Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras

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Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras Page 19

by Ashton, Nikki

  “Is there a problem, Nicholas?” he asked with a smirk on his face.

  “Yeah, sorry I’m…” Jake paused. “Wait. What?”

  The neighbour walked down the path towards Jake, clearly pleased with himself. “You said you were Santa Claus,” he said. “So I called you Nicholas because of…”

  “Oh I get it,” Jake said, waving him down. “Saint Nick, right?”

  The neighbour nodded, his grin stretching most of the way round his globe of a head. “That’s right.”

  “Very good,” Jake said.

  “Thank you,” said the neighbour.”

  “Look, I’m sorry if I was a bit…’smart’ back then, I’m just very keen to speak to Thelma.” He gave the neighbour a weak smile, and hoped that his rudeness hadn’t upset him too much. “I was wondering, you haven’t seen anything of her daughter recently, have you?”


  “Yeah, Amber.” Jake smiled.

  The man shook his head. “No, not for a long time. Last thing Deirdre heard from Thelma was that Amber was working for that boy band her cousin is in.”

  Jake opened his mouth to protest that they were nothing like a boy band. For one they had never, ever, all sat on stools to sing only to rise in unison at the key change. Secondly, and most importantly, they all played their own instruments.

  “Okay,” he said instead. “Thanks for your help.”

  “Keith.” He held his hand out to Jake. “Keith Hopkins.”

  Jake took Keith’s hand and shook it. “Cheers, Keith.”

  “Shall I tell Thelma you called?”

  “No, don’t worry about it. Thanks.” Jake shook his head and turned back to his car. He knew without a doubt that there was no way Keith would keep news of his visit from Thelma.

  Jake pulled away, hoping to find somewhere else to park while he thought. Knowing that Keith’s curtain was still twitching, Jake didn’t think it would be long before Keith was back out offering him tea and biscuits, or worse, words of wisdom.

  After a few minutes driving, Jake pulled into a pub car park, turned off the ignition and closed his eyes.

  “Where the hell are you, Freckles?” he whispered.

  He thought back through all their conversations, trying to remember some snippet of information that might help him. Then his eyes snapped open. He’d had an idea.

  He picked up his phone, punched in Martha’s number and waited for her to answer.

  “Jake, where are you?” she asked without preamble.

  “Broadstairs. I’ve come to see Thelma.”

  “Broadstairs? What…”

  “I’ll explain everything when I get back,” Jake said with an impatient sigh, ”but I need to ask a favour.”

  “What do you need?” Martha asked.

  “I need you to find out the name of the company that Freckles worked for.”

  “You think she’s working there again?”

  “Nope, but Armstrong is, and he’s going to tell me where I can find her.”

  “Oh Jake,” Martha groaned. “Please don’t do anything stupid. Amber told me what happened last time you met him.”

  “Yeah, well I should have punched him when I had the chance.” Jake rubbed his hand down his face and let out a deep breath. “Please my little cherub, find out for me. I’m desperate.”

  “Okay, but promise me you won’t hit him.”

  Jake laughed and crossed his fingers. “I promise.”

  Chapter 31

  The lobby of Blake and Harrington’s office in Canary Wharf was stark and sterile, with glass walls reaching four storeys high, and every sound echoed. There were no paintings or soft furnishings to take away the edge. It was cold, uninviting, and smacked of professionalism. Jake tapped his foot impatiently while he waited for the stick thin, ceramic faced receptionist to finish her call.

  “I’m sorry about that sir,” she said at last. “How can I help you?” She looked up at Jake and flushed. “Oh,” she gasped, before quickly turning on her most professional smile.

  Jake knew that she’d recognised him, but had evidently been trained not to react like a mad fan if a famous client walked through the door.

  “I’m here to see Daniel Armstrong,” Jake said.

  “Do you have an appointment?” she asked, having just about managed to pull herself together.

  “No,” Jake replied. “But I’m sure he’ll be okay to see me.”

  “I’ll ring his P.A. If you could give me a minute.”

