A Coronation of Kings

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A Coronation of Kings Page 26

by Samuel Stokes

  Gerwold watched with giddy delight as the ravaging creature routed the defenders of King’s Court in moments. The breach that had held the Wolf at bay for hours now lay almost unguarded in the fiery wake of such devastation. Seeing the opportunity, Gerwold shouted at the top of his lungs, ‘Into the city men! Crush any resistance!’ There was a thunderous roar as thousands of soldiers surged into the breach.


  ‘What in all the hells, is that?’

  Tristan’s question was met with stunned silence as the High Council of the Guild of Thieves watched the bizarre scene unfolding before their eyes. The Guild’s forces were arrayed on the edges of the forest at the fringe of the fields of King’s Court. The fields before them were in disarray. To their left, the Wolf’s camp was almost abandoned. Engineers lazed round the siege engines that had fallen silent hours ago. A few stragglers were making their way to the walls, but for the most part, the Wolf were crowded around the breach as they streamed into the streets of King’s Court.

  To the right, the forces of Fordham were arrayed before the northern wall, smoke obscuring much of the gates, as the giant siege engine before it continued to burn. Tristan assessed the threats quickly. Fordham’s forces appeared greater than Tristan had anticipated - easily two to three times larger than the Guild’s contingent. Bjorn and the Sisaron would need to account for Fordham. Gerwold was the greatest threat and was clearly already within the city’s walls.

  The best course of action would be to engage the Wolf. Trapped between the Guild and the walls, they would be unable to make the most of their vast force. Tristan gestured as he spoke, ‘We must cut the head off this beast. Gerwold is the brain behind this assault. Without him, it will quickly fail. Syrion, can you deal with ... whatever that is?’

  ‘I’ve never seen anything like it. The bigger problem, Tristan, is where did it come from? Someone brought that creature here, or created it. Someone with powers. Be careful, they could be a bigger threat than the Wolf themselves.’

  ‘I’m sure that if you find the beast, you will find its master. Try and lure it away from our forces if you can.’

  Syrion watched the rampaging beast as it continued its blazing charge. It was atop a southern tower that joined the curtain wall to the cliff wall. Smoke was rising from the tower as the timber supports within caught fire. ‘I have an idea,’ with this thought, Syrion began rising into the air. ‘Stay safe, Brother. Mother will be furious if anything happens to you,’ Syrion smiled as he took to the skies.

  Tristan shook his head as the brother he barely knew flew towards the castle. The sun made it difficult to follow his progress. A series of large shapes passed overhead, their shape momentarily blocking out the sun as they took off after the young wizard.

  Now, it was Tristan’s turn to smile. Turning to his Council, Tristan began to give orders, ‘Halmir, take your battalion and cripple those siege engines, otherwise we will take heavy losses as we move against the Wolf. Ogryn, I need you to hold the right flank firm against any kind of reinforcements from Fordham. The rest of us will lead the charge into the rear of the Wolf. Keep your men silent. The longer it takes for them to realize we are here, the greater our advantage. Orders were relayed quickly and quietly throughout the ranks, and the Guild warriors surged quietly from the forest towards the burning capital.

  Chapter 36

  Syrion soared towards King’s Court with the soldiers below unaware of his presence, their attention fixed on the breach before them. Thousands of marauding Wolf had poured through the destroyed wall and into the city. Gerwold shouted excitedly in their midst, as they charged headlong towards the inner gates.

  Syrion eyed the remaining Wolf, thousands still thronging the fields, anxiously pressing towards the breached wall. I need to stem the tide, Syrion thought. As he hovered over the breach, energy coursed through his body. Syrion had never felt so much life in a single place at once. The tens of thousands of troops surging into the city, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of souls hiding terrified, as marauding soldiers began tearing their lives apart.

  Reaching out, Syrion channeled his thoughts and rent the ground asunder. A large chasm burst open in front of the breach. The momentum of their charge carried dozens of Wolf screaming into the abyss. Not content that the chasm would keep the attackers at bay, Syrion tore at the earth. At the Astarii’s command, a pillar of earth within the breach broke through the debris. It burst from the ground and rose up until it completely sealed the breached wall.

