Elite Dragoons 3: Loving Prue (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Elite Dragoons 3: Loving Prue (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Becca Van

  After flicking the hall light on so that she wouldn’t be in the dark if she woke up he headed back to the kitchen for more coffee. He and his brothers had work to do. They were still trying to find out all the people involved in the Japanese Underworld and wouldn’t give up until they had achieved their goals.

  Every time he thought about those fuckers preying on innocent women to fill the needs of sick assholes his stomach churned. He was glad that the team had been able to find Prue and rescue her. He couldn’t let his imagination run away with him. If he thought about what could have happened to her he got so angry he ended up shaking.

  Hunt had to try and keep his emotions at bay. As soon as he let them get the upper hand he lost his objectiveness. The only way the Elite Dragoons were going to be able to bust this sex slave ring wide open was so be the unemotional soldiers they had been trained to be.

  And he was damn sure none of them were going to give up until they had taken down every last one of the fuckers.

  Chapter Three

  Prue woke early the next morning and couldn’t believe how well she had slept. It had been months since she gone a whole night without waking up because of the nightmares. She sighed and a smile crossed her lips at how well and energetic she felt. It was because of the three men she was sharing a house with that she felt at peace for the first time in so long. At first she had been embarrassed that they had “seen” what she’d had to endure at the hands of her abductors, but when the emotions of helplessness and fear had swept over her again and she’d begun crying she couldn’t stop. Now that the weight had been lifted from her shoulders she felt like she could take on the world.

  She got up and headed for the bathroom. After showering and dressing she was going to see if she could make them breakfast. Thorpe, Hunt and Adam always seemed to get up early and she figured after years spent in the military it would be a hard habit to break. She wanted to do something nice for them because of the way they had held and offered her comfort when she had broken down, but wasn’t sure she would be fast enough. The hands on the clock were already heading toward 6am.

  She was just pulling clean clothes on when there was a knock on the door. After making sure she was covered she called out, “Come in.”

  Adam opened her door and smiled at her and when she got a waft of coffee she noticed the mug in his hand. He strode toward her and stopped a few feet away.

  “You’re looking refreshed, sweetie. How are you feeling?” Adam passed the mug to her.

  “Thank you.” She took a quick sip and sighed at the first mouthful of delicious coffee. “I’m feeling much better.”

  “Good. Are you ready to head over to the main house for breakfast?”

  “Um, I–I wanted to make breakfast as a thank you.”

  Adam moved closer, wrapped an arm around her shoulders, being careful not to jostle the arm she was using to hold the mug, and hugged her against him. “You don’t have to do that, Prue. Besides what will May do with the leftover food if we don’t show up. But if you really want to make us breakfast how about tomorrow morning. That way we can let May know in advance not to cook for us.”

  It took Prue a few moments to process what Adam had been saying. She could feel the heat emanating from his body and the rock hardness of his stomach and chest pressed up against her breasts and side. When she exhaled and then inhaled it didn’t feel like she was able to fill her lungs to capacity. In fact it felt like she was totally breathless and out of control in his and his brothers’ presence. Her breasts felt swollen and her nipples puckered and began to throb. Her heart began to beat faster and her pussy clenched and leaked cream onto her fresh underwear.

  “Okay, that sounds fair.” Prue finally found her voice and cringed when she heard the breathiness.

  Adam tilted her chin up and she stared into his brown eyes. She could get lost in those deep brown pools and whenever she looked into them she felt as if she was drowning. He was so handsome with his square, rugged jawline which usually had slight stubble gracing it. Adam was taller and brawnier than his older brothers and they were all so gorgeous looking her body couldn’t help but to react whenever she was near them or thought of them.

  “You feel it too, don’t you, sweetie?” Adam whispered his question.

  “What?” Prue whispered in return, trying not to break the sexual trance she seemed to be under but wanting to make sure she understood what he was asking before she replied.

  “You feel the attraction to all three of us. The connection we seem to have going on.”