  Jake took a step back from the reception desk, and prepared to offer merchandise, autographs, photographs, even a dinner date if it got him up to see Daniel.

  After a few moments, the receptionist put the phone down and smiled at Jake.

  “Mr Armstrong is in meetings all day…”

  “You need to try again,” Jake insisted, leaning against the desk. “Please.”

  A smirk appeared on the receptionist’s lips as she held her hand up to silence Jake. “But, if you go up his P.A. will see if she can slot you in for five minutes. He’s on the third floor.”

  Jake guessed that the P.A. was probably a fan with no intention of ‘slotting him in’ – not to see Daniel at least. Ultimately he didn’t care; if it meant he got outside Daniel’s office, then he could use his own guile and charm to get inside it.

  “Thank you,” he said, turning towards the lifts.

  When the lift stopped at the third floor, Jake strode out purposefully. He was getting in to see Daniel if it killed him. The doors opened into another reception area, which had an entirely different atmosphere to that of the lobby downstairs. It was all dark wood and thick beige carpets; old school stuffy. In front of Jake was a large mahogany desk, behind which sat a beautiful blonde. Jake shook his head and tutted quietly. Daniel obviously had a type; this girl could have passed for Freckle’s, not quite as beautiful sister. She had the same long hair, the same curvy figure; she just didn’t have that gorgeous, talented sexy mouth and those cute freckles.

  “Mr Hughes,” she said, standing up with her hand towards Jake. “What a pleasure to meet you. I’m Sammy, Mr Armstrong’s P.A.”

  Jake took her hand and shook it, not failing to notice the way that her thumb rubbed the back of his hand. He quickly pulled away from her.

  “So, can I go in and see him?” he asked, nodding towards a dark coloured wood door to the right of Sammy’s desk.

  “Well the thing is.” Her tone was teasing as she flicked her tongue out and licked her top lip slowly. “He’s really very busy. Perhaps if you’d like to take a seat for a while.” Sammy pointed to a chestnut coloured Chesterfield couch.

  Jake shook his head. “No, I really need to see him as soon as possible.”

  “There’s not much I can do, sorry.” Sammy took a deep breath that caused the buttons on her blouse to strain.

  Jake almost laughed in her face. She was coming across as a caricature of a ‘Carry On’ film secretary; all breathy and flirty. If he wasn’t careful, she would snag her clothes on the filing cabinet next and then giggle when they all fell off, leaving her running around in her underwear.

  “Listen Sammy, I know you only allowed me up here to get a good look at me.” Frustrated, Jake dragged a hand through his hair. “But, much as I enjoy bonding with our fans, I really don’t have time for this.”

  Sammy smiled and shook her head. “I don’t know what you mean,” she said seductively.

  “Oh I think you do.” Jake puffed out a breath. “Just ring him and tell him I’m here.”

  “I can’t, he’s busy.”

  Just at that moment, the Gods shone down on Jake as Daniel’s office door opened.

  “Sammy, sweetheart…” As soon as he saw Jake, Daniel stopped in his tracks. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  Before he had time to say anything else, Jake had taken three long strides and pushed Daniel back into his office, shutting the door behind them both.

  “Who do you think you are, just barging in here?�
�� he asked.

  Jake gently pushed Daniel by the shoulders, towards his chair. “Sit down,” he commanded.”

  “I’m going to call security.” Daniel sat in his chair and reached for his desk phone.

  Jake quickly took the receiver from him and replaced it in the cradle. “Don’t bother. I just want to talk to you, and you will talk back.”

  “Oh will I?” Daniel asked pushing his chair back.

  “Yes, because if you don’t I may just have to let Mrs Armstrong know all about your penchant for your P.A., and I don’t just mean Amber.”

  Jake had guessed, correctly judging by the scarlet flush that had touched Daniel’s face, that the boss and the secretary were familiar on more than just the professional level.

  “So, what do you want to talk about?” Daniel’s sneer returned to his face as he stared at Jake.

  “Where’s Amber?” Jake leaned across the desk, looking directly into Daniel’s eyes.

