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Erebus Page 13

by Linda L Barton

  “I’m seventeen, Sir.”

  Robert shook his head in disbelief, “Seventeen? My how the years have flown by. So, what plans do you have for the future?”

  Charles chimed in before Caleb could answer, “His mother and I both hope he will choose Law School.”

  “Ah, so you plan to go into law. Your father could have been a brilliant lawyer, you know, had he not chosen to use his knowledge at the foundation. I’m thrilled he did because his professionalism has been a great asset over the years,” Robert smiled, noticing the look of appreciation on Charles’ face.

  “Caleb, would you mind if I borrowed your father for a couple of minutes? There’s someone he should meet.”

  He turned to Charles, “Mr. Cambridge is in town for only a couple of days, and I know how you have wanted to make his acquaintance.”

  “Oh, you’re right, I have,” Charles looked at Caleb. “Will you be okay here alone, Son?”

  Caleb was thrilled to have the table all to himself. “Of course, I’ll be okay by myself until the women return.”

  “Thank you, son, and I promise I won’t be long,” Charles stood, and followed Robert back to his table, leaving Caleb alone.

  Caleb looked in the direction of the Ladies Room, “Good, I have time.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, glass vial containing two of his mother’s pills ground to a fine dust. Then he summoned the server and ordered four more espressos. Once she brought the drinks and walked away, he poured the powder in his mother’s cup then stirred it, making the powder dissolve and entirely disappear. He had just taken a deep breath to relax when he noticed the two women walking back to the table.

  “Where’s your father?” Elizabeth looked around for Charles before sitting in her chair.

  “Mr. Blackstone came by and took him over to meet someone, ah… a Mr. Cambridge, if I remember correctly.”

  “Mr. Blackstone? Oh yes, I do remember your father mentioning him.” She looked down at the table and noticed the full cups of espresso. “Did you order these?”

  Caleb forced an innocent smile, “Yes, I thought since you two were planning on packing Millie’s things this afternoon, you might need the extra energy.”

  “How considerate of you, thank you.” Elizabeth picked up the cup and took a sip. “This is delicious. I think this is just the boost we will need to get it all done today. Drink up, Miranda. We have our work cut out for us.”


  Once they arrived home, Charles excused himself and went to his study to do some work on his latest project for the foundation. His introduction to Mr. Cambridge had gone well, so he wanted to get all the figures straight before their meeting in two weeks. He was glad how much better Elizabeth had felt today. She seemed to be back to her cheerful self, so he felt confident that she could handle packing up Millie’s things for Janice.

  “Now, you ladies have an enjoyable time,” he smiled as he watched them walk toward the back of the house.

  “We will,” Elizabeth said, waving over her shoulder.


  Both women stood and stared at the door, neither wanting to face the task ahead.

  After a few tense moments, Miranda reached for the doorknob and slowly opened the door, “I can do this alone if you wish, Mother.”

  “No, I need to do this; It’s just difficult with knowing she’s gone.” Elizabeth took a deep breath and followed Miranda inside the room.

  “I know Millie kept a large suitcase in her closet, so why don’t I start by packing her clothes.”

  Miranda looked at her mother and saw the pain in her eyes. “Mother, are you sure you want to do this now?”

  Elizabeth looked around the small room and shook her head, “You know I never noticed how sparse her room was. A few personal items sitting here and there, but nothing to show who the person was that lived in this room.”

  “Mother, are you feeling all right?” Miranda walked toward Elizabeth, but she raised her hand and waved her off.

  “Yes, I’m okay. I was merely thinking aloud; that’s all. I’ll gather up her personal items and lay them on the bed. Then once you put her clothes in the suitcase, there should be enough room for the rest of her things,” Elizabeth said, as she forced a smile and prayed this would not take too long to complete.

  “Okay, but if you feel it’s too much to handle, we can do this later when you’re feeling better.”

