Teacher's Pet

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Teacher's Pet Page 5

by C. E. Starkweather

  "Stand up."

  There was an urgency in his voice that made me nervous. I stood up. "Good girl. Now wash your tits." I ran the loofah over my chest in circular motions. He stared at me intently. "Wash your pussy."

  I cringed. I hated that word. I reluctantly put my leg on the side of the tub and rubbed myself with the loofah. David walked over to me.

  "Let me help."

  He took the loofah and rubbed it back and forth. After a minute he dropped the loofah and started rubbing me with his fingers. I fought back tears. After he had fingered me for a minute he told me to sit back down. I sank into the water gratefully. He pulled out his razor. "Leg up," he ordered. He lathered up my leg with shaving cream and shaved me up to my thigh. He finished and moved on to the other leg. Surprisingly, he didn't cut me. He rinsed off the razor and laid a towel on the ground. "Lay down on this." I laid down as he spread my legs and slathered my bikini area with shaving cream. Having David shave me was more humiliating than the forced blow job. Having to lay spread eagle in front of him while he studied me was almost unbearable. When he finally finished, he told me to rinse off. I rinsed quickly and grabbed the towel he held out for me, wrapping it around my body. I couldn't handle another second of him watching me. "David, do you think you can make us some dinner? I'm starving." I actually had no appetite, but would force some food down if it meant he would leave.

  "Sure, princess. I'm hungry too. You know what? Let's eat in the kitchen tonight. You've earned a treat."

  I fumed, but softly said "Thanks." How dare he tell me that I had earned a treat? I wasn't his dog. I quickly put my red lacy lingerie back on and laid down on the bed.


  Half an hour later, David announced that dinner was ready. He led me out and sat me down on the kitchen chair. I have to admit that it was kind of nice to have a change of scenery. I was going stir crazy in the bedroom. David set a huge kale and cucumber salad in front of me. "I figured I'd give kale a try. It looks just like lettuce. How bad can it be?"

  David ended up hating the kale. "It tastes like a fucking garden," he mumbled. I almost laughed.

  "Most people don't really like it at first. You get used to it."

  He doused his salad with dressing to kill the taste. "What do you want to drink?" He asked.

  An idea came to me.

  "Do you have any wine?" Could I get him drunk and get away from him? It was worth a try. He shook his head. "I don't drink."

  So much for that.

  "Why don't you drink?" I asked. He glared at me. "Because alcohol makes people do stupid fucking things. You think Alex was sober when he fucked your best friend?"

  I looked down. "No," I whispered.

  He sighed. "I'm sorry. My parents were killed by a drunk driver when I was 23."

  "Oh David, I'm so sorry," I said sympathetically. "My mom's parents were killed by a drunk driver too. They were on their way back from a holiday party. My mom was supposed to go too but she got sick. It's awful to think that she was supposed to go with them." I started to cry. Thinking about my mom and knowing that I might never see her again was heart wrenching.

  "Oh sweetie, come here." David grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap. He held me and rocked me back and forth. "It's ok, baby. Your mom didn't go. She's fine." I sniffed and nodded. "Can I go to bed now?" I asked. "I'm not feeling so good."

  "Sure princess. I'll be in soon. I have a few papers to grade before tomorrow."

  He led me back to the bedroom and locked the door. I knew I had only been here for a few days but it seemed like an eternity. I laid on the bed and tried to sleep.

  I woke up and felt my arm being raised above my head.

  "What the hell?"

  David snapped the handcuff to the bed post. My right arm was free but my left arm was secured above my head.

  "David, what the fuck? Get this off me!" I yelled.

  "Sorry, princess. I have to go to work. As much as I want to, I can't trust you yet. I'm sure you understand."

  "No. I don't understand. And I have to pee. What am I supposed to do, wet the bed?"

  "Oh.". David frowned. "I didn't think of that." He unlocked the handcuff. "Go now, and I'll cuff you when you're done. Hurry though or I'll be late." I scoffed and stormed to the bathroom. I peed and brushed my teeth. I stomped back and laid on the bed.

