A Flame To Bear (Fire Bear Shifters 4)

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A Flame To Bear (Fire Bear Shifters 4) Page 5

by Sloane Meyers

  “I hope whatever you have planned for the rest of the day doesn’t involve any more physical exertion. I’m beat,” Bailey said as she climbed into the passenger seat.

  “Here, take a nap,” Trevor said. He reached into the backseat and handed her a pillow and a blanket. Bailey happily positioned the pillow against the window and snuggled under the blanket. They hadn’t even been on the road for five minutes before Trevor heard the sound of soft snoring coming from the passenger seat. He smiled. The combination of the hike and the alcohol had probably worn her out. Maybe such a long hike hadn’t been a good idea so soon after Bailey had been discharged from the hospital, but she had seemed to handle it well. The fresh air had probably done her lungs some good, anyway.

  Trevor drove in silence, not wanting to even turn the radio on for fear of waking her. The blanket rose and fell rhythmically to the beat of her breathing, and her hair started escaping from her hair clip one wavy tendril at a time.

  Trevor’s heart beat with anticipation when he looked at her. He wondered if it was possible that she had actually been fated for him. He’d watched over the last summer as everyone in his clan except he and Zach had taken lifemates. He’d begun to wonder if maybe he would never find anyone meant for him. But, as he looked over at Bailey and savored the warmth that had been glowing in his chest since the moment he kissed her, he allowed himself to consider the possibility that he might not spend the rest of his life alone, after all.

  Maybe he hadn’t been able to love anyone until now, because, deep down, he had known that he was waiting for someone truly special.

  He’d been waiting for Bailey.

  She slept the entire hour long ride to a tiny town just outside of Red Valley. Trevor pulled into a parallel parking spot in front of a tiny boutique called The Gilded Thread, and turned off the SUV. When he reached over to give Bailey a gentle nudge, an adorable, sleepy mumble escaped from her lips. She blinked, and looked around in confusion for a moment.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “Just outside of Red Valley. We came here to go to this store right here—The Gilded Thread.”

  Bailey sat up straight and looked out the window at the boutique. “The Gilded Thread,” she repeated. “It looks like a clothing store.”

  “It is,” Trevor said. “This is part of your Valentine’s Day present.”

  A small look of surprise passed across Bailey’s face. “I forgot it was even Valentine’s Day today. I mean, I knew it was getting close thanks to the huge displays of hearts in all the stores. But I lost track of the actual day.

  “Well, I remembered. I hope you don’t think it’s too forward of me to do something for you for Valentine’s Day. I honestly wasn’t intending it to mean anything more than friendship when I planned this day out. But I can tell you’re a really special person, and I can also tell that you haven’t had many people in your life treat you like you’re special. And you deserve better than that.”

  Bailey blushed and looked down at the floorboard, but then looked up at Trevor again with a confused look. “So, you’re getting me clothes for Valentine’s Day.”

  “Well, not exactly. I’m taking you to dinner for Valentine’s Day. Now, don’t get me wrong, I think you look amazing in those sweatpants. But I can tell you feel self-conscious about wearing a cheap pair of sweatpants, and I know you’re going to want a pretty dress for the place where we’re having dinner tonight. So, I’m going to hand you my credit card, and I want you to go in that store and spend whatever you want to get whatever you want. Get yourself a dress for tonight, and then get a few outfits so you have something to wear during the week other than those sexy sweatpants.”

  Bailey giggled. “That’s really sweet, Trevor. But, I don’t want to take so much money from you. This place looks expensive.”

  Trevor shook his head. “It doesn’t matter how much it costs. I’ve got plenty of savings to spare. I want you to have some nice things. It makes me sad to see you walking around so uncomfortable with your clothes. There’s also a beauty shop next door. Go there, too, and get yourself some makeup and perfume…and whatever other smelly stuff girls like to wear.”

  Bailey looked down at her lap, and Trevor reached over to put his credit card over her hands.

  “Our dinner reservation is at seven, so you better get moving if you want to have plenty of time to take a shower and get ready.”

