Mail Order Baron (The Brides of Tombstone Book 3)

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Mail Order Baron (The Brides of Tombstone Book 3) Page 8

by Cynthia Woolf


  They didn’t get to the construction site for several days. With all the activity, it appeared as though Ben was taking her at her word and trying to wipe the accident from her mind. He spent the days after the picnic as if they were still there on the grassy shore. Making love, eating lunch and then, much to her delight, making love again. On this day, however, she insisted they dress and go see the house after they ate their meal.

  The house was only a mile outside of town and was quite large. It was a two-story white wooden structure with a huge porch. He’d already had a swing hung.

  She clapped her hands and turned to him in the buggy, grinning. “How did you know I’d want a swing?”

  “I guessed we’d want to watch the sunset in the evenings. And after we have children, we can sit out here and watch them play.”

  He set the brake and came around to help her down. Then he took her hand and walked her up the flagstone path to the steps to the porch. He practically dragged her across the veranda to the door.

  She stepped through the door into a two-story foyer. A staircase stood on the right and a hallway on the left.

  “Upstairs are six bedrooms and two bathrooms. I’m having indoor plumbing put in with hot and cold running water.”

  “Really?” She hugged his arm and then laced her fingers through his. “I’ve never had those amenities before. The convenience will be wonderful. We’ll be the envy of everyone we know. And down here? What are the plans?”

  “We have the kitchen with two bedrooms off of it. One for the cook and one for any additional help that’s needed. There’s also a dining room, living room, a library, an office, and a bathroom.”

  “As big as this house is, you’re going to have to hire a housekeeper to help me with the work.”

  He wrapped her in his arms. “I’ll hire you whatever help you need. Do you like it?”

  She walked her fingers up his chest and slid her arms around his neck. “I love it. It’s as though you had me in mind when you built the house.”

  He cocked his head and smiled down at her. “Maybe I did.”

  More than likely he had Julia in mind, but Molly wouldn’t say it out loud. “Show me the upstairs.”

  “It’s not done yet. There are just studs up, there’s not much to see.”

  “That’s all right, I have quite the imagination.”

  “All right. Let’s go.”

  Molly followed Ben up the stairs. He hadn’t been exaggerating. Only studs created the outlines of the rooms, except the bathroom.

  “Oh, look.” She pointed down the hall. “There’s the bathroom. They’ve put in the bathtub.”

  The tub was large with four claw feet. Across the room from it was space for the toilet and a sink.

  Molly couldn’t believe her eyes as she got closer to the bathroom. “That tub is massive.”

  Ben nodded. “It was the biggest I could get. I thought we could use it together.”

  She wrinkled her brow. “What?”

  “You know. Take a bath together.”

  “Why would you want to do that?”

  “We can play while we’re in the tub. It can be quite entertaining.”

  She felt her cheeks heat. She’d heard of this sort of ‘play’ from her readings. Lady Chatterley’s Lover was a definite eye-opener

  Ben laughed. For some reason he liked to make her flush with color.

  “Why do you enjoy making me blush so often?”

  “Because you are so beautiful when you blush.” He waved a hand toward her face and tilted his head. “I happen to know that you color all over when you do. So I imagine what you look like naked, blushing, looking beautiful. See there you go again.”

  She smiled. “You are incorrigible.”

  “Yes, I am and you love me for it.”

  He said love. Molly turned her head away. “What makes you think I love you?”

  “You can’t look at me when you’ve climaxed, but you always want to cuddle. That’s the mark of a woman in love. If you didn’t want to be with me after sex I’d wonder what I’m doing wrong.”

  This time she was happy he had the experience to know this. “So just because I want to lie with you, that tells you I love you?”


  “That’s ridiculous logic.”

  “But it’s true nonetheless.”

  She looked away, knowing he’d see the truth of his words in her eyes. “You can think whatever you like.”

  “Say it.”

  She tilted her head. “Say what?”

