The Mythos Unveiled (Demona series)

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The Mythos Unveiled (Demona series) Page 12

by Megan Hepler

  “Maybe, and that’s fine with me. I would rather it just be us two,” Kerrick said. He approached Demona once more.

  This time they stayed locked in an embrace. Kerrick’s hands and lips were all over Demona. Demona’s brain had gone numb once more. Kerrick had a way of making her heat up.

  Kerrick’s hands went to rest on Demona’s butt. Normally, she would have stopped him by this point, but she was lost in the passion. Suddenly, Kerrick had hoisted her up and held her. Demona wrapped her legs around him. Kerrick carried her towards her bedroom. He almost stumbled on a pair of Demona’s shoes as he carried her to the bed, but their lips never parted.

  Demona felt Kerrick lower her onto the mattress. He climbed on the bed and rested himself between her thighs. His elbow propped him up on one side. The other hand was placed on the back of her neck. He pushed his lips against hers with force. Demona had never been so engrossed in a feeling before. Her hands gripped Kerrick’s hair and she pulled him closer, as if trying to meld their bodies together.

  A moment of clarity sped through Demona’s mind. Work. Demona tried to clear the fog in her head. Her body was reluctant to stop.

  “Wait… Wait…” Demona said. “We need to go.”

  “Let’s stay here a little longer,” Kerrick said. He attempted to lean down to kiss her again.

  “If I stay here any longer there will be no work for us today. I won’t be able to leave.”

  “Alright,” Kerrick said. “I know we need to get to work, but I would rather stay here with you.”

  “The feeling is mutual, but we have responsibilities.”


  After another day of basic field work Demona returned home. It was becoming more difficult for her to separate from Kerrick, especially since their relationship had become so intense. It was hard being away from him, and even harder for her to focus on work.

  Demona was always catching herself admiring him in different ways. She loved the way he moved and how the muscles were well formed under his t-shirts. She loved the way he handled himself on field assignments and his rugged masculinity. Kerrick was the embodiment of everything a man should be.

  Demona had just jumped out of the shower and change into shorts and a t-shirt before going to bed for the night. Someone knocked on her door and Demona knew exactly who it would be. Since Hannah and Kaleb had caught her and Kerrick she knew it was only a matter of time before Hannah showed up asking questions. She was surprised it had taken her a few days to show up.

  “Hey, Hannah,” Demona said.

  “You have a lot of questions to answer,” Hannah said. She walked through the door.

  “I was waiting for you,” Demona said.

  “Just start from the beginning I want to know everything.”

  Demona sat on her chair, looking at Hannah seated on the sofa. “He’s a coworker. It kind of just happened one day. I didn’t expect it. It is thrilling, the man drives me crazy!”


  “Okay? That’s all you’re going to say?”

  “I don’t think you want to hear what I have to say.”

  “No, please, I do.”

  Hannah looked away. “Demona, I don’t want to make you angry.”

  “Well, obviously you have something to say, so you might as well say it.”

  “Fine, but remember this is just my opinion.” Hannah breathed deeply. “You are on a rebound.”

  “So, what if I am. Kerrick is there for me… Felix left and forgot about me remember?”

  “Felix did not forget about you. Maybe he just had other things on his mind. This Kerrick guy sounds like bad news. I don’t want to see you get hurt, you don’t deserve it!”

  “Bad news? He’s been there for me since he found out how Felix had hurt me.” Demona was on her feet pacing the living room.

  “Demona, the guy just suddenly takes an interest in you. You are coworkers. That alone is a bad sign. Not to mention that it seems like your relationship is based on physical attraction and that you have nothing whatsoever in common. Are you sure he’s not taking advantage of your vulnerability?”

  “Opposites attract,” Demona said. “And what the heck, when were you and Kaleb even going to mention that Felix was back?”

  “See, you aren’t even over Felix yet!” Hannah said.

  “Don’t avoid the question.”

