With luck, another fortnight’s worth of travel would put them in lupwyn territory and there they would quickly be discovered by scouts.
The scouts could alert his home pack to his danger and another Elemental could bring them by Gate to his location. Once among his home pack, they could heal him. But if he was to judge how weak he was today, he might not even be able to travel another three days, let alone the fortnight required.
He glanced sidelong at Beatrice only to find her studying him with narrow eyes.
“What are you not telling me?” Beatrice said as she circled around the gelding and came over to Silverblade.
She scanned him with her magic. Its warm essence flowed over him, and his Larnkin flared eagerly to absorb that small bit of power.
Her eyes widened slightly, then she frowned. “You have less magic than you did this morning. It’s not a lethal draining yet, but it shouldn’t be happening at all. I sense no acolytes nearby or following in the distance, and I’ve been hunting for them all day. I would know.”
“So that’s why she hadn’t noticed my problem sooner,” Silverblade thought to himself. Aloud he added, “I had not wanted to burden you with more knowledge. And before, when we were riding double, I was fine.”
“Fine? A lie is always more of a burden than the truth.” Beatrice reached out and tapped a finger against his chest. “My magic will ferret out the truth before too long, but I would rather spend that time fixing whatever is wrong. So if you know, just spit it out and stop wasting time.”
She was right. This wasn’t something he could hide from her.
“You already know that lupwyns are creatures of a pack. We form tight-knit communities who rely upon each other. We hunt together. We play together. We raise our young together. But the pack is more than family. When a Larnkin takes a lupwyn for a host, the nature of the magic is slightly different than among other species. Instead of forming a primary link with a single bondmate, which is almost unheard of among lupwyns, it is far more common for the individual Larnkins to form lesser bonds between an entire pack. While each individual Larnkin might be less powerful, any member can call upon the power of the entire pack when needed.”
“Interesting. I’ve heard you talk of your pack, but even then I assumed you were just speaking of the physical family. But there’s a magical or almost spiritual component to it as well, isn’t there.”
“Yes.” Silverblade accompanied the word with a nod, again surprised at Beatrice’s ability to come to conclusions quickly.
“I know very little about Larnkin bonding, but when Ashayna Stonemantle was visiting with her sisters, I learned a few things of interest about Larnkin bondmates. It’s true that Ashayna is much stronger now that she’s bonded with her phoenix prince, however my healer’s magic also told me they had a great weakness. One cannot live long without the other, and physical separation between bondmates causes anguish between hosts.”
Beatrice circled him while she was deep in thought. “Am I correct in assuming that the bonds between Larnkins in the same pack works on a similar level? But if that is true, how were you able to act as a spy for so long? I didn’t know the trapper and the lupwyn scout were one and the same, but I sensed you scouting the forest near my home for many months as you studied the humans of River’s Divide. Yet only rarely did I feel the presence of another lupwyn within your territory.”
Silverblade hesitated, hunting up words to explain it to someone who was non-pack. “Under normal circumstances, well-established pack bonds are not stressed by the pack member’s dispersal. After all, the pack still needs to hunt even when the young are too little to follow. The first Larnkins to take lupwyns as hosts seemed to have understood that and adapted their magic to suit the needs of my species.”
Beatrice frowned. “So something happened to your bond with the pack when you were attacked and I healed you?”
“Yes. But it is not permanent. Once I return to my pack, I will be able to reestablish the bonds.” And if I keep you close, I won’t have to worry about mating Autumn Shadow to form them.
Beatrice stopped before him and then rested a hand on his chest and bowed her head. Her power raced over him and his Larnkin awoke, almost purring with happiness before he began to drink up the power she offered. Another unhappy realization struck. If his Larnkin grew strong enough from Beatrice’s feedings before they made if back to lupwyn territory, it might not be a lupwyn mate he need fear.
“Care to elaborate?”
Damn, Beatrice was studying him with narrowed eyes. How much had she already picked up from his body language?
“When the acolytes fed upon my Larnkin, they didn’t just injure him, they also harmed my pack bonds. The first time those bonds were just damaged, but the second time was worse.”
“Ah.” Beatrice’s expression turned thoughtful and then a little unhappy. “My healer’s magic felt those bonds you speak of; at the time, I did not know what they were or why my Larnkin severed them, but I did feel her do it. But now that I know what they were, it makes no sense. Why would my Larnkin try to harm you in this way? She has only ever tried to help.”
Silverblade didn’t answer her right away, not wanting to go down the path this conversation was heading, but Beatrice at least deserved to know the truth.
“I believe your Larnkin was trying to help. My bonds to my pack were too damaged to heal and I think she was trying to replace them with new pack bonds between us. However, you and she were both too weak to complete the task.” Telling her even that much caused a great sense of unease within his heart. “My pack bonds were so damaged that if your Larnkin hadn’t severed them completely, my Larnkin may have bled out like a severed artery.”
“How long can you survive without the pack bonds?”
“As long as you continue to share power with my Larnkin each night, I will survive long enough to return to my pack and restore those links.”
“That was an answer, but not to the question I asked.”
