Texas CHAOS (Texas Heroes Book 2)

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Texas CHAOS (Texas Heroes Book 2) Page 2

by Sable Hunter

  And speaking of Logan...Jenna shivered, hugging herself. “He's a helluva man.” She bit her lower lip and smiled to herself. Unlike anyone she’d ever known, he was self-assured, confident, and compassionate. He was also powerful, handsome and sexier than any man had a right to be. Logan not only looked after her and his parents, he raised cattle and horses and was one of the biggest stock suppliers to rodeos in the state. He was also the Fire Chief of the local rural volunteer fire department. In other words, he wasn’t around nearly as much as Jenna would like him to be. If it were up to her, she would spend every moment she could with Logan. But he was busy. He lived on Gray Wolf, but not in the main house. Logan stayed in the former foreman’s cabin located about a half mile down the road. He always said that he needed to be closer to the stock, but Jenna knew he was a man who valued his privacy. If he ever entertained women there, she never knew it. And it would’ve killed her if she had.


  Because Logan Gray belonged to her.

  He just didn’t know it yet.

  “Where’s my perfume?” She ran in the bathroom and started opening one drawer after another. “Here it is.” Soon a cloud of scent enveloped her and she grabbed her shoes and ran out with a laugh of pure joy on her lips. “Logan!”

  Outside, Earl stood beside his son, smiling indulgently. “You’re spoiling her, you know.”

  “Yea, I know.” He didn’t try to analyze his motives. Logan didn’t have to. The only motive on his mind was to make Jenna happy. “She deserves it. How many guests do we have coming in this weekend?”

  “Six. Two couples, and a pair of brothers meeting here while one of them is on leave from Iraq.” Earl shoved his hands in his pocket. “Remember, the rodeo is tonight. You’re planning on being here, aren’t you?” He lowered his voice as if he was offering Logan a bribe. “Jenna’s going to be riding.”

  Logan shook his head. “You know I'm not gung-ho about her trick riding. I think it's too risky.”

  “Ah, but she loves it. Just like your mama. Besides, today is a special day.”

  The thought made Logan smile. “Today is her eighteenth birthday. Do you think I’d be anywhere else?”

  His dad didn’t get a chance to answer because the front door slammed and they both looked up to see Jenna flying down the stairs. “Logan! You’re here!”

  He opened his arms and caught her. Holding her was like trying to capture a will o’ the wisp. She was sweetly solid in his arms, but her spirit was effervescent. No longer was she sad, she’d put the tragedy of her parents’ death and the loss of her home behind her – he’d made damned certain of that. “Where else would I be?” He held her for just one more second, that’s all he allowed himself. Logan had to keep his feelings in check. Jenna had grown from a lovely young girl into a very desirable woman.

  But she wasn’t for him.

  “Will you stay? I made a cake.” Her smile was so bright it rivaled the sun.

  “What are you doing making your own birthday cake?” Logan asked, waiting to see how long it would take her to notice what they were standing beside.

  “I made it for you.” Jenna never even considered hiding her feelings from Logan. Why should she? She loved him completely. Unconditionally. He’d not only saved her life, he’d given her a reason to live.

  “For me?” He tried not to stare at her. She was so beautiful to him. Her hair was long, dark and silky. Those ever-changing eyes sparkled with wonder, so big and full of love that he wanted to drown in them. And her body… Jenna was small, but delectable. She was a woman, fully grown, so feminine he ached to touch her, taste her. Logan tried not to notice, but he’d memorized the exquisite shape of her breasts. They would fill his hands to perfection and he’d fantasized how he’d cup them, caress them – how her nipples would melt in his mouth. Fuck!

  “It’s chocolate…” she teased, as if he might need further incentive to spend time with her.

  “Oh, well, if it’s chocolate,” he muttered, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow. “I’ll think about it. How’s Stormy?”

  “She’s wonderful.” Jenna stood on her tiptoes. Her whole body yearned to be closer, she had to physically brace herself to keep from pressing against him. “We’ve been working on the hippodrome and the back drag. I think you’ll be proud.”