  The stunned soldiers milled about surprised and confused at the supernatural display before them. Looking for the source of their frustration, one of the officers spotted the young Astarii hovering in the air above them. ‘There in the sky!’ the officer shouted. Archers and crossbowmen drew a bead on the floating wizard. ‘Fire!’ the black-clad officer shouted, pointing madly at the sky.

  Arrows and bolts leapt at the wizard who hurried to shield himself. As the deadly projectiles hurtled towards him, Syrion felt a rush of wind. From the sky above, the armour-clad fire drake dove into the fray. Arrows and bolts clattered harmlessly off its armour as it shielded Syrion from death. The drake sped towards the earth. As it landed, its impact shook the earth, crushing several Wolf beneath its impressive form.

  The Wolf watched in stunned terror as a creature they had only heard about in children’s fables moved through their army with deadly efficiency. The sharpened talons of its fore claws tore through steel armour as if were mere bed sheets. Battered soldiers were thrown off their feet as the creature tore through their steel-clad ranks. With a guttural roar, the fire drake exhaled and bathed the area in fire. Then, as suddenly as it had arrived, the creature leapt back into the skies, leaving terror and death in its wake.

  Together, the Astarii and Tolan soared through the air towards the smoking tower. The elemental beast had set the tower ablaze and was now making its way along the curtain wall. A whine split the air and a shaft of steel, the size of a man, slammed into the flaming beast. The crew of the Lion’s Fang ballista cheered as they began to hastily reload the weapon.

  The beast’s head turned towards its persecutor. With no chance of recourse, the beast howled in outrage as one of its long arms gripped the shaft. The steel, as thick as a man’s forearm, began to melt at the beast’s touch. In moments, the superheated steel was dripping off in great sloughs, smoke sizzling as each drop struck the stones below.

  In less than a minute, the entire shaft had melted and was pooling in a bubbling puddle at the creature’s feet. Seizing the opportunity, the Tolan dove into the fray, the dragons circling and slashing at the wounded beast atop the wall. Talons flashed, as they attempted to knock the beast from the wall. The searing heat that would have consumed another creature meant little to dragons. With a constitution strengthened by the Allfather’s ancient gifts, they could both create and withstand great heat.

  The riders atop them, however, exercised caution. In their Tolan form, they would burn as surely as any human, should they find themselves in the beast’s clutches. Ryland and Lysander hacked and prodded at the creature with their spears whilst Althea fired arrow after arrow into it. The weapons forged in the Tolan’s dragon fire forge, found their mark, and the beast went berserk. It howled and bellowed as it lunged at the dragons, seeking to knock the riders from their saddles.

  Althea fired an arrow into the flaming sphere she supposed to be the beasts head. The arrow struck its target and the beast unleashed an ear-splitting cry. Before her mount could wheel away, the Elemental Creature leapt from the top of the wall and slammed into the dragon. Althea and her mount plummeted to the streets below. With the added weight of the creature clasping at her mount, the pair lost control and slammed into a tavern on the street below, obliterating the flimsy structure. The flaming creature landed heavily on the concrete. Cobblestones cracked beneath its bulk and yet, it seemed unperturbed by the fall.

  The beast advanced on the ruined tavern, keen to exact its revenge, dragon a
nd rider trying desperately to extricate themselves from the wrecked building. The creature loomed furiously over the doomed Tolan and raised its burning lash-like arms.

  Syrion spotted Althea in peril and dove to the street, interposing himself between the flailing dragon and the enraged fire beast.

  As he plummeted, Syrion threw his palms up and beams of azure light lanced out from his outstretched hands and struck the creature. The blades of energy blasted the creature and skewered straight through it.

  In response, the creature brought its whip-like arms down upon the Astarii. Another lance of light struck the beast and still it advanced. Unable to slow the beast, Syrion turned his efforts to defending himself. The azure beams wove themselves together into a barrier. The beast slammed down on the barrier relentlessly, intent on its destruction. Syrion sweated profusely as he glanced from Althea to the fiery creature. The heat of the beast was taking its toll, but the Astarii laboured on, intent on maintaining his shield for as long as it took to extricate his love and get her to safety.


