Under A Viking Moon

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Under A Viking Moon Page 10

by Tami Dee

  "You best get used to it," Kat called out. "We're going clubbing tonight and you're going to hear a lot of this."

  Astonished that the two best friends would even consider beating one another with clubs, Leif watched, greatly relived, as both Kat and Rosie jerked, stomped and moved together in perfect time with the pace of the racket bursting forth into the room. Their hands moved one way, their feet another, with everything in between seeming to move in every direction at once.

  When at last the sound slowed, their movements changed accordingly, hips swaying and rolling in time to the new rhythm in what Leif found to be breathtakingly erotic. Their movements taunted him, teasing his senses. Flashes of well-shaped bottoms appeared and were quickly hidden again as their hips swayed and twisted under those skin-tight, short skirts they now wore.

  Certainly, he had to admit that this century did have some very definite advantages for a man that appreciated beautiful, scantily clad women.

  Leif swallowed hard, his body strung as taut as a bowstring. His fingers itched to run down Kat's inviting skin and see if the silken limbs were indeed as smooth as they appeared.

  Kat was a vision in black while Rosie blazed in red. The tunics they wore shone and glimmered as they caught the light. Kat eased herself to stand in front of him, her painted lips parted, she ran a hand from his stomach to his throat and then to the nap of his neck.

  Before his very eyes, Kat had turned into a seductress. And she was seducing him. Her pupils dilated and her lids started to close as she guided his lips towards hers.

  He stopped breathing in anticipation. His tongue seemed to swell to twice its size in his suddenly dry mouth. And then, when their lips were but a breath away, she loosed her hold and backed away from him, her husky laughter ringing out over the music.

  Blood pulsed through his veins in a heated rush as Leif watched her move away, the jeweled piercing she wore in her navel casting glowing rainbows across the taut skin of her abdomen.

  Leif struggled to appear indifferent, but the effort cost him.

  Two could play at that game he decided, as far as he was concerned, she had just tossed down the gauntlet. And he never cowered away from a direct challenge. Never.

  "You need to learn how to dance, Leafy boy," Rosie told him. "If you stand around like a bump on a log all night you won't blend in and since you have to fit in to be successful in discrediting Benny, you might as well have some fun while you're at it."

  Kat nodded her head in agreement. Each woman grasped an arm and pulled him into the center of the room.

  "You've got to loosen up," Kat called out over the music. She grabbed his hand and moved his arm much like a wave in the ocean.

  "Feel the beat, move with the rhythm, just let yourself go." Rosie encouraged him while placing both her hands on his waist in an attempt to move him.

  Leif felt as stiff as stone. He could feel the vibration coursing throughout his body... that was not the problem. Nay, the problem was that he was a highly disciplined warrior. A leader responsible for thousands of lives. Even the thought of allowing himself to become involved in this 'dancing' was, well, unthinkable.

  He had his dignity to consider and while the way the women moved and swayed was arousing beyond belief, it would be anything but dignified if he were to attempt it.

  Singlee came striding in, laughing, making no secret of the fact that he was amused by what he saw. He was like no servant Leif had ever had.

  "You're supposed to be watching the limo, cousin," Rosie admonished him, speaking Cantonese.

  "It's boring out there and I have to pee. That Ritchie Rich set of wheels out there may have everything, but it doesn't have a bathroom."

  Kat laughed and Rosie rolled her eyes.

  "Well, get to it then, I don't want you making water on my carpet," Rosie called out to Singlee's back as he made his way down a long hallway.

  Leif glanced at Kat, surprised, "You understand them?"

  "Not really, but the word pee sounds pretty much the same in any language."

  Rosie laughed, "Come on Leafy boy, let's get to it."

  But Leif stubbornly refused to 'let loose', especially now that Singlee was here. But the women just as stubbornly increased their efforts with Rosie stopping every so often to insert a round disk she called a CD into a tray. Each CD held different tunes played with different beats, yet Kat and Rosie seemed to be familiar with each of them, even going so far as to sing along, loudly, despite the fact that their voices were less than adequate.