  Prue found herself nodding, against her better judgment. She hadn’t wanted them to know that she was attracted to them in case they hadn’t returned those feelings, but she couldn’t deny them anymore. Not when Adam had just told her that he and his brothers felt it too.

  “Will you do something for me?”

  “Depends on what it is.”

  Adam took the mug from her hand, leaned over and placed it on the bedside table. He gathered her up in his arms and sat on the edge of the bed with her on his lap. Prue placed her hands on his broad, muscular shoulders and nearly moaned when she felt the heat of his skin and the hardness of his well-developed muscles. She wanted to run her hands all over his back, shoulders and stomach. She wanted to feel the strength in his body and trace every delineated, defined outline she could.

  Prue met Adam’s gaze and knew she would do anything he asked of her. She was lost in him and never wanted to leave.

  “Will you let me kiss you, Prue?”

  The muscles in his thighs beneath her ass and upper limbs tensed and he held himself taut as if waiting for rejection, but Prue had no intention of rejecting him. She wanted to feel his mouth on hers more than taking her next breath. Without taking her eyes from his, she reached up and held his face between her hands. She loved the way his whiskers bristled and tickled the skin of her palms and she lightly caressed over his face with her fingertips.

  “Yes,” Prue finally answered his question.

  Adam leaned down and forward until his mouth was less than an inch from hers. His breath puffed against her lips and she licked them because they suddenly felt too dry. Adam groaned right before his mouth connected with hers. He didn’t force or push her in any way, he just brushed back and forth over her lips. But Prue wasn’t content with that, although she relished finally having his mouth on hers, she needed so much more. She moved her hands up and threaded her fingers into his hair. The dark brown strands were cool to the touch and silky soft. She was glad he didn’t have military-short hair like his brothers, just enough for her to weave her fingers through and to get a good hold.

  Prue tugged and brought his mouth firmer against her. She moaned when the tip of his tongue swept across her lips and opened up to capture it but he had other plans. Adam pushed his way into her mouth and then glided his tongue along hers. A whimper of need escaped but thankfully was muffled against his lips but she knew that one taste of him would never be enough. Warmth began to spread through her body, heating her blood, and when Adam tilted his head and began to devour her until she felt like she was going up in flames. All thoughts and plans of leaving fled from her mind. There was no way she was going anywhere. Not now when things were just beginning to look interesting.

  Adam explored every inch of her mouth with his tongue. He slid over her teeth, the inside of her cheeks and even the roof of her mouth. She nearly giggled because she hadn’t realized how sensitive it would be and even though it tickled it also made her insides burn hotter.

  Prue’s body began to ache. The nipples of her breasts were so hard they were throbbing, as if begging to be touched. Her pussy was so damn wet her panties were soaked and even though she tried hard to stop the internal muscles from clenching and releasing more cream she couldn’t. Her need was too great.

  Without breaking the kiss, Adam shifted her on his lap so that she was facing him with her knees on the mattress on either side of his hips and her aching pussy was pressed up against his
crotch. She groaned when his erection came into contact with her jeans-covered sex and wanted to strip them both down so she could feel his hot hard cock pressing firmly against her wet, hungry cunt.

  When Adam’s large hands gripped her hips and he pulled her down tighter against his hard dick and then he thrust his pelvis up toward hers, she whimpered with frustration and desire. No matter how hard she tried she couldn’t get close enough. Prue wanted to burrow in under his skin and into his heart and stay there forever. His arms moved to her ass and he kneaded her cheeks and began to rock her pussy against his cock. He slowed the kiss and lifted his head. Prue gasped for breath and closed her eyes, rocking her hips to the rhythm his hands had set. Even though she wasn’t a tall woman or fat, she was a healthy weight for her size and frame. She was surprised and then turned on even more when Adam rose to his feet and carried her across the room without any apparent effort. He didn’t stop until her back rested against the wall and he pinned her there with his body.