  Elizabeth smiled and walked to the small bathroom attached to the room. She marveled at how tiny the bathroom was, yet Millie had somehow managed to find a place for all her things. There was a bath towel and washcloth neatly folded on the small shelf next to the shower stall, and all her toiletry items were placed in a small wicker basket on the vanity, next to the sink. Elizabeth looked in the shower and found small bottles of shampoo and conditioner and a bar of soap.

  “I don’t believe Janice would want this,” she sighed, tossing the used bar of soap into the trashcan next to the vanity. She added the shampoo and conditioner to the other items in the basket and looked around the small room one more time.

  “You deserved so much more than this, Millie,” Elizabeth moaned. She picked up the basket and walked back out to the bedroom.

  “That was fast,” Miranda said, as she put the last of Millie’s clothes into the suitcase.

  Elizabeth forced a smile and put the basket on top of the clothes. “You know how she was, always organized with everything in its proper place.”

  Miranda was aware how painful this must be for her mother, but she was glad to have the help for this difficult task. “What do you think drove her to…,” her voice trailed off, once she realized her mistake.

  Elizabeth looked up at Miranda, with tears in her eyes, “I don’t know. I can’t imagine what could have been so terrible to cause her to react in such a desperate manner. I guess none of it matters now, she made her choice, and we all have to live with it.” Elizabeth sat on the bed next to the nightstand, “Let’s get this over with, I’m not feeling well.”

  Miranda looked at Elizabeth and saw a strange look on her face. I hope she’s all right.

  “Would you put these in the suitcase,” Elizabeth held out the pictures that were sitting on the nightstand.

  “I believe these are pictures of her nieces and nephews. She spoke of them often, and her plans to ensure they had a college education. I asked her once if I could help her financially, but she said it was her responsibility, and something she must do on her own. She told me how she wanted to make sure they had a chance for a better life than hers,” Elizabeth wiped a tear from her eye. “I always respected that about her. She always put the needs of others above her own.”

  “I never knew that, mother. She never shared anything about her family with me.”

  Elizabeth looked at Miranda and smiled, “No, she wouldn’t have. Millie was a very private person when it came to such things. She always said problems were best kept within the family,” Elizabeth paused, as the reality of her words struck her.

  “Oh lord, she thought of me as family! Millie, I’m so sorry that I let you down. Why didn’t I see your pain?”

  Miranda sat next to Elizabeth and put her arm around her shoulder. “It wasn’t your fault; it wasn’t anyone’s fault. How could we have known what was inside her heart? You know how well she was at hiding her feelings.”

  Elizabeth knew she was right, but it still did not ease the guilt and pain. She looked at Miranda and forced a smile, “Let’s get this finished.”

  She reached for the drawer handle on the bedside table and opened it, “What is this?”

  Elizabeth reached inside the drawer and found a small notebook with an ink pen lying on top of it. She pulled it out and began to read the words written on the pages.

  I do not know how much longer I can keep this secret from Elizabeth. I know that I have betrayed her in the evilest way, but I can no longer hide my feelings for him. The first time we were together was magical, and with ea
ch time, I grow to realize that my actions are a disloyalty to the friendship I treasure so deeply. I know he will never return my feelings, and with each passing day, I fear Elizabeth will learn of our affair. There is only one escape from this pain, and I pray that God will forgive me.

  Elizabeth sat transfixed, as she tried to comprehend the words written on the page until it struck her like a dagger in the heart. “Oh my, God, she had an affair with Charles!”

  “What did you say?” the statement shocked Miranda. “That’s impossible; Father would never betray you with another woman. He loves you, and only you.”

  Elizabeth did not know what to believe. She knew Charles loved her, but she also knew that men have strayed before. “I don’t know what to think anymore, but it all makes sense now. She was in love with your father, but he only used her for sex. How could I have been such a fool? You know how they would always stop talking once you entered the room. I should have seen it long ago.

