Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras

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Rock Stars Don't Like Ugly Bras Page 23

by Ashton, Nikki

  “Jake, I said what do we do now?” Amber pressed.

  Jake turned around and leaned against the sill. He folded his arms firmly across his chest, and crossed his legs at the ankles.

  “Well it doesn’t look as though we’ve got much choice but to stay,” he finally replied as he pushed his beanie back, allowing his hair to fall onto his furrowed brow.

  “But I can’t stay here.” Amber plopped down onto the edge of the bed and fished her mobile out of her pocket. “Still no bloody signal.”

  Jake pushed away from his position against the window, and dropped to his haunches in front of her. “It’ll be okay, Freckles,” he said taking Amber’s hands in his. “We’ll sit it out then I’ll kick all their arses, I promise.”

  Amber looked up at him with tearful eyes and nodded. “I can’t Jake. Please, we need to get out of here.”

  Jake rubbed his thumbs gently on her hands that he was still gripping tightly, and gazed intently at her adorable, but sad face. He took a deep breath as the reality of exactly how much he’d missed her in the week since she had gone back to Luke’s. It hit him like a sledge hammer to the chest.

  “Come on,” Jake coaxed as he got to his feet. “I know you don’t want to be here with me, but we don’t have much choice.”

  Amber stared up at him open mouthed. “What? No, it’s not that. I just think we should be nearer to home.”

  Jake shrugged as he pulled Amber to her feet. “I know and I understand your worry, but I don’t see that we have much choice. Do you?”

  Amber shook her head. “I suppose not.”

  “So we’ll see if they’ve left us something to eat, and then talk about what to do next.”

  “Okay,” Amber swallowed hard. She knew Jake was right, they didn’t have much choice. She also knew that their families were only trying to help, but unfortunately if her aching back and tightening stomach were anything to go by, this could be the worst thing that they could have done.

  After eating some bacon and eggs, cooked by Jake, who had been practicing his cooking, they sat in silence at the table both nursing a mug of tea. They’d been quiet for a few minutes, having exhausted talk of Dirty Riches’ new material, the weather and of course their ridiculously, stupid family and friends. It was Jake who spoke first after draining the last of his tea.

  “So, do you think we should talk about us?” he said pushing his mug away. “You know, as the family think we should.”

  Amber nodded and looked at him with fear etched across her face.

  “Don’t look so worried,” Jake laughed softly. “What on earth do you think I’m going to say?”

  Amber coughed trying to free the tension in her throat. “I’m not sure. Maybe that …” her voice tailed off as she stared down at her hands spread on the table.

  “That..?” Jake encouraged her to continue.

  Amber looked up and chewed at her top lip. “That you’re moving back to L.A.,” she finally replied.

  “No Freckles, that’s not going to happen.” Jake gave her a small smile. “I’m done with that place. Anyway, my home is wherever the baby is.”

  Amber heaved a sigh of relief, but still felt her stomach drop that it was only their child keeping him here.

  “That’s good.” Amber dropped her head, allowing her hair to curtain her face that was tinged with a blush. “A child needs its father around.”

  Jake watched Amber carefully, noting the slope of her shoulders and the defeat in her voice. Jake could sense that she was as unhappy as he was, and he had never felt so miserable. He sighed as he thought about what they could have had, if only he had been more open and honest and she had been a little more trusting of him. Thinking about all the months he’d been without Freckles, Jake realised that enough was enough. Jake’s hands reached out and took hold of Amber’s.

  “What about you, Freckles? Do you need me around too?” he asked ducking his head to look up at Amber who was still staring at the table.

  Amber’s lips parted as she slowly lifted her head to meet Jake’s gaze. Jake gripped Amber’s hands tighter as the sight of her slightly parted lips woke up his dick like a shrilling alarm clock. He shifted in his seat as the start of his erection pushed against his jeans. As his eyes roamed her face he smiled.

  “Would you miss me?” he repeated the question and looked at Amber expectantly.

  Amber looked up at him and lost herself in his eyes. She saw openness and honesty reflected in them, and she knew that the time for games was over. No matter how Jake responded she needed to tell him the truth.