  "Here," I said, giving him my arm. "Go to town."

  He cuffed my wrist to the bed post. "I'm sorry I have to cuff you. I'll get you something to eat when I get home. I'll come home as soon as I can." I ignored him and stared at the window. He sighed. "Fine. Just relax today. We'll come up with a better solution tomorrow. You have one arm free so you can still move around." He gave me a kiss on the head and left. How the hell was I supposed to kill 8 hours like this?


  It was the longest day of David Hayes's life. He couldn't concentrate in any of his classes. All he wanted to do was get home to his princess. He thought about using a sub for the afternoon and going home sick, but he didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention to himself. The hardest part was seeing Jadia's empty desk in first period. Seeing her was the highlight of his day. He reminded himself that she was waiting for him at home, and he just had to be patient. The good news was that everybody assumed that she had run away. By now everyone knew about Alex and Carly.

  Fourth period was his free period. He was looking forward to getting some work done so he could spend more time with Jadia later. Before he got started he went to the engagement ring website he had been looking at. He almost knew which ring he wanted. It was hard to choose when they were all so similar. He couldn't wait to marry Jadia and start their new life together. And shaving her yesterday had been so fucking hot. It had taken all of his self control not to pull his cock out and fuck her right there on the floor. She wanted to wait though, and he respected the fact that she had pride in her virginity. He could wait for her. Not for much longer, but he could wait. He wanted nothing more than to bury his cock in her while she screamed and moaned his name. Thinking about sliding into her tight pussy for the first time made him start to get hard. He wondered if he had time to rub one out before his next class.

  He heard a knock on his door. "Fuck," he muttered. "Come in!" He called. The door opened and Alex Lipton walked in. "Hi, Mr. Hayes." David clenched his fists under the desk, thinking about how Jadia had called him Alex when he was going down on her. "What can I do for you, Mr. Lipton?" He asked coolly.

  "Sorry I missed class this morning. I had a dentist appointment."

  "Uh huh. Get the notes from a classmate." David looked back down. Alex stood there. David looked back up, annoyed. "Something else you wanted?"

  "Yeah. We have that oral presentation tomorrow. I don't know if you heard, but my girlfriend is missing. I've been spending a lot of time looking for her and haven't really had a chance to do my report. I was hoping you could give me an extension."

  It took every ounce of David's self control not to jump over the desk and choke him out. How dare he still refer to Jadia as his girlfriend after what he had done to her? Jadia belonged to him, not Alex. David cleared his throat. "Well, Mr. Lipton, if the rumors are true, maybe you should stop looking for her. It doesn't seem like she would want you to be the one who finds her. Presentation is due tomorrow."

  And I shoved my cock down your "girlfriend's" throat the other night.

  Alex stared at him for a second, gave a curt nod and quickly walked out the door.

  "Fucking prick," David muttered, and started grading his papers.

  Alex stormed down the hall. What the fuck was that guy's problem? All he had wanted was an extension. Not to have Mr. Hayes judge his relationship with Jadia. What did he know about it anyway? He felt awful enough already without Mr. Hayes laying on the guilt. He missed Jadia so much. He felt horrible about trying to pressure her into sex, and even worse for making out with her best friend. If he hadn't made a stupid drunken mistake,
she'd probably still be here. If and when she came back, he would spend the rest of his life trying to make her happy. He thought about the engagement ring website open on Mr. Hayes's browser. Who in their right mind would want to spend their life with that asshole?


  I spent most of the day trying to sleep and counting the swirls on the ceiling. I had never been so bored in my life. I hadn't eaten or drank anything today, but around 1:30, I had to pee. "Shit," I muttered, wondering when David was coming home. I assumed he would be home around 3. I realized that the reason he had tied me up wasn't because he was afraid of me escaping. There was no way out of this room. He wanted me to depend on him and look forward to seeing him every day. Sad to say, it was kind of working.