  “Say you love me.”

  “But I don’t. You have a vivid imagination yourself if you think having sex with me a few times will make me fall in love with you.” That was true. I fell in love with him before I’d ever arrived in Tombstone. I saw his picture and read his letters and was hopelessly in love. Of course, I hadn’t known about Julia then.

  She tried to turn and pull away from him but he wouldn’t let her. Instead he bent down and kissed her, slowly, deeply. His tongue came out and played with hers.

  “Say you love me,” he whispered against her lips. “Say it.”


  He kissed her again. “Tell me.”

  “I…I…like you.” She paused. “A lot.”

  He threw back his head and roared with laughter. “I like you, too, Molly. I like you very much.” Ben hugged her to him and then they walked through the house.

  “Next you’ll want to pick out furniture. For the most part, I’ll leave that to you. There are a few pieces that I’ll want. Desk and chairs for the office and the library, that kind of thing.”

  “We can make a list of items together and then I can go get them. In a town of ten thousand people, there must be several stores to choose our furniture from”

  “Not by yourself. You can make the list and then I’ll have them picked up for us. I’m not letting you out in town by yourself.”

  “I understand that you’re worried, but if I stay in well-populated areas, I should be fine. I was off of Main Street. It was quiet and I was quite alone when he ran me down. When I came out of the store that first time, there were people everywhere and he only threatened me.”

  “The fact that he followed you and knew where you were has me concerned. What if he broke into the house when you’re with Julia and the children? You’d all be in danger.”

  Her muscles tensed. She dropped her arms to her sides and pulled away. “You’re worried about Julia. I should have known. I thought for a fleeting moment that you were worried about me.”

  He tried to take her back into his embrace, but she wrapped her arms around her waist and stepped back from him. “You probably had Julia in mind when you built this house, too. Why don’t you have Julia pick out the furniture as well?”

  “Molly, you’re being ridiculous.”

  “Am I? Julia was your first choice and if she’d been available you would never have married me. Face it; you’re still in love with her.”

  He remained silent.

  That was all the confirmation she needed. She turned and walked back to the buggy and climbed in without waiting for him to help her.

  He followed her, got in and they drove back to town in silence. They arrived at the stable, and Robby immediately came to Molly’s side and helped her down.

  Ben set the brake and jumped down.

  “I won’t be home for dinner.”

  His eyes were stormy gray with anger.

  She didn’t know if it was with her because she had realized the truth of the house or with himself because he hadn’t hidden his feelings well enough. A lump lodged in her throat.

  She thought they had been making progress, but obviously she’d been mistaken.

  His heart was with Julia and always would be.

  Molly nodded but didn’t trust herself to speak, afraid she’d burst into tears if she said anything.

  She walked into the hotel and to their suite, through the adjoining door and bac
k into what had been her room. She didn’t want to have anything to do with him. By the time she crossed the living room and entered her old bedroom, tears were streaming down her face.

  “What were you expecting?” she said out loud to the room as she tossed her hands to the side. “Did you really think that just by making love to you he would change his feelings? Did you really think just because he was nice to you that he loved you? You’ve been a child.”

  Childish or not, she had believed he’d changed and that’s what hurt the most. She was wrong. He wouldn’t change. Not now, not ever and she’d better get used to that reality.

  Molly cried herself to sleep. Movement woke her and she realized Ben had picked her up and was carrying her back to their bed.

  “What are you doing?” she pushed against his chest.

  “No matter how angry we are with each other, we will sleep together. Always.”

  For a moment, she thought about that. In the short time they’d been married, he’d grown accustomed to her by his side.

  That was progress. At least part of him realized he needed her. Now if she could only get the rest of him to realize the same thing.

  * * *

  Tom rode his horse a long way behind the buggy. He’d followed them out to where a large house was being built. During the time they were in the house something changed. He watched from a little hill overlooking the site, and when they’d gone into the house, they’d been holding hands and laughing. When they left, she stomped to the buggy and climbed in without waiting for help.