  “Of course I would,” she replied softly. “I...shit!” Amber cried and gripped the edge of the table.

  “Freckles?” Jake pushed up from his chair and moved to Amber’s side. “Sweetheart, please don’t tell me it’s time.”

  Amber looked up at Jake with fear in her eyes. “I think it is Jake. Oooow, that really hurts.”

  “Could it be a false alarm again?”

  Amber shook her head and gave him a tight smile. “Nope, not this time.”

  “Are you sure?” Jake asked as he rubbed Amber’s back.

  “Yep. My water’s just broke.”

  Chapter 38

  As they pushed Amber’s wheelchair into the delivery room, Jake ran beside her. He really had no other choice because she hadn’t let go of his hand since the ambulance had arrived. The paramedics had examined Amber and decided that, although the birth was imminent, there was enough time to get to the local hospital.

  Once Amber was settled on the bed, Jake resumed his position next to her and took her hand in his again.

  “Hold on to me,” Jake said as Amber winced when another contraction hit her.

  She gripped his hand harder. “Ooh that was a big one.”

  Jake grimaced as his knuckles crunched together. “Just do your breathing as you’ve practiced and you’ll be fine.”

  “Easy for you to say,” Amber groaned.

  “I know, and I’m sorry.” Jake reached up and kissed Amber’s cheek. “You sure you don’t want any drugs? ”

  Amber shook her head. “No, I can do this.”

  “If anyone can, you can.” Jake’s face crumpled as he saw a wave of tears roll down her face.

  “JAKE!” Amber cried and tugged at his hand. “Shit, that hurts.”

  Come on Freckles,” Jake whispered into Amber’s ear. “You’ve been amazing so far.”

  Amber looked at him, her face red and sweating from the last three hours’ exertions. “I can’t. Please, just let me have a little sleep,” she groaned.

  “No sleeping, Freckles. Just a couple more pushes, that’s all.” Jake rubbed Amber’s back. “You can do this. Not long to go now.”

  “Come on Amber,” the plump, jolly midwife, chimed. “Let’s have another big push.”

  Amber bore down and pushed with all the energy and strength that she could muster. Clenching her teeth together, she let out a guttural groan from deep within her chest.

  “Excellent, good girl.” The midwife patted Amber’s legs once she had finished. “The head’s out. You want to look Dad?” she grinned at Jake.

  Jake paled and shook his head. “No, I’m fine up here thanks.” He looked at Amber who had flopped back against her pillow to have a breather. She had been a warrior, and if he thought he loved her before, it was a microscopic speck of what he felt for her now.

  “Okay dokey,” the midwife said. “Here we go, one last time and then baby will be here. Give me everything you’ve got.”

  Grabbing hold of Jake’s t-shirt with one hand and the bed sheet with the other, Amber gave one all mighty push.

  “Go on, push sweetheart.” Jake’s voice broke as the enormity of the situation suddenly hit him. His life was about to change forever, and he was as excited as he was scared at the prospect. He was determined too; determined to be a better father than his own had been. Swallowing back the sob that was trying to push its way out of his throat, Jake dropped a kiss on Amber’s head

  “Aargh, bloody hell.” Amber tightened her grip on the neck of Jake’s t-shirt, almost strangling him in the process.

  She gave one more push and then the midwife cried out. “Well done, Mummy and Daddy, you have a beautiful baby girl.” As if on cue, the air was filled with the thin, sweet wailing of a new born baby.

  “Oh my God,” Jake whispered. “We have a daughter, Freckles.” He smoothed Amber’s hair back from her face.

  Amber lifted her hand and cupped Jake’s face. “A daughter.”

  Jake nodded. “Yeah, and you were bloody amazing.”

  “Are you cutting the cord, Daddy?” the midwife asked, proffering a pair of surgical scissors.

  Jake looked at Amber, who nodded her head. Jake grinned, took the scissors, and as he moved down to the other end of the bed, his gaze found that of his daughter. Her face was all red and angry as she bawled her little lungs out.

  “Is she okay?” Amber asked.

  Jake turned his head and looked at Amber, a huge smile lighting up his face. “She’s perfect. She’s beautiful.”

  While Jake cut the cord, Amber rested her head back on her pillow and allowed tears of joy to crawl down her cheeks.