  I wondered if I should just pee the bed. That would serve David right for leaving me like this. I quickly dismissed that idea. I had to keep him wanting me to make sure he kept me alive. Wetting the bed was probably the worst thing I could do. Pretty soon though, I wouldn't have a choice.

  At around 2:45, I heard the front door open. "DAVID!" I screamed. "HURRY UP!" I heard him run to the door and unlock the deadbolt.

  "What's wrong? What happened?"

  "I have to pee. Like right now," I answered.

  "Jesus Christ, I thought it was an emergency the way you were carrying on."

  "How is this not an emergency?" I snapped. "I'm about to wet the bed."

  He unlocked the handcuff with key he had added to his necklace and I ran to the bathroom. Once I relieved myself, I felt about a million times better. I washed my hands and drank thirstily from the faucet.

  I poked my head out of the bathroom door. "I'm going to shower. I feel gross. Can you pick me out something to wear?"

  His eyes widened. "Sure."

  I was sure he would pick the trashiest outfit, but I didn't really care anymore. I showered quickly and towel dried my hair.

  I came out of the bathroom and David was sitting on the bed. "Here," he said excitedly. "Wear this."

  It was the black thing that I had originally pulled out. I looked at it, confused as to how it was supposed to go on.

  "Do you want me to help you?"

  I snorted. "No. I'll figure it out."

  "Ok. I'll make you a snack. I'm sure you're starving."

  David left the room and I figured out the ridiculous outfit, which actually turned out to be the opposite of an outfit. It was one piece, but there were two large holes where my breasts were and a hole in the crotch. What was the point of this? I sat on the bed and waited.

  David came in with a tray of vegetables. His eyes widened when he saw me. "Holy shit. You look like an angel."

  I almost burst out laughing. Apparently he thought angels looked like whores.

  "I missed you today," he continued. "It was so hard to concentrate. But I have good news. Pretty much everybody thinks that you ran away. Nobody suspects that you're with me."

  Tears filled my eyes. I quickly wiped them away.

  "Alex came to talk to me today."

  I almost choked. "What did he say?" I asked casually.

  "He said he was worried about you and asked for an extension on his presentation. Acted like you were still his girlfriend."

  I closed my eyes. "Does he suspect anything?"

  Please say yes.

  "No. I told you, he's an idiot. I almost punched him in the face when he pretended to give a shit about what happened to you just to get an extension."

  "He does care about me," I snapped.

  David narrowed his eyes at me. "No he doesn't, princess. He just wanted to fuck you. Do you really think that he spent any time over the weekend looking for you? He probably spent the whole weekend fucking Carly, happy that you weren't there to interrupt them."

  I gasped and without thinking slapped him in the face. David's face turned people with rage.

  Oh shit.

  "David, I'm sorry. I didn't mean..."

  David shot up. The plate of vegetables flew off of his lap and smashed on the floor. I cringed away from him. To my surprise, he didn't touch me. He stormed out the door and slammed it behind him without a word. I scolded myself for being so careless. I prayed that he didn't take his anger out on Alex.

  I cleaned up the broken plate, sad that none of the pieces were big enough to use as a weapon.

  David didn't come back into the room for 3 days. I think that's how long it was. It's hard to keep track of time when you spend all day doing calisthenics and staring at the wall. Sleep was a welcome relief to me, and I was pretty sure I was close to going crazy. When I wasn't exercising or sleeping, I would make up stories in my head. Thank God for the bathroom attached to the bedroom. At least I had a working toilet, shower and drinking water. Since I didn't know that David wouldn't come back for me, I had thrown out the vegetables. Not only were they too rotten to eat, but they were staring to smell. I moved them to the cabinet under the bathroom sink to try to hide the smell. I was starving. Even after a few days, I could feel that I was losing more weight. My hip bones were staring to feel sharp. I wondered if David would ever come back for me. I was losing energy too. I couldn't exercise for more than 5 minutes without feeling exhausted.

  At the end of the third day, I knew that I couldn't go on like this. I had messed up by slapping David. I needed to apologize. The last thing I wanted to do was have to rely on David, but at this point I had no choice.

