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Erebus Page 1

by Linda L Barton


  The final installment

  of the

  Next Move, You’re Dead Trilogy

  Linda L Barton

  Inspired by Bob G Barton

  Copyright 2013©Linda L Barton

  Published by Deadly Reads at Smashwords

  All Rights Reserved

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  For my loving, husband Bob.

  You are the driving force

  in this writing adventure.

  For it’s in your creative mind

  where our stories are born.

  Thank you, Steve LeMaster

  Cover Design

  Table of Contents

  Title Page, Copyright, Dedication,


  Chapter1, Chapter2, Chapter3, Chapter4

  Chapter5, Chapter6, Chapter7, Chapter8

  Chapter9, Chapter10, Chapter11

  Chapter12, Chapter13, Chapter14

  Chapter15, Chapter16, Chapter17

  Chapter18, Chapter19


  A Message from the Author



  “Caleb, you need to hurry up, it’s time to go,” Miranda called from the base of the long, spiral staircase. “Mother and father are already waiting in the car.”

  Caleb hated their monthly outings to the opera. He never understood why his mother insisted on him going. It did not matter how much he protested, she would always say how he must learn to enjoy the finer things in life if he did not want to disgrace his heritage. She would go on endlessly how his family was of the elite class, and he should act accordingly.

  If we are so elite, why does father drive us, instead of having a chauffeur? Caleb grumbled.

  “I’m coming; I’ll be there in a moment.” Caleb continued to struggle with his bowtie. “I don’t see why I can’t just use a clip-on!”

  He ran down the stairs to the front door when Miranda grabbed him by the arm.

  “Hold on, you still don’t have this correct. “You wouldn’t want Mother to have a fit, now would you?”

  “Come on, it’s fine. You know how Father doesn’t enjoy to be kept waiting; we better go.” Caleb pulled away from her, as the sound of the car horn for the second time let them know to hurry.

  “I do hope he’s not in a foul mood,” Miranda moaned at the idea of her father being angry with them for forcing him to wait.

  Caleb rushed down the front porch steps with a sickening feeling wash over him at the sound of the car horn for the third time.

  “You two really must try to be more punctual. It’s quite rude to make someone wait while you play around.” Charles did not condone tardiness, so to wait when everyone knew the schedule was unacceptable.

  He put the car into drive; barely waiting as Caleb jumped into the back seat. “This is our one family outing each month, son, so you would think you could manage to get dressed and ready on time.”

  “Father, he had a difficult time with his tie; after all, he is only seven years old,” Miranda smiled at Caleb, who was trying his best to be invisible. “Why can’t he just use a clip-on like the other boys?”

  “Because a gentleman never wears one that’s why. Maybe your father will practice with you tomorrow,” Elizabeth smiled at Caleb through the mirror on the visor.

  She knew her son did not enjoy their outings to the opera, but someday he would appreciate the memories created by this special time spent with his family.

  “I guess we can do that, son.” Charles hated to be so strict with Caleb, but he knew it was for the best.

  “Thank you father,” Caleb groaned while glaring through the rearview mirror. He longed for the day when he was no longer forced to attend these foolish family outings.

  “Smile little brother because tonight we will spend an enjoyable time together. We are fortunate to have parents who want to include us.” Miranda loved the opera and looked forward to each time they went.

  Caleb never said a word. He hated these outings, and as far as he was concerned, his parents could die a horrible death.

  You will pay for how you have treated me today, Father. On that, I promise, he said silently.

  Chapter 1

  Present Day

  “May I, please speak with Captain Riggs? Tell him it’s Detective Mackey from Houston. Yes, he knows who I am. Of course, I’ll hold.” Mac could not believe she was making this call. It had been two months since the telephone call from Erebus, informing her that he was alive, and off to play his game with someone new.

  Erebus, the sound of that name made her blood run cold. He destroyed so many lives, and the thought, of him playing his game again, was unbearable.

  “Mac, it’s so good to hear from you. I was wondering if you would call after…,” his words trailed off, as he realized what he was about to say.

  Tom had wondered why Mac did not call him once he learned of Erebus death.

  “I know, I should have called you sooner, but I needed to get a few things straight in my head.” Mac knew this would not be welcome news, but she had no choice.

  “Tom, I don’t know how to tell you this, but Erebus is alive.” She blurted the words out as though they were poison on her tongue.

  “What? But the report said…” Before he could continue, Mac interrupted.

  “The report is a lie. The dead man was only one of his pieces, as he called him. He set the whole thing up to throw everyone off, and it worked perfectly.” Mac could feel the rage, as it choked off her words.

  “He even sent me a black rose to celebrate his supposed death, and then called me to let me know he was still alive and how much he appreciated his time with me.”

