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Erebus Page 6

by Linda L Barton

  “Now, let’s see how all the instructors and students feel about you when they see you are nothing but a cheat and fraud,” Caleb silently laughed, closing the door behind him.


  When the sun peaked over the horizon, Caleb was already up and dressed. He had been waiting for this day for the complete destruction of a self-righteous fool.

  “Good morning, Russell. Are you ready for our final exam in Mr. Thornton’s class?”

  Russell had been awake for several minutes, but he did not want to face the idea of the final exam today. However, he was thankful that Caleb had helped him prepare by studying with him. He knew that if he did not pass this class, his father would not be pleased with him.

  “Good morning, how long have you been awake?” Russell yawned and sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes.

  “About an hour, it was quite a beautiful sunrise. It’s a shame you missed it,” Caleb grinned.

  “Heck, if I could sleep through the whole day, I’d be happy,” Russell moaned, as he walked toward the bathroom.

  “You need to have more faith in yourself, Russell. I have a feeling that we’ll both do well on the test today,” Caleb smiled, turning back to look out of the window.


  After the boys had finished their breakfast in the cafeteria, they headed to Mr. Thornton’s classroom and took their place at their assigned desks.

  “I hope you studied for this test, Caleb,” Michael teased. “You know how he grades on a curve, so I would hate it if your score screwed with all the other scores.”

  “Don’t worry about me. Russell and I have studied at great length, so I have faith that our grades will be more than sufficient to pass,” Caleb smiled at seeing a look of disgust appear on Michael’s face.

  “You studied with Russell? Damn, I thought you were smarter than that,” Michael teased. “Everyone knows what a dummy he is. If I were you, I’d be worried.”

  “I’m not the least bit concerned,” Caleb grinned, giving Russell a reassuring wink.

  “Class, it’s time to be quiet and take your seats,” Mr. Thornton announced, as he walked into the classroom.

  “I do hope you have all prepared for the final examination today?”

  However, the moans from the students let him know they were not thrilled in the least.

  “I, for one, am looking forward to this test, Mr. Thornton,” Michael announced, as he gave Caleb an odious look.

  Mr. Thornton smiled at him, “I wish more of my students took as much pride in their work as you do, Michael.”

  “Thank you, Sir, my education is paramount to me,” Michael grinned cheerfully, as he felt the hate-filled stares of the other students burning into him.

  He knew the other students did not like him because they knew he was superior to them in everything he did.

  “I hope you have all come with sharpened pencils and paper, now let us begin.”

  Mr. Thornton reached in the wooden box on his desk and pulled out the stapled papers with the test on it.


  The examination had taken almost the entire hour, and Caleb could tell his fellow students were glad to have completed the final question. As he sat in his chair, he could not help but notice a rush of excitement surging through his body.

  Now, it’s time to set this move in motion.

  “Okay class, I want you to put your pencils down and one at a time bring your papers to my desk. Lori, please bring yours up here first, and then on from there.” Mr. Thornton leaned back in his chair and combed his fingers through his thinning hair while watching the children walk toward his desk, one at a time.

  Caleb was glad that he would be one of the last students to turn in their papers because it would work out perfectly for his plan. Michael had already gone toward the front of the room when Caleb walked past his desk and brushed against a small stack of papers sitting on the edge of Michael’s desk, knocking them to the floor.

  “I’m so sorry, I’ll pick them up,” Caleb said with feigned remorse in his voice, as he knelt down to pick up the scattered papers. “What’s this?” he asked, reaching for a typed paper lying amongst the others.

  “That’s the test!” Jennifer, a student who sat behind Michael, shouted with anger evident in her voice. “Michael had a copy of the test! No wonder he gets perfect grades, he’s a cheat!”

  “Jennifer, calm down. Now, what is going on here?” Mr. Thornton stood, and saw the surprised look on Caleb’s face. “Bring that here to me.”

  “I didn’t cheat; I have no reason to cheat!” Michael turned and glared at Caleb. “How do we know it doesn’t belong to him?”

  “Belong to me? If it were mine, why would I bring attention to it even existing? The paper fell from your desk with the others.” Caleb struggled to conceal his joy while holding Michael’s threatening gaze. He walked to the front of the class and handed the paper to Mr. Thornton.

  “This is strange,” Mr. Thornton thought aloud then he turned and looked at an extremely upset Michael.

  “Michael, it appears this was typed on your typewriter. I recognize the dropped letter “e” that’s on all of your reports.”

  “What, it can’t be!” Michael took the paper from Mr. Thornton, looking it over in disbelief. “This makes no sense. I swear to you, I didn’t do this!”

  “I wish I could believe you, but here is the proof, bright as day. Michael, I’m sorry, but I will have to fail you for cheating. I will be contacting your parents, and I’m sure the school will have to re-evaluate your past grades, as well. Please take your seat, and I want you to stay after class.

  “But, I swear I didn’t do this!” Michael cried out, with tears flowing freely down his cheeks. “I have never cheated at anything.”