  “I wanted to tell you. There are just circumstances that prevent me from doing so.”

  “You have got to be kidding me! I thought we were friends and you can’t even tell me when my ex is back in town.”

  “Stop attacking me for everything I say. I wanted to tell you… I want to tell you. You have to understand I swore to keep silent. Felix has stuff to deal with,” Hannah said.

  “Fine, if that’s how it’s going to be. You can leave now.” Demona turned her head away from Hannah.

  Hannah stood and stared at Demona for a moment. Tears ran down Hannah’s cheek as she paused a moment in hopes that Demona would turn back to her, but she did not. Hannah made her way to the door and closed it firmly behind her.

  Chapter 15

  The Possession

  Demona’s phone rang. It had awoken her from sleep. She sleepily reached for the phone and pulled it towards her face. She squinted as she glanced at the screen to see it was TGHC. Demona wondered who at TGHC was calling for her at almost three o’clock in the morning. She answered the phone.

  “Demona, this is Darius. We have an incident that I need you and Kerrick to help with. Bergfalk and Foss are dealing with another situation at the moment and that only leaves the two of you. Bergfalk and Foss will join you when they are able to. Kerrick is on his way to pick you up, meet him outside. You should expect him at your place in about five minutes. Good luck.”

  Before Demona could even ask Darius what was going on he had hung up. She jumped out of bed and threw on the closest clothing she could find. She ran out the door and headed for the lot.

  Kerrick was just pulling in when Demona had exited the lobby doors. She hopped in the car beside him.

  “What’s going on?” Demona asked.

  “Remember when I told you that it was rare for demons to try to possess someone with a pure soul?” Kerrick asked.


  “It’s even more uncommon for one to attempt to possess one of the ordained.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Unfortunately,” Kerrick said. “A medium gave Darius directions to the home outside of town. We have about a thirty minute drive to the location. And unfortunately it might be too late by the time we get there.”

  Demona and Kerrick sat in silence for the remainder of the ride. Demona was still trying to wake herself up and to process the thought of a demon attempting to possess a member of clergy. The realization that someone might be killed in the process was almost too much. She had not dealt with death before, other than her own.

  They pulled into a development of largely constructed homes. If Demona had to guess, she would say they were each worth about half a million dollars. The houses were enormous, each built in similar construction, but different by several characteristics. The lots were farther apart than the average development and were tucked into groves of trees with long winding paved driveways. The moon lit sky provided enough illumination to make out small features in the development, such as shrubs in the landscaping.

  Kerrick pulled into a driveway and ascended towards an old stone church. It was complete with Romanesque style buttresses. A large stained glass window shimmered in the moonlight. The round window centered directly below the steeple and above the entrance seemed to stare down at them like a giant watchful eye. Old twisted maples swayed in the wind on either side of the towering cathedral. Demona noticed that one of the double doors stood ajar and dim light poured through the opening.

  “I want to prepare you,” Kerrick said. “I don’t sense a demonic presence. I don’t know what we might find here.”

  “I’ll be oka
y, I’ll manage,” Demona said. Please let him be okay, Please let him not be dead. Everything is going to be fine.

  With that Kerrick went through one of the doorways with Demona following behind. They rounded into the choir section of the church and found nothing.

  Demona glanced up at the ceiling high above. She admired the architecture inside. The ceiling was made of multiple arches which seemed to connect in the center and begin all over again. As they moved along into the church a chill ran through her as she took in the magnificence of the domed ceiling directly above.

  The two entered into one of the rooms to the side of the sanctuary where a bright light spilled onto the pews. Demona was terrified at what they would find inside, even though she was trying to prepare herself for anything. It must have been the priest’s office. A chair was turned over to Demona’s left and papers were scattered about the floor. Demona was relieved that they had not found a body inside.

  “I’ll search the building.” Kerrick proceeded to search the rooms adjacent to the one they were in, and carefully scoped out the rest of the wide open building.