  Singlee came back into the room shaking his head. "No no no. You got to teach him to dance with a girl, not like a girl. Like this."

  He stepped in front of Kat and moved his body with the rhythm of the music. Rosie's cousin was several inches taller than Kat and the shirt he wore clung to the well-defined muscles of his strong back. His arms had dragons tattooed along their corded length and the jet-black hair that had been pulled back and tied all day now hung loose to his shoulders. There was a close family resemblance between him and Rosie, despite that his skin had an olive tint and hers a honeyed tone, Rosie being what she called 'mixed'. Her father had been Chinese and her mother Hispanic, both of which languages she spoke fluently. This dark haired cousin was of her father's side and was all Chinese.

  Leif scowled as he watched Kat and Singlee move as one with the music. Where as just moments ago Leif had taken pleasure in seeing her exposed skin glistening with perspiration, he now had the almost uncontrollable urge to cover her -- from head to toe. Or, more satisfying, he could take his sword to Singlee. Leif sighed and dismissed the thought. If he did away with him, he would have to hire a new driver and that would take time and effort, not to mention the fact that he would also have to deal with Rosie. Despite all the teasing he had witnessed between the cousins this day, it was clear that they were close.

  Rosie must have sensed that her much too good-looking cousin was 'dancing' on thin ice. Sliding Leif a teasing look, she tossed her arms around her cousin's neck and claimed it was her turn.

  "Well, are you ready to give it a go?" Breathless, Kat swayed in front of Leif, batting her long lashes coyly.

  Leif stiffed a growl and let himself be coaxed. If the price he had to pay for his dignity was spending the rest of the night watching other men holding his woman in their arms, then it was too high a price. His dignity forgotten, Leif attempted to move and sway with the music.

  How this journey through time would end, he did not know, but for the moment, Leif found himself inexplicably happy.

  Chapter Twelve

  An hour later Leif, Kat, Rosie and Singlee, once again in his chauffeur uniform, headed to the limo, their plan in place. It was midnight and Leif was impressed that both the women showed no signs of tiring. Especially Kat. He knew for a fact that her day had started with the abrupt sounding of the 'alarm clock' at six, and that she had spent the next eight hours slaving in that steam-spitting dry cleaners establishment before being beaten and almost murdered, interrogated by the police for over two hours, and spending time plotting a way to eliminate the threat to her that Benny clearly constituted. And now she was eager to teach him to dance, still bubbling with life and laughter as if the day were fresh.

  She was, he thought not for the first time, amazing.

  Singlee opened the limo door with a flourish that belied his compete disregard for his station and Leif stepped aside so that Kat and Rosie could climb in. It was damp outside and so cold that his breath came in puffs. Kat and Rosie wore wearing long coats and Leif found himself hoping that, given what Kat was -- or was not wearing -- underneath, she would keep hers on while 'clubbing'. He still was not completely sure what 'clubbing' involved, besides loud 'music' and 'dancing', but he did not relish the thought of any other man ogling Kat's bare skin the way he had in Rosie's apartment. It would be too bad if he had to slay someone before the night was over. No doubt that would not happen, but at least he was prepared, his knife hidden within an inside pocket of his jacket.

  As Leif wound himself into the limo, he considered the astonishing fact that he'd only been in this time twenty-four hours and yet he had already abandoned his dignity by 'swaying and twisting' in time with music, and now he had resorted to hiding his weapons from a pair of giggling women who thought they knew better than he regarding such matters. What sort of warrior was this new century turning him into?

  Slinging his arm atop the seat and looking back Singlee asked, "Where to?"

  Kat drew in her brow. "I think Benny has connections at Memos on Broadway," she said. "Let's start there."

  "Okay," Rosie said briskly. "So first we hit the clubs and try and find out who Benny is doing business with and what the stakes are. That way, when we spread our rumors, we can go to the chumps most likely to be burned and make it sound legit."