  Bailey hesitated, and Trevor thought she was going to refuse, but she finally smiled and took the card. “Okay,” she said. “Thanks. It would be nice to wear something that doesn’t feel quite so frumpy. I’ll only spend a little bit, I promise.”

  “Spend whatever you want, seriously,” Trevor said. “I’m going to go across the street to that coffeeshop and let you do your thing. Come find me when you’re done.”

  Trevor gave Bailey’s arm a squeeze, and then strode across the street without looking back. If he had looked over his shoulder, he would have seen Bailey standing outside the boutique, holding his credit card in her hand and shaking her head in amazement.

  * * *

  Bailey watched Trevor amble across the street, his broad shoulders held straight and tall. She felt like her head was spinning. This day had not gone how she had expected. She’d been hoping that maybe after spending a day with Trevor, their friendship would be somewhat cemented. Then, they would agree to hang out again. Maybe some romantic feelings would gradually develop, and after a week or so of slow burn, one of them would be brave enough to admit that they liked the other.

  She would never have guessed that Trevor would take her on a romantic hike to a waterfall, and then surprise her with an exceptionally delicious picnic. And she had been shocked when he actually kissed her. She put her fingers to her lips, which still burned with the heat from Trevor’s kiss.

  Now, he had brought her here to buy something to wear to dinner tonight. She didn’t know where he had made reservations, but if his planning for the evening was anything like his planning for the rest of the day had been, she knew she wouldn’t be disappointed. She felt guilty using his credit card to get clothes, but she had to admit that she really wanted something other than these stupid sweatpants to wear. She was almost embarrassed to even go into a clothing shop looking like this.

  But until she got her passport and credit card—which, hopefully had made it to her today—she had no way of buying anything decent. Even if her credit card was already back at the hotel waiting for her, she wouldn’t have time to get anything before dinner. And, damn it, Bailey wanted to look good for dinner tonight. It had been so long since a man had given her butterflies, but her heart beat faster every time Trevor’s eyes locked with hers. And today was Valentine’s Day. How could you go on a date with your crush on Valentine’s Day and not look amazing?

  Bailey marched into The Gilded Thread. She would find the hottest damn dress she could, and some sexy clothes for the next few days. She was going to show Trevor that she knew how to work her curves. She would swipe that credit card and just consider it a loan. As long as she paid him back, she wouldn’t feel guilty about spending whatever she wanted right now.

  She pushed away the little voice in the back of her head telling her that she didn’t have a job and needed to be sensible. She’d spent the last decade being sensible, and look where it had gotten her. Almost killed in a grungy hotel that had gone up in flames, and with a career that was dead in the water. Today wasn’t a day for being sensible. Today was a day for living.

  A slender, smiling saleslady looked up when Bailey came through the front door of the boutique. Bailey thought she saw a look of surprise pass over the woman’s face at Bailey’s appearance, but it was gone so quickly that Bailey couldn’t say for sure whether she’d imagined it.

  “Good afternoon. Can I help you?” the woman asked pleasantly.

  “I hope so,” Bailey said. “I’ve got a date tonight for Valentine’s Day. The first time I’ve had a date on Valentine’s Day in about half a decade, actual
ly. But I’m from out of town and lost all the clothes I have here in a hotel fire a few days ago. I desperately need something to wear that isn’t, well, this,” Bailey said, gesturing down at her baggy outfit.

  The woman put her hands over her face. “Oh, my! You poor dear. Was that the hotel fire in Red Valley? I heard it was awful. They said one guy even died.”

  “Yeah,” Bailey said, looking down at the floor. “I knew that guy, actually. He was a coworker of mine.”

  The woman clucked sympathetically. “I’m so sorry to hear that. Listen, don’t you worry about a thing. We’re going to make sure you look stunning for your date tonight. Come with me.”

  The woman led Bailey to the dressing rooms in the back. The area outside of the dressing rooms was decorated with plush couches and ottomans in vibrant pinks. A gilded glass coffeetable sat in the middle of the couches with a bowl full of colorful candy, and off to the side a water pitcher with icy water and fresh lemon slices sat waiting to be enjoyed. The saleswoman told Bailey to have a seat, and poured her a glass of water. Bailey hadn’t realized how thirsty she was, and she relished the feeling of the fresh, citrusy water cooling off her throat.