  The midwife handed Jake the baby, which was tightly wrapped in a towel. He held the tiny bundle in his arms and marvelled at her. He had never seen anything more beautiful in his life. This was his child and his heart was already full of love for her. Sitting carefully on the edge of the bed he passed their daughter to Amber.

  “Here’s Mummy,” he cooed.

  Carefully Amber took the baby from him and unwrapped her from the towel. She counted her fingers and toes and then gently ran a finger down her nose, and along her tiny little pointy chin that was just like her own. “She really is perfect,” she sighed, looking up at Jake.

  Jake rubbed a hand across his face, wiping away his own tears of joy. “She certainly is.”

  “So,” the midwife said. “Do we have a name for this perfect little bundle?”

  Jake stared at her, and shifted slightly. He had no idea, they’d never discussed names.

  “Yes,” Amber said, looking up at Jake. “Eliza Scarlett.”

  Jake took a deep shuddering breath, as his eyes filled with tears. The fact that Freckles wanted to name their daughter Eliza, after his mother, broke him.

  “Are you sure?” he whispered.

  Amber nodded. “Yes, she was always going to be Eliza, and Jacob if she had been a little boy.” Amber reached up and wiped the tears from Jake’s cheeks. “I am so sorry. Please forgive me. I know I was wrong.”

  Jake shook his head. He stood up and kissed the top of Amber’s head, before dropping a kiss on Eliza’s.

  “I know,” he muttered. “It doesn’t matter anymore. She’s all that matters, her and moving forward.”

  Jake stood outside Amber’s hospital room door and pressed his forehead to the glass. He let out a long sigh. Martha sat next to the bed, reading a magazine, Luke stood leaning against the wall texting on his phone, and Amber slept. Just the sight of her stirred Jake’s heart. Every sigh, every thought of her, made his pulse quicken and his nerve endings fire. With a quiet groan, Jake’s eyes wandered to the other side of the bed, where his beautiful daughter lay in her Perspex cot. His mouth curved into a huge smile as the word ‘daughter’ registered in his brain.

  “Shit,” he muttered. “I’m a dad.”

  The fact that he had helped to create the most precious person in the world filled Jake with pride, but he was scared too. He was scared that he wouldn’t be a good enough father; that he would mess it up, just like his own dad had. However, unlike his father, Jake was determined to put his child first and love her unconditionally. So, straightening his shoulders, he pushed open the door and strode into the room anxious to push past his own feelings for the sake of his daughter.

  “So, do you come in peace?” Martha looked up from her magazine with a smirk. “Or are we in big trouble?”

  “Yeah, you’re in trouble. Pulling a stunt like that when she was so close.” Jake leaned down and kissed her cheek. “But, as I’m feeling pretty much the happiest man in the world right now, I’ll let it go.”

  Luke moved towards Jake with an outstretched hand. “Congratulations.”

  Jake took Luke’s hand and shook it. “I’m guessing that you were the brains behind the idiotic plan,” he said with a smile.

  Luke grinned. “I know it was stupid, but we didn’t think the baby would come early and we just want you both to be happy. So, Project Knob Head was born.”

  Jake laughed. “You fuckers. I suppose I’m the Knob Head?”

  “Obviously,” Luke replied. “So did you manage to talk and sort things out?”

  “We didn’t really have much time. You know, we had a baby to deliver.” Jake tutted and shook his head.

  “We are sorry, Jake,” Martha said looking up at him. “But Amber would never have been stranded there, Abbie was close by until you turned up.”

  “You still stole my car.”

  Luke looked at Jake shame faced. “Yeah, maybe we didn’t think that out properly. But like I said we just didn’t expect Eliza to be so impatient.”

  Jake waved his hand at Luke to dismiss his apology. “Forget it. Eliza and Amber are more important than any shit head plan you losers dreamed up.”

  “You two certainly make beautiful babies,” Luke said gazing down at Eliza. “She looks just like Amber.”

  Jake’s eyes shone with pride and adoration as he gazed at first Amber and then Eliza. “I know. She’s pretty much perfect.”

  Martha stood up and taking Luke’s hand nodded towards the door.

