by Ellee Hill
“You’re still mostly dressed.” Greg growled as he pushed Parker onto his back once more. “Slacker.”
“I was distracted, busy doing something important.” He chuckled breathlessly as he spread his shirt open. Then he reached down, his partner’s gaze following the movement, and slowly drew down the zipper to his pants… at least, he tried to take down the zipper. “What the fuck?”
“Apparently, not yet,” the brunet grumbled. “Let me take a look at it.”
Parker tried to do it himself, but Greg slapped his hands out of the way. He lay back with a sigh and waited. When his partner began to laugh, he raised his head from the carpet.
“What is so funny?” he demanded as he leaned up on his elbows.
Greg simply shook his head, holding up several long strands of dark-brown hair, and then continued to tug on the stubborn fastener. Parker raised one eyebrow in question as the other man looked at him with an apologetic expression. Then there was the rending of fabric as his lover simply gripped the top of his pants and pulled. Despite the fact that he hated having his clothing torn, or maybe because of the aggressive display, Parker moaned. Yes, definitely the aggression. Greg was not letting a damn zipper stop him, and a zing of excitement shot through him.
Quickly divested of his slacks, shoes, and socks, Parker felt Greg’s gaze like a touch on his skin. Then his lover was there, pressing him into the floor, touching him everywhere and making his body burn hotter. He moaned as Greg latched onto his nipple and returned the favor of a few moments ago. He buried his finger in the now loose strands of hair, sifting it through his fingers. He writhed beneath his lover, pressing his hips upward and rubbing his rigid shaft against the firm muscles of the other man’s abdomen. Enough of the foreplay; he needed the main event more than he needed to breathe. He needed Greg inside him.
HE WOULD regret ripping Parker’s pants later… much later. Right now, Greg was too interested in the firm nub clamped between his teeth. Torturing it with hard flicks of his tongue, he reveled in the moans and cries coming from the man beneath him. He loved knowing how much Parker enjoyed everything he did to him. While Parker was usually calm, cool, and collected in just about everything he did, Greg adored the fact that he could make his lover cry out in unabashed pleasure. There was nothing more arousing to him than knowing he could make Parker lose control.
Greg was very thorough when it came to pleasing his partner. After giving Parker’s neglected nipple the attention it so richly deserved, he moved slowly down the well-muscled planes of his lover’s stomach and abdomen, licking and nipping along the way. Each little bite brought a gasp from the other man’s lips and caused him to writhe and arch his back. He looked up, pausing just above Parker’s navel, and waited for the blond to open deep-green eyes. Greg loved how dark his lover’s eyes got in his passion.
A growl rumbled from deep within Parker’s chest, making Greg chuckle. The longish locks of pale ash-blond hair flew forward and then slid back as his lover tossed it out of his eyes to glare at him. He waited for his opportune moment. When Parker took a breath to speak, Greg made a quick circle around the rim of his navel before dipping inside three times in rapid succession.
“You did that on purpose,” Parker choked out as he tried to breathe.
Greg merely hummed against the sensitive skin, delighting in the visible shiver that raced over all that smooth flesh. After four years, he knew the blond’s body so well, knew what just set him off and what made him burn slowly with pleasure. As he continued to rim Parker’s belly button, he shifted ever so slightly, rubbing his chest against the hard ridge of his lover’s erection, and felt the slickness of precum on his skin. Soon, Parker was going to want to hurry things along. Of course, Greg wasn’t exactly in the mood to go slow, but he wanted his partner thoroughly aroused before they came together.
“Greg.” Parker moaned as he tossed his head back and forth. “Now… please.”
“Begging already, love?” he questioned.
“Never let it be said I ignored your pleas, sweetness.”
As much as he wanted to finish the blowjob he’d started in the kitchen earlier, he wanted to be inside Parker more. He rose above his partner and those lean legs he adored immediately wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer. Greg chuckled and kept his pace slow just to torture his lover a little bit more. The growl that rumbled out of Parker turned the chuckle into a laugh. Supporting his weight on one arm, he took his cock in hand and circled the slick head around the other man’s opening, teasing them both. Slowly he pressed forward and then froze. Parker snarled in frustration.