  “You are so fucking beautiful, sweetie. I can’t get enough of you. Wrap your legs around my hips, Prue,” Adam kissed his way across her jaw and over to the side of her neck. She tilted her head, giving him more access and moaned as he nibbled and licked his way to her ear. His moist breath caressed her skin and she shivered and then gave a small cry of need when he nipped at her earlobe with his teeth.

  He pushed his jean-covered erection against the juncture of her thighs and she mewled with delighted desire when his cock connected with her throbbing clit. Prue arched her hips for a better fit and groaned when he thumped his crotch into hers. One of his hands moved from her butt cheek to her hip, beneath the material of her shirt and then caressed up her side. She loved the sensation of his callused hand gliding over her skin and wanted to beg for more, but his lips covered hers again and all thought fled.

  He made love to her mouth the way he would have made love to her body if they were naked. Every time his hips rocked forward his long hard cock massaged her pussy from clit to sheath. The fire inside grew and grew until she was one big incessant ache. Adam pressed his cock to her pussy again, but this time instead of advancing and retreating he swiveled his hips, massaging her clit through their clothes. His hand crept up to her lace-covered breast and then he enveloped her fleshy globe and kneaded it. He moved his hand until he was cupping the weight of her breast and then his thumb began to rub rapidly back and forth over her turgid, aching peak.

  She clung to his shoulders as her body became tauter and tauter. Prue didn’t know what was happening but she strained forward, surging against Adam’s crotch as she reached for the unknown ecstasy.


  “Yes, Prue, that’s it,” Adam panted. “Don’t fight me, sweetie, just go with it. You are gonna feel so good.”

  Prue’s head thunked against the wall behind her as she tilted her head back. Liquid fire raced through her veins and she never wanted the rapturous sensations to stop. And then she was on the edge of something big. The internal walls of her pussy were slick and wept an almost continuous stream of juices. Her sheath coiled tighter, gathering in on itself as pleasure assailed her and finally swept over her.

  The fire accumulated into a raging inferno and she bucked against Adam. Her pussy clenched and released, grabbed and let go in a multitude of unremitting contractions. Prue screamed with ecstasy and nirvana held it within its clutches. She didn’t stop moving her pussy against Adam’s hard cock until the last shudder waned. Adam gave a shout too and she wasn’t sure if it was because she’d just experienced her first ever orgasm—although how he would know that since she’d never told anyone besides Yvonne that she was a virgin she had no clue—or because he was yelling with her because she had just come.

  She became aware of her surroundings, the only sound in the room was that of her and Adam breathing heavy and when she opened her eyes she caught movement in her peripheral vision. Thorpe and Hunt were standing in the doorway and looking at her with such hunger in their eyes her pussy clenched and released another gush of cream. How the hell she was getting horny again after an amazing climax she had no clue, but her body certainly had a one-track mind.

  “That was so fucking hot,” Thorpe pinned her with his piercing green eyes and began to walk toward her. “I have never seen anything sexier than you coming, baby.”

  Adam kissed the side of her neck and then pulled her in tight against his body as he turned around to face his brothers taking her with him. He squeezed her butt cheeks and then passed her over to Thorpe but before he moved away he leant down and whispered in her ear.

  “I need to go and clean up, sweetie. That was so damn good I came in my pants like an adolescent.”

  Prue turned her head to meet his eyes and when she glanced down at his pants and saw that Adam meant what he’d said, she giggled.

  “Think that’s funny, do ya?” Adam smiled and winked.

  Prue nodded her head and watched as Adam sauntered from the room. She loved the way his ass muscles flexed beneath the denim of his jeans and didn’t take her eyes off of him until he was no longer in sight.

  “Did you like the way Adam made you come, baby?” Thorpe asked.

  Prue lifted her arms and wrapped them around Thorpe’s neck. She nuzzled her nose there as she nodded her nonverbal reply. She inhaled deeply, loving the way he smelled. The clean odor of male sweat and what she thought was either light masculine cologne or the fragrance from the soap or body wash he used.

