Lord Rogue

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Lord Rogue Page 5

by Tiffany Green

  “Evie,” he began, unable to mask the urgency in his tone, “do you realize what you will have to do?”

  Slowly she nodded, but he saw the doubt build in her eyes. He leaned a bit closer and lowered his voice. “Are you prepared to sleep with Lord Montague?” God, even saying the words made his stomach recoil and his mouth fill with bitter ash.

  She jerked at his words, her eyes filling with terror, then she glanced away. And Jeremy realized something in that very instant. “You’re a virgin,” he breathed, and unable to help himself, pulled her into his arms. He held her tight and settled his cheek on top of her head. God, he could not let this happen. What in the hell were Siren and Elder thinking, setting up this lamb for the slaughter in such a way? It made him sick.

  Elder’s words rang loud and clear in his mind. We need her. Now more than ever. Two lives depend on it. Dragon and Blade were in grave danger and needed help, certainly, but putting Evie at such risk and making her do horrible things… God, he just couldn’t think about it.

  Her arms came around him and he smiled, tightening his hold on her. “Do not worry, pet, we will think of something else. You won’t have to go through with this.”

  “Of course I have to go through with this. I gave Elder my word.”

  Jeremy squeezed his eyes shut and held her for another few seconds. He kept hoping he hadn’t heard those words muffled by his coat correctly. “You cannot,” he said, half groan, half protest.

  She raised her head. Although there was still a good amount of fear in her gaze, her stubborn resignation held firm. “There is nothing you can do to stop me, Jeremy.”

  Hadn’t she been listening? Didn’t she know the risk? The little fool was going to get herself killed. Frustrated that his words weren’t getting through, he lifted his hands to cradle her face and dipped his head. When his lips touched hers, Jeremy vowed he would never allow anyone to touch Evie in any way. He’d make damn sure of that.

  The clop of steps on stone and echoing voices penetrated. Reluctantly, Jeremy lifted his head and watched Evie’s eyes flutter open, dazed and unfocused. He grazed her cheek with the backs of his fingers, knowing he would do whatever it took to keep her safe. The voices got louder and Evie gasped, then stepped back.

  “Wait,” he said as she was about to step around him. “I meant what I said. You are not going through with this.”

  Evie raised her chin, the torch light dancing in her eyes. She opened her mouth to speak, but the voices grew even closer. Instead, she moved around him and dashed up the steps.

  The next day, Evie still felt the power of Jeremy’s kiss clear down to her toes. She’d gotten little sleep last night, replaying everything he said over and over in her mind. It was just too much to take in. She tossed her breakfast napkin down and pushed aside her full plate. But her mind focused on one point, one tiny thing that could change everything. Jeremy had joined the Guardians before learning his father had signed the betrothal contract. Evie knew being a part of the Guardians meant one gave his or her life exclusively to the organization. She also knew Jeremy couldn’t explain his reasons for breaking their betrothal. Secrecy was a crucial part of the Guardians.

  Evie lifted her steaming cup of tea to her lips. What did this mean now? Why was Jeremy so adamant that she withdraw from the mission? She took too large of a sip and scalded her tongue. Pulling a face, she set her cup down to cool. Perhaps Lord Fielding wanted to solve this on his own and not have her involved. Belle had often commented on the fragility of a man’s pride and how it could be used against him.

  She narrowed her eyes and followed the steam ribboning up from her cup. Could that be the reason? Could Jeremy simply want to rescue Dragon and Blade all on his own? Be the hero of the Guardians without anyone’s assistance?

  “Good morning, Evie,” her brother said, sauntering into the room. He dropped a kiss on the top of her head and sat in the head chair to her right.

  “Good morning, Ash.” She eyed his cheery demeanor with an inward sigh. Her brother viewed life as one big party and rarely gave a moment’s thought about anything serious. Evie wondered if that would ever change. “Have fun at Havenshire’s gala last evening?”

  His yawn turned into a grin and he wagged his brows. “Definitely. Met two young ladies. Beauties they were.” Then he seemed to recall something and furrowed his brows. “Feeling more the thing this morning? You still look a little peaky.”

