I suspect that a large part of our work will involve teaching humans to use emotions as information as we horses do. While pre- technological indigenous humans (who live close to nature) are still adept at this, most modern people have no experience with living by their instincts—indeed, they have been conditioned since childhood to use only reason and to reject all other such insights as mere imagination or the results of bad digestion. Reason and logic are certainly useful things (horses also reason, although not as well as humans), but they should be used in concert with intuition, “gut feelings,” and other sources of information such as reading body language.
Also, we will need to open humans up to the reality of spirit and to their full nature as spiritual beings. People who think that they are only meaningless, animate lumps of matter are more susceptible to being ruled by tyrants and other domineering authority figures, for it is easier to break the spirit of someone who doesn’t believe that he or she has one. People who know that they are eternal and have purposes are those who, like spirited horses, fight back and resist to protect themselves and others from abuse and domination.
Readers who are not equines in human form can assist us in this work. If you know (or think you know) a horse in human form, you can help him or her in many ways. Just being a confidant, someone with whom a horse in human form can talk openly without having to forever “edit” his or her thoughts and words, would be more comforting to the horse than you can imagine. Once this is achieved, free and open conversations will soon lead to all kinds of new insights and ideas.
Also, if you own horses or work with horses, you can become involved in the fields of Equine Experiential Learning and Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy. Equine Experiential Learning is used to teach humans non-domineering leadership skills as well as skills for reading and reacting to challenges by using intuition and instincts as well as reason. Equine-Facilitated Psychotherapy is a method for helping humans with psychological and psychiatric problems by utilizing the horse’s ability to mirror the often-hidden emotions in the patients.
In addition, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake (see his Web Site at: www.sheldrake.org) is searching for volunteers to reproduce the human/horse and horse/horse ESP and telepathy experiments that the British horseman Henry Blake conducted up until the mid-1970s and described in detail in his 1975 book Talking With Horses. The experiments are not harmful or frightening to horses, nor do they require expensive scientific equipment. Dr. Sheldrake’s contact information (both e-mail and postal addresses) is listed on his web site. The benefits to horses and humans of establishing the reality of interspecies mental communication are obvious.
We horses have our work cut out for us, but we do not struggle alone, for the Horse Ancestors watch over us and guide us. Some of our long-eared cousins are also here in human form, and their help will be most valuable. All of our labors will make this a better world for our race and for the humans with whom we share the Earth. Let us begin!
The author may be contacted at: [email protected]
Table of Contents
Cover Page
Title Page
The Horse Ancestors Make Contact
Herd Lessons
Shamanic Assistance
Contacting the Horse Ancestors Yourself
Longing to Jump the Fence
Horse Blessings
My Work Begins
Where can You Go from Here?
What If You Are a Horse in Human Form Page 7