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The Millionaire's Virgin (Mills & Boon By Request)

Page 14

by Susan Stephens

  Burrowing her face into Tino’s chest, Lisa kissed him tenderly, but she had disturbed him, and he stirred restlessly, pushing her away in his sleep.

  ‘No… I don’t want to.’ He thrashed his head on the pillow.

  ‘What don’t you want to do, my love?’ she said softly, tracing the line of his mouth very gently with her fingertip.

  ‘Don’t hurt me.’ The words jerked out of him, muddled and indistinct.

  Resting up on one elbow, Lisa stared down feeling increasingly alarmed. ‘Tino? Are you asleep?’ He was fast asleep, she realised, and he was held fast in the grip of some awful dream. ‘Tino, please, wake up.’

  Lisa’s heart was thundering in her chest as Tino shook her off.

  ‘No!’ he exclaimed louder than before, jerking away from her.

  ‘Tino!’ Shaking his arm, she raised her voice, hoping to get through to him.

  ‘Leave me… Go away… Get out of here!’

  His voice, still muffled by the pillows, was barely decipherable. But she knew now that he wasn’t speaking to her, he was still locked in the dream—and there was something horribly reminiscent of the commune about it.

  But surely Tino hadn’t lived in a commune? That was too much of a coincidence to swallow, and the world would have heard of it by now—as her past had been played out in the glossies and tabloids. So, what, then? From the little Lisa could unravel, she gathered someone was trying to force him to do something, and Tino was determined to fight them off.

  They both had terrible secrets locked inside them like maggots waiting to destroy any chance of happiness that came their way.


  She recoiled from his cry, but the sound of it was so distressing she reached out anyway, braving his flailing limbs. He swore at her viciously in Greek. It was as if in his sleeping mind the language he had been using all night with her, the language of business and Shakespeare and love, had been wiped from his mind by some unspeakable wickedness from his past.

  When his breathing finally steadied and he was quiet again, she curled up, nuzzling her head into the hollow between his shoulders, and wrapping her arms protectively around his waist. She lay awake long into the night wondering if Stella knew… Did anyone know that Tino Zagorakis cried out in his sleep like a wounded child?


  She held her breath as he turned over, and then she smiled in the darkness to see him returned to his normal self.

  ‘Why are you staring at me?’ he murmured so softly she had to lean closer to hear him. ‘When you could be here—’ he turned her like lightning so that she found herself beneath him ‘—kissing me?’

  ‘You were dreaming.’

  ‘Of you,’ he said confidently. Lifting himself on his arms, he stared down at her.

  ‘No.’ Lisa shook her head. ‘Not me, Tino, you were dreaming about something else.’

  She cried out—that small excited cry she always gave when he entered her. ‘This—I must have been thinking of this,’ he insisted, kissing her deeply as he started to move.


  THEY overslept on Thursday morning, waking twenty minutes before the meeting. There wasn’t a moment to spare for a kiss, or a lingering touch, there were just shrieks of panic from Lisa, and an amused expression on Tino’s face as he jumped out of her way when she scrambled for the shower.

  ‘There’s room enough for two,’ he pointed out.

  She bumped him out of the way when he tried to get in close, soaping herself vigorously. ‘Oh, no, you don’t—I know what two in a shower can lead to with you. Let’s get this meeting over with, and the contract signed.’

  ‘I’m all for that.’ Stretching languorously, he pushed his hair back and turned his face towards the warm cascade.

  ‘Doesn’t anything unsettle you?’ Lisa gazed at him.

  ‘You, perhaps.’

  But even as he spoke she remembered his nightmare, and wished there had been time to ask him about it. Leaving him in the shower, she snatched a towel from the heated rail. ‘I’ll see you at the meeting—don’t keep me waiting.’

  Lisa felt obliged to say something in answer to the look on Mike’s face as she walked past him into the boardroom. Her hair was still wet, though she had gathered it on top of her head with a tortoiseshell comb, but there had been no time for make-up. ‘I’ve been swimming, Mike.’