  Oh, yes, something was wrong. Maybe she’d be left alone now. He only needed one more chance. He’d get her next time. Up close and personal. He decided he wanted her to know he was the person who was watching her die. Yes, he would use a knife and make it a slow death. Pay her back for every day of the sixteen months he’d spent behind bars.

  In the mean time, he thought he’d give them a little taste of what he had in mind. Tom rode back to town and bought kerosene. He waited until dark and rode back out to the house, spread the liquid all over the first floor, and lit a match.

  He sat on his horse on the little hill and watched the fire grow.

  * * *

  Molly heard the pounding on the hallway door and grabbed her wrapper from the foot of the bed. Ben preferred she not wear a nightgown to bed and she admitted she liked the feel of his skin next to hers.

  Ben answered the door wearing only his pants.

  “Boss, sorry to wake you, but it’s gone.”

  “What’s gone?”

  Jake Chambers, his construction foreman said, “The house. The new house you was building. It’s gone. Burned clean to the ground.”

  “Damn!” He waved a hand to Jake to come in and shut the door behind him. “Who could have done this?”

  “Don’t know but we found an empty kerosene can at the scene, so it wasn’t no accident. You got some enemies, boss?”

  Ben ran his hands through his hair. “Of course, I have enemies, but none that would do this. They would come at me in my business, not my personal life.” He turned to Molly, gaze narrowed. “Do you think the man after you, Tom Marlow, could have done this?”

  She stood, hand at her throat, her heart beating a rapid tattoo. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t put it past him. I told you. He wants to see me dead for testifying against him.”

  “We’ve got to be careful. You can’t be alone, even in the hotel. Looks like we’ll be living here for the foreseeable future.” He started to turn away, but glanced back. “I’m sorry Molly. I know you were looking forward to having your own house.”

  “We’ll talk later.”

  After a brief nod, he faced Jake. “Thank you for letting me know. When things have cooled, have the men clean up the area and we’ll start building again.”

  “Will do. I’m sorry boss. Ma’am.” He tipped his hat to Molly and left.

  Ben shut the door. “Now what did you want to say?”

  “I am looking forward to having a house of my own. Not one you built for Julia, but one you build for me.” She slapped a hand to her breast. “If the layout is to be the same thing all over again, don’t bother. I won’t live there.”

  He stalked over and took her by the shoulders. “You’ll live wherever I live. You’re stuck with me Molly. Until death do us part.” He smashed her lips with his in a quick, brutal kiss. Then he softened his voice and his hold on her. “Is that really so bad?”

  Molly looked up at him. Tears blurred her vision. “Just don’t throw Julia in my face. I know you’ll never love me, but I hoped we could at least be friends.”

  He let go of her and ran his hands through his hair. “I don’t mean to throw her in your face. I’m sorry for that. I care for you Molly. I want to be friends with you. You can design the house you want and I’ll have it built. Is that better?”

  The knot of tension in her stomach unraveled. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. “Yes. Ever so much better.”

  * * *

  After a breakfast celebrating two months of marriage, Ben introduced Molly to Gil Toliver.

  “Molly, Gil will be your bodyguard. If I can’t be there with you, he will be. I’ve assigned him to you. I want you to be safe.”

  “Welcome Gil.” She extended her hand to the man.

  Ben had picked Gil because he was a former Pinkerton man. He was several inches shorter than Ben but was stocky with what Ben knew was muscle not fat. He was unassuming with his blond hair was parted in the middle and slicked down straight. He had a mustache and a patch of beard below his lower lip. He could blend into any crowd. He wanted him to be Molly’s shadow.

  He shook hands with her. “Pleased to meet you Mrs. King.”

  “Oh, please, I’m Molly. Just Molly.”

  “Yes ma’am, er…I mean Molly.”

  “Well, now that you two have met,” said Ben, “I feel easier to go about my day without worrying about you, Molly. I know with Gil, you’ll be safe.”