  Elizabeth felt anger well up inside of her at the fool she had been not to see their betrayal. “Leave me alone! I need to see when it began.”

  Miranda tried to speak, but Elizabeth gave her a look that let her know any attempt to stop her would be in vain. She stood, looked at her mother again, then turned and walked toward the bedroom door. “I’ll be here if you need me, Mother.” With that last statement, Miranda closed the door behind her.

  Chapter 17

  Elizabeth read the words written in the notebook with each word causing the blood to run cold in her veins. How could the two people she had trusted most, deceive her so? Elizabeth read all the details of their affair. She read how with each occurrence Millie found her feelings growing deeper, but also how the pain had become unbearable because of her deceit.

  It surprised Elizabeth how Millie had never written his name, but it did not matter because it was clear of whom she spoke. She closed her eyes, and the vision of them entangled in each other’s arms played out in her mind.

  How could they have done this? How could they surrender to a forbidden passion? The words swirled around in her mind until she realized she had torn the notebook apart. As she held the ripped pages in her hands, she began to laugh, “I cried for you, Millie. I thought we were friends, but you used me, and Charles, you have lied to me for the last time.”


  Miranda did not know what to think. How could her father have an affair with Millie? Granted, Millie was an attractive woman, but her father had never shown anything other than a casual interest in her. Could the entire thing simply have been in Millie’s mind? Did she have an infatuation with him, and only wrote her fantasies down in a notebook? “That has to be it!”

  “What has to be it?” Caleb had been standing in the doorway to the kitchen, watching Miranda argue with herself. “What’s going on, and where is Mother?”

  Miranda forced a smile, “You startled me, Caleb. Nothing is going on. Mother is still in Millie’s room, packing up the rest of her things. I decided to get dinner started so that we won’t be eating at midnight.”

  “There’s something going on, isn’t there? I can see it on your face.”

  “Don’t be silly, I’m only tired. Why don’t you get out of here and let me cook dinner, okay?

  Caleb knew she was upset, and he fought the desire to smile. Everything is going as planned.

  “Fine, I’ll leave you alone.” He turned and walked toward Millie’s room.

  “Where are you going?” Miranda searched her mind for the words to stop him.

  “I thought I’d go help Mother. I’m sure she would not mind the company.”

  “No, she doesn’t want to be disturbed,” but no sooner had the words left her mouth than she knew she had made a mistake.

  “What? You sure are acting strange,” Caleb said, as he continued to walk toward Millie’s bedroom, ignoring Miranda’s protests.

  “Mother, may I come in?” Caleb whispered as he tapped on the door. He waited for a moment, and when he did not hear a response, he opened the door.

  “Oh, Caleb, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you, come in.”

  Caleb was surprised at the image playing out before him. Elizabeth was kneeling on the floor with torn pages neatly spread out around her.

  “Mother, what are you doing?” He could see she had been crying, but what excited him was the crazed look in her eyes.

  “Oh, my dear, I had to know the truth. You see, it’s all right here. Everything, how it began, where they met for their rendezvous; every sorted detail is right here!”

  She reached down and ran her fingers across the pages. “I trusted them both, and they played me for a fool.”

  Caleb knew she was on the brink of collapse. “Mother, maybe a cup of tea will help steady your nerves. May I get you some?”

  Elizabeth looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, “Yes, I would love some tea. You’re the only one who understands and never judges me. I know Miranda thinks I’m having another breakdown, but I’m not. Things have never been clearer.”

  Caleb nodded his agreement then turned and left the room, closing the door behind him. He knew he only needed to give her the slightest nudge, and this final move would be complete. Oh Mother, you make this simple. Tonight, my victory will be complete.

  “Is Mother, okay?” Miranda asked nervously when Caleb walked to the sink to fill the kettle.

  “Yes, she is, why do you ask?” He enjoyed this part of the game. “She requested a cup of tea, so I told her I would bring her some.”