“Damn it, Greg; stop tormenting us both and fuck me already!”
He shifted to sit on his heels, dragging the other man’s hips onto his thighs. “I won’t hurt you.”
ANYTHING Parker had been about to say was wiped away with that one phrase. Clearly, Greg still felt guilty about the one time when they’d gotten so wrapped up in feeling each other, they’d forgotten all about preparing him properly until it was too late. His partner had confessed that his scream still haunted the brunet in his rare nightmares. It squeezed his heart now to hear the tight words. He knew Greg was a passionate man in all things, he knew how tightly his lover was holding onto his control at that very moment, and he knew it was because the other man loved him more than anything in this world. If it had been possible, Parker was sure his heart swelled with the emotions he felt for Greg. No lover had ever taken as much care with him as this man.
He wanted to feel his lover inside him, but he savored the way he touched him. Though it seemed like an eternity, he finally felt the head of Greg’s cock press against him. A shiver racked his entire body. Anticipation had him panting and the moment stretched out. He knew it was to heighten his pleasure, but enough was enough, damn it. Reaching up with long legs, he wrapped them around the brunet’s waist and pulled him forward suddenly. His groan tore from him as pleasure bombarded his senses. Nothing felt as good as Greg buried deep inside his body.
“Always in a rush.” The brunet chuckled, his body held very still.
“I want it now,” Parker murmured as he turned to nibble at the wrist beside his head.
“Your wish,” Greg panted, “is my command.”
Slowly at first, then with more speed, his partner moved inside him, and he felt it to his very soul. Pleasure took over his body and he let conscious thought whirl away in the maelstrom. Reaching up, Parker gripped Greg’s shoulders and pulled him down for a hungry kiss. He feasted on that mouth, taking every groan and snarl inside as they twisted higher and higher. He kept his legs wrapped around his lover’s waist and thrust his hips in counterpoint, making sure he wasn’t alone in the storm. He wanted the brunet right there with him.
“God, Parker.” The other man moaned against his mouth. “I love you.”
Unable to speak as his orgasm swamped him, Parker just held on, panting for breath. It was just too much and he finally let go, his body writhing against the floor even as Greg continued to thrust hard into him. He arched and cried out as he spilled between them, slicking their bodies with his seed. He could feel Greg’s grip on him tighten, felt the rhythm of his thrusts stutter, and the loud groan in his ear let him know his partner was right there with him.
They collapsed against the floor, panting, covered in sweat. Their bones felt like Jell-O and each man knew they wouldn’t be moving any time soon, not that they really cared at that point. No, they were more interested in savoring the aftershocks of their lovemaking.
“C’MON, love,” Greg said with a chuckle as he sat back on his haunches. “Let’s get off this hard floor.”
“Nope,” his lover chuckled. “Don’t want to. Think I can move, I do not.”
“Okay, Yoda and sex? Not a good combo.” He groaned as he pulled the blond into a sitting position.
“You just hate Star Wars,” Parker mumbled as Greg scooped him up in his arms and carried him up the stairs to their room.<
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“With a purple passion,” he agreed as he laid the other man on the bed. Then he walked past the French doors leading to their small deck and into the bathroom to grab a warm washcloth. Returning to the bed, he found the blond dozing already. He couldn’t help the soft smile that graced his face as he watched the man sleep. Without much effort, Parker had stolen his heart and from that moment, all he’d wanted was to make the other man happy.
“Love you so much.”
It was a soft murmur, but he heard it anyway and his chest tightened. Gently he cleaned his lover and then, after putting the cloth in the hamper, crawled in the bed to lie beside him. Greg propped himself up on his elbow and studied the blond’s face. He was just so beautiful. Reaching out one hand, he brushed an errant lock off Parker’s forehead. Then he laid a gentle kiss on his lips and snuggled down next to him, pulling the other man into his embrace. With a sigh of contentment, Greg fell asleep holding his beloved. It had been the day from hell for both of them, but this moment, this love that wrapped around them, that made every second worth it. Parker was worth it.