Silverblade shrugged. “I don’t know how long a lupwyn can live once pack bonds are severed. It has never happened in my memory. Nor have I heard tell of such in the stories passed down from the elders.”
“Well, the acolytes are new to this land, so perhaps that isn’t so surprising.” Beatrice tilted her head to study him, but he knew she wasn’t seeing him with her eyes.
She continued to circle and again he felt her power, the soothing balm of her healing magic flowing across him, and he hungrily drank of that power, absorbing her concern and sympathy along with it.
But it was not enough. It simply whetted his appetite. He fisted his hands so he wouldn’t drag her into his arms. The temptation to bask in her warm, nourishing magic was that great.
“Tell me more about how these pack bonds are formed.”
Beatrice’s gray-blue eyes met his. Trapped, he couldn’t look away—and he didn’t want to. “There are places on the body that act as conduits for the Larnkin. If it helps, think of them as gateways through which those spirit creatures can directly touch another of their kind in the physical world.”
At his words, Beatrice reached out, her fingertips hovering less than a handspan from his body but did not touch him.
Shifting closer until Beatrice’s fingertips brushed his chest, Silverblade guided them up to his throat. “There are seven gateways in total. During the Bonding Ceremony, where sacred symbols are painted upon their hosts’ bodies, a Larnkin can use the gateways to escape a host for a short time and forge their spirit bond with another of its kind. When that occurs, the two hosts become bondmates for life, like Ashayna and Crown Prince Sorntar.”
Beatrice caressed his throat with a slow thoroughness that tested his concentration.
What was I saying? Ah, yes. Pack bonds. Why then am I telling her about bondmates and the great fiery bonding ceremonies? It didn’t relate to the way lupwyn pack bonds were formed, but he knew in the deepest, most secret part of his phoenix heart, he wanted her as his bondm
“From what I understand so far, pack bonds are similar, but not as powerful as the link shared between bondmates, yes?”
The heat of her healing magic intensified and his eyelids drifted closed in pleasure.
He swallowed hard, but saw no reason not to tell her the truth. The more she understood about pack bonds, the more she’d be able to help.
“Pack bonds are formed over time. From the moment a lupwyn is born into his pack, he becomes familiar with pack magic—the combined power of all Larnkins within that pack. Power is shared freely between all within the group. It’s as natural to us as breathing. And to be truthful, we are unaware of it for the most part. Only when one is injured or in need of some other kind of help, do we feel our magic flaring to life to aid that member. One advantage of pack bonds over bondmates is that lupwyn magic can be shared over a great distance. That is why I was able to act as a spy.”
When she was silent for a time, he opened his eyes.
Beatrice stood before him, her gaze unseeing and distant, as if she mulled over some other question she wasn’t sure how to voice. At last she blinked and looked at him. “But surely there must be other ways to form these pack bonds. Not all members can be born into it. Some others must come from the outside. Mates, lone wolves, new members drifting in from other packs. I’m sorry if comparing you to a wolf is insulting, but you must admit your species shares some social similarities. And all life needs diversity to survive and to avoid inbreeding. It is only logical for there to be a way for others not born into it to become pack.”
The human was correct on all counts. While many pack members were born into it, outsiders joined because they were mates. The act of mating almost always established new pack bonds. But he respected her too much to allow that to happen. She was a kindred spirit, as well as being selfless and compassionate. And young, too damn young. She deserved the chance to learn her own heart first. In a hundred or so years, if she was certain of her interest in him, he would see where their relationship might go. He would not allow desperation on his part to rule a decision they both might regret later.
“Are you going to answer my question?” Beatrice’s thoughtful expression had taken on a hint of annoyance. “And don’t bother lying to protect me.”
He sighed. “Yes, you are right. When other members seek to join the pack, it is usually because they are mates. Mating realigns the pack bonds, harmonizing them until the new member is absorbed into the pack.”
“So you will die if your pack bonds are not re-forged? And the simplest, fastest, and easiest way to forge those bonds are through mating? I know we do not know each other very well, but I will not stand aside and allow you to die when there is a way I could heal you.” Her chin tipped up slightly. “I’m no weeping maiden, and your form isn’t unpleasant to look upon. If you find me pleasing enough, I don’t see why we shouldn’t try to restore your bonds.”
Her expression had turned fierce and defiant, challenging him to so much as utter something about self-sacrifice.
“I am flattered by your offer. If the choice was a life with you or death, I’m reasonable and selfish enough to choose you. And while our mission is of the utmost importance, the situation isn’t desperate for me yet. As long as we are able to share power for a few candlemarks each night, that should satisfy my Larnkin’s need.”
Her lips parted in a look of surprise. “By the Light. You’re not attracted to me, not even a little bit, are you?” She started to laugh. “Here I’ve been propositioning you, and you’re actually utterly appalled. Of course you’re not interested. I’m human and you’re not.”
While it would certainly be easier to let her think that, he found he couldn’t bring himself to lie to her.
“That is not exactly true.” Rubbing at his chin, he fought a sheepish smile. “You forget, I’m half-phoenix and that species has a softness for humans. At least I think that’s why I’ve been fighting off an attraction to you for some months now. However, I am not free to act upon it.”