  Logan didn’t doubt it. Frankly, sometimes she scared him to death. But she was one of the most talented riders he’d ever seen. Would he ever get over this fierce need to protect her? “I know I will be.” Seeing his mother approaching, he knew it was time to give Jenna his gift. Earl moved over to join his wife, leaving Logan and Jenna alone – almost. “So, what does an eighteen-year-old want for her birthday?”

  Jenna held his gaze, giving him a mysterious womanly smile. “Oh, I know exactly what I want.”

  Logan took her comment to mean she was aware of what sat close enough to touch. “Good. A woman who knows her own mind.” He held up a key and dangled in front of her. “Happy Birthday, Jenna.”

  For a second or two she stared at the key with seeming incomprehension. His beautiful smile told her more than anything else. He was proud of himself. As always, she’d only had eyes for him. It was only when he glanced back over his shoulder that she finally saw the white Ford pickup parked in the driveway. “Logan? For me?” Her gasp was genuine and full of thrilled shock.

  “Yes, you graduated in May and I told you I’d give you a special gift for your birthday. You can take it to college this fall. It's heavy enough to pull your horse trailer if you have to take Stormy to the vet or anything. But you can’t drive fast and I don’t want you taking any risks…”

  She didn’t let him finish, her emotions and the excitement of the moment gave her the courage to take what she really wanted – a kiss. Stepping right into his space, she clasped Logan around the neck, pushed her body flush to his and covered his lips with hers.

  Shocked, Logan floundered. The object of his forbidden desire was bringing to life every fantasy he’d entertained in the dark of night. His hands raised to embrace her, then fell to his side. He was afraid if he clasped her to him, he’d never have the strength to let her go. Her sweet mouth was caressing his, her lips clinging, her little tongue darting out to tease and tempt. Unable to resist, for just a second, he gave in and kissed her back. Hungrily. Voraciously. Mouth wide open – consuming - kissing her as if his life depended on it. If moments could last forever, he’d preserve this one in amber for eternity.

  Only his father clearing his throat brought Logan to his senses. With great reluctance, he gently set her aside.

  She still had her eyes closed when they parted, and when she slowly opened them, the same hope shown out of them he’d seen the day he brought her to live with them.

  “Logan?” she asked in a soft voice. She wanted, no, she needed to know what he was thinking. That kiss – that kiss had been the culmination of two years of aching and longing. Licking her lips, she sought to preserve the amazing feeling. The man she loved had just turned her world upside down.

  He didn’t know what to say, his heart was like a jackhammer in his chest. Every fiber of his being wanted to grab her back into his arms and continue that kiss. Dry-scrubbing his face, Logan fought to keep his hands to himself. Misdirection was his friend. “Aren’t you going to take your new truck for a ride?”

  Earl and Louisa walked up at that moment and Logan didn’t know if they were coming to his rescue or Jenna’s. He was hesitant to look them in the face. What must they think? He’d spent the last two years being explicitly careful not to let his feelings for Jenna show. Now that he knew she was legal, his body seemed to have a mind of its own. To keep his growing desire under control, he’d need to limit their time together. Logan was determined not to soil or taint what they all shared. But he hadn’t initiated this kiss. She had.

  “Please.” She took the key he offered, leaned in for one more fast kiss, which Logan didn’t have time to dodge, then grabbed his mother by the arm. “Ride wit
h me, Lou.”

  As the women in their life pulled out of the driveway and headed down the ranch road, Logan placed his hand to his lips.

  “What was all that about?” Earl drawled with a smirk on his handsome face lined by years of gazing into the sun and smiling at life.

  “I…I don’t know, Dad.” Logan muttered. “It won’t happen again, I’ll see to that.”

  “Frankly, son, I’ve been expecting it. She’s worshiped the ground you walk on from the moment you brought her home.

  “She’s just a kid, Dad.” Logan said the words, all the time trying to convince himself they were true.

  “I suspect you might need glasses.” As they stared down the road, they could see the pickup turn around in a cloud of dust and head back toward the gate. “Let’s go hide in the house,” Earl suggested.

  Logan nodded. “Good idea.” He needed time to think.

  Once inside, the men made themselves useful by getting down plates for cake. Laughter and excited voices heralded Jenna and Louisa’s return. Earl took out his lighter and lit the eighteen candles atop the dark chocolate cake.