E.T. MALINOWSKI is the youngest of seven girls. It was her love of reading that eventually led her to attempt writing. From there, a passion was born. She began writing romance in her early teens and, at that time, never dreamed of sharing her work with anyone. With the help of several dear friends, not to mention her ex-husband, she found the courage to take that last step toward publication.
As the single mother of three rambunctious boys, finding time to write is a bit difficult. Yet, E.T. manages to do it, even if it’s on break or lunch at a regular day job. She has found her place in homoerotic romance. To her, love doesn’t recognize gender boundaries and is always special.
An avid reader, E.T. finds inspiration in all her favorite genres, from mainstream romance by her favorite authors to Japanese manga and Anime. To her, even the classic fairytales hold that spark of motivation and if there is one thing she has learned from her many years of writing solely for herself, it’s this; Never deny the Muse, she gets cranky and pulls out the bullwhip.
Teegan Loy
THERE was that annoying niggle again. Something deep in his belly that made him squirm and his cheeks heat up. He was absolutely not leering at his best friend’s semi-new boyfriend. Micah looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes, counting his breaths until he reached thirty and the pressure in his pants subsided. He should have stayed in bed and not come striding into the kitchen, where he was treated to the sight of Cole leaning against the counter clad only in tight black boxer briefs.
There was no way Jenna didn’t notice him. Skidding to a stop and letting his jaw drop to the ground made it pretty obvious he was looking at Cole. Micah hoped Jenna was oblivious, but she was pretty sharp when it came to Micah’s reactions to guys. To any innocent bystander she appeared to be ignoring him, but Micah felt her heated stare burning into the back of his skull as he breezed by her, quickly sitting in a chair and burying his nose in his phone. He knew she would ambush him later, get him to admit to drooling over Cole, and then skin him alive for even thinking about her boyfriend. This really wasn’t his fault. The guy didn’t have to walk around almost naked. Micah should tell Jenna it was a new house rule. No naked guys walking around the house. What was he saying? He liked naked guys.
This was so bad. Cole had been around for about a month, and it was turning him into a basket case. He didn’t know how much more he could fucking take, and what made things worse was Jenna actually liked this guy. Even if she didn’t like him, Cole was off limits. Jenna and Micah had an unspoken agreement when it came to men. He stayed away from hers and she stayed away from his. It was easy enough to understand. And besides, Cole was straight as a fucking lamppost. Micah knew this because Jenna had decided he needed to know all the intimate details of their sexual escapades. Micah wanted to tell Jenna he wasn’t deaf. When the sex was good, Jenna was loud, and the walls of their shared little house were paper-thin.
Two nights ago, when Jenna had started howling, he’d tuned her out and jerked himself raw listening to Cole growl and pant. It wasn’t one of his finer moments. He’d come all over his bed and had to strip the sheets. He’d tried sneaking them into the washer, but Jenna had busted him, asking all sorts of stupid questions Micah didn’t know how to answer. What the hell was he supposed to tell her? He knew he had just washed the sheets that afternoon. He ended up telling her he’d spilled his drink. She’d wrinkled her nose and told him it didn’t smell like water or pop. Micah had shoved her out of the laundry room before she could ask any more questions.
When the sex noise started last night, Micah had hid in the bathroom, taking an hour-long shower. The noise of the water drowned out the sounds, but the long shower made his skin raw and itchy today.
“What is with you?” Jenna asked, handing him a cup of coffee. “You’ve been acting weird for the past two weeks.
“No I haven’t,” Micah said defensively.
She narrowed her eyes at him, but he pursed his lips and met her stare. She finally looked away, and Micah took a moment to silently gloat. He rarely won a stare down with her.