  Demona stepped over a lamp and picture frames that had been knocked off of the desk onto the floor. She bent down to pick up a broken picture frame that lay face up with a photo of a man in clerical clothing. On either side were people of a similar age. Demona wondered if they were siblings, because of their resemblance to one another.

  Kerrick reentered the office. His head hung low. “Nothing.”

  “Then, where is he?” Demona asked.

  “My guess is that somehow the demon was able to complete the possession.”

  “You’re telling me there’s a demonic priest running around out there somewhere?”

  “That’s exactly what I am telling you.”

  Before they were able to continue their conversation footsteps and hushed voices came from outside the church. Kerrick pulled his dagger from its sheath and they entered the sanctuary.

  Demona steadied herself for whatever was about to walk through the door. She wondered if the demon had returned or if it was a church member. Neither of her assumptions were the answer.

  An older man, tall and lean with red hair walked through the open door. The second person was a woman with brown wavy mid-length hair. She was pretty, tall and thin, and seemed to be in her thirties. The two had entered followed by a third person Demona could not make out who, since they were hidden from her view. They had not noticed Demona or Kerrick, but that changed quickly.

  “Kerrick,” the red haired man said.

  “Molony. What do you think you are doing here?” Kerrick asked. He scowled.

  Well, I guess these are not friends of TGHC.

  “I could ask you the same question,” Molony replied. The old man stood with hands collapsed.

  As they were talking the third person came around from behind the man and woman to join in the exchange. Demona’s heart dropped. The man halted in mid step and almost tripped over his own feet. It was Felix.

  When Kerrick noticed who it was he instantly stiffened. Nobody spoke a word for what seemed like an eternity.

  Demona had unintentionally let out a hissing sound and promptly clamped both hands over her mouth. Where did that come from?

  “There is nothing here for you, Molony. Go back to your headquarters,” Kerrick said.

  “I have every right to be here. This is holy ground. What took place here is our concern as much as it is yours. It looks like Grier has lost control of his followers. We have noticed an alarming increase in possessions, most on the pure hearted. Our kind will suffer if these attacks keep happening,” Molony said.

  “This is not holy land anymore. This church has been desecrated. Less GLC is always a good thing,” Kerrick said.

  “You would feel that way. Your kind should be equally as scared by this,” Molony said.

  “You think so old man?” a voice said coming from the entrance. It was Foss. He and Bergfalk had entered the choir.

  “Bergfalk. Foss, just in time,” Kerrick said.

  Bergfalk and Foss came to Kerrick’s side. Everyone was on edge, even more than they had been previously.

  “We have nothing to fear. We have the Mythos,” Kerrick said.

  Bergfalk gasped from the other side of Kerrick.

  Demona looked at Kerrick. I thought Darius didn’t want anyone to know?

  “Do you? Can you be certain of that? Good always prevails, Kerrick. Who is your young friend? I do not believe we have met,” Molony said.

  “And you won’t,” Kerrick said.

  “Demona,” Felix said.

  “Don’t speak to her.” Kerrick stepped in front of Demona.

  I am not so sure I like this situation.

  “Who are you to tell me I can’t speak to her,” Felix said. He took a step around the brown haired woman.

  The brown haired woman thrust her arm out in front of Felix to keep him from taking another step. “Now is not the time—”

  “Her boyfriend,” Kerrick said.

  Felix was taken aback by Kerrick’s words. All he could do was to continue to stare at Demona, who wanted to run from the whole situation.

  “Boys, boys. Settle your quarrels another time, we have more important things to fight over than the sidekick,” Bergfalk said.

  Hey, who’s she calling a sidekick!

  “Another time, Felix,” Kerrick said. He inclined his head.

  “Where is the priest?” the brown haired woman asked.

  “Gone. Come on Demona, we have work to do. Let the good Samaritans attempt to do something productive, there is nothing left for us to find here,” Kerrick said.

  “Miss Demona, we will pray for you,” Molony said.