  "We shouldn't go in together," Kat chimed in. "No one knows you, Leif. If you go in with Rosie and me and start asking questions, they'll likely get suspicious. Everyone who's anyone knows that Benny and I don't rub. As a matter of fact--" she turned her attention to Singlee. "Before we're done, I'll probably run into some of Tiny's goons, so you better hang back from us and watch my back."

  "Watching your back is what I live for," Singlee answered with a teasing leer in his voice.

  Katla laughed and Leif had a sudden urge to strangle both of them. Especially Kat. He would have never guessed, at the time of their first turbulent meeting, that she had such a wild streak in her. That she was brave, loyal and hard working, aye. But that she could be such a seductress? Leif grunted inwardly. He wasn't sure how he felt about that.

  The limo stopped in front of a brightly lit building. A line of scantily dressed women and outlandishly outfitted men stood behind a rope and made a trail down the street and around the corner of the brick building. A large, fierce looking man guarded the rope with his feet planted firmly apart, his tattooed arms, the size of tree trunks, crossed in front of him. His bald head reflected the flashing lights stationed above his post. At last, Leif thought, satisfied, an adversary that looked worthy of a good fight to the death, which might possibly be the only way anyone could get past him and his obviously prized rope.

  "Oh good, Mike's at the door," Kat called over her shoulder as she stepped out of the limo, Rosie close at her heels.

  Leif stared, opened mouthed, as the fierce looking warrior's face split into a wide grin. Scooping each girl into his big arms, he swung them around. The crowd turned angry as he ushered them inside the building ahead of them.

  "Hey, boss! Do you mind getting the door? I don't feel like getting out and walking all the way over there."

  Leif threw a flabbergasted look at Singlee and then, resigned to the strange behavior of these people, reached out to close the door Kat and Rosie had left open.

  "Thanks, man," Singlee said cheerfully. "Hey, Boss... my ditzy cousin and Kat were so wrapped up in making themselves hot that they forgot about you. The bouncer will never let you in dressed like that, no matter who you know. And I sure won't get an invitation dressed in this monkey suit."

  "Rosie said I looked adequate," Leif protested. Her exact words having in fact been 'hot', 'fine', and 'ouchi mama'. It wasn't so much the strange words she used, as the approving tone of her voice that gave Leif confidence that he was dressed correctly.

  "Yeah, yeah, for sight-seeing you look fine," Singlee told him. "But we need to get you in clubbing style for tonight. I've got just the place in mind."

  Fifty minutes later, feeling ridiculous, Leif followed Singlee with purposeful steps toward Mike the Bouncer. Singlee's 'place' had set to work on him the second he had stepped through the door with both men and women stringing a piece of thin cloth called a 'tape measure' across his shoulders and down his legs and writing the 'measurements' down, all the while making strange, albeit apparently apperceive comments.

  Once the measuring had been completed, the room had suddenly emptied. Within a couple of minutes the same people came bounding back in to slip him into a black silk shirt and a pair of black leather pants that clung to his legs like skin, as well as outlining his most important assets in an embarrassing way. When he mentioned this fact to Singlee, his chauffeur laughed with such abandonment that it was all Leif could do to refrain from placing a well-deserved fist into his mouth.

  But apparently Singlee had known what he was about, because several women waiting in Mike's line all but swooned as he passed them by; more than one reaching out to touch him, some wondering out loud if his hair felt as silky as it looked.

  "What's shaken, Mike?" Singlee asked the man guarding the rope, jovially clapping him on his shoulder. Mike's face again split into a wide grin as he laughingly picked him up as if he were a child and squeezed him until he squeaked.

  "Singlee, when did you get out?" the big man asked.

  Were those tears in his eyes?

  "Day before yesterday, man. Day before yesterday."

  "I got a job for you if you're interested in some quick cash to getcha on your feet," Mike said in a conspiratorial voice.

  "Nah, I got me a gig now that's pulling in a pretty penny," Singlee said, nodding toward Leif. "This is my boss."

  Mike looked him over, a calculating gleam lighting his rather small eyes.