  Jenna came into the room, her bright eyes immediately seeking out Logan. “It drives like a dream, thank you.”

  As if she couldn't stay away, she came to him, giving him a hug that tore at his heart. How was he going to survive this? “You're welcome, honey. I'm glad you like it.”

  Louisa opened a cabinet door and drew out a gaily wrapped box. “This is from me and Earl.”

  Turning to the woman who had come to mean the world to her, Jenna took the package, her face alight with excitement. Ripping into the paper, she found a fancy cell phone with all the bells and whistles. “Thank you!” She hugged them both. “I love you.”

  “We love you too, baby.” Earl gave Jenna a kiss on the cheek, while the look he gave Logan spoke volumes.

  “And we expect phone calls anytime you go off somewhere in that brand new truck.” Louisa placed a protective hand on her shoulder. Stuffing his hands in his pocket, Earl viewed Jenna with indulgence.

  Jenna looked from one to the other of them. “I will never be able to repay all of you for everything you’ve done for me.” She didn’t come hug Logan again, but she did give him a smile that made his heart swell. Holding his gaze, she spoke directly to him. “But I will spend a lifetime trying.”

  “Time to make a wish, pretty girl,” Earl put an arm around Jenna’s shoulder.

  Seeing their expectant faces, she closed her eyes, held her hair and bent to blow out the eighteen tiny flames. Louisa and Earl clapped, then got busy gathering forks and pouring big glasses of milk.

  Logan stared, eating her up with his eyes. Not touching her was so hard. Clearing his throat, he tried to make polite conversation. “What did you wish for?” he asked, expecting a list of clothes, music or tech gifts, something normal for a female her age.

  She didn't answer right away. Instead she gave him a smile as old as Eden, stepped up and whispered for his ears only. “You, Logan. I wished for you.”

  * * *

  A few hours later, Logan was standing at the fence, surveying the crowd that had gathered for the monthly Gray Wolf Rodeo. He’d made himself scarce since the small birthday party, excusing himself to check out a group of young bulls scheduled to be shipped to North Texas. Honestly, Jenna had thrown him for a loop. When she’d told him her wish, he’d almost went to his knees. She’d never know how much he wanted her. But it was wrong. He was too old for her – way too old. It was up to him to be strong. Plus, he might have misinterpreted what she’d said. You. I wished for you.

  What had she meant? Could she really want him? Maybe she’d meant she was making a wish on his behalf. Yea, that was probably it. But what about the kiss? Logan was no virgin. He was discrete, but he loved sex. And that kiss was the single most erotic thing in his life thus far. The memory of it made him groan.

  “Indigestion?” His dad sidled up to him with a grin.

  “Heart burn,” Logan countered with a straight face.

  “Uh-huh.” Earl nodded knowingly. “Nice crowd. All of our guests are here. Combine that with a good showing from town and there’s not an empty seat in the bleachers.” A cheer went up from the crowd as one cowboy stayed a good fifteen seconds on the back of a big, spinning black bull.

  “The place is doing well.” Logan spoke up so he could be heard over the announcer’s voice. “I appreciate all you've done to help me make it a success.” His father shrugged as if what he'd done to help out had been nothing. Both of the men were proud of Gray Wolf. He didn’t know what he’d would've done if the circumstances were different. All of the responsibility would fall to him and he’d have to cut back on his hours as Fire Chief and that was one thing he didn't want to do. There had been a rash of calls lately. The weather was still cool. Early spring in the Hill Country could produce some chilly mornings. Fires seemed to be seasonal. Let people start trying to build a blaze in their fireplaces or use space heaters and sometimes catastrophe struck.

  A round of applause went up as the Waylon Jennings song about feeling no pain began to play. The crowd began to sing along, they considered the old tune to be their theme song. Gray Wolf Ranch sat in the small town of Stonewall, TX, located between Fredericksburg and Johnson City, hometown of President Lyndon Baines Johnson. The tiny hamlet of Luckenbach was located nearby, a haven for country singers. The whole area was known for wine, peaches, and people with a German heritage who knew how to have a good time. “Well, I think I’ll take a ride out and look at the horses while you folks play.” Logan clapped his dad on the back and started to leave.

