by Sam Bennett
He was built big enough to easily be one of the queen’s guards or even lovers, but as he gazed around at the fruits and vegetables before him at the town’s market, it was easy to see he was gentler and smarter. Taisiya and he locked eyes for a second before he went back to his business in the bazaar, seemingly unnoticing of her.
Taisiya turned her attention back to Melitta. “Who is he?”
“That is Zara, one of the queen’s spies and advisors.” Melitta said. “And we had better hurry and move along our way to Ammon before he realizes who you are. I’m sure there’s a pretty penny of a reward for your capture, and he looks like he enjoys the finer things in life that your head on a platter could afford him.”
The pair hurried along, rerouting their way past the marketplace. Melitta soon guided Taisiya to a very small shack that was almost unnoticeable among the grand buildings around it in the center of the city. Melitta knocked on the door, puzzling Taisiya. “This can’t possibly be a library?”
Melitta smiled and said, “You’ll see.”
The door to the shack opened as Ammon joyfully greeted them. “Melitta?! I could tell that was you at the door just from your knock. It’s so good to see you; what brings you my way?”
“We need to take a look around your library, Ammon.” Melitta said. “It’s very important…and needs to be kept very secretive.”
“Come in, come in. Of course!” Ammon said, ushering the visitors inside. His house appeared to be as old and antiquated as he. They were standing in a very tiny shanty, with barely enough room for the three of them to rest. In one corner was a little cot that didn’t appear to be used often, and a mock window was drawn on the wall in a sad attempt to normalize the room.
“Where is the library?” Taisiya asked, looking around in confusion.
“My dear, you’re standing on it!” Ammon chuckled. “Like most good things in this world, my library is better kept private.” He pointed to the floor. They were standing on a little platform that was inconspicuous from the rest of the floor unless you really looked.
“Pull the secret door up by the little raised edge there,” Ammon said, winking and nodding.
Taisiya got down on the floor and pulled. The floor opened up and revealed a set of hidden stairs beneath it! “Wow…” she said incredulously.
“Go on down!” Ammon said. “My library is always open for friends.”
Taisiya, Melitta, and Ammon made their way down the stairs, with Ammon pulling the platform back into place after they started down. “I used to run the Solames Library until the queen usurped the throne and wanted certain texts thrown out. I told her I would burn them like she wanted, but instead I smuggled them out and quit shortly thereafter,” he explained, “This shanty was once a secret hideout for the military. It’s built with nearly indestructible materials, but no enemies would ever want to burn it anyway, seeing as it’s just a little hole in the wall.”
At the end of the stairs was a vast room that went on for as far as the eye could see. This room was decorated much more lavishly than the upstairs, with books lining the walls and cozy chairs scattered about in a variety of different sizes and colors. Beautiful tapestries were hung here and there between bookshelves, and magnificent purple rugs decorated the floor.
“This is too amazing.” Taisiya said, taking it in.
“Welcome to my home!” Ammon chuckled. “I enjoy the company of books much more than people. It’s quite remarkable, isn’t it?”
Melitta nodded, “Indeed it is. Let’s just hope the queen never pops in for a visit!”
Ammon snorted in derision. “As if she would get off her high horse and come into Solames. I’m not too worried, but even so, all the books here are perfectly acceptable to her. After all, she and her soldiers would surely know about the false bottom in the floor upstairs. The books she doesn’t want people to read I have tucked away in a secret room I built on to the place after I started living here, just to be safe.”
Melitta sighed in relief. “Good. If anything happened to you or your library, I would be devastated.”
“Nothing to worry about!” Ammon said, leading them through his library. “Right this way, to the ‘secret’ secret room!”
They passed bookshelf after bookshelf, each one holding hundreds of books. One chair had a book resting in its seat that Ammon was reading when he heard Melitta knocking. Everything was cozy and pleasant. On the other end of the massive room was a discrete door with no handle that revealed itself when Ammon pushed in on exactly the right board.
Ammon’s secret room appeared to be just as big as the room before it and was filled with just as many books. Even Melitta gave a surprised little gasp when they entered. “I had no clue there were so many books the queen wanted hidden from the people.”
“Intelligence is power, Melitta,” Ammon said, shaking his head. “Power is not something the queen wanted her people to have.”
“You’ve got to be the most powerful man on earth, then,” Taisiya said. “Have you read all these books?!”
“Nearly!” Ammon said, giving a timid chortle. “What is it that you’re looking for, ladies?”
“Well, Ammon,” Melitta began, “do you still have the blueprints for the castle when it was being built?”
Ammon furrowed his brow. “What in the world would you need those for?”
Taisiya spoke up, “The queen has taken my parents. I’ve got to sneak into the castle and find out what she’s up to.”
“No, no, no.” Ammon shook his head. “You might as well just walk to your death. The queen has done too many wicked things – killing one more child would mean nothing to her.”
“Ammon, please,” Melitta said calmly, “remember your children. Taisiya is a very clever young girl; if there was anyone suited to bring down the queen and her reign of tyranny, it’s her.”
