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Page 22

by Bruce T. Jones

  Patrick turned and strutted into his office, slamming the door in his wake.

  I walked the streets of Arlington in a stupor. The sun would be rising in a few hours and I had not made the call to the helicopter. It was past four, and I did not want to talk to Phillip or Gabrielle, and certainly not Dee.

  A sickening depression had set in. One the likes of which I had never experienced. I was tired. Tired of life. The thought of walking the streets until sunrise crossed my mind. An excruciating, agonizing death was no less than I deserved. To burn for my sins seemed quite appropriate.

  But there was work still to be finished. I needed to go back to New York, and put my finances in order for Gabrielle, Angelique, and my son. I needed to make sure Watson had put the investigation to sleep, that no further complications would arise for my friends left behind. Just one or two miserably painful days to wrap things up.

  I called the pilot. The next call was more painful, not in the favor I was about to request, but reliving the failure that created these circumstances. The phone rang three times. On the fourth ring, a grumpy voice answered. “It’s me. Remember the job you promised you would do?”

  As expected, without question, the voice replied, “Yes.”

  “It is time. I will send you the location. ASAP.”

  There was a silence on the other end. I was not sure if my message was heard, or if signal was lost.

  Very uncharacteristically the voice simply asked, “Why.”

  “It is complicated. Just do it. You owe me that much. Instructions will follow.” I hung up the phone.

  Never once had Chuck questioned orders. After Miami, he thought circumstances had changed, that his obligation to fulfill the task would be forgotten. For Chuck, killing came easy, but this time … He had sworn an oath, and with the request he knew something had gone dreadfully wrong. But what?

  Chuck jumped from bed and threw on his clothes. A deep sultry voice moaned from the opposite side of the bed. Chuck looked over to the naked woman lying there, mostly unconscious from the binge drinking earlier in the night. His drinking; methodological escapism from the emptiness. Hers: he didn’t care. They had a good drunken fuck. He thought about Brian and Sam. What the hell, Brian?

  He finished lacing his size fourteen sneakers, and tossed on a clean t-shirt. Opening the closet door, Chuck grabbed the duffle bag, pre-packed and ready to go. He checked his phone for texts, sure enough, it was already there … one word, Apple. Chuck was headed to New York. He grabbed the pre-packed FedEx box from the top shelf. Looking through a directory, he chose a pick-up location in Manhattan, and scribbled it down on the shipping tag. He grabbed an envelope containing a large amount of cash, and his car keys, then flipped off the lights. The blonde in the bed rolled over and moaned. Chuck thought about waking her, but they had enjoyed a good fuck, and that would have to be enough. He walked out the door, quietly pulling it closed as he passed. Time to put personal feelings aside. Time to go to work. Time to kill his friend.


  THE SUN HAD finally set. Samantha had anxiously awaited the new nightfall, unable to sleep. Phillip’s apartment had been unoccupied, and much to her chagrin, she had conceded to return to Angelique’s apartment for the day. She was ready to find Nick … and her sister. She could not wait to tell them she was alive. Sure, cynics would complain she was now the living dead, but she never had felt this vibrant … and powerful.

  Angelique awoke shortly after nightfall. Her needs were not as pressing as Samantha’s. She began her usual routine of tending to her child, which generally included spending three or four hours with him before sending him off for bed. Angelique had considered keeping him up through the night, but she was unsure about putting him on a schedule that would preclude him from interacting with children his age. To this point, he was mortal in most aspects, just as his father had been.

  Samantha did not want to interfere with Angelique’s routine, but she was becoming anxious beyond the point of containment. She was not entirely comfortable about venturing out alone, so she patiently waited as Angelique went about her motherly duties.

  With all of the transitions and events of the previous night, Samantha had absentmindedly left the cell phone back at her home. As Angelique did not own a phone of any sort, Samantha was becoming impatient from being disconnected. Eventually, at five past eleven, Samantha decided to voice a small protest.

  “Angelique, I need to see my family.”