  Bjorn of Sisaron gave the signal to advance. The sweeping fields of King’s Court lay before them, smoke billowing from the city. To his left flank, he could see allied Guild warriors overwhelming the Wolf’s rear guard. Before him lay the rearguard of the forces of Fordham. With a smile, Bjorn spurred his horse into a canter, and the earth began to shake as three thousand heavy cavalry followed his example.

  There would be no element of surprise for the Sisaron, the thunderous cadence of the terrifying cavalry charge quickly alerting the forces of Fordham to their presence. Bjorn preferred it this way. There was little in this world as terrifying as the sight of a charging knight at full gallop. Seeing thousands of them in formation would be enough to instill terror in even the most resolute heart.

  The army before the cities gates began to form ranks against the coming charge. Bjorn’s worn face twisted into a smile as he lowered his lance and thundered into the Fordham ranks. His lance struck a soldier in the chest and knocked him from his feet before its haft shattered. Shields splintered as the Sisaron rolled over them like a tsunami. Bjorn drew his axe and began to strike furiously at the soldiers thronging before him.

  All about him infantry were being bowled over and smashed by the flashing hooves of the charging cavalry. Groups of infantry attempted to stand against the devastating charge but the tide of hoof and steel tore through the flimsy Fordham rearguard. Several knights were knocked from their saddle by the besieging forces but for every fallen knight, a dozen infantry perished in the onslaught of the Sisaron.


  Tristan and the Guild warriors slammed into the rearguard of the Wolf. The glare of the noonday sun beat down upon them, with the brilliant star of Listarii shining brightly on Tristan’s breastplate. The rapier in his right hand flashed like lightning as the Wolf tried in vain to block the weapon, but their clumsy long swords were too slow. The fine blade found its way around their guard to inflict grievous wounds.

  A great lumbering brute of a man pushed his way through the fray towards Tristan. A brave guildsman leapt to defend his lord, but the brute caught the sword with his axe head before smashing the man in the face with the haft of his axe. The guild warrior teetered dizzily. Before Tristan could come to his aid, the great brute severed the warriors head from his neck with a savage stroke of his axe.

  Tristan’s anger boiled as the hulking brute laughed. Charging towards the brute, Tristan lifted his blade. The brute swung with all his might, a savage stroke that might have amputated both of Tristan’s legs. Seeing the swing begin, Tristan ducked heavily on his right foot, before leaping into the air. The great axe cut through the empty air beneath his feet and as the brute swung low, he left his head and neck exposed to the more nimble swordsman.

  Picking his mark, Tristan thrust his rapier into the man’s torso. Striking next to his neck, the blade slashed straight down through the brute’s vital organs. Withdrawing the blade, Tristan landed nimbly, as the great brute fell to his knees and then headlong to the earth, the laugh of only moments ago cut off as blood filled his punctured lung.

  Tristan had no time to celebrate as more and more Wolf began registering the threat behind them. Turning to face the Guild, they closed ranks. Men on both sides began to fall as the combat turned close and deadly. The sun dimmed as if a veil had been drawn across her face. Tristan looked up to see storm clouds blowing in from the sea. The once blue sky had turned a tempestuous stormy black, clouds blocking out the sun and thunder rolling through the heavens.

  Tristan shook off the bizarre change of weather and tried to focus on the battle at hand. Cut off from the city by Syrion’s magic and surrounded on all sides by the Guild, the Wolf were fighting like cornered rats. The fire drake that had torn through their midst earlier, had been terrifying but, faced with the flesh and blood warriors of the Guild, their fighting spirits were renewed and they fought vigorously for their lives.

  A flash of light illuminated the sky as a lightning bolt split the heavens. The noise of the impact was deafening, and warriors on both sides leapt as the bolt of energy struck something in the outer city.