  “You mean to tell me that son-of-a-bitch is still out there? Damn, but why didn’t you call me sooner?” Tom knew the answer, but he could not help but feel as though this was all part of a sick joke.

  Mac had swallowed before she was able to continue. “I tried to call you many times, but I couldn’t even admit it to myself. I have recently gone back to work, so I thought it was time to come clean with you. When I told my captain, he assumed that I was under duress and needed some time off. No one would believe me, Tom. They made me go to counseling because they said I wouldn’t let go of the case. Crap, it’s the only thing I’ve wanted to do since the first time I talked to the bastard!”

  “I’m sorry to hear this. He sure knows how to get to you, doesn’t he?” Tom did his best to remain calm for her sake.

  “Yes, he does. How is John doing? I’ve been thinking quite a bit of him lately.” Mac remembered her visit with John in the psychiatric hospital, where she had taken an instant liking to him.

  “He’s been doing much better. The news of Erebus death helped him greatly. In fact, they’re talking about transferring him to a low-security f
acility sometime next week.” Tom worried how the news of Erebus would affect John, or if he should even say anything about it.

  “Are you going to tell him?” Mac was unsure if she wanted the answer.

  Tom inhaled a deep breath, “I’m not sure. I know we should tell him, but I’m afraid he might go back into that safe world he created for himself. Damn, I can’t believe this. What do you plan to do?”

  “I have no idea. How do you find a ghost? He could be anywhere.” Mac knew the chance, of finding Erebus, was slim, but she also knew that if she did not try, it would eat at her for the rest of her life. “What. would you do, Tom?”

  Tom paused for a moment “I don’t know either. We both know he’s smart and how he’s always one-step ahead of anything you plan. Now, what does he seem to repeat in his games? He always goes for a cop who has recently made a newsworthy arrest, right?”

  “True, but…” Mac stopped a moment, as she realized Tom was on to something.

  “You’re right, he chose John for his big bust, and then he chose me. Crap, that’s it; he only goes after cops, but why?”

  “John had said he was chosen for bragging about how all criminals would eventually get arrested because they made a mistake. He also said that John had allowed his ego to destroy him. What reason did he give for choosing you?”

  “Nothing specific, he told me how he found me interesting, and he thought I was beautiful; wait a moment, he did make a comment about my eyes.” Mac wondered if this was of importance.

  “Mac, your eyes green, correct?” Tom thought back to when John had noticed them.

  “Yes, they are but do you think it’s that simple?”

  “Damn, it has to be. You must remind him of someone important in his life.” Tom wondered if they might be on to something important.

  “I’m not sure, but maybe it’s a clue to his identity. He did seem to act as though I reminded him of someone special. Could it be an ex-girlfriend? No, that’s not it. He doesn’t strike me as the angry, jilted lover type. It has to have been someone close to him, though. Someone he held in high regard but not sexually.”

  Mac twisted a strand of her hair, wondering who could have had such an effect on Erebus.

  Tom had thought for a moment before he spoke again, “What about a sister?”

  “I think you might be on to something. Did he kill his sister, and then act it out again with those women? No, that can’t be it because he didn’t try to kill me.”

  “True, but he did try to take everything you love away from you, didn’t he? I think this sicko enjoys screwing with people to prove he’s above them intellectually. Each innocent life is a shadow of his. Each piece is a part of him, and the way he sees himself in the world. That has to be it!”

  “I don’t know, Tom. It all sounds too straightforward. This guy is much more complex than that, don’t you think?” Mac could feel her stomach turn at the thought he had chosen her for some twisted, personal reason. Did he have a perverse relationship with his sister, and see her as an avenue to continue his desire? Suddenly another thought came to her.

  “He told me that he never had anyone discover his identity before, and because of that he was forced to make an adjustment in his game. He then said our game had become a stalemate. Oh, God, what if he comes back to finish where we left off?”

  “You don’t think he would take that chance, do you?” But no sooner had he said the words, he knew better.

  “Mac, I don’t know what to say. I hope he’s lost interest in you and moved on, but we both know he likes to win, and a stalemate is not a victory.”

  “I know; that’s what I’ve been worried about. I don’t know what to do. Do I go about my life like normal, or do I try to find him?”

  Mac had thought of taking a leave of absence from the department to search for Erebus, but she had no idea where to begin. “Tom, I feel completely vulnerable. He knows everything about me, and I’m sure he’s not pleased with the outcome of our game.”

  Tom had no idea what to say to put her mind at ease. He knew there was a good chance Erebus would come back to pick up where he had left off, but until that time came, they were both helpless to know what steps to make.

  “Mac, I wish I had the perfect words to say, but I don’t. All I can suggest is you submerge yourself in your work and try to put Erebus and his damn game behind you. I know it sounds impossible, but if you continue to worry about what he might do then he’s already won.”