  Angelique, while changing Brian’s diaper, smiled at her new friend’s manufactured anxiety. “You can go without me. Just try to avoid any major interactions with people, as much as possible. It is imperative you remain aware of your shortcomings. If you notice somebody focusing on your lack of reflection, you must concentrate very hard. You can force them to look away, like I showed you last night. And mind your strength, you are stronger and faster than any human you will encounter. Try to ensure that remains our little secret.” Angelique picked up Brian. “Give your step-mom a kiss.” She held the baby out for Samantha to coddle. “With that in mind, I suggest you start by simply walking out the door. Take your time. At any time if you feel uncomfortable, you can always come back. I will remain here tonight.”

  “Do you really think I am ready to go out there?” Samantha hugged the baby tightly and kissed his cheeks repeatedly. With so many caveats to consider, Samantha’s nervousness was uncharacteristic for her … or a vampire.

  “I am confident you are ready,” Angelique reassured as she retrieved Brian.

  Samantha turned and headed to the door. She looked back to Angelique.

  “Go,” Angelique insisted.

  Sam closed the door of the apartment, the clicking latch announcing her departure into the uncertainty of a new life. “Oh boy,” she said softly. “I thought this would be a lot easier.”

  The cool autumn air distracted her self-doubt momentarily. So many scents. The world of night exploded in vivid hues. “This is so beautiful,” she spoke softly. Whereas last night, everything seemed to run together in confusing heaps of incoming stimulation, tonight things seemed to process in some type of auto sort. Sam could hear the conversation of four women half way down the block, all wearing different perfumes. And in a single instant, she knew which one she wanted.

  In a panic, she turned and hurried back into the apartment. The urge to feed had swept over her, taking her completely unprepared. She quickly re-entered the building. Her heart was racing and she was out of breath, as if she had just sprinted around the block. “How in the world did Nick and Gabby do it? How did they manage to fight off the incredible urge to feed?”

  Samantha recomposed herself, taking in several deep breaths. There were only two viable options. The first was to go back upstairs, cower in the apartment like a child, and maybe have a pint to stave off the desire. The other choice was to suck it up and force herself to be more than just another bloodsucking night crawler. She wanted to make Nick proud.

  With one final deep breath, Samantha headed back into the breezy cool night. To the right was uptown, her home. Phillip also had a smaller place uptown, although he and Dee spent most of their time in the large apartment he owned down past Wall Street. After last night’s encounter, Samantha decided it would be more prudent to head downtown and see if they had returned. If so, they could help her reconnect with Nick.

  She thought about hailing a cab, but the thought of dealing with a cabbie without Angelique’s assistance was not appealing. At least not yet. Pondering the whereabouts of her friends, Samantha quickened her pace, which was already exceptionally fast, but effortless to maintain. As she zigzagged the streets to the Lower East Side, she approached the vicinity of the Brooklyn Bridge. A familiar scent drifted through the air. As a mortal it was almost undetectable prior to her transformation. It was the scent of her own kind, the uninhibited scent of a vampire. She looked around curiously.

  Sam pressed on toward Phillip’s.

  “I don’t know you,” an eerie
voice called, uncomfortably close behind.

  Sam reeled around. “Should you?”

  “I know all of our kind, which demands I inquire, who are you?” The lanky, scruffy young man approached.

  “I am no concern to you,” Sam said, then turned to walk away. She knew she was no match for any of her own kind. She did not know how to block her thoughts. She did not know how to defend herself. She knew what it felt like when Nick invaded her mind, and wanted to ensure this stranger did not have the opportunity to do the same.

  The gangly vampire did not attempt to restrain her, but jumped alongside and began to walk with her. “I am Maltor. And it is very much my concern when another enters our home.”

  “Well Maltor, I am Diane. And as I told you, I am no concern to you, or your clan. I am here to see an old friend. Then I will leave.” Sam felt his attempt to enter her thoughts. In doing so, he revealed himself to her. “Milton Powell,” she barked. “That is very rude.”

  “I am sorry,” he replied timidly.

  Sam perceived his deficiencies concluding that this less-than-confident man was as newly minted a vampire as she.