  The next few days the school was abuzz with how Michael was caught cheating on his final exam in Mr. Thornton’s class, and then suspended. Caleb had enjoyed the scene when Michael’s father arrived to take him home. It was quite unnerving to have his son swept up in a scandal.

  “How could you do this to the family? Don’t you understand how this will reflect on my political plans?” Michael’s father growled as they left the school.

  “But father, I swear I didn’t cheat! I don’t know how this could’ve happened,” Michael cried, trying to make sense of the whole situation.

  Caleb and Russell both watched as Michael followed his father out to their car.

  “Caleb, I can’t believe he’s been cheating this whole time. Boy, I always knew he was a bully, but a cheat too, I guess you never know, do you?”

  Russell shook his head, as he watched Michael climb into the back seat of the large, black Lincoln Towncar. “His dad sure is mad.”

  “He brought this on himself,” Caleb grinned, as he watched the car drive down the long driveway, and then disappear out of site.

  “Yeah, you’re right. Do you think he’ll be back after his suspension?”

  Russell had never liked Michael. However, the look on his face, as he walked out to the car, had almost made Russell feel sorry for him.

  “I’m sure he will. This school is the finest for children of prominent families such as our parents, so he’ll be back. However, I’m certain he will be a changed person when he returns.” Caleb had tried to hide the joy he felt at the outcome of his little game, and he wondered when he would engage in one again. His game had unfolded with perfection, and it surprised him how no one was the wiser to his involvement.

  “I sure wouldn’t want to be him. I don’t think his life is going to be much fun for a while,” Russell grinned.


  The next two years were uneventful for Caleb. He would return home for the holidays, and during the summer break, but he always looked forward to returning to school. He had become efficient at staging his little games, and he anticipated playing each of them while he perfected his craft.

  One evening, while playing a game of chess with Russell, Caleb mused over the moves he had
taken in his past games when a thought entered his mind. Life is like a game of chess, and if you’re skilled and understand the rules, you will always be victorious. It was at that moment Caleb decided to take his game playing to the next level.

  Chapter 8

  The next few weeks were busy for Caleb while he carefully planned his next game. Knowing he must be careful, not to show his hand, he took this time to assure each piece of the game was in its proper place before he made his move.

  He had to admit how pleased he was to see the change in Michael upon his return to school. The air of cockiness he once had was now replaced with one of shame and embarrassment. Caleb felt a sense of power with the knowledge he had not only destroyed Michael in the eyes of the instructors, but also his fellow students.

  He enjoyed watching as the other students whispered amongst themselves when Michael walked by and the hate-filled comments from the other players when he had returned to the soccer team. You’re not as smart as you believed, are you, Michael.

  The game he had played with Michael was a complete success. Now Caleb was ready to convince the entire school of the impossible. His next game would be with Russell.


  “Russell, you’re such a dork,” James teased, grabbing Russell’s books and scattering them across the library floor.

  Russell had come to get books for his science project, hoping the research would earn him extra credit.

  “Leave me alone, or I’ll…,” but James interrupted before he could continue.

  “Or you’ll what? Beat me up?” James laughed. He took a step closer, pressed his chest against Russell’s, and with their faces only inches apart, laughed again.

  “We both know who would win the fight, but there are other ways to get even,” Russell glared at James, as the gathering group of students joined in with taunting him.

  “Damn, I’m scared. Did you hear what he said? He threatened me!” James laughed so hard he bent over holding his stomach.

  “Break this up!” the librarian demanded, as she approached the group of students. “This is a library, not a playground!”

  When the group broke up and returned to their tables, Russell watched James go outside with a small group of boys from the soccer team.

  “You need to be taken down, James, and I’ll be just the person to do it.”


  “I heard about what happened in the library today. Are you okay?” Caleb looked up from his reading when Russell walked into their room.

  “Yeah, I’m okay; I’m just so tired of the constant teasing,” Russell set his books on his bed, and then sat next to them.

  “I’ve never been a fighter, but I need to do something. My dad keeps telling me to stand up for myself, but I don’t know what to do.”

  Russell was the youngest of four sons and had always been a bit of a mama’s boy. While his older brothers were into sports and outdoor activities, Russell was more of a bookworm and intellectual. “I wish I were a tough guy, but I’m not.”

  “Being a tough guy is over-rated. They would be nothing without the inventor who designs their toys. Never underestimate yourself, or your abilities,” Caleb smiled.

  “You know, you’re right! I don’t need brawn to win, I can use my mind,” Russell felt a new sense of power flow through his veins.

  “But what can I do? I need to show everyone how I’m not the fool they all think I am.” Russell looked at Caleb with his shoulders slouched and a frown on his face.

  “Take your time, it will come to you.” Caleb enjoyed how easily Russell was to manipulate. The slightest nudge and he will fall right into place, said silently.

  As the time grew near for the final move in the game, Russell became more unbalanced. He had become the constant target of taunts from numerous students, and Caleb used these dark moods to prepare him for the final act of revenge.

  “I know you feel awful, but until you stand up to them, it will never stop,” Caleb told him while feigning mock concern.

