to space sensors and installations.”

  “Why not penetrating rounds,” Halsey asked. “Break up the terrain and make it hard for them to get to the defenders?”

  “The Bronkaw also burrow,” Luke said. “Gray?”

  “Yes sir,” Gray said staring at the board.

  “Get your officers involved,” Luke said. “Get them collecting data. Assign at least one line offic
er to every surviving enclave if you can. I want a priority where we can save the most Bronkaw. I also want your staff officers concentrating on finding large locations of Vress. Prioritize the targets and share them with the Amazon and Knight. I want the plasma canon firing non-stop. I want to know when we land the Regiment and where we can do the most good.”

  Luke paused and then glanced at Gray, “Do we have a regiment yet?”

  “Yes sir,” Gray said who had not been as affected by the acceleration as Luke and had already tasked officers with enclaves and intelligence collection. “Almost a regiment. Still assembling warbots and officers, we are short a few companies, but we can manage.”

  Luke nodded.

  “What am I missing?” Luke asked.

  “Coordination with local forces,” Gray said. “And any intel from the Bronkaw commanders on the ground.”

  “Dammit,” Luke said.

  “Got it covered,” Gray said. “Fourth Planet Marshal Urkata is in command of the planet and in that bastion we are about to ring with fire. I had my people prepping while you were fighting with the gravity and trying to just breath.”

  Luke nodded, trying to hide his embarrassment. The droids were not immune but they could handle it much better than flesh and blood. He should have been more involved.

  “This will be a long fight,” Luke said looking at the spinning holograph of Kakata. So little friendly green forces but there was a lot of dark red showing likely enemy held areas, and bright red showing enemy activity.

  “A month?” Leonessa asked.

  Luke shook his head.

  “Years, maybe decades,” Luke said. “The Vress can survive and I would guess thrive in those jungles. They will be hard to root out.”

  “Do you think that is their plan?” Shum asked. “Force you to stay here and hunt them down until they return with a fleet?”

  Luke looked at Shum. The tall lanky alien looked tired with drooping eyelids and the bottom lip trembling. The Pral there in his chair barely moving but Luke’s InnerBuddy informed him Shum was just tired, not injured.

  “We need to know where they are coming from,” Luke said. “Find their home base, their ship yards, and smash them.

  “But, there is no choice,” Luke said staring at the holographic fields. “We can’t leave the Bronkaw to die. They need our help. We will break free as soon as we can. You look like shit Shum, go get some sleep. It will be several days before you are needed.”

  Shum didn’t argue as he pulled himself to his feet and shambled away.

  “What is the status of the fleeing battleships?” Luke asked.

  “Two hours until transit,” Halsey said as the door closed behind Shum.

  Luke turned to Gray.

  “Why don’t I like that look?” Gray asked.

  “Because you have a new mission,” Luke said and Gray scowled.

  “I want you to transfer the regiment to the Knight. Take as many officers as you can.” Luke said. “You with it. Work with Captain Simmons and do your best to save Kakata and the people there.”

  “While you do what?” Gray said with a scowl.

  “The Amazon and Tigress are going after those battleships,” Luke said. “I want to know where they came from and I want to hurt them if I can.”

  Gray nodded.

  “The Tigress and Amazon have resource stores,” Luke said. “We can manufacture more droids and warbots. Not a lot, but enough perhaps.”

  “Your defense company stays,” Gray said.

  “No,” Luke said. “You need as many troops as you can get.”

  “Then I’m not leaving,” Gray said.

  Luke scowled.

  “I concur,” Musashi said. “Your praetorian guard stays.”

  “My what?” Luke asked.

  “Your praetorian guard,” Musashi said. “Your ship defense company. Fully intact. They stay.”

  “This is not open to debate,” Luke said. “I’m in command.”

  “What will you do to a droid that doesn’t obey a stupid command?” Gray asked.

  “Yes,” Musashi said. “I’m curious. I agree with the jarhead. What you do to him, you have to do to me, and I would wager the rest of your officer corps.”

  “Fine,” Luke said looking at them. What could he do? They couldn’t be allowed to rebel like this but he would have to deal with that later. “Defense company stays, but you take everyone else.”

  Gray nodded victorious.

  “Save as many of the Bronkaw as you can,” Luke said.

  “That’s my job,” Gray said. “Your job is to stay alive and lead.”

  Gray glanced at Leonessa then back to Luke, “and no more suicide attempts.”

  Luke didn’t miss Gray’s glance and nodded.