  “Very well … Maltor. I am here from New Orleans to visit my family, who are not like us. I have no intentions of infringing on your territory, or partaking in the blood of the living on my visit.”

  “Very well. I hope you understand, I must ask these questions,” he said with a slight smile.

  “It is good you protect your family.” Samantha realized she had either stumbled on Sabine’s family, or possibly another sect created by her.

  “Is your family nearby?” Instantly, Samantha felt as though her prodding might cause alarm.

  Maltor did not seem to be concerned with her intentions. He pointed to the bridge. “We live in Brooklyn.”

  “As I do not wish to offend your family, I will remain a good distance from your territory.”

  “It’s okay. But if you happen to stay in town a little longer, I would love for you to meet my family. We always have a sentry here. Tell them you are my friend and they will bring you to our home.”

  “This trip is short, but perhaps the next time I will.” Happy to be escaping without an incident, Samantha turned her head as she began to walk away and called out, “Thank you, Maltor.”

  Gangly on the outside, nerdy on the inside. So vampirism did not change everything for everyone. With the discovery of Maltor, it was a small conciliation to know not every female vampire that might cross Nick’s path would be drop dead gorgeous.

  Phillip stood by the window, staring out at the East River. Twenty-four hours had passed, and it was just past midnight, and there was no word from Brian, or the pilot. Dee was lying on the couch, her head on Gabrielle’s lap. As he was never good at uncomfortable moments of extreme emotional anguish, he was thankful for Gabrielle’s assistance. And as far as he could imagine, things could not possibly be any worse than this. Samantha was dead, her body missing, the news of which he would eventually have to share with his distraught friend, if he ever resurfaced. Phillip’s source in the police department had informed him the case was shut down by Homeland Security, America’s version of the Nazi SS. Things were destined to get worse from here. He cringed as a new volley of sobbing began from the couch. “Dee honey, you need some sleep. Let me get you an Ambien,” Phillip suggested.

  “No, I need to work through this,” Dee insisted. “I have to get it together. Mom and Dad will be here tomorrow. I have to be strong for them.”

  Gabrielle looked at Phillip and with a slow nod of her head signaled she was capable of putting Dee to sleep.

  Phillip shook off her proposal. Even though he honestly could use some sleep himself, he needed to honor his wife’s wishes. The events of the last two days had left him depleted beyond sanity. “Okay, baby. I just thought you might fare better tomorrow if you got a little sleep.”

  It had barely been two years since they met. Two years ago, when she looked into his mischievous eyes and thought there’s no way this guy’s for me. Casanova playboy, immature, and totally uncommitted to anything of moral value, except his business, he was never supposed to be anything more than a weekend fling. Now she could not imagine any guy better equipped to fill his shoes. Dee wiped the flow of tears from her face and sat up.

  “Phil, why don’t you take an Ambien?” Dee walked over to the window and snuggled to his side. “You need the sleep as bad as I do.”

  Phillip cracked a weak smile, and shook his head. “I will sleep when you do.”

  “Both of you go lay down. I will get you if anything happens,” Gabrielle offered.

  As they headed to the bedroom, Dee’s knees buckled and she fell into Phillip. “I feel so weak.”

  “As you should be. You have not eaten all day.” Phillip wrapped his arms tightly around Dee’s waist.

  Dee steadied herself with his shoulders. “Would you carry me if I asked?”

  “Tonight, and the rest of your life … if you asked.”

  “You’re such a suck-up, Phillip.” Dee faked a smile; it was the best she could manage at the moment.

  Gabrielle smiled at the pair. Quite the couple to envy; kindhearted, playful, generous, and sexy, all wrapped into one unified soul. They had forced Gabrielle to set her bar high when seeking companionship, which to this point was why she had no man in her life.

  “If you hear any news, no matter how small, come get me,” Phillip instructed.

  As they moved toward the bedroom, the sound of Dee’s feet shuffling across the hardwood floors was disrupted by a knocking. All three turned their attention to the door. At this hour, it was either the authorities or Brian, Phillip thought. If the police had found and ID’d Samantha’s body, they would have waited until the morning to call. Phillip’s office would have sent a text message. “Please God, don’t let it be Homeland Security,” Phillip whispered as he moved toward the door. Brian’s familiar face would be most welcome, he thought. Phillip unlocked the two deadbolts, and began to address the overdue friend he hoped was on the other side. “It is about damn time you showed up.”