  Daniel looked slightly surprised at the question, and Jake knew instantly that Lucia had been correct – Freckles wasn’t with Armstrong.

  “She’s dumped you has she?” Daniel leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers in front of him. “What happened, did she find you screwing a fan?”

  “No she did not,” Jake hissed, leaning even closer to Daniel. “It’s none of your business what happened; all I want to know is if you know where she is.”

  Daniel was silent for a few moments, contemplating his answer. Finally he spoke. “I have no idea.”

  “You’d better not be lying to me,” Jake said.

  “I’m not. Now, if you’ll excuse me; I have work to do.”

  Jake moved around the desk and turned Daniel’s chair. He leaned down, a hand on each arm and moved into Daniel’s personal space.

  “When did you last speak to her?”

  “You don’t frighten me,” Daniel spluttered. He tried to wheel his chair back, but Jake had a firm grip and it wouldn’t budge.

  Jake took a deep breath and gritted his teeth. He was slowly losing his patience, because he knew that Freckles had been upset by Armstrong last time she’d seen him. So it was reasonable that the douche might not only know why she left, but where she had gone to.

  “Listen,” Jake said quietly. “I know she kneed you in your tiny little testicles the day before she left, so don’t bother lying to me. I’ll ask you again, when did you last speak to her?”

  “If you know about that, why are you asking me?” Daniel replied, smirking at Jake.

  “Because I want to know if that was the last time, and also what you said to her. And for the record, she may have brought you to your knees, but that is nothing compared to what I will do if you don’t start talking.” A vein throbbed in Jake’s temple as his face hardened.

  Daniel stared at Jakes hard eyes for a long moment. Eventually he sighed. “I asked her to take me back.”

  “No wonder she kneed you, you dick,” Jake snarled. “So was that all you said?”

  “Yes,” Daniel nodded. “But, she did ring me the day after that and asked me for some money,” he replied.

  “How much money, and what for?”

  Daniel coughed nervously before answering. “Money that she’d put into our apartment. She said she needed it, so I wrote her a cheque.”

  Still gripping the chair, Jake nodded. “Okay and where did you send the cheque?”

  “Her mother’s address.”

  Jake breathed a sigh of relief. So Thelma did know where she was. Keith the neighbour said Freckles hadn’t been home for a while, so that must mean Thelma went to her to give her the cheque Jake glanced at the digital clock on Daniel’s desk. He still had four hours until Thelma was back, just under two by the time he got back to Broadstairs. Jake didn’t care though, it didn’t matter how long he had to sit outside her house. He was going to find out exactly where Freckles was and then take her home.

  “You’re an idiot you know,” Daniel said as he stood up and moved a step towards Jake. “It’s only your money that she wants.”

  Jake swivelled around and glared at Daniel. “What did you say?”

  “I said she’s not worth it. She’s a manipulative, money grabbing…”

  Daniel didn’t have time to finish whatever it was he was about to say as Jake was back in front of him. He drew back his arm and smashed his fist into Daniel’s stomach. The air whooshed from Daniel as then, without a seconds thought, Jake landed another blow to his side. Daniel grunted and rocked on his feet as Jake stared him down and flexed his fingers.

  “You ever fucking speak about her like that again, and that will feel like a girly slap compared to what you’ll get.”

  “I’ll have security on you before you step one foot out of this building,” Daniel puffed out between heavy and laboured breaths

  “Just try it, and I promise you Mrs Armstrong will get to know every sordid little detail of what you get up to with the hired help.”

  As Daniel flopped back into his chair, Jake gave him once last look of disdain and calmly walked from the room.

  Chapter 32

  “Finally,” Jake muttered.

  He stepped out of the car and slammed the door behind him, causing Thelma to spin around just as she was about to open her garden gate. Her face fell when she saw Jake. “Oh shit,” she groaned.

  “Yeah, oh shit,” Jake echoed. “I think you and I need to have a little chat and a cup of tea.”