  Demona followed Kerrick towards the door. Bergfalk and Foss eyed up the three GLC members before trailing behind. When the four were finally outside they stood between the cars for a moment.

  “So where is he?” Foss asked. He stood with arms crossed leaning up against his black utility vehicle.

  “It looks like the possession was completed,” Kerrick replied.

  “Is that even possible?” Bergfalk asked.

  “Looks that way. I am not certain what this means either. Whatever is happening doesn’t bode well for any of us,” Kerrick said.

  “You two go get some sleep. This is our shift, we will start the hunt. If we do not find him it will be up to you two to continue the search,” Bergfalk said.

  “We need to find him fast. There has never been a possession of a clergy member completed in history. There is no telling what might happen. We’ll check up with you in the morning. Good luck,” Kerrick said.

  Back in the car Demona shook. Kerrick grabbed her and held her firm against him as she began to sob in his arms. She buried her head against his chest.

  “I’m sorry,” Demona said. She wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “No need. I know he hurt you. Let’s get you home,” Kerrick said.

  After they arrived at her apartment Kerrick accompanied her back inside. Kerrick walked beside her in silence down the long hallway. When they entered the apartment Kerrick dialed a number on his phone.

  “The priest is gone,” Kerrick said.

  Demona heard mumbling on the other end of the line.

  “Bergfalk and Foss are searching,” Kerrick said.

  More mumbling came from the phone.

  “Understood,” Kerrick replied. Then he hung up.

  “Who’s that Molony guy and that woman?” Demona asked.

  “Alastair Molony is one of the leaders of GLC. They say he is a faith healer. The woman, Rowena, don’t let her silence fool you, she is extremely intelligent. Did you know Felix was GLC?” Kerrick asked.

  “No, I was just as shocked as you were,” Demona said. “Wait, you said Rowena. That’s Felix’s sister’s name.”

  Kerrick stared at her.

  “So, what now?” Demona asked.

  “We get rest,” Kerrick said.

mona grabbed Kerrick’s hand and led him to her room. Together they climbed into bed. Demona cuddled up against Kerrick and they fell to sleep.

  Moments later Demona was startled awake by someone pounding on her door. Kerrick climbed out of bed in nothing but his boxers. Demona stood in her bedroom doorway with her pajamas on, waiting to see who was who it was.

  “Demona.” It was Felix, there was no denying who the voice belonged to.

  Kerrick let the door swing open.

  Felix was about to step inside, until he realized who had opened the door. He stood speechless. He looked at Kerrick who stood there with hardly any clothing. Then, he saw Demona standing by her bedroom doorway.

  “Demona,” Felix said.

  “Goodbye, Felix,” Kerrick said.

  “I need to talk to Demona!”

  “No you don’t.” Kerrick slammed the door in his face.

  Demona stood there feeling guilty. She knew how it had looked to Felix, considering that the two of them were barely clothed. She knew that in this moment, right now, that it did not matter what Felix thought. The only problem was that her heart kept telling her otherwise.


  Kerrick and Demona had just entered the field agency office to find Bergfalk and Foss sitting at desks in the cheap computer chairs. Bergfalk sat with her arms crossed and leaned against the back. She was blowing bubbles with her gum. Foss stared at the clock on the wall as if it were hypnotizing. Agrippa was where he always was, at his desk working on forms.

  “It’s about time,” Bergfalk said. She popped up from her chair and she gracefully glided over to them. “Darius is holding a meeting today. We are supposed to let him know when you get here so he can call everyone together.”

  Agrippa grabbed the phone and dialed Darius. After a few minutes on the phone he hung up.

  “We’re to go to the conference room and wait for Darius,” Agrippa said. “No time like the present, I can use a break from those damn reports.”

  The five of them made their way up to the first floor and found themselves seats in the front of the multiple rows of folding chairs that stretched across the room. Demona stared up at a projector screen that hung from the ceiling directly above the stage. A podium was placed center, facing the rows of chairs.


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