  Thorpe carried her back toward the bed and sat down on the mattress with her on his lap. She felt Thorpe tilt a little and then the body heat from Hunt as he sat next to them. Hunt rubbed a hand up and down her back but instead of soothing her, it only made her more aware of the two men touching her. She shifted restlessly as her arousal grew once more but stopped when she felt the hard ridge of Thorpe’s erection against her pussy and belly. From what she’d felt from Adam he wasn’t lacking in the penis department and neither was Thorpe.

  “Prue, we are all very attracted to you. We would like to have a relationship with you.” Thorpe tugged on her ponytail lightly and she placed her hands on his chest and sat up until she could see his amazing green eyes. Hunt bent forward and kissed her on the cheek. His eyes were just as hungry as his brother’s. His pupils were so dilated she could hardly see the hazel color of his irises. She once again had that drowning sensation when she looked into his eyes and she had to close her eyes as she tried to remember what he’d said.

  She met his gaze once more and asked, “A relationship? With all of you?”

  Thorpe lifted her and turned her until she was facing Hunt too. He reached out and cupped her cheek before placing a soft gentle kiss on her lips. “Honey, we were attracted to you from the very first but you’ve been so skittish and hardly looked us in the eye we didn’t want to overwhelm you with the attraction we felt for you. Plus I think you were struggling with all that emotional turmoil and pain. Am I right?”

  “Yes,” Prue sighed.

  “We didn’t want to push you too far when you were already hurting, honey. But we want to be with you. We want to make love with you, together and separately and I, we, think we could have something really special between us if you just gave us a chance.”

  “But…won’t you get jealous?”

  Adam walked back into the room just as she asked her question. She looked over her shoulder and saw that his hair was damp from his shower and he was wearing clean clothes.

  “No, baby.” Thorpe cupped her cheek to get her attention. “We won’t get jealous. We already know that seeing you coming with one of us excites us more than ever before.”

  “I–I don’t know.”

  “Talk to us, Prue,” Hunt reached out and took one of her hands in his. “What are you worried about?”

  “I don’t know if I could handle one man, let alone three. What if we do this and you find out I’m not who you really want? I don’t want to end up getting hurt.”

  Adam came closer, squ
atted down in front of her and took her other hand. “We would never do anything to intentionally hurt you, sweetie.” He brought her hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it. “Why do you say you couldn’t handle one man, Prue? You handled me just fine before.”

  Prue lowered her head when her cheeks heated and knew her face was as red as it felt. It got even hotter at Thorpe’s and Hunt’s next words.

  “I have a pretty good idea,” Thorpe said quietly.

  “So do I,” Hunt agreed.

  “Have you ever been with a man, baby?”

  Prue nodded her head and then shook it.

  “Tell us, sweetie.” Adam used his free hand to tilt her head up until she could see that they were all looking at her.

  “I–I’ve fooled around a bit,” she whispered and bit her lip.

  “How?” Thorpe asked.

  “When I was in my last year of high school I went out with a guy and we fooled around in his car.”

  “What did he do to you, honey?” Hunt asked.

  “We kissed and touched a bit.”

  “Did he make you come, sweetie?” Adam squeezed her hand as if trying to give her the confidence and comfort to answer.


  “You haven’t had sex at all, have you, baby?” Thorpe’s hand began to rub up and down her arm.


  “See, we knew you were special.” Adam leaned forward and placed a light kiss on her forehead.

  And Prue felt special around them. She felt her femininity when she was with them and she felt almost beautiful and sexy. She wanted so much to give in to them and let them show her what it was like to make love, but she wasn’t sure love came into the equation at all. Sure, they said they were attracted to her, but attraction had nothing to do with emotion. She was already well on her way to falling in love with them and was scared that if she let them touch her, make love with her, that she would be a goner.


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