  Had Phillip been an older man, a massive heart attack would have been in order. He muttered the only word he could manage to assimilate, “Sam?”

  Dee’s eyes flew open wide. On the verge of collapse, she staggered her way to the door. “Sam?”

  Dee pushed Phillip aside making her way to her sister. “Oh my God!” she exclaimed as she hugged her tightly. “I don’t understand … how can you be …?”

  Sam pushed away from her sister. An incredibly searing pain penetrated her chest. She pushed away farther. Initially dumbfounded by the excruciating pain, within seconds she realized the source. Underneath her shirt, Dee wore the sterling cross that once protected Nick. He had insisted Dee and Phillip wear them, knowing at least two vampires potentially remained in the city.

  Cursed by God. Okay, so maybe one of Nick’s reservations against converting her was somewhat justifiable.

  “Dee … your cross.” Momentarily stunned by the pain in her chest, Samantha turned her head away while collecting her wits.

  Gabrielle rushed to the door, instantly recognizing the scent of another. “Samantha, how did this happen?”

  Dee and Phillip were oblivious as to Gabrielle’s insinuations, but Samantha understood immediately. Wired by this new bond, Gabrielle’s intentions were crystal clear. Lowering her face to the floor, shamed by the event completely out of her control, Samantha confessed solemnly, “I am a vampire.”

  Appalled by her confession, or in shock from seeing the resurrected dead, or completely physically and emotionally spent, Dee and Phillip were lost in an unresponsive stupor.

  Accepting the news as if Samantha had just confessed to buying a new purse, Gabrielle chirped, “But of course you are.” She grabbed Samantha by the arm, as she had playfully done so many times before and led her in. Sensing Samantha’s needs, Gabrielle led her to the couch. “Sit. I’ll be right back.”

  In silen
ce, Dee sat beside Samantha while Phillip remained standing in front of her with his arms crossed. Feeling weak and disoriented, Samantha was fearful of the sudden changes within her body.

  Gabrielle returned from the kitchen with a glass of deep burgundy blood. “Drink, you will feel much better. I promise.”

  Samantha did as instructed. Within seconds, the effects of the blood had rejuvenated her strength. “Thank you, I guess I didn’t realize what was wrong.”

  “Yes,” Gabrielle confessed. “You are new to this. Everything we are comes from the blood. If we deprive our body of it, well you understand now, don’t you?”

  “She just drank blood!” The raw emotional hemorrhage Dee had suffered over the last twenty-four hours, including the total lack of sleep, erupted into an ear piercing screech. “Phillip, please tell me I’m not dreaming … or haven’t completely lost my mind.”

  Ignoring her sister’s temporary meltdown, Samantha closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation; streams of energized blood passing through the veins of her body. She drew in a deep breath, and gradually opened her eyes.

  Giddy with Samantha’s situation, and already knowing the answer, Gabrielle felt compelled to ask, “It is better than sex, yes?”

  The thought of sex, slapped Samantha back to reality from her euphoric high. “Where is Nick?”

  “Nick?” Dee asked in a scratchy tone. “He’s out wreaking terror and havoc on those responsible for your death. You are dead, aren’t you? I don’t believe you understand the magnitude of what’s taking place here. You are dead and Mom and Dad will be here tomorrow to help plan your funeral, even though we don’t know where your body is. But that’s because you’re here and not in the morgue where you’re supposed to be …”

  Phillip placed his hand on Dee’s shoulder. “Honey, you are hysterical. She is alive, sort of.”

  Samantha grabbed Dee’s hands, her pulse racing uncontrollably. Gabrielle, seeing Samantha’s concerned expression, walked behind Dee, placed her hands around Dee’s forehead, and began to whisper in hushed tones in her ear. Almost immediately, the tension in Dee’s body released, her eyes rolled back into her head, and she slumped over.


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