  In order to go to the meeting last evening, Evie had to feign a headache. Of course, Belle offered to stay with her so she could go to the meeting as well. Ash, so wrapped up in his own quest to have fun, was so very easy to fool.

  Evie pulled out her best smile. “I am much better this morning, Ash.”

  He started to comment, but Belle swept into the room in a sky blue and white striped day dress. “Good morning, Evie, Ashton. Isn’t it a glorious day?”

  “You are in a fine form, Belle,” Ash said and nodded for the waiting servant to pour his coffee.

  She grinned. “So, I am. Evie and I are going shopping today.”

  Ash lowered his cup, his smile melting into a severe frown. “The last time you two went shopping, it cost me a bloody fortune. Doesn’t she have enough new clothes yet?”

  Belle’s lips twitched. She leaned forward, as if conferring a grave secret. “My dear boy, a lady never has enough clothes, shoes, or jewels. You should be aware of that.”

  With a sigh of defeat, for even Ash knew he couldn’t win against two women, he lifted the folded Times beside his plate and started to read.

  Evie quickly glanced at Belle, raising her brows in silent question. Belle simply nodded, revealing the little outing today did have something to do with the case they were working on, and raised her teacup.

  As her heartbeat quickened, Evie thought about Jeremy and his adamancy about her not being involved with the Guardians or this case. Too bad, she thought, and drank more of her tea.

  An hour later, as the carriage rattled down the cobblestones, Evie’s thoughts continued to stray to the prior evening. To Jeremy. She just couldn’t help it. Being in his arms, receiving a second kiss from him had been above wonderful, and she hated herself for feeling that way. She thought she was over him. That he was just a distant memory and she had a new life to look forward to. Evie had convinced herself that Jeremy no longer mattered to her, that she could move on to a new future without any regrets.

  Perhaps she would have been able to hold firm to that belief if Jeremy had merely been the despicable rogue she thought he was and ended their betrothal for purely selfish reasons. Now, she knew there was more to what had happened. Much more.

  “You’re deep in thought,” Belle said.

  Evie glanced up and instantly understood why she felt so angry with her aunt. “Yes. I was just thinking about the day you promised me a better future.” She leaned back against the cushion and crossed her arms. “Do you remember that?”

  Belle gave a regal nod. “Indeed, I do. You were suffering a great deal, Evie, and I knew I could help you.”

  Biting back what she really wanted to say, Evie took a deep breath, then continued. “In France, I confessed my most intimate and painful feelings for Lord Fielding and my desire to make the anguish go away. I believed you were offering me a way to do just that. So, you can guess how hurt and disappointed I felt at seeing Lord Fielding last night.”

  An expert at hiding her every emotion, something Evie truly envied, Belle’s expression did not change. “You were able to rise above the pain, Cherie. Do you not see that?”

  “What I see is that you betrayed me. You offered me a way to divert my feelings for Lord Fielding and give my life a new purpose. Instead, I learn he will continue to be a part of my life. Why didn’t you tell me he would be there?”

  “You knew I could not. I could not even provide you with a hint about who would be there. Our identities must be protected at all cost.”

  Evie glanced down to her tightly crossed arms and knew her aunt
was right. Lives depended on keeping the Guardians’ identities hidden.

  “Would you rather I had not made the offer at all?”

  Belle’s quietly spoken question jarred Evie. She knew without a moment’s hesitation the answer to that question. Slowly, she glanced up. “No. I will always be glad you did.”

  Giving a nod, Belle allowed a smile to break free. “I knew you would feel that way, Cherie. Believe it or not, I struggled with the decision to bring you into the fold, knowing how you would feel when you saw Lord Fielding.” She reached out and patted Evie’s arm. “This was most difficult for me.”

  As the carriage slowed to make a right turn, every bit of Evie’s anger drained away. She would complete this mission and then return with her aunt to France. Her plans did not have to change. She could still live from mission to mission, pouring out all her energy and keeping all her focus on more important matters than pining over a lost love. Belle told her there was plenty to accomplish in France.