  “I’ll come back,” Luke said leaning back to wait. He seemed to do a lot of waiting. Competent subordinates didn’t bring him many problems to solve, and it was hard to sit back and let them work without interference sometimes.

  “They have made transition,” Halsey reported. “Frigate squadron one is accelerating hard.”

  “Inform the Amazon, change course and pursue, standard speed,” Luke said.

  “Why standard?” Leonessa asked. “I appreciate the leisure, but shouldn’t we be trying to catch up?”

  Luke smiled.

  “Falla Shum doesn’t know the plan,” Luke said. “Acceleration will alert him.”

  “Do you think the creature he is linked with survived?” Leonessa asked.

  “If not, I’m being paranoid. If I am, they will get a nasty surprise,” Luke said.

  “So, you will have the frigate squadron pursue them hard and quiet, while we follow along more slowly,” Leonessa said with a smile.

  “Bingo,” Luke said. “We will take most of the frigates. Bruce will get reinforcements from Bronkaw Prime. The Nalee have already promised six more frigates.”

  “The Crusader?” Leonessa asked.

  “Bruce’s ship, and I do care about what is going on down below,” Luke said. “Bruce will be brutal and tenacious in the destruction of the Vress planet side. Gray will keep him focused as well. It might even help convince any Vress below the rest of the fleet is still here in case they are in contact with the rest of their people. If the Vress slip around us I'm pretty sure Bruce will shred them without mercy.”

  “Can the frigates operate independently?” Leonessa asked.

  “Sure,” Luke said. “Their orders are simple and the AI command clusters can handle it. Accelerate to the wormhole and make a stealthy transition and remain stealthed. Watch where the Vress go and then follow them at maximum speed, as quietly as they can. Leaving a passive beacon at each system telling us what happened.”

  “What if the Vress have wormhole scouts?” Leonessa asked. “Or a mine field?”

  “The scouts will kill anything they can,” Luke said. “If it comes down to it, I hope the Vress think they are only being pursued by six frigates, not enough to threaten those destroyers and battleships. If the frigates get ambushed and wiped out? Well. That will be information.

  “Can we take on those ships?” Leonessa asked.

  “I don’t know,” Luke said and smiled. “Probably. Only one way to find out.”

  “Does that mean we have time for dinner?” Leonessa asked.

  “First, I have to get Pavlis and Morals on board with the plan,” Luke said, “then maybe dinner.”

  Leonessa’s smile brightened up the CIC.



  “They are fast,” the First Officer said reviewing the data after the wounded battleship had slid into the wormhole. Krasnal had seen it as well but was still considering the ramifications.

  “They must be very hardy or they must have superior gravity dampeners. Will they chase us?” First Officer asked.

  Krasnal snarled. The wormhole transition would be a rough one. She considered moving her command elements to the other battleship, but it wasn’t in much better shape.
/>   “No,” Snakan said, a gloating smirk twisted his face and revealing his old ragged teeth. “I am told they will stay and attempt to rescue the Bronkaw, as the Fleet Leader planned.”

  “I could have told you that,” Krasnal said, still satisfied. “They are weak and they fear being alone. They will attempt to save their slaves.”

  “Are those the Tal?” First Officer asked.

  Snakan growled, “No. They are a new slave race. Those that fight for the Pral are few, nor are they trusted by the Pral with higher technology. They will be destroyed. Their home is far from the Bronkaw and there are likely only a hundred beings on those vessels.”

  First Officer lowered her head in acknowledgment and submission.

  “That is a large vessel for so few,” First Officer said. “If we could board them, we could surely over power them.”

  “Would you like to try?” Snakan asked but First Officer refused to meet the old male’s eyes in the darkness.

  “I would wager that vessel was the one that met our fleet coming out of the wormhole. The speed is probably not as impressive as the weapons,” Krasnal said staring at the display of the three battleships on the display. “We do not have the firepower to get close, but make no mistake. We will capture one of those vessels and steal that technology if the Battle Singers will not give it to us. We are the stronger race.”

  First Officer lowered her head again.

  * * *

  “We have a beacon,” Halsey said. “They fled to the Voibnaaga system.”

  “Set course,” Luke said with a smile to Leonessa.


  Secretary General

  “What do we do?” Lee asked.

  James rubbed his temples, willing the migraine to go away. His view of Jupiter never lost its majesty, but it also never changed. It reminded him how small and insignificant the human races was compared with the majesty of the planet.


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