“Ah. I’m glad you don’t think I’m hideous.” A soft smile spread across her lips and merriment flashed in her eyes. “Perhaps, as you say, the situation isn’t perilous just yet. We will continue as we have, sharing power like before, and I will monitor you. If you are correct, then in half a moon cycle you should be back among your people, and they will be able to heal you properly without us having to…form a more physical union.”
He didn’t miss the delightful red hue her cheeks turned. Perhaps the little healer wasn’t as worldly as she made herself sound. “Not that it matters. I will not be the one to find that out,” he reminded himself sternly.
Still, he feared he’d succumb far too easily if Beatrice decided it was too dangerous for him to remain unmated. Worse, he was starting to wonder why that would be such an unfortunate event.
To get his own mind on something else, he changed the topic. “We will stop just ahead for the night. I imagine we could both use the longer rest. In another day, the gelding should be well enough to start riding again.”
She nodded her agreement and sighed softly. “I would love a bath with real soap. I’d be willing to kill a few acolytes to get it, too.”
Silverblade huffed out a short, humorless bark of laughter. “Let’s hope that isn’t necessary. All I feel like battling is sleep, and that only until I’ve filled my belly. At which point, I’m not even going to want to battle that.”
Beatrice nodded her agreement.
Chapter Twenty-Five
When they at last walked into their new camp, Beatrice quickly studied it and started picking out all the amenities Silverblade mentioned. She grinned. Here the river crashed over a series of small waterfalls and down into a rocky ravine. At the foot of the small cliff, the river widened into a pool deep enough for swimming. Which also meant it was the first time in days she’d be able to partake in the much-looked-forward-to bath. A gently sloping bank comprised of sand and round river rocks would make for an easy entrance.
Mist rose up from the falls, slicking the rocks on either side of the river in a wide area along both banks. She eyed the nearest foliage, hoping to see some of the familiar and coveted soapwort leaves. Later, she’d take a closer look.
“I’ll start gathering river rocks to make a fire ring and see if I can find some dry wood and kindling.” She studied the mist being kicked up by the falls for a moment. “Although I might have to go farther afield for that.”
Silverblade pointed out a game trail. “The thicker tree canopy protects the undergrowth. Start there and I’ll retrieve my stash of supplies from the cave behind the falls.”
Beatrice started towards the game trail he’d pointed out, but stopped to watch as he leapt from one outcropping to the next, hauling himself up the ravine wall as if it was nothing. Just as swiftly, he navigated the slick rocks closer to the falls. As she watched, he dragged himself up onto a narrow ledge and then vanished into a dark crevice just to the right of the main flow.
She was impressed by his agility. Not to mention it was a subtle demonstration of his strength.
While she distractedly gathered a few pieces of somewhat-dry wood for the fire, she kept one eye on the dark entrance to the crevice. Before she had time to even collect a handful of twigs, Silverblade was already at the entrance and then making his way back down, leaping from ledge to ledge to land in a crouch at the base.
Slung over his shoulder was a large, leather satchel almost as big as she was. She eyed the satchel with its intricate beadwork, giving it more attention than she applied to her current task. Fighting the temptation to throw the few twigs she’d collected down next to the fire and race to Silverblade’s side, she instead gathered a few more pieces and piled them near the fire ring. Besides, if she wanted to prove that she was mature enough for him to trust with his life, she couldn’t completely discard her last few shreds of dignity like an overly excited child at the sight of presents.
After venturing once more to the tr
ee line, she gathered another armful of wood and then made her way back to camp, all the time casting not-so-innocent looks at his satchel.
“The preservation spells are still active,” Silverblade said and patted the ground next to him.
Once she made her way around the stone cooking ring, she peered over his shoulder for a moment and then sat cross-legged next to him. He worked loose the buckle and when he tossed back the flap, she saw that it had a drawstring drawn tight at the neck. He untied that layer of protection and she noticed there was another one below. The third one was not so ordinary. Her healer’s gift told her it was magic woven to protect the contents inside. She studied what he’d called a preservation spell. Interesting. She’d bet she could create something similar with a little practice and perhaps guidance from him.
Her excitement started to rise a second time. There might be some kind of foodstuff lurking within the big satchel. Tea would be nice. So would some dried fruits or nuts. And if it wasn’t food, she desperately hoped for a change of clothing or blankets.
He pulled out several packages wrapped in a strange, smooth fabric—she’d never seen anything like it. Again, her healer’s magic analyzed it. After a moment’s study, she recognized it as not fabric at all. Instead, some kind of corporeal magic with actual weight and substance had been woven fiber by fiber and formed into a cloth.
When he unfolded the edges and revealed the contents, she nearly leapt upon him. Grinning like a fool, she took the offered item. It was some kind of trail ration shaped into four little brown cakes. Each one about the size of her palm. They looked nourishing and smelled divine. She broke off a piece and popped it in her mouth. And then had to fight to keep from shoving the rest in after.
Silverblade chewed on his own small cake. He finished his and then refolded the fabric back over the remaining cakes neatly. Sighing happily, she finished hers and then licked up the last of the crumbs.
Maiden's Wolf (In Deception's Shadow Book 3) Page 13