  He walked over and bent to give her a kiss.

  She must still be feeling miffed about the change in circumstances, she turned so her cheek was to him.

  Ben smiled, took her chin, and gently turned her back so she faced him directly. Then he kissed her full on the lips. A deep kiss, the kind he knew she liked. She called them her toe curling kisses and if the truth be known, he liked that his kisses had that effect on her.

  She placed her hand on her chest. “Oh, my.”

  “Now that was a goodbye kiss. Never will I kiss you on the cheek if your lips are available.”

  Ben winked at her, and then walked out the door.

  She turned to look at Gil, who was bright red and looking at his toes.

  “Well, I guess I have something new to look forward to every day. You’ll have to get over your blushing, Gil. Of course, so do I.” She shook her head to clear it. “What a way to start the day.”

  “Yes ma’am…er…Molly. If you say so.”


  A knock sounded on the door. Molly wasn’t expecting visitors this afternoon, but she answered anyway.

  A young woman stood in the hall.

  The dress she wore was quite risqué. “May I help you?” Molly asked the girl.

  “I’m Trixie. I’d like to see Ben…er…Mr. King.” She pulled on the strings of her reticule and tried to see past Molly into the suite.

  “Mr. King isn’t here, I’m Mrs. King. Please come in. What can I do for you?” Molly showed her to the settee.

  Trixie looked around the suite, her eyes wide. “Well, I don’t know if you can help or not…but maybe you can. You bein’ a woman and all. I work at The Jewel. One of the girls, Joanie is hurting real bad and we think she might need to see the doc, but she won’t let us call him without talking to Ben…Mr. King, first.”

  Molly was perplexed why young girls were living at this Jewel place, but it was one of Ben’s businesses and the woman was clearly upset. “Trixie, why don’t you take me to
the Jewel, maybe she’ll listen to me since Ben is my husband.”

  “That’s right nice of you, Mrs. King. Right nice, indeed. Come on with me.”

  They went into the hall where Gil was standing guard, dressed as always in a black three-piece suit and perfectly tied cravat.

  “Gil, we are going to the Jewel. Will you please escort us?”

  A frown marred his forehead. “I…I don’t think Mr. King would want you to go there, ma’am.”

  “Well, since I’m going with Trixie, I guess you don’t have any choice but to escort us.”

  “I guess I don’t. This is against my better judgment. You be sure and tell the boss I said so.” He slammed his Stetson on his head. “He told me to stick to you whenever you went anywhere, so let’s go.”

  They walked to the south end of Main Street, then turned left and went two more blocks. This was a part of town Molly hadn’t been to. The farther west they went the shabbier the buildings became. There were no trees and the sun beat down on her. Now she wished she’d worn one of her light seersucker dresses rather than the heavy purple silk.

  The Jewel was on the north side of the street. The building, one of the better kept, was two-stories, white-washed with a plain wooden sign proclaiming it The Jewel.

  Trixie led the way.

  Molly followed with Gil behind her. Upon entry, she noticed that all the women, girls really, were scantily clad, wearing only chemises or corsets and petticoats. The men sat at tables drinking or sometimes one of them would grab a girls hand and they’d go upstairs.

  A chill ran over her skin at the realization she was in a whorehouse. She’d never been in one before, but she was sure this was a brothel and was a bit surprised to find that her husband owned one. Nevertheless she was here to convince an injured woman to see the doctor.

  She recognized, Sam Bennett, one of the managers she’d been introduced to on her first day here. She hadn’t known what Sam managed; she assumed it was one of the saloons or the bank. He wore a three-piece suit with a perfectly tied cravat and slicked back hair. He didn’t dress any differently than Ben or Gil.

  “Mrs. King.” Sam rushed over. “What are you doing here? Does Ben know you’re here? No, of course, he doesn’t. He would never let you come here. Gil, take her back home.”


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