  When the carriage rattled to their first stop, Evie stepped to the ground behind her aunt, once again filled with optimism for the future. She silently vowed that she would never again allow Jeremy to interfere with her future plans. After all, she thought as she ambled up to the pretty jewelry glistening in the store window, more important things required her attention.

  Two hours later, as Belle led Evie into the milliner for a new hat and matching parasol, the reason for the shopping trip became clear. Lady Montague stood before a large oval mirror, carefully adjusting the indigo blue hat over her blonde chignon. The large sapphire ring on her left hand shimmered in the sunlight pouring in through the window. “Yes, this one as well, Mr. Turney. I do like the feathers.” She stroked the three blue plumes springing up from the right side of the hat, then turned to her side, revealing her profile and the swell of a babe growing in her middle.

  “Excellent choice, your ladyship.”

  Seeing movement in the mirror behind her, Lady Montague turned. Noticing Evie and Belle, she narrowed her eyes a fraction. Evie could tell she was trying to place them.

  Taking a deep breath, Evie smiled and stepped forward. “Phyllis, or should I say Lady Montague? How nice it is to see you again.”

  Lady Montague’s smile was slow, then her eyes lit with recognition. “Lady Evie?” She raked her gaze up and down. “It is you! I hardly recognize you.”

  Evie was getting used to that reaction. Her friends, Megan, Torie, Silver, and Amelia, were so delighted with her new appearance and clothes. Others were simply stunned speechless, like Lady Wimberley and Mrs. Hawkins were earlier when Evie and Belle had stopped for ices. The two old busybodies just sat there with their mouths agape, refusing to say one word of greeting. She supposed they were disappointed. While Evie had moved up on the popularity list, their homely granddaughters had moved down.

  Phyllis started speaking and Evie moved closer. “It’s been ages since we last spoke. Where have you been?”

  While Evie never held Phyllis in great affection, she didn’t really dislike the girl, either. Their fathers had been the best of friends, so naturally they used to spend a great deal of time together as children. Phyllis was once sorely in love with the Duke of Claremont, her friend Megan’s husband, while Evie was in love with Phyllis’s brother Jeremy. As young girls, they spent hours daydreaming of marriage to the two men. Some kinship arose out of those silly hopes and dreams, and Evie thought she might have a chance to get close to Phyllis once again. The Guardians were counting on her to locate Dragon and Blade.

  “I’ve been with my aunt, here, in France these last few months. Oh, do pardon me.” Evie turned to Belle. “Aunt Belle, please make the acquaintance of Lady Montague. Phyllis, please meet my aunt, Miss Arabella Harding.”

  “How do you do, Miss Harding?”

  Belle nodded, “Very well, thank you, Lady Montague. I am delighted to meet you.”

  “And you.” Phyllis turned to Evie. “Can you and Miss Harding come for tea? Say, four o’clock? We simply must catch up.”

  Evie wanted to throw her arms around Phyllis. Instead, she gave a slight smile and turned to her aunt. “Do we have time, Aunt Belle?”

  Belle checked the gold and seed pearl watch she had pinned to the front of her dress, carefully schooling her features. Evie could almost feel her aunt’s excitement. She was humming with it herself. Then Belle nodded. “Yes, that should allow us just enough time to complete our purchases here. Lady Montague, we will be happy to accept your kind invitation.”

  Phyllis clapped her hands together with a smile. It occurred to Evie the lady was lonely. “Excellent. I’d be happy for you to ride in my carriage.”

  Belle inclined her head. “That is most generous, Lady Montague, since our carriage is quite full of packages. I shall send the driver home to unpack, then return for us at your residence.”

  When the carriage rolled to a smooth stop before the Montague town mansion, Evie followed Phyllis and her aunt from the carriage with the assistance of two waiting footmen. She glanced up at the mountain of a house with its gray bricks and black shutters, thinking the pile had to be the most unwelcoming sight in all of Mayfair. The clop of hooves brought her around just in time to see Lord Fielding draw back on the reins and slide from his saddle.

  “Jeremy!” Phyllis gushed with pleasure. “What a wonderful surprise.”

  Chapter 6

  Phyllis, with hazel eyes so much like her brother’s, beamed with joy. “Jeremy, you remember Lady Evie Thornton. And do you know her aunt, Miss Harding?”