Still shaking his head, Ammon pondered their request. “All right, Melitta. I suppose I trust you. Young girl, please be careful, though. The queen is a force to be reckoned with.”
Melitta smiled. “Ammon, Taisiya knows this better than anyone! She’s tried breaking into the castle more times than I can count. As a matter of fact, when I
found her today she was just catching her breath after a chase from all the queen’s men!”
Taisiya blushed as Ammon gasped and then applauded. “Well, Miss Taisiya,” he said more solemnly, “do be careful. Now, let’s find those schematics.”
Off they went as Ammon led the way, touching and running his fingers over the books on all the shelves, trying to remember exactly where the castle blueprints were. Along the aisles and aisles of books they passed many strange titles such as Pertinent Potions: Volume X, which Ammon explained was banned because the queen feared the townsfolk would use the recipes to poison her, and others such as Terrible Tomes of the Titans, an extremely large and dilapidated book that had been banned because it contained fantasy stories that would fill the citizens heads with dreams instead of desires to work.
At last, Ammon stopped suddenly and grabbed a tiny folder from one of the bottom shelves. Old and yellow parchment was inside, and Ammon quickly scanned through them until he found the right one and plucked it out. He handed it to Taisiya and said, “Here you are, my dear. I must warn you though; these designs are from the original plans for the castle. The queen may have renovated to her heart’s content, and every entrance may now be blockaded for all I know.”
“It’s certainly better than having no idea at all, Ammon. Thank you!” Taisiya said gratefully, carefully tucking the drafts in her jacket pocket.
Ammon then led them back to his cozy library where Melitta and Taisiya stayed and chatted with him for a while over a cup of tea. Once the cups were empty, Melitta and Taisiya gave Ammon a hug goodbye and went back up the steps and back out into the harsh sunlight of the city. They squinted, trying to adjust their eyes back to the normal daylight from the hazy ca
ndle’s glow they were enjoying at Ammon’s. They worked their way back to Melitta’s house, eager to map out a plan and go over the blueprints.
“It’s so hot today,” Melitta said as they arrived at her home. “I think I’ll pour us some nice, cold water and open up the windows to hopefully let in a little breeze.”
“Good idea,” Taisiya said, sitting down at the table, “I’m going to get out the designs and take a look.”
Melitta opened the windows, grabbed two glasses of water and then joined Taisiya at the table. The castle designs were very complex, and neither Taisiya nor Melitta had a clue where to even begin. The parchment was divided into six different sections with a different part of the castle marked on each. The first section appeared to contain the structure of the castle, with the main entrance marked clearly. The second, third, fourth and fifth sections all showed the different levels and the rooms inside them of the four story castle. The last section marked the top of the castle and the watchmen’s posts at all four ends.
“This seems to be useless,” Taisiya remarked. “The only entrance marked is the main one, and the queen will definitely notice if I just waltz in through it.”
“Taisiya, dear,” Melitta said, “what was your plan all the other times you’ve tried to break into the castle?”
“Well,” Taisiya said, “I didn’t have one. I’ll tell you something that these drawings won’t: there’s a huge wall all around the castle she must have had built. Judging by what these papers say, after the wall there is a large moat, and only after passing it do you reach anywhere near the castle.”
“I think you’re lucky you’ve never managed to succeed in getting over that wall, sweetie.” Melitta said. “This is going to be quite the herculean task.”
Taisiya ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. “How can I get into the castle undetected?” Her eyes darted to and fro over the blueprints.
“You know,” Melitta said, “the queen has to import a lot of her fine goods. As a matter of fact,
she has a shipment of crops sent up weekly by the farmers, along with another shipment of diamonds that the coal miners dig up for her jewelry.”
“Really?” Taisiya said. “If I could slip inside one of the shipments, it would be an easy way into the castle.”
“But how would you get out? And you have no clue where she has taken your parents.”
“Look here,” Melitta pointed, “this room is marked Prison Chambers. My parents are probably there. The kitchen is on the same floor as the prison chambers and all the other menial jobs the queen keeps her distance from. If I can get in the kitchen, I’ll be able to rescue my parents, and the queen will more than likely be nowhere nearby.”
“Do you really think that you, your father and your mother can go undetected through the front door, across the moat and over the bridge? How in the world would you get out?!”
“I’ll kill the queen.” Taisiya said matter-of-factly.
Melitta burst out in roaring laughter. “You must be joking!”
Taisiya shook her head. “I’m not. I will hide with my parents in the chambers until nightfall when the queen sleeps. Then, I’ll sneak into her room on the top floor and bring justice to her.”
“Oh, Taisiya,” Melitta said worriedly, “that’s a very risky plan.”
“It’s the only plan I’ve got.” Taisiya said, folding the blueprints and tucking them into her pocket. “When does the shipment of food head up to the castle?”
Melitta sighed, “I hope I don’t regret telling you this…but the next shipment should head up tomorrow morning. The team of men that transport it leave at sunrise, and they don’t usually make it back until the next day.”
“Wonderful!” Taisiya said. “I won’t have to wait long at all.”