  ‘Of course you have,’ Mike said smoothly. ‘Do I take it Zagorakis has been diving too?’

  ‘I said swimming, Mike. In the sea.’ Lisa was relieved when Tino chose that moment to walk into the room.

  ‘I’m sorry to have kept you, gentlemen.’

  No explanation required for his damp hair, or for the fact that Tino was fresh out of the shower. He had kept everyone waiting, and, from the almost imperceptible easing of muscles amongst his team, Lisa guessed for the first time ever.

  The meeting lasted just over two hours, and then financial directors each made a closing statement. They had straightened out any remaining niggles between them.

  ‘Are you ready to sign the contract?’ Tino invited, looking directly at her.

  Turning to her team, Lisa gazed enquiringly amongst them. There were no objections. ‘Yes, we’re ready.’

  The deal was completed in seconds, and handshakes exchanged all round.

  ‘If you would all like to follow me out onto the veranda,’ Tino announced, ‘we will raise a toast to the future in champagne.’

  Lisa waited until the last taxi had pulled away before turning back to the house. Tino had suggested they have supper in the village that evening. She knew she should feel excited about that, and exultant about the deal, but his nightmare still haunted her—and so far there had been no chance to talk to him about it. She fully expected that he would refuse to discuss it, but she had to try—someone had to try to get behind his iron fac¸ade.

  The village square was packed with people, but Lisa felt wonderfully safe with Tino’s arm locked around her waist. He steered her towards a raised wooden stage in the centre of the square where a man had just removed the microphone from its stand. Silver haired, and with a magnificent moustache, he clearly commanded respect.

  ‘Takis Theodopoulus,’ Tino explained, whispering in Lisa’s ear. He is one of the finest folk singers in Greece. When he starts to sing he will explain everything you need to know about Greece and the Greeks.’

  ‘But I won’t understand him if he sings in Greek.’

  ‘You’ll understand Takis Theodopoulus.’

  It was true, and when the folk singer began he tugged at her heartstrings in a way she’d never known before, and then Lisa noticed how captivated everyone else was—the music was like magic binding them together. Most people were holding white handkerchiefs aloft, and waving them in time to the beat, but then Tino tugged on her hand and she followed him back through the crowd.

  ‘Now you can see why I love Stellamaris so much,’ he said when they found a quieter spot. ‘Life is good here— everyone expresses themselves so freely.’

  When he held her glance Lisa knew they were both thinking the same thing; the past had robbed them of that freedom. ‘Tino, there’s something I really want to ask you about.’

  ‘Not now.’

  ‘Why?’ Lisa dug in, prepared to be stubborn, but then she saw the hunger in his face.

  ‘Because I can’t wait any longer.’

  ‘The flower shop?’ She gazed around to make sure they were alone as he dragged her into the doorway. ‘No, Tino… we can’t possibly.’

  ‘Why not? There’s no one here. Everyone’s in the village square listening to the singing.’ Testing the door and finding it unlocked, he drew her inside.

  Lisa inhaled deeply. She could grow dizzy from the scent of flowers alone, and it seemed exaggerated in the darkness… It was as if she were blindfolded and every one of her senses was enhanced… and then Tino was holding her close to him, and murmuring words in his own tongue against her neck.

nbsp; ‘Are you warm enough?’ he murmured, moving against her.

  ‘Tino, we can’t… not here. This is someone’s business.’

  He didn’t tell her that every business on Stellamaris was his until the young owner was confident enough to run it by himself or herself. It wasn’t the time, and there wasn’t the time. He wanted her now with no waiting, and no explanation.

  ‘Tino, please—I want to speak to you.’

  ‘Not now.’ He could feel her softening as he ran his fingers lightly down her spine. She had changed into one of the pretty summer dresses he had ordered for her, and she felt cool beneath his hands. She shivered beneath his touch, but not from cold. He glanced out towards the square. The light from a thousand candles told him there wasn’t the slightest chance they would be disturbed… Making a sudden decision, he swung her into his arms. ‘In here.’ He shouldered open another door.