  "David!" I called. "David, please. Come here!"

  The door unlocked and David poked his head in.


  "I haven't eaten for three days. I'm starving."

  He shrugged. "What do you want me to do about it?"

  "Can I have some food?"

  He shook his head. "You can have some food when you earn it. If you're still in love with that prick Alex, you can starve to death for all I care." He shut the door.

  Tears spilled down my cheeks. I was going to die here. I needed to find a way to get back on David's good side. There was only one thing I could think of. I could give him my virginity. The thought made me cry harder. Having sex with David was the last thing I wanted to do, but I knew that if I didn't have sex with him, he would eventually rape me. If I didn't die first. I took a shower and scrunched my hair. I knew David liked it when it was wavy. I opened the make up that he gave me and put on a heavy coat of eyeliner, giving myself a cat eye. I highlighted my brow with silver eyeshadow and applied a layer of black eyeshadow to my lids. I finished it off with a few coats of mascara. Once my hair was mostly dried, I put it up in a high ponytail. I went to the drawers and rifled through the lingerie. I finally settled on a hot pink thong with a matching push up bra that made my breasts look even bigger than they already were. Looking in the bathroom mirror, I had to admit that I looked pretty hot. I took a deep breath and shakily let it out. I told myself that it was this or death. Could I really go through with this? I was about to find out.


  David was depressed. He wanted so badly for his princess to love him, but after she had slapped him for telling her that Alex didn't care about her, he had pretty much lost hope. It was obvious that she was still in love with him. What was he supposed to do now? He had ignored the situation for 3 days. He understood that this was a big adjustment for her. But Jadia was his dream girl, and all he wanted was for her to love him as much as he loved her. He thought about the ring that he had bought for her. The ring that he may not get a chance to give her. He fucking hated Alex Lipton.

  He microwaved a Hungry Man for dinner. Sitting in front of the TV, he started to plan his lesson for tomorrow. He was interrupted by Jadia shouting for him.

  "David! I need you now! David!"

  He sighed and got up. He unlocked the door. "What do you want?" He snapped. He froze when he saw Jadia sitting on the bed. She looked the hottest that he had ever seen her. The hot pink lingerie against her tanned skin made him start to get hard.

  "I need to talk t
o you," she said.

  "So talk." David tried to keep his voice even, but he couldn't stop staring at her.

  "I want to apologize for slapping you. I was being emotional, and I'm sorry."

  "Ok," David said flatly. "Is that all?"

  "No," Jadia whispered. "I need you to know that I don't want Alex. I don't want anyone but you."

  David narrowed his eyes at her. "I don't believe you."

  Jadia nodded. "I know you don't. That's why I don't just want to tell you. I want to show you."

  Jadia got up and slowly walked over to him. She stood on her toes and kissed him on the lips.

  "Come here," she whispered.

  She led him to the bed and laid down, spreading her legs. David sucked in a breath and stared at her.

  "David, you're the only one I want. I love you. That's why I want you to be my first."

  David couldn't believe this was finally happening. He knew how much she cherished her virginity. If she was willing to let him inside her, she must really love him.

  "Are you sure?" He whispered.

  She nodded her head. "I want you to make love to me, David."

  David wasted no time. He jumped on top of her, kissing her deeply. "I love you, princess."

  "I love you too, David." She responded breathlessly.

  Those were the words he had been waiting to hear. He unhooked her bra and pulled it off. He squeezed her full breasts and sucked on her nipple. "Oh David," Jadia moaned. "That feels so good." He moved his hand down her panties and rubbed her clit. She moaned in pleasure. He pulled off her panties and tossed them away.

  "Let me look at you," he whispered.

  Her body was perfection. And it was all his.

  David kissed his way down her breasts and stomach. "I need to taste you."

  Jadia opened her legs and David hungrily lapped at her. Her pussy was so sweet and tight. He slid a finger inside. She gasped, and he chuckled. If she was this tight around his finger, he couldn't wait to feel her around his cock.


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