  Syrion was stuck, the flaming creature continued wailing as it rained blows down upon the azure shield. Sweat drenched his brow as he struggled to maintain the shield that was protecting himself and Althea. Althea struggled to extricate herself from the crushed building. Her injured companion scratched at the debris with his talons in an effort to free her.

  Syrion felt the force of the impact as a lightning bolt struck the creature. The windows of nearby houses shattered at the explosion of energy and the shutters flapped angrily on their hinges as the bolt’s force threatened to rattle them free of their mounts. The creature recoiled and stomped about in rage as it searched for the source of the attack. A second lightning bolt struck it in the back as it thrashed about angrily in the street.

  With the beast well and truly distracted, Syrion dropped his shield and sprang forwards. Changing his approach, Syrion summoned a fist of hardened air and sent it hurtling into the beast, knocking it back towards the wall. Before the beast could recover another lightning bolt slammed into it sending sparks of light and wisps of ash in every direction. The creature struck the cliff wall hard and grunted. The elemental was clearly exhausting its other-worldly strength as it laboured to recover.

  As Syrion focused his thoughts and bent the stone to his will, stone vines sprung from the wall like a strangler vine and began to surround the beast holding it fast against the wall. Beneath its flaming skin there was clearly a solid core akin to a body. The beast struggled, but the stone moved quickly, restraining its arms and legs and constricting tightly so that it could not move.

  The beast howled its defiance, but it was hopelessly trapped. ‘You do not belong in this world!’ Syrion shouted above the wind. Channeling a thought, Syrion sundered the cliff wall. A great cleft appeared on each side of the beast. The crack became a chasm that grew until the piece of stone the beast was bound to, stood alone, torn from the cliff wall by the Astarii’s power.

  With grim finality, Syrion blasted the creature with arcane energies. As these energies struck the beast, the weakened cliff wall gave way. The flaming beast still bound to its stone prison, toppled from the cliff top into the surging sea below. Syrion walked to the cliffs edge and looked into the sea. For a few moments, steam rose from its surface as the sea absorbed the creature’s heat, but within moments, the waves concealed any trace of its existence.

  Content that the threat had been dealt with, Syrion ran towards the shattered tavern, praying in his heart that Althea had survived the fall. As he drew near, he saw a woman in a blue robe kneeling over a prone form, ‘Mother’! Syrion cried drawing nearer. ‘Tell me Althea is okay. Tell me she will live!’ Syrion plead desperately.

  As Elaina of the Astarii turned to face her son, she could hear the pain in his voice as he approached. ‘She will be fine, Syrion, her in
juries are severe, but nothing that will not heal in time.’

  Syrion threw his arms around his mother as he sighed in relief.

  ‘Good thing I arrived when I did, Syrion. You let your concern for Althea cloud your mind. It might have got you both killed.’

  ‘I panicked,’ the youthful Astarii responded honestly. ‘I have never faced anything like that beast before. I should have thought of using the water sooner.’

  ‘Indeed you should have, but there is no time for lament now. Malus tells me your brother is here. Find him and ensure he is safe and then end this war, before any more lives are lost. I will stay with Althea and ensure she is safe. Go!’

  Syrion stole one more glance at Althea and then took to the skies surveying the city as he went. The outer city was ablaze. Soldiers were streaming into the city from the shattered northern gates, whilst comrades behind them were being set upon by a massive mounted force. Far below him soldiers were fighting their way through the inner gates towards the citadel. The green forces to the west of the citadel appeared embroiled in conflict and had not yet moved against the city.

  Turning to the two remaining Tolan, Syrion shouted, ‘Seal the Northern Gates! Prevent any more troops entering the city!’ The two dragon riders nodded and spurred their mounts towards the shattered Lion’s Gate. Syrion took off towards the east in search of his brother.

  The melee outside the wall was frenzied, men swarming to and fro as the Wolf attempted to break free of the Guild encirclement. Syrion sailed over the fray searching for his brother, but it was difficult to locate him. Changing tack, Syrion used his powers to amplify his voice so that it carried on the furious wind, ‘STOP!’ the young Astarii commanded.


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