  ‘I only hope you don’t get splinters,’ he said as he lowered her onto the wooden worktable. He spoke against her mouth, teasing her with his tongue, eager to taste her again.

  ‘No chance of that,’ Lisa murmured, feeling the cool green leaves give a little beneath her weight. And then her legs were locked around Tino’s waist, and her tiny lace pants tied with ribbon had been removed.

  ‘I made an excellent choice in underwear.’

  ‘You made?’

  ‘OK, so next time I’ll choose them myself, and make sure they all tie like this. It’s most convenient.’

  ‘Tino… No… really, what if?’

  He silenced her with a kiss, leaning into her as he loosened his belt. ‘No more talking, Lisa,’ he warned. ‘You have to concentrate now… I haven’t eaten yet, and we have a table booked at the taverna for ten o’ clock.’

  ‘You mean I’m on a fixed time slot?’ She pulled back to look at him. ‘I don’t believe you.’


  He caught her to him as she cried out for him, bending his knees to achieve a better position as he sank deeply inside her. ‘Is that good?’

  ‘Oh, yes, yes, and a lot warmer too.’

  ‘Central heating never fails.’

  ‘Just make sure you don’t stop,’ Lisa warned in a whisper as her laughter was overtaken by a sob of delight.

  Lifting her legs, Tino positioned them over his shoulders, supporting her back so she could lean at a more acute angle, affording him greater access.

  ‘Good, so good,’ Lisa groaned before giving herself over to a black velvet world of sensation.

  Tino attended to her needs with a catalogue of perfectly judged thrusts, and when she felt the sudden tension in him Lisa anticipated the moment he would lose control. It drew an immediate response from her. Crying out excitedly, she felt the first wave of spasms hit them both at the same time like a tidal wave sweeping them to the brink of consciousness and back. And all the while, Tino held her firmly, timing his movements to extend the pleasure for her as long as he could.

  ‘And now we eat,’ he said when at last she had quietened.

  ‘Not sure I’ve got enough strength left for that.’

  ‘Are you all right?’ He bent his knees to stare into her face.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Lisa admitted honestly. ‘I’m—’

  ‘Exhausted? Sated? Contented?’

  ‘All of those things.’ She was exhausted, but she would never get enough of him—and as for contented? She would never be contented until she unravelled the mystery of his pain. Tenderly, as she might have touched a child, she traced the outline of his face with one hand. ‘Tino, I—’

  Catching hold of her hand, he silenced her, bringing it to his lips to kiss the tender palm. ‘We must hurry, or we will lose our table.’

  ‘I can’t believe anyone would dare to give it away.’ Lisa laughed as she hunted in the dark for her underwear.

  ‘I receive no special treatment in Stellamaris—I should be offended if anyone tried to make a fuss of me.’

  ‘Even me?’

  ‘For you, I might make an exception.’

  She melted into him as he dragged her close to kiss her deeply again. He smelled so good, warm, clean man, woody aftershave, and there was a fresh aroma rising from all the juicy greenery they had pounded. ‘You should fasten your jeans before we leave,’ she reminded him, smiling against his mouth.

  ‘And have buttons attached to my shirt by tailor’s thread in future.’

  Lisa laughed as she smoothed down the creases in her own crushed dress. ‘I’d only rip a hole in the fabric.’

  Grabbing hold of her hand, he drew her towards the door.

  She hung back. ‘Tino, please… there’s something I really want to ask you about.’

  ‘Anything—but ask me later at the taverna after we’ve eaten. You’ve given me quite an appetite.’

  But she couldn’t ask him at the taverna—she couldn’t break the mood. How could she bring up the subject of his nightmare when they were surrounded by dozens of people— most of whom he seemed to know? The brightly lit taverna was full, and the steady thrum of the bouzouki band contributed to a sensuous ambience. With all the children safely in bed with older guardians watching them, everyone was intent on wringing out the last bit of enjoyment from the night.