“Taisiya!” Melitta said. “Don’t you realize you’ll be hiding in a box of food for the better part of a day? There’s no way you’ll be able to sit still that long and not make any noise.”
“True,” Taisiya said, getting up. “Close the windows and lock the door, Melitta. We’ve got to go back to town and get some things.”
“What now?!”
“We’re going to build a crate big enough to hold me and some food and water. You’ll deliver the box to the farmers tomorrow morning as a gift from Ammon to the queen.”
When someone has a plan stuck in their head, it is nearly impossible to try and change their mind. It is something different, however, to go along with it and let someone walk right to their death. Melitta had this in mind when she shook her head and refused to accompany Taisiya any further with her plot to save her parents. Taisiya was just a little too young to fully understand the consequences of what would happen if her plan didn’t go exactly as she thought.
The two argued for quite some time, with Taisiya eventually begging for help, but Melitta stood her ground. Tired of quarrelling, Taisiya threw her arms up and walked out. Melitta called for Taisiya to come back but to no avail. Deep in her heart, Taisiya knew what she had to do, and she knew there was no time to waste.
Her plan to go into town and gather materials had only changed slightly. Instead of buying them from the marketplace, she would now have to scavenge and steal whatever she could find. Taisiya’s parents always took good care of her, but she had become rather skilled in the art of thievery, often snatching others’ unwanted trash and using it to her advantage.
Taisiya had her eyes peeled for anything that could be of help to her on her way into town. Some of the townspeople had various crates outside their houses, but all of them were far too small in which to hide. Then, something caught her eye.
A figure in the distance looked quite out of place. Taisiya squinted and saw that it was Zara, the queen’s spy that Melitta had pointed out earlier to her. She slowed her pace and approached him with caution. Zara was still milling around the marketplace, but now he was at the vendor that Taisiya had planned to visit. The old merchant, named Tomas, sold various potions and unguents, all of which he received in large crates. Tomas
had always been kind to Taisiya, and she knew he would happily give her one of them if he had any to spare, which is exactly why her heart sank as she eavesdropped on the conversation Tomas was having with Zara.
“Perhaps you could place my custom in that large box you have out back? I assure you I will pay you in kind for your consideration,” Zara said, charmingly. For such an intimidating looking figure, his voice was soft and sweet.
Tomas nodded, “One moment,” he said before disappearing to get the crate. In his absence, Zara walked around surveying the various potions. He picked one up that was in a red bottle marked ‘Love Potion’ and sniffed it before tossing it back on the shelf and rolling his eyes.
In the next stall over, Taisiya pretended to be interested in a variety of different scarves for sale while she kept her eyes and ears on Tomas and Zara. Tomas had returned with a large crate, and was loading the items Zara wanted into it. When the crate was about halfway full, Zara motioned Tomas to stop. “That’s all,” he said, “and if you don’t mind, I’d like to use the crate to haul some food back up to the castle as well.”
“Certainly,” Tomas said, peering down into the box to make sure he had written down the totals of everything Zara had ordered. “Your total, sir, is…”
Zara shook his head. “Your reputation as the best in your business precedes you. Nothing you charge would be enough for your services.” He reached into his coin sack and pulled out a handful of gold drachma and tossed them to Tomas.
Scrambling to pick up the coins, Tomas exclaimed in delight. “Thank you, thank you so much!” Zara smiled and walked off to buy the food and bring it back to the crate before leaving. He soon came back with a sack of greens that he casually slung into the crate before thanking Tomas again.
“The pleasure is all mine!” Tomas assured him. “Here, let me accompany you back to the castle; it’s the le
ast that I can do, Zara.”
“That won’t be necessary,” Zara grinned. “I can handle myself. If you don’t mind, I’ll be back down to pick it up tomorrow? There have been more attempts to break into the queen’s castle, and she is planning on having a…thorough investigation tomorrow. The other men and I could more easily carry it back up than just me alone.”
Tomas wanted to know more, and so did Taisiya. She listened with baited breath as Zara went on, “Well, the queen isn’t too happy, I’m afraid. There will probably be the usual…a few houses overturned, you know. The usual scare tactics. Don’t worry, though, I’ll make sure you and your family are safe.”
Tomas went and hugged Zara, and then the queen’s spy left to return to the castle. Taisiya knew that the potion master would soon be closing up his shop, especially after receiving such a generous payment. She ran over and walked in, smiling at Tomas before taking a good look at the large crate by the counter.
Pretending she had no idea what the box was doing there, Taisiya innocently asked, “What’s that?”
“A customer with a very large order,” Tomas said. “He’s coming to retrieve it tomorrow. I’ll move it out of your way, dear.”
“Oh, do let me help you!” Taisiya smiled. “We can move it to the back where he can get it easily tomorrow, no?”
“That’s a great idea,” Tomas said, grinning back.
Working together, they quickly had the crate behind the shop in no time. It would sit there where no one could see it, but anyone that knew it was there could easily take it. That night, Taisiya snuck behind the potion shop and pried open the lid of the box. Inside was an abundance of ointments and creams along with a few love potions and the sack of food that Zara had bought.