  The woman asked Bailey a few questions about her size, and color and style preferences. Then she disappeared into the sales racks for a few moments, coming back with five different dress options. Bailey loved every single one.

  “Wow, you have some really cute stuff here,” Bailey said, reaching out to stroke the soft fabric of a blush pink halter dress.

  “Try these on, dear. If you don’t like them, don’t worry. I have plenty more. What size shoe do you wear?”

  “Nine,” Bailey said, still admiring the dresses the woman had brought to her.

  The woman nodded. “We’ll get you some shoes and jewelry, too. Just start by trying those on and telling me what you think.”

  Bailey did as she was told, grabbing the pile of soft, delicate dresses and stepping behind one of the elegant curtains that cordoned off each fitting room. For the next hour, she felt like a princess as she tried on dresses, blouses, skirts, pants, and shoes. Bailey knew the saleswoman was likely motivated in part by a sales commission, but she did feel genuinely cared for as well.

  In the end, Bailey had to use some self control to keep herself from buying the whole store. She loved everything she saw. For everyday outfits she bought a pair of jeans that fit her better than any other jeans she had ever tried, two ultra-soft sweaters, one smooth long-sleeved button down shirt, and a pair of beige ballet flats in rich, supple leather.

  For her date, she decided on a long-sleeved dress with a fitted bodice at the top that gave way to a flowy skirt ending just above her knee. The dress had a scalloped neckline and sleeves that were a bit off the shoulder. Bailey had never seen a dress quite like it, and she knew the minute she put it on that she wanted this dress to be the one she wore for her date with Trevor that night. The best part about it was the color—oh, the color. It was a deep, dark purple that almost seemed to bring out specks of violet in Bailey’s eyes.

  The saleswoman found Bailey a pair of simple, nude heels to keep the attention on the dress, and a simple necklace with a delicate chain that held one shimmering, crystal stone. Bailey tried the entire outfit on and honestly had never felt so beautiful. She could hardly wait to see Trevor’s face when he saw her wearing this. She swiped Trevor’s credit card, wincing at the total, but telling herself not to worry about it. She would pay him back, and she had a little bit of savings. She would find another job soon enough. No need to worry about money right now.

  Bailey went next door to the beauty store and picked up some basic makeup and one of her favorite perfumes. She also got some decent hair products, so she could wash and style her hair better. After a quick glance at the clock on the wall, she realized she needed to get going if she wanted to have time to properly get ready before her big date.

  She paid for her purchases and went across the street to find Trevor, who was buried in a paperback book that looked like some sort of science fiction time travel story.

  “Looks like you’re really into that story,” Bailey said.

  Trevor glanced up in surprise. “Oh, hey. Yeah. My buddy Luke’s girl, River, is a librarian. She got him into these science fiction books, and he kind of dragged me into the series along with him. I was never much of a reader before, but they’re really good. I always keep one in the SUV in case I’m stuck waiting somewhere for a while. Like when I’m waiting on a woman to find a dress for a special dinner,” he said with a wink.

  “Sorry, I know it took a while. That place had so many cute things. How did you know about the store, anyway? It doesn’t seem like your type of clothing,” Bailey said with a laugh.

  “Actually, River recommended that store to me. I asked her if she knew any good places to buy clothes around Red Valley. Apparently, she gets almost all of her stuff from there.”

  “Well, I can see why. River has good taste. Wait until you see the outfit I found for dinner tonight.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. Let’s get going,” Trevor said, and let out a throaty growl. Bailey had never a sound quite like it, but she thought it sounded pretty sexy.

  Chapter Seven

  A few hours later, Bailey stood nervously waiting in the lobby of the Red Valley Inn. Trevor had dropped her off so that she could get ready, and then gone home to change and get ready himself. When Bailey woke up this morning and threw on her Wal-Mart sweatpants, she had never imagined that she would be going to dinner tonight at a nice restaurant while wearing a fancy dress. She wondered if Trevor would kiss her again tonight, and a little thrill ran through her at the thought of it.