  “I don’t feel bad, I’m beyond feeling! I have a rage burning inside of me that’s something I’ve never experienced before. I’m worried that if I don’t do something soon, it will consume me,” Russell wiped at a lone tear that flowed down his cheek and wondered what the future held for him.

  Now he’s ready for the final push! Caleb gleefully thought to himself. “Russell, rage is a perfect tool if properly used. You need to focus on your emotions and funnel them into a fine point, and then use that powerful emotion to act.”

  Caleb sat back and watched as all the anger Russell had held inside played out on his face. Realizing it would only be a matter of time before Russell snapped and fulfilled his role in the new game, Caleb knew he must be careful, not to push him too soon.

  “You know, you’re right! I need to hang on to my rage and use it against them all. They think they’re so funny with their jokes and taunts, but I promise you that I’ll have the last laugh,” Russell grinned, with a dark and menacing look in his eyes. “I know what I need to do.”

  Caleb did not say a word when Russell sat at his computer with the sound of the dial-up tone echoing throughout the room. “They think they’re all so funny, but I’ll show them.” He knew what he planned for them was wrong, but he did not care. He was going to take control of his problem, and no one was going to prevent him from getting his revenge.

  He glanced at Caleb, who was lying on his bed, reading a book. Okay, let’s see how you make a homemade bomb, Russell said silently, as he booted up his computer.

  It was nearly midnight when Russell powered down his computer. He had found several sites that explained how to build a small, homemade bomb, as well as a site that gave the complete layout of the school library. Now he had all the information needed to proceed with his plan for revenge.

  Caleb watched Russell on his computer, and he could not believe how easy it had been to push someone like him to contemplate the unthinkable. He had been leading the other students in their abuse while filling Russell’s head of how cruel and unfair they were to him.

  Caleb marveled how each move had played out to perfection in this game of living chess. Now the only move left was to topple the opposing king, and that was Russell.


  The mood on campus was a mixture of fear and excitement with the end of the school year approaching. The instructors had made it clear that a vast majority of a student’s grade would come from their final scores, which drove the students to fill the library every evening, franticly studying for their exams.

  The bullying continued for Russell, which only added to his dark mood. He had become short tempered and distant, and his only outlet was his time alone with Caleb.

  “You know, I can’t wait until they all pay for how they’ve treated me. I’ve been having the most exhilarating dreams of their bloodied, dead bodies scattered across the library floor.”

  “I’m sure you don’t mean that. You’re merely upset, and I don’t blame you. We have two weeks left of school, and then its summer break. I’d love to go with you to the library to study for our final exams next week, but it’s been impossible to find an empty chair lately. Why don’t we just study in our room because Monday will be here before we realize it?”

  “You’re right; I do need to ace all of my tests, to keep my parents off my back. Now that you mention it, I do need some extra study time for my World History final,” Russell sighed as he reached for his textbook and opened it.

  “What the hell is this?” Russell could not believe his eyes. Someone had taken a black permanent marker and written words like ‘retard, idiot, and fag’ across the pages of his textbook in large, bold letters. He felt his blood boiling to a dangerous point while he turned each page to see more of the same. Russell could no longer control his rage and threw the book across the room, “Damn, them all!”

  “What’s wrong?” Caleb feigned concern. However, he knew why Russell was upset, as he was the one who wrote the offending comments.
“Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m just fine.” Russell closed his eyes, trying to control his anger. “I’m tired, I think I’ll lie down, and rest for a while.”

  “Okay, I’m going to take a shower before I hit the books again. It might help me think clearly,” Caleb smiled and walked toward the bathroom. “Don’t let them get to you. You’re better than all of them.”

  When Russell heard the water running in the shower, he jumped out of bed and ran to his dresser. He was glad no one had found the instruments for his revenge because he knew he would only have one shot at his plan. He grabbed the pipe bomb he made earlier with the small Mason jar filled with gasoline. Next he grabbed a piece of rag, an empty glass cola bottle, a bicycle chain with a small lock, and a disposable lighter.

  Once Russell knew he had everything he needed, he shoved the items into his backpack. He was relieved no one had smelled the gasoline in the Mason jar as it would have ruined his plan. He put on his jacket and carried the backpack out of the door, closing it behind him. “Now, it’s payback time.”

  Caleb knew the defaced textbook would push Russell over the edge, and he had to admit that he was surprised at the method Russell had chosen for his revenge. He had constructed two homemade bombs. One made from an eight-inch piece of metal pipe filled with gunpowder and both ends capped off with duct tape with a small fuse protruding from one of the taped ends. The truly exciting part of this little bomb was the sharp nails and screws taped to the outside of the pipe that would become dangerous projectiles upon explosion.

  The second bomb was a Molotov cocktail, which once ignited and thrown against a hard object would explode, spreading the ignited fuel all over anything nearby.

  Caleb knew the use of these deadly instruments would be devastating, but the last two objects in Russell’s Arsenal completed his plans.

  “Your king is exposed, my friend. Let’s see if it’s in you to make this final move.”


  The walk to the library only added to Russell’s fury, as images of his tormentors played in his mind. He sat on a bench outside of the library and watched several students walk by, chatting amongst themselves with none even taking the time to look his direction.


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