  He handed his reins to the waiting footman and turned to her. Evie saw the silent warning in his eyes, just before he masked his expression with a pleasant smile. He obviously knew what she was doing here and didn’t like it. She did not offer him her hand, but he reached for it anyway, the rake, and kissed the top. The soft caress sent skitters of delight throughout her body, and she snatched her hand away. His lips tipped up, as though he knew exactly how her body reacted to his touch. “How nice to see you again, Lady Evie.” He turned and took the hand Belle offered. “Miss Harding, you are looking more beautiful each time I see you.” He settled a lingering kiss over her aunt’s hand, causing a stain of pink to slowly appear over Belle’s cheeks.

  All contrived, of course, but quite convincing. Evie wanted to roll her eyes.

  “Come, Jeremy, we were just about to have tea. Would you care to join us?”

  Jeremy gave a triumphant quirk to his lips. “I would be happy to, Phyllis.”

  Clapping her hands together, Phyllis laughed in delight. “Wonderful.” She looped her hand through her brother’s arm. “This way.”

  They made their way into the mansion, and Evie glanced around, carefully inspecting everything from the marble busts to the polished suits of armor. From the corner of her eye, she noticed Jeremy doing the same. Although he had been to the mansion before, he was coming in with a much different perspective. One that included knowing the mansion’s owner was head of a secret organization resulting in death, torture, extortion, blackmail, and other seedy means of gaining power and money. And the Guardians were going to bring them all to justice.

  Evie stood a little taller when she realized she would be a part of helping them achieve this, even if Jeremy didn’t want her to.

  For an entire hour, Evie remained all too aware of Jeremy sitting directly across from her, secretly watching her. He sat beside his sister on the gold silk brocade sofa, while she and Belle took the matching wingback chairs. Phyllis chatted about the latest opera and going to Bath in summer after the child arrived, utterly oblivious to anything else. If Belle communicated silently to Evie with a hand gesture or a look, Phyllis remained blissfully unaware.

  Jeremy, however, knew exactly what was going on. And from the thunderclap developing on his face, Evie could tell he was not at all pleased she was moving forward with the plan.

  “You come to see me so little, Jeremy,” Phyllis chided as she poured him another cup of tea. “I didn’
t think to see you until after the babe’s arrival in two months.”

  Jeremy was one of the few people who could change his visage completely in a split second. Having studied his every expression over the years, Evie felt sure she could spot true feelings from ones contrived. His dark look disappeared as he turned to his sister, replaced with an innocent smile and raised brows. “I thought to give you and your new husband some time alone.”

  Phyllis eyed him doubtfully before adding one of the larger lumps of sugar to his cup. “We’ve been married more than a year now.” She handed him his tea. “Besides, Mother says the same. You haven’t been to see her in weeks, she claims.”

  Jeremy took a careful sip, but not before Evie saw his grimace. “She came for a visit four days ago.”

  “You know that isn’t the same,” Phyllis replied. “Mother starts to feel abandoned when you don’t make the effort to go see her.” Shaking her head, as though they had had the same argument a thousand times over, she turned back to Evie. “Never mind all that, I want to hear about your trip to France, and this remarkable transformation.” She paused, her gaze traveling over Evie’s fashionable new clothes. “Who on earth designed your dress?”

  Discerning the envy in Phyllis’s eyes, Evie couldn’t help the warm rush of pleasure that sprang up her middle. She never thought anyone would ever be envious of her, but Evie found she quite liked the feeling. Smoothing a section of her wine-colored silk skirt, certainly too bold a color for debutantes, she gave a small shrug. “My aunt has a private couturiere. This is one of her designs.”

  Phyllis’s eyes widened. “Truly?” She turned to Belle. “She works for you alone, then?”

  Belle gave a small, half-smile. “This is true, although I do help with the designs from time to time.”

  Leaning forward, Phyllis licked her lips. “I have always wanted to design my own clothes. Is this common in France? To hire a private couturiere, I mean? My husband travels to France occasionally and I could speak to him about hiring one for me.”


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