  “I know, you’re right, but I have this nagging feeling that something is about to happen.”

  Mac wished she could let it all go, but for some reason she could not shake the feeling of dread growing inside of her.

  “Mac, I wish you would put this behind you. He’s done with you, and off to torment someone else. I’m only glad that he didn’t accomplish his goal like he did with John.”

  Tom closed his eyes to the vision of the night Kathy died replaying in his mind.

  Mac knew he was right and was thankful she was able to rescue Mandy before the warehouse exploded. The whole incident had caused tension between her and Rick, and she wondered if their friendship would ever recover. When she had told Rick and her captain about the phone call from Erebus, Rick got angry and told her he didn’t need more of her drama in his life. He told her that Erebus was dead, and she needed to come to terms with it.

  “Tom, when are you going to see John again?”

  “I had planned on dropping by this afternoon, why?” Tom had visited John on a regular basis since his incarceration, and he was pleased to see improvement each time.

  “Let’s not tell him about Erebus just yet. I hate the idea of him having a relapse. Hell, I know how I felt, so I can’t begin to comprehend what the news would do to him.”

  Mac had thought numerous times of flying to Philadelphia to tell him, but she could not bring herself to go. She knew John had the right to know, but how would he take it?

  “Mac, I won’t tell him, but we both know he needs to know. The monster caused him to lose everything, and I’m sure if it were me, I would want to know he was still alive.” Tom tried to remain calm, but he felt an uneasy feeling churning up inside of him.

  “Thank you, Tom. I’ll see if I can take a few days off soon so we can tell him together.”

  “Okay, that will give me the time to inform his doctor of this development; that way we can prepare for any adverse reaction. Mac, I know this has you on the edge, but please try to push it out of your mind.”

  Tom was worried about her, but he did not know what he could do to help ease her fears.

  “Thank you for your time, Tom. I need to get to work, so we’ll talk again as soon as I can get away.” Mac prayed John would be able to handle the news when they told him.

  “Mac, you know I’m here for you anytime. I want you to work, and try to put all of this behind you, okay? Tom knew his request was impossible because he had the same fears.

  “Okay, I will. Thank you again, and goodbye.” Mac knew he was right, but she also knew that Erebus was waiting for the perfect time to return and complete where they left off.

  “Goodbye,” Tom hung up the telephone with a silent prayer that they were both wrong.


  The traffic was backed up due to road construction, and Mac wondered if she should have stayed home a while longer to allow the morning commuters to clear out some. “Damn, I don’t have time for this.”

  It had taken another twenty minutes before Mac arrived at the department, and when she pulled into the parking lot, she noticed Rick walking out to his car. She decided to try to talk with him, so she pulled into the parking space next to his car then walked to the rear of his car, and waited for him.

  She could tell by the look on his face that he was deep in thought about something, so she decided this might not be a good time to talk, after all.

  “Good morning, running late today?” Rick said as he walked past her, to the driver’s side of his car, never once gl
ancing in her direction.

  “A little, I guess. I got caught in some construction traffic, so it took a little longer than expected.” Mac stood still, unsure of what to say next.

  “Huh, well, I need to get going. I have to be at the courthouse in forty-five minutes.”

  Rick never once looked at Mac when he opened the car door and got inside, closing the door behind him. It broke his heart that he was still angry with her, but he needed more time to come to grips with what had happened.

  When she had claimed that Erebus was still alive, Rick had told her it was impossible because he had died in the hospital. She knew he believed her, but he did not want to admit it to himself and over time, she noticed how he had steadily pulled away from her.

  I can’t blame you for pulling away after everything that happened; she said silently to herself.

  Mac moved aside, allowing him to back out of the parking space, and drive away. She could not believe how watching him drive away made her feel. Rick and his family were the only family she had, and not to have them in her life was unbearable.

  “I wish I could tell you everything,” she said as she watched his car drive away with tears forming in the corners of her eyes.


  The morning seemed to drag on endlessly for Mac. She had stacks of paperwork to catch up on, but she could not seem to focus on the task. Several people had stopped by her desk to welcome her back, but she could see the questioning looks in their eyes.

  Why did I ever tell the Capitan that Erebus was still alive? Everyone thinks I’m crazy.

  “I have to get out of here.” She straightened the mess on her desk and then grabbed her purse.

  “Are you leaving, Mac?” Detective Greg Neff had been watching her while working on the large stack of papers sitting on the corner of his desk. He could tell she was upset, and he wondered if maybe she had returned to work too quickly.

  “Yeah, I need to go have another talk with the witness from that convenience store robbery the other night.” She stood and began to walk toward the door.


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