“Hi,” Cole said as he pulled a chair out and grinned at both of them. When he sat down, his knees fell open, and all Micah could see was the outline of Cole’s cock. It nestled nicely against his inner thigh. He decided Cole was uncut. A fact he did not need to know. He shouldn’t even be looking at Cole’s crotch. Cole smiled again and stole Micah’s breath away, leaving him flushed and panting. Jenna seemed equally affected.
“I should go get the liquor and whatever else is on your mile-long list,” Micah choked out. He needed to get away from Cole and Jenna before he did something stupid, like get a boner, because he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off Cole’s bare chest. He wanted to lick Cole’s nipple and feel it harden under the touch of his tongue. Micah bit his lip, shuddered, and started counting again. At this rate, he would reach two thousand before he got out of the apartment.
Jenna leaned back and grabbed a crumpled piece of paper from the counter. He snatched it out of her hand and bolted out of the house before she could say anything to him. This stupid party was going to be the death of him. Maybe he could hide in his bedroom and not talk to anybody. Unfortunately, Jenna was playing matchmaker tonight and setting him up with some new guy. Every time Jenna stuck her nose into his love life, bad things happened.
He tried to blot out all the memories of the terrible romantic encounters that involved Jenna, but there were so many it was hard to keep them all at bay. It had started almost the moment he met Jenna in the library on campus. She had told him he looked like a lost little puppy, sitting on a bench staring at the stacks of books, and she knew he needed her help. She had plunked down next to him, introduced herself, and talked for fifteen minutes before Micah said one word. Micah hadn’t known what the hell was going on; here was this high-strung girl talking his ear off about all the adventures they were going to have at school. What the hell was he supposed to do with a girl for a friend? Not that he wanted one for anything else, but still, he’d never hung out with a girl.
Micah hadn’t known anyone else on campus, so he had decided to give it a go with this crazy girl. He actually had fun hanging out with her. She asked a ton of questions, and that’s when Micah discovered Jenna’s love for meddling. Within two weeks, Jenna had decided he needed a date or to at least get laid. She told him he was too tense, so he agreed with her and let her set him up. Somewhere along the way, their wires got crossed and Jenna had set him up with a girl. Micah had been mortified, and the poor girl had known something was wrong the minute they shook hands. The shaking hands thing probably gave everything away. Jenna had shouted at him for not telling her he was gay, and he had looked at her like she was wearing a bird’s nest as a hat.
“Most people mistake me for a girl. I thought everyone knew I preferred boys when they looked at me.”
“I never ma
ke assumptions about anyone,” she had said with her nose in the air. “The whole ‘assuming making an ass out of you and me’ thing, you know.”
Micah did know and had to admit Jenna was correct in not assuming things about people. Still, Jenna was angry with him for not opening his mouth sooner. She told him just because he had the longest eyelashes ever did not make him automatically gay. To make her feel better, he let her put mascara on him, and she swooned when he batted his lashes at her.
After the girl fiasco, Jenna had started in with guys. He couldn’t think of one good date that happened when she set him up with a guy. The last mishap had happened a few weeks ago when he agreed to another blind date. Jenna had ambushed him when he was watching porn, and to get her out of his hair, he had said yes to the blind date. What the hell was he supposed to do? He had his hand shoved down his pants, and she busted him midstroke. He should have said no, because it fucking turned out to be someone he worked with who wanted to experiment with guys. He firmly told the guy no, but now this guy liked to sneak up on him at work and beg for a chance to suck him off or some other lewd shit. Micah didn’t know how much longer he could hold off. If this current dry spell continued, he just might take the jerk up on his offer and shove his dick down the guy’s throat.
He shook his head and turned the radio up. He didn’t need to think about his lack of sex at the moment. It’s not like he had been trying hard to hook up with someone, though. If he really wanted a one-off, he could go to the bar and pick up some random guy. He just didn’t know if that’s what he wanted anymore. Lately he had been thinking about actually dating a guy. Dating? The word alone made his skin prickle. Life had been much easier when a one-night stand was all he needed.