  “We’re going to go,” she said to Jake. “Give you three a little time alone.”

  “Thanks,” Jake said distractedly, his eyes never leaving the face of his sleeping child.

  “You want us to bring anything when we come over tomorrow?” Martha asked as they made for the door.

  Jake shook his head, and as they disappeared, he heaved a sigh of relief. He loved Luke and Martha, but he really wanted to be alone with his girls. Rubbing a hand over his head, Jake continued to watch Eliza, a wide smile lighting up his face as he watched her chest rise and fall with small, steady breaths. He breathed in deeply, taking in her fresh, almost creamy scent, and marvelled at her beauty. She had her mother’s nose and chin, and on her head was a thin covering of downy blonde hair. Jake’s arms ached with a need to hold his baby, so he leaned over and gently lifted her up. He gazed down at the tiny, delicate little girl as he held her out in front of him. Eliza’s arm flexed involuntarily and Jake held his breath, not wanting to wake either her or Amber. She gave a little whimper but then settled back into a contented sleep, so Jake manoeuvred her carefully to nestle her in his arms, and moved over to the chair that Martha had been sitting in. He lowered himself down slowly with his eyes constantly on his daughter.

  “Hey, you’re back,” a soft voice whispered.

  Jake looked up and met Amber’s tired eyes. He smiled. “I got here about ten minutes ago,” he said. “Martha and Luke are coming back tomorrow.”

  Amber struggled to pull herself into a sitting position and winced slightly.

  “Are you feeling sore?” Jake asked. “Do you need me to call a nurse?”

  “No, I’m fine. Is she still asleep?” Amber craned her neck to catch a glimpse of her baby.

  “Yeah, fast asleep.” Jake said, looking down at Eliza, his eyes shining with love and adoration. Amber’s heart skipped at the sight of them together.

  “Give her a few minutes,” she said with a quiet laugh. “It’s been almost two hours since she last had a feed.”

  “She’s a greedy girl,” Jake said with a grin.

  “Hmm, just a bit. Hopefully it will mean that she sleeps well though.”

  “You know, it’s weird but we haven’t really talked about how it happened, have we?” Jake said suddenly.

  Amber had a trace of a smile hinting at
her lips. “Well if you don’t know by now, Jake.”

  Jake laughed softly. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yes, I do. I’m pretty sure it was the day down by the pool.”

  “Oh yeah,” Jake said, smiling at the memory. “You got me pretty hot and bothered if I recall. It never even entered my head. I’m sorry.”

  Amber bit her bottom lip and studied Jake carefully. “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she whispered.

  “Me either, but I’m sorry for not being more responsible.”

  A comfortable silence fell, as Jake cradled his daughter and Amber gazed at them both lovingly. Finally, Eliza woke and shattered the serenity with a piercing cry.

  “Here, pass her to me,” Amber said, unbuttoning her night shirt.

  After a couple of minutes of Amber adjusting herself and Eliza giving little mewling sounds, she finally latched on and started to feed. Amber glanced across at Jake and was surprised to see him wiping tears from his cheeks with the back of his hand.

  “Hey, are you okay?” she asked.

  Jake looked up at her and smiled. It was dazzling and lit up the room, never mind his face. “Yep. It’s just so amazing. Such a beautiful sight.”

  Once Eliza had been fed and burped, Amber settled back against her pillows and gave a contented sigh.

  “You okay, Freckles?” Jake asked lowering himself into the chair next to the bed.

  “Yes, I feel great. A little sore, but otherwise great.”

  Jake grinned and took her hand in his. “Me too. I was so proud of you today.”

  “Ah it was nothing,” Amber scoffed jokingly.

  Jake’s lips turned up into a smile as he thought back to what Amber had done. She had barely made a noise, while the woman giving birth in the room next door had used the whole range of expletives from A to Z.

  “No, you were amazing,” he replied.

  Amber pulled Jake’s hand onto her lap, tightened her grip and took a huge breath.

  “Jake, I missed you every day that I was apart from you, and I don’t want to miss you anymore."

  As Amber said the words a small smile lit up Jake’s face and instantly he felt as though he could breathe again. “What does that mean?” he asked, needing her confirmation.


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