  When she saw headlights approaching the window that looked like they were from Trevor’s SUV, she stepped outside. Trevor parked his car in the loading and unloading area in front of the hotel, and then hopped out of the vehicle to get Bailey’s door for her. The sight of him took Bailey’s breath away. In place of the jeans and sweatshirt he’d been wearing earlier, he now wore a well-tailored black suit. He looked completely put together with shiny black shoes, a white shirt with a subtle gray pinstripe pattern, and a charcoal gray tie.

  When Trevor looked up and saw Bailey, he stopped in his tracks.

  “Wow,” he said. “You look incredible. I mean, I’ve thought you were beautiful since the moment I met you, but this outfit takes it to a whole new level.”

  Bailey blushed at his praise. “Thanks,” she said. “I found the dress at this little boutique that this gorgeous guy I know just happened to know about.”

  Trevor laughed. “Come on, sexy,” he said. “Let’s get going so we don’t miss our reservation.”

  Bailey hopped into the SUV, her heart doing a little flip-flop over the fact that Trevor had just called her sexy. After years of feeling empty inside, it felt good to have something to feel happy and excited about for once.

  A few minutes later, Trevor pulled into the parking lot of what looked like a fancy steakhouse. He held Bailey’s door for her again, and then held her arm as they walked into the restaurant. Once inside, Bailey looked around in awe at the swanky establishment. Soft, romantic lighting reflected beautifully off of gold toned accents. Servers in crisp uniforms scurried back and forth, taking glasses of wine and artfully plated entrées to tables of beautifully dressed couples. Bailey had forgotten how charming the atmosphere could be at a fancy restaurant on Valentine’s Day. She had spent the last several years ranting about how Valentine’s Day was a holiday invented to dupe consumers into spending more money. But, she had to admit that she was already excited about their meal, although they hadn’t even been seated yet. She only grew more impressed when the host seated them at a table next to a large, ornate fireplace.

  “This place is amazing,” Bailey said. “How did you manage to get last minute reservations here for Valentine's Day?”

  “My buddy Zach knew someone, and helped me out with it.”

  “Zach? The guy who ac
ted like a jerk to me when I went to the smokejumper base?” Bailey asked.

  “Yep. One and the same. He owed me one for losing to me in a hacky sack tournament, and I cashed in on it. Besides, he has a good heart somewhere deep down. He just hasn't really shown that side of himself for a while.”

  “Hacky sack? I haven't heard of anyone playing that game since I was in middle school,” Bailey said, her eyes widening.

  Trevor chuckled. “Well, the Burning Claws Smokejumpers take our hacky sack tournaments very seriously. Even grumpy Zach has to own up to it when he loses.”

  Bailey shook her head in amazement. “I really thought when I went off to college that I would never hear about that game again.”

  Trevor shrugged, as if to say “What can you do?” Then the waiter appeared with the wine list. Trevor let Bailey choose the bottle, saying that his knowledge of wine was seriously lacking. Bailey didn't feel like she knew that much about wine, either, but she had a few go-to bottles that she usually selected in a pinch. She found one of those familiar bottles on the list, and ordered it. A few minutes later, the waiter came back with their wine, then took their food orders. Bailey's mouth watered with the anticipation of the herb-crusted sirloin she had selected.

  Trevor lifted his glass to Bailey in a toast. “Cheers, to a beautiful lady I'm so honored to have met. Although, I do wish we had met under different circumstances. Happy Valentine's Day.”

  “Cheers,” Bailey said, lifting her glass to his. In the romantic light of the restaurant, Trevor looked even more handsome than he had outside the hotel. Bailey felt the slow warmth of desire burning in her stomach. The flame continued to grow throughout the meal, and, by the time dessert came, Bailey felt like she was burning up. The fact that they had ordered a second bottle of wine did nothing to help limit her inhibitions, either. She’d be willing to bet that Trevor felt similarly, judging by the way he was looking at her. Bailey wanted Trevor to put his lips on hers right there in the middle of the restaurant, but she forced herself to focus on her dessert and their conversation. There would be time after the meal to think about kissing. Honestly, she hoped there would be time for more than just kissing. But if she started thinking about that too much right now, then she would never make it through the rest of their meal.


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