Sex With Your Ex

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Sex With Your Ex Page 4

by Dakota Cassidy

  * * * *

  Did he say it couldn't be much worse? The hell it couldn't! He hunched down in his truck, tucking himself into what he hoped was an invisible ball. Pricilla whacked him in the head with a hard crack. “Sit up!” she ordered. “How are ya gonna look as if ya just showed up here by chance, if you're hidin’ in your truck like a big baby?” she asked.

  He curled his massive body into a tighter ball, and leaned on the driver's side door. It flew open with a creak and sent him flying ass-end out, with a thud on the frozen ground. “Hey!” he yelped, and then hastily looked around to see if anyone had noticed him talking to thin air. “What was that for?”

  “It was for bein’ stupid! Didn't I explain why Melina was gonna be here? Did ya miss the part about bein’ able to see her? Maybe begin to make an effort? You better get a move on ‘cause here she comes.”

  Brady jumped up and brushed off the backside of his jeans, just in time to catch sight of Melina heading up the steps of the coffee shop. Did she have to wiggle her ass like that? Appreciative male glances fell all around her, and if he had the time, he'd gouge every last one of their big, bulging eyes out.

  His long legs took the steps two at a time. He exploded through the twin glass doors, and raced to the other side of the cramped eatery. Trying to look casual, he positioned himself against the back wall, crossed one ankle over the other, and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

  He actually heard Garner Wilcox before he saw him, his voice booming a surprised greeting to Brady that bounced off the walls and echoed with a clang in Brady's ears. Garner's thick meaty hand pumped Brady's.

  “It's been a while, huh, Brady?” Brady gave him a quick nod; like he needed to be reminded he hadn't worked much, leaving nearly everything up to his foreman, Frank. Garner worked as the local zoning commissioner. Brady peered over Garner's polished bald head, hoping to get a glimpse of Melina ... with Alvin. He sighed in aggravated frustration.

  “Just saw that pretty wife of yours,” Garner informed him slyly. “She was looking mighty fine, too, my man. Something's sure agreeing with her.” Mighty fine. Like hell something was agreeing with her, Brady thought. He would hold Garner's pudgy body down on this coffee shop floor and make him eat those words. Brady played along as if he were the reason she looked so damn good.

  “Yeah,” he repeated like an idiot, agreeing with Garner. “She looks mighty fine.”

  “Well that's real nice of you to say so, Brady, seeing as she's divorcing you. Got caught didn't ya, with your pecker in somebody else's henhouse?” He nudged Brady conspiratorially. “Sure can't figure out why you'd let a nice piece of ass like that go, but just means there's more for the rest of us,” Garner commented.

  I'll kill you first, Brady thought. Blood rushed to his head and he felt the vein in his temple begin to throb.

  “Seems like she's already got you replaced anyway.” Brady looked across the crowded room to see