  “Don’t forget, Jenna’s about to ride. She wouldn’t want you to miss it.”

  Logan broke his stride and stopped. “Oh, that’s right.” He turned with mixed feelings. Watching Jenna ride evoked emotions within him that he didn't really know how to handle. Joining his father at the fence so they'd have a better view, Logan realized it had been a while since he'd seen her perform. His mother had taken Jenna under her wing and taught her everything she knew. Louisa Gray had been a world championship trick rider in her day, until his father had convinced her to marry him and she'd traded her saddle for a suitcase to become a military wife. Even though she no longer performed, his mom sure knew how to teach. Since moving to the Hill Country, she'd coached a handful of girls. Jenna’s love for horses and athletic agility made her a natural.

  The exhibition center at Gray Wolf was open-air but well lit. The moon rode high in the sky and the smell of hot dogs and popcorn pervaded the air. Behind him, the wind whispered in the big oaks and if the roar of the crowd was gone, Logan knew he’d be able to hear the rush of water over the rocks in the creek behind the house. He loved his home and he was grateful he’d been able to share it with the girl…no, the woman whose name was being announced over the loud speaker.

  “Put your hands together and welcome our own Jenna Travis, a beautiful woman with an amazing talent!”

  Logan’s eyes were frozen to the gate where she’d enter and when she rode through, he had to make himself breathe. Wearing buckskin pants and a sleeveless fringed vest decorated with turquoise and feathers, Logan could easily believe she was an Indian princess from long ago. “Careful, baby, careful.” As music played, she entered on Stormy who was rearing and pawing the air. The rodeo crowd went crazy, clapping with a deafening beat. Cowboys paused in their tracks, waving their Stetsons and whistling their approval. Logan felt a wave of jealousy at the attention the men were giving her. As soon as he was aware of it, he tried to rein it in, but the green eyed monster was bigger than he knew.

  After making a lap around the arena on the copper colored horse, Jenna glided into her first position. Grabbing Stormy’s mane with one hand and the saddle horn with the other, she balanced on one leg, spread her arms and extended her other leg backwards. “That’s the Crane Stand.” His dad punched him, giving Jenna a nod of approval as she passed.

  “Looks dangerous to me.” L
ogan groused. He’d seen pictures of his mother riding, and never really thought about the danger. With Jenna – it was different.

  Before the applause stopped, Jenna moved upright, then secured her ankle in a looped strap. With complete grace, she slid to one side and let herself go, free-falling off the saddle. Logan held his breath, the urge to go snatch her off the horse almost overwhelming.

  “That’s the Cossack Death Drag,” Earl said with pride.

  Logan hated the name. Jenna was dangling upside down, hands free, letting her fingertips and left foot drag through the dirt. Stormy made a circle around the arena at a steady pace, shaving much too close to the side fence for Logan’s comfort.

  Everyone else was cheering and clapping, all he could do was clench his hands into fists and watch. Rising up from the side, she made a noise of encouragement to her horse. When Stormy reached a trot, she pulled her feet up, squatted in the saddle and stood upright. Logan knew this position was called a Hippodrome. He was mesmerized watching her standing proud in the saddle, balancing on the back of a loping horse. Time seemed to drag. Logan barely dared to breathe. Finally, she lowered herself to the saddle again, praising Stormy and patting her neck. “God, I won’t survive this,” he whispered to himself.

  “Yes, you will, I did.”

  Logan frowned at him, the old man’s hearing was better than he thought. “Not the same thing, Dad.” Louisa was his wife…Jenna was his…. “Hell!”

  Earl didn’t say anything else, he just laughed.

  He wanted to close his eyes, but he couldn’t. She was just too beautiful. And when she laid flat back on the horse, her gorgeous body hanging halfway to the ground, Logan thought it was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  If she could ride a horse like this, how would she ride a man?

  The totally outrageous thought put wings to his heels. “I gotta go, I’ll see you guys later.”

  Logan gave one last look to the woman who owned him body and soul, a woman he couldn’t have, and then he walked away as fast as his legs would take him.


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