  "All right then," he said, patting the slighter man on the back so hard that he nearly toppled him over. "When you find yourself at a loose end, come and see me."

  "You know I will. So what do you say, do we get in?"

  Laughing, Mike unhinged the rope and stepped out of the way.

  The crowd voiced their objections even as several women tried to give Leif their 'phone numbers'.

  Leif and Singlee each gave their coats to the woman behind the 'coat check' counter. Leif felt his stomach clinch as he spotted Kat and Rosie's bulky jackets neatly hanging on the rack. He should have known he wouldn't catch a break. Great, Leif thought rolling his eyes, now he was starting to think like Singlee talked.

  Singlee slapped him on the back and swung open a pair of double doors. "Ready?"

  Light and sound blasted Leif at the same time that he saw hundreds of bodies jerking this way and that. He squinted against the bright, flashing light that filled the crowed room. Singlee leaned over and shouted in his ear.

  "It's a strobe light, man. Atmosphere to get the kids in the mood. And if the lights don't do it for you, then the booze will." A young woman who was dressed in as little as Kat and Rosie scurried by them carrying a tray full of glasses filled with liquid. Singlee reached out, grabbed two glasses and handed one to Leif.

  "Drink up, boss."

  Singlee tipped his glass and swallowed the clear liquid in one gulp. Leif followed suit. Ahh. The liquid burned its way down his throat and Leif smiled. Finally, something he understood. Booze was another name for mead. For the first time that night, Leif did not feel quite so outdated.

  When Singlee disappeared into the crowd, Leif secured another glass of 'booze', girded his loins and set off to complete his self-appointed mission.

  Chapter Thirteen

  A dense fog was rolling in when, six clubs later, the foursome regrouped in the limo. Singlee slouched in the front seat behind the steering wheel and Leif's head swam with the effects of the many and varied glasses of mead he'd consumed. The pocket of his silk shirt had several pieces of napkins sticking out, each with names and phone numbers scribbled upon them, and several were marked with impressions of the women's lips to remind him of their generous offers, many of which he had not completely understood.

  Kat and Rosie, both of whom seemed to run on some sort of an invisible energy source, chatted excitedly. It seemed that their attempts to lie to Benny's contacts regarding his 'shady' business practices would no longer be necessary. Benny had been 'double crossing' those he worked with for quite some time now. All that was left for them to do was 'blow the whistle' on him to the 'burned' partners.

  Leif's plan would not take long to put into operation and he was glad of it. The sooner h
e finished assuring that Kat was safe, the sooner he could concentrate on getting home. Leif knew that the longer he spent with Kat, the more difficult it would be to leave her, if not impossible.

  It was 7 a.m., according to Leif's 'Rolex', by the time the limo pulled to a stop at Rosie's apartment where it had been agreed that he and Kat would stay until Leif's 'penthouse' purchase was finalized.

  They made their way through the lobby and into the small box that would whisk them to Rosie's floor, their steps clumsy from exhaustion and too much mead.

  Once at Rosie's door, she fumbled with the key until Singlee gave her a good-natured nudge and grabbed it out of her hand.

  "Some time this morning would be nice cuz I'm beat." He grinned at his scowling cousin then clicked open the lock. With a wide yawn, Singlee headed straight to the couch and fell asleep before the blankets Rosie tossed his way landed in a clump atop him.

  Rosie and Kat disappeared through the door they had changed clothes in earlier. Kat peeked her head out of the room, resting it against the doorframe. She seemed to be winding down now and gave him a sleepy smile. "Thanks Leif, you were great tonight."

  "It was my pleasure, lady," Leif responded around the lump that suddenly clogged his throat.

  She placed a kiss into her palm and blew it in his direction before pushing herself away from the door and closing it softly behind her.

  Leif stood for a long moment, unable to tear his tired gaze from the now closed door.

  "Man, boss," Singlee chuckled softly. "You got it bad."

  Leif turned to his impudent servant and smiled. "I though you were asleep."

  "Nah, I just wanted Rosie to get my blankets for me."


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