  Miranda looked at Caleb, trying to see if he was hiding the truth from her. “So, she didn’t say anything to you?”

  “No, she was sitting down reading through some sort of notebook when I walked in the room. We talked for a couple of minutes of how sad it was about Millie, and then she said she wanted a cup of tea. Why, is something going on?”

  “No, not at all, I just know how hard this has been on her.”

  Miranda was glad she had not told Caleb of the affair between Millie and their father. This was something best kept away from him and anyone else.

  “Here, why don’t you make her some Chamomile tea, it’s her favorite,” Miranda reached for the box of tea bags and handed it to him.

  Caleb knew the real reason she had chosen that flavor, but it did not matter because he had plans of his own. “Thank you, this should help her relax. I know it must be painful to go through Millie’s things after…,” he left his words hanging in the air for effect.

  Miranda turned her head and wiped away a stray tear. “I know; packing up her things made it all so final.”

  The whistle on the kettle broke the mood in the room. “Saved by the bell!” Caleb joked.

  He picked up the kettle and poured the hot water into the cup. “I know how difficult this has been for everyone, but over time, only the happy memories of Millie will be the ones we will remember. I need to get this to Mother; I’m sure she’s wondering what’s taking me so long.”

  He reached up and gently touched Miranda on the cheek. “Don’t worry; everything will work out for the best, you’ll see.”

  Miranda leaned her cheek against his hand. “I know, and thank you. I love you, Caleb.”

  “I love you, too.”


  Elizabeth heard the door open and looked up as Caleb walked into the room. “Oh, thank you. Please set it on the bedside table.”

  He looked down at the papers still spread across the floor and wondered if she had read the entire journal yet. “Mother, is there anything I can do to help?”

  “I don’t know, dear. It’s all such a surprise.”

  “A surprise, what’s a surprise?” He glanced over at the untouched cup, “Mother, you need to drink your tea. I know how you don’t like it once it is cold.”

  He knew the two pills added to the tea would push her over the edge of sanity, which was his goal.

  “Oh, how thoughtless of me,” she picked up the cup and took a sip. “Chamomile, how thoughtful of you to
remember it’s my favorite.” She took another sip and then set the cup back on the table. “Caleb, you do know that I love your father, right?”

  “Yes, but what does that have to do with your feelings for Millie?”

  She picked up the cup and took another sip before continuing. “I trusted them both. I would never have betrayed them the way they did me. For over a year, they played me for a fool. How many times did they huddle together and laugh about their affair? Now I know why he was so adamant that I go to all those stupid meetings at the Country Club. He told me it was because I needed to get out of the house more, but the truth was that he wanted me out of their way!” She took another sip of the tea and then set the cup back on the table.

  Caleb could see everything was falling neatly into place, so he had to be careful, not to push her too hard just yet. “I don’t understand. Are you telling me that Millie and Father had an affair?”

  Elizabeth looked and Caleb and realized that she had said too much. “I’m sorry; I shouldn’t have said anything. Don’t’ burden yourself with this.”

  “You never need to feel as though you’re a burden. I love you, Mother. There’s nothing you could share with me that would ever be a burden,” he knelt down beside her and took her in his arms. “Please let me help you.”

  Elizabeth pressed her face into his chest and cried. She was thankful to know he was on her side at this painful time, and that he would be there for her when she confronted Charles. “I love you, Caleb. I’m so lucky to have you as my son.”

  He sat next to her, holding her in his arms. “Please tell me what is going on.”

  Over the next hour, she showed him the entries in the notebook about the affair and Millie’s feelings toward Charles. Caleb was thrilled she could not see where he had made the slight adjustments to the comments, and the fact that Millie had used discretion and never used his name made it possible for this deception. As he listened to his mother ramble on about the affair, his mind wandered back to the day of his first sexual experience.


  “Happy Sixteenth Birthday!” Millie laughed when Caleb walked into the kitchen. “My, but are you growing into a handsome man.”


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