  Despite his desire to shake the truth out of Thelma, he sat back in the armchair and smiled warmly as she passed him a mug of tea. “Don’t bullshit me, Thelma,” he said. “I’ve seen Armstrong, so I know that she’s not really with him.”

  “She don’t want to see you, Jake. I don’t think it’s right, but it’s her decision darlin’.” Thelma’s lips drew into a thin, but not unsympathetic smile as she sat down.

  “Please Thelma,” Jake pleaded. “I need her back home.”

  “She made it clear she doesn’t want you to know where she is.”

  “If she doesn’t want me to find her because she doesn’t care about me, then tell me and I’ll move on. But it’s been driving me crazy not knowing the real reason for her leaving. I thought we had something special, but if she doesn’t feel the same then I’ll have to deal with it. I’m a big boy. It will be difficult but I can take it.”

  Thelma shook her head. “It’s not that, Jake.”

  “So what is it then?”

  Thelma shook her head. “It’s not for me to say.”

  Jake sighed. The impatience growing inside him again. “Well at least tell me where she is so I can ask her myself.”

  “I can’t, Jake. She’d never forgive me.”

  “But why? What did I do that’s so wrong?”

  Thelma raised her eyebrows. “What did you do? You broke her heart; that’s what you did. She found out about you and your new wife. That’s why she left. She overheard you on the phone.”

  Jake placed his mug on the floor and dropped his head into his hands. If he had told Freckles about Abbie, then none of this would have happened. .

  “Talking of which, does your new wife know that you’re so adamant about finding my daughter?” Thelma asked, a little hardness entering her tone.

  Jake shook his head. “No, no, no,” he groaned. “Abbie and me, it’s nothing like that. I promise you.”

  “So what is it like? I know the papers get these things wrong, but pictures don’t lie. Amber’s seen all the photos of you and Abbie in L.A. You’ve hurt her, Jake.” Thelma’s voice broke as she turned her gaze to a photograph of Amber on the bookcase.

  Jake’s eyes followed Thelma’s and he swallowed a knot in his throat as he saw what she was looking at. Freckles looked beautiful in the picture; smiling and happy before either he or Armstrong had messed her life up.

  “Thelma, Abbie is my sister,” he said. “We have the same dad, so I went to L.A. to spend time with her, to get to know her better.”

  Thelma’s mouth dr
opped open. “Your sister?”

  Jake nodded. “Yeah. I couldn’t tell anyone because she didn’t want the paparazzi finding out. Her father is standing for Mayor, and it wouldn’t look good. Abbie being the product of an extra-marital affair could be damaging to his campaign. Plus she didn’t want it to her affect her career either.”

  “Not much of a reason to keep it from Amber though, is it?”

  Jake thought about Thelma’s words, and had to agree with her. He knew that he should have trusted her. She would have understood the need for secrecy.

  “I know,” he replied. “And it’s something that I regret more than you will ever know.”

  “You silly bugger,” Thelma said as she leaned closer to Jake. “What is it about you youngsters keeping secrets?”

  “I was going to tell her that I was going to L.A. but then she left,” Jake replied.

  “But not that Abbie was your sister?” Thelma asked with a sigh.

  Jake shook his head as guilt stabbed in his gut. “I was just going to say it was a work thing,” he admitted.

  “Well you should have told her,” Thelma said. “And why did you stay away so long? Why are you only trying to find her now?”

  “Because I thought she was with Daniel. It was only when Lucia told me she didn’t believe she was with him that I knew I had to find out for sure.”

  “If you hadn’t stayed so long in bloody L.A. you might have figured that out sooner,” Thelma said.

  “I had to be there for Abbie,” Jake said. “She’s been through a tough time herself. If Freckles hadn’t left I would have told her eventually. I would have flown her out to be with me.”

  Thelma crossed her arms. “So, she wasn’t just a fling then?”

  “No, she wasn’t,” Jake answered, shaking his head. “I was falling in love with her.”

  “And how do you feel about her now?” Thelma asked, running a finger around the rim of her mug.

  Jake pondered his response, but he didn’t know why he was even having to think about it. He knew exactly how he felt.


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