Work of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 2)

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Work of Fate (Dual Court Kiss Book 2) Page 1

by Britt, Samantha

  Work of Fate

  Dual Court Kiss Book II

  Work of Fate: Dual Court Kiss II

  Copyright © 2015 by Samantha Britt

  Cover art by AmpersandBookCovers

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction.

  Any resemblance between actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental or used fictitiously.

  ASIN: B0176O72TE


  To All My Family and Friends,

  Thank you for all the encouragement, support, and love you gave me once I finally told you all about Will of Fate. I could have never imagined the reactions I received and know I am extremely lucky to have you all in my life.

  You are the best!

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35


  “A bitter song no more will have been sung,

  than when light and dark meet in the form of one,

  the life those love disappears in the midst,

  dual souls guide the rest with a mixed court kiss.”

  Prophecy of the Wise Ones

  Original Text


  Reign of King Orlin and Queen Loa, Summer Court

  Reign of King Kalan and Queen Penia, Winter Court

  Chapter 1

  “Kalan, may I come in?” Ronan’s hesitant voice barely registered in Kalan’s ears. The prince sat in front of his parlor’s roaring fire. A fur blanket draped over his shoulders and hid the disheveled clothing from his friend’s worried eyes.

  Kalan continued to peer into the red and orange blaze. If the prince did not blink for some time, he imagined he could see Gwen’s face flickering in the flames.

  Two days passed since Kalan approached Gwen in the Human Realm and vowed they would be together. Two days since he held her in his arms, making the pain from the previous weeks all but disappear. The prince’s world came back into focus when he held the beauty in his arms and felt her skin against his own. Nothing ever could, or would, feel as right as Gwen’s lips on his. If only she would let him in her life, he would never again feel the pain of her loss. Kalan let out a shuttering breath as he remembered Gwen’s open reluctance to him.

  The prince understood her unease; he shared it. The knowledge King Kheelen was Gwen’s mysterious Winter Court father was the only reason Kalan felt strong enough to stay away from her as long as he did. Knowing he and Gwen were half-siblings filled Kalan with enough discomfort to try and cease any and all affection, despite the knowledge both felt an undeniable pull to the other.

  If only his resolve lasted more than two weeks… but his heart remained hers.

  From the moment Kalan first saw Gwen at the bar in the Human Realm, he felt a strong and surprising desire for her. At first, he fought the instinct to the best of his abilities. The prince knew he was destined to be with another, and he believed Gwen could not possibly be the one. Regardless, his feelings for her only grew with every encounter until he was too far gone to care about his lifemate prophecy. Kalan wanted to be with Gwen… no matter the cost.

  Kalan’s mind wandered to the night of the Summer Solstice Ball. The few moments after Gwen revealed she was his lifemate were the best of the prince’s life. Until Kalan insisted they tell his father, that is.

  The prince vividly recalled the king’s horrified expression when he heard the news. Kalan remembered how his father jumped up from his chair. King Kheelen wasted no time in revealing his relationship with Princess Gwendolyn to the fae before him. He admitted to an affair with the murdered Summer Court Princess, also known as Gwen’s mother.

  Kalan’s heart stopped when he heard the news. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t even look at Gwen. Unable to stand in the room with his love and hear information which would prevent them from being together, Kalan swiftly made his exit.

  Only days into their separation did Kalan begin to feel the ever-present pull for Gwen change. What was once only a mild pang of discomfort, along with a simply desire to be near her, was now all out physical pain and intense longing for Gwen’s presence. The prince’s limbs ached; every muscle was taut. His head pounded constantly. His chest stayed in a continual state of constriction.

  The condition kept Kalan in his rooms until he could not take it anymore. The agony was too great. He needed to see Gwen. Without even thinking, Kalan fazed to the Human Realm. He did not need to search for her whereabouts, their connection led him right to the bookshop she sat in.

  The relief and joy his soul sang out at seeing her was indescribable.

  Kalan knew she was his lifemate. Despite every piece of evidence leading to the contrary, the prince knew they were meant to be.

  “Kalan?” Ronan interrupted the emotional fae’s thoughts. Out of his peripheral, Kalan saw the guard move up and stand to his right.

  “What is it, Ronan?” Kalan’s voice sounded foreign to his ears, rough from lack of use.

  “This has to stop. I am worried for you. Everyone is worried for you.”

  Kalan said nothing. The only Winter Fae he’d encountered following the ball were his parents and Ronan. No one else had seen or heard from the prince in days.

  His mother, not knowing what transpired in Eirie, reacted frantically to her son’s despondent state. It was only King Kheelen’s order for her to leave their son alone which prevented the queen from forcibly removing Kalan from his rooms.

  His father, on the other hand, only called on Kalan twice since Eirie. King Kheelen would simply sit with his son, not offering any words of condolence or comfort. He only offered his presence. Kalan made a point to ignore him during the mute encounters.

  “I know about Gwen,” Ronan said after some time. No other word would have caught the prince’s attention like her name.

  Kalan turned his head, locking eyes with his guard. “What about her?”

  “I know she is dual-court.”

  Kalan’s eyes narrowed as his instinct to protect Gwen superseded his trust of Ronan. “How?”

  “Your father told me.” Ronan stated calmly, meeting his friends suspicious gaze.

  The prince paused and continued to observe Ronan. The information was surprising to say the least. “What else did he tell you?”

  Ronan’s expression turned sympathetic. “I know Gwen, Kalan. I do not believe she is a threat as the prophecy might suggest. I do not think the king does either, or else he would have done more than remove her from Winter Court. I understand why your father insists on separating you two, but I want you to know I do not agree with it. If Gwen is your lifemate, you two should be together.”

  Kalan tried not to show his surprise from the guard’s words. His father revealed much to Ronan. Kalan could only assume it was because the king knew
Ronan was his son’s closest companion.

  Of course, Kalan knew the king would not trust Ronan, or anyone for that matter, to reveal the complete truth. No one at Winter Court knew the identity of Gwen’s father except said father and her half-brother.

  “I know you left Winter Court a couple days ago,” Ronan continued. “Did you see Gwen?”

  Kalan hesitated, but nodded. He saw no harm in admitting it.

  “How is she?”

  Kalan could not stop the image of Gwen sitting at the table appearing in his mind’s eye. He pictured the dark circles under her eyes and the hollowness of her cheeks when she looked up at his entrance. It pained Kalan to see Gwen looking ill… even if it indicated she might share in his despair at their separation.

  “She’s been better...” The prince trailed off, unable to think of anything else to say.

  Ronan’s lips thinned. “Simply because she is banned from Winter Court does not mean you cannot see her. We can travel to the Human Realm whenever you like.”

  “It is not that easy.” Kalan appreciated his friend’s eagerness to disobey his king and help him see Gwen. However, without the entire truth, Ronan was unaware of the complications accompanying his offer.

  Before Ronan could argue further, a knock at the main entrance drew both male’s attention. Without hesitation, the door opened and King Kheelen strode into the room.

  The king nodded a greeting to Ronan and his son. “Kalan, I need to speak with you.”

  Ronan bowed and excused himself. The king took the guard’s place beside Kalan. The prince returned his gaze to the fire, attempting to summon his vision of Gwen again.

  “How are you?” Those were the first words, beyond greeting, his father said to him since Eirie. Kalan ignored them, believing it was quite obvious how he was.

  The king remained undeterred by the slight. “I came to see you regarding Gwenevere. I am unsure if you know this, but I have well established informants positioned at Summer Court…”

  The news did not surprise Kalan, but hearing his father mention the girl did. The prince forced himself to patiently listen to his father’s words.

  “…and it appears Gwenevere has made an appearance there.”

  Kalan stiffened, but he kept his eyes forward on the flames. “When?”

  “My sources tell me she has been in Summer Court for two days.”

  Kalan’s heart pounded. He saw Gwen two days ago. Had something happened?

  “Do you believe they will harm her?” The potential affirmative answer terrified Kalan, but he had to know. His soul needed to know if his lifemate was in danger.

  The king sat down beside Kalan, surprising the prince into looking at him.

  King Kheelen sighed. “My understanding is Gwenevere is in the palace with Cai and Orla. I do not believe they would ever harm their kin, but I fear other Summer Fae. Especially after what happened to her mother...” King Kheelen’s voice grew soft, his eyes distant with memories. Kalan did not miss the flicker of pain cross the male’s expression.

  Kalan forced himself not to feel empathy for the fae beside him. The whole situation was his father’s fault in the first place.

  A small part of Kalan admitted his thoughts might not be fair, but he quickly silenced it.

  “Summer Court believes a Winter Fae was responsible for the princess’ death,” Kalan reminded his father, trying to convince both males Gwen was safe.

  The king nodded. “Yes, they do. I worry for Gwen for different reasons. Many Summer nobles saw her at the ball and will recognize her. I pray to Fate that Cai and Orla keep the ruse of her being a Winter Noble. Though, I suspect they will not. Her heritage will not stay hidden for long if that is the case.”

  “You fear Summer Court might wish her dead due to her being a dual-court fae?” The words tasted like ash as Kalan choked them out.


  Dread filled Kalan’s veins. “What are you going to do?”

  His father turned to him and locked his strong eyes with Kalan’s uneasy ones. “I will wait to hear more from my informants. I will learn everything they and the rest of Summer Court know of Gwen before making a decision. But know this, Kalan, I will protect her. She will be safe.”

  Kalan did not want to put his trust in his father after everything that happened… but he did. The king’s words were certain and offered Kalan a sense of relief. No matter that it was small. King Kheelen was the most powerful and resourceful of the Winter Fae. If anyone could protect Gwen, it was him.

  “Thank you,” Kalan said the words in genuine gratitude. He could not keep Gwen safe alone, and was mature enough to acknowledge that fact.

  “No need to thank me,” his father stated. “I will do anything to protect Gwen. She is, after all, my daughter.”

  And just like that, Kalan’s relief disappeared. It was replaced with the ever-present resentment of the fact his father, King Kheelen of Winter Court, had an affair with Princess Gwendolyn of the Summer Court.

  His father’s words reminded Kalan of the affair leading to the birth of Gwenevere –the absolute and undeniable love of his life… The love society would say he could never have.

  “Of course,” Kalan slid out bitterly, turning his attention back to the blazing flames. “How could I forget?”

  Chapter 2

  “You’re going to wear down the carpet.” Ian’s amused tone was meant to distract Gwen from her anxiety, but the effort fell flat. Nothing was going to ease her mind. Nothing, but getting out of the cursed space she’d been locked in for the past two days.

  Following Aeron’s sudden appearance in the Human Realm and their subsequent fazing to Summer Court, Gwen found herself stowed away in a villa-type suite. She was unable to leave the space by the presence of multiple, beefy, Summer Court guards positioned at all exits. She cursed the fact she was still under the influence of the defalutar potion King Kheelen insisted she take. All her fae abilities were currently out of commission. Most notably, fazing was not available to her at the moment.

  “I need to get out of here, Ian,” she responded to his comment. “Keeping me locked in here is definitely not a good sign of being safe.”

  “No one will harm you here, Gwennie. You have my word.”

  Gwen refused to feel comforted by the childhood nickname. “Why are they keeping me in here? Are they afraid of me?”

  “I’m sure you are being kept here for your own good. Keeping you out of sight until King Cai and Queen Orla figure out what to do with you is, most likely, a necessary precaution.”

  Gwen sighed and flung herself dramatically on the floral-printed chair beside her. She leaned forward, placing her head in her hands.

  Breathe… just breathe.

  The words became her constant mantra since leaving Eirie the night of the ball. It seemed Gwen’s easy acceptance of discovering she was Fae, and all the other wild information accompanying that fact, disappeared.

  Now, just thinking of the various truths she recently learned threatened to send Gwen into a state of panic. That was especially the case when she thought of Kalan and the truth regarding their relationship.

  No, Gwen forced his handsome vision from her mind. You can’t go there.

  Try as she might, Gwen couldn’t help it. Kalan’s determined and loving expression right before she drove away from him was burned behind her eyes. The memory sent her heart racing with love and her stomach plummeting with disgust. The conflicting responses were not unusual. No matter how hard Gwen tried to forget King Kheelen’s admission, she could not deny Kalan was her brother and that all romantic thoughts of him needed to stop.

  Gwen groaned as the image of their last kiss crept into view. Why did she allow him to do that? When would she be free of him?

  There was no other option. Gwen realized that fact almost two weeks ago. No matter what they thought regarding Kalan’s stupid lifemate prophecy, the two could not be together.

  Gwen’s ears picked up Ian’s approach. He bent down in f
ront of her.

  “Gwen?” Using the tip of his index finger, Ian tilted her chin for her to look at him. His green eyes were full of sympathy. “I am sorry this is happening to you.”

  “It’s not your fault,” Gwen whispered. She hated the thought her best friend might feel any sense of responsibility for her unhappiness. It was not Ian’s fault Gwen’s life was in danger because she was a dual-court fae. Nor was it his fault she had fallen in love with her half-brother.

  “I promised your mother I would keep the Fae Realm from you. I vowed to protect you,” he offered Gwen a sad smile. “It seems I have failed.”

  She scoffed. “I don’t think you could have prevented me from meeting Kalan. Your all-knowing Fate seems to want to really mess with me.

  “Besides,” Gwen continued, trying to aim for a lighter tone. “I was going to find out what I am eventually. I would have noticed not aging… or maybe I wouldn’t have. I might have been afraid questioning it might ruin the gift of eternal youth.”

  Ian gave her a small smile in response. “I always planned on telling you.”

  “All of it?” Gwen questioned with raised brows, knowing the answer her protective foster-brother would give.

  “Maybe not all of it…”

  Gwen playfully swatted his shoulder. Ian caught her hand and stood while pulling her up into a hug. Gwen wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest.

  Ian let out a long breath. “Do you believe me when I say everything is going to be alright?”

  “I believe you will do your best to make sure everything is,” Gwen allowed, all the while knowing there was little Ian could do to fix her broken heart. The damaged organ would only heal with time.

  As Ian continued to hold Gwen, she could not help but notice while his embrace offered her comfort, it did nothing to soothe the uneasy feelings constantly threatening to overwhelm her. The sensations developed shortly after she left Eirie. They grew more and more noticeable as days passed until she could barely sleep due to her body’s constant state of agitation. The discomfort only left when Kalan swept her into his arms outside the coffee shop.


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