  The tables were all draped with blue and white tablecloths that reached down almost to the floor. The tables had been set at a decent distance apart, allowing for privacy amidst the party atmosphere, and Lisa was soon as relaxed as everyone else, but she couldn’t help wishing life could be less complicated.

  ‘Why are you sighing?’

  She looked up to find Tino’s gaze locked onto her face. ‘Because I’m so happy.’

  ‘I’m not sure that was a happy sigh.’

  ‘Your senses must be highly developed if you can ana lyse a sigh over all this noise.’

  ‘You have no idea just how highly developed they are.’

  He frightened her with his perception; he excited her too… and as he continued to stare at her she found that, instead of curbing her hunger, the recent sex with him had only made her want him more.

  ‘And now I do know what you’re thinking,’ he assured her, starting to stroke her leg beneath the tablecloth.

  ‘Tino, no! You can’t,’ Lisa gasped, realising what he meant to do as his hand travelled steadily up her thigh. ‘Not in here.’

  ‘There’s nothing I can’t do,’ he told her confidently. ‘Just slide to the edge of your chair, and you’ll find out.’

  With his powerful calf wrapped around her own, he easily nudged her thighs apart. Lisa could hardly believe what he was intent on doing to her. ‘Tino, you really can’t.’ But his hand was already home, and his fingers had started working rhythmically, and persuasively.

  When a sharp cry escaped her throat, he passed a napkin across the table to her with his free hand. ‘I promised you an erotic adventure—bury your face in that if you don’t want to draw attention to yourself.’

  Peeping over the bunched-up linen square, Lisa found the apparent unconcern on Tino’s face only aroused her all the more. He was staring out across the dance floor as if he were the most innocent man in the room, while she knew he was savouring every moment. But not half as much as she was, she realized, sliding to the very edge of her chair. ‘You’ll pay for this,’ she promised him huskily.

  ‘I certainly hope so. Now, concentrate. You’re on another fixed time slot—the coffee will come round soon.’

  After coffee Lisa danced with him, to slow, sensuous music that wrapped them both in a seductive cocoon. With her eyes closed she relished the feel of his strong, protective body pressing against hers.

  ‘I think it’s time to go,’ Tino murmured at last, drawing her by the hand from the dance floor.

  He was right, Lisa realized. They should go before their dancing caused comment. But as they were about to walk out of the taverna one of the other men caught hold of Tino’s sleeve. Smiling broadly, the man rasped a few words to him in Greek.

ing to her, Tino apologised. ‘The men are about to dance the Kalamatianos. They have asked me to join them. It would be an insult to my friends if I refuse.’

  Once again she was to be denied the chance to speak to him, Lisa realised with frustration, but, like their insatiable passion for each other, it would have to wait. She returned to her seat as Tino joined the other men on the dance floor.

  The traditional dance was so powerful and so aggressively masculine Lisa started to find it unnerving. Glancing around the other women to reassure herself, she noticed how unconcerned they were—they were even urging on their men. But the more she watched and tried to tell herself that it was only a dance, the more the men’s powerful response to the rhythm made it seem like a mating call, primal and fierce, that called for submission, and promised domination. The expression in the eyes of some of the men reminded her of men in the commune, and she shuddered as the intensity soared.

  She couldn’t take any more… She didn’t even know that the music had stopped. As the cheering began Lisa blundered out of her seat, heading for the exit, blindly stumbling into tables and knocking her legs against the wooden struts.


  She should have known Tino would come after her. He caught up with her before she reached the street. ‘Let go of me!’ She tried to pull away, but he was too strong for her.

  ‘Lisa—what’s wrong?’ He held her close.

  ‘Let me go, Tino.’

  ‘You’re shaking.’

  ‘No, I’m not, I’m fine.’

  ‘Then why are you running out on me?’ Steering her outside, he pinned her against the wall, arms stiffly planted either side of her face. ‘Tell me what’s wrong, Lisa.’ He gazed intently at her. ‘Look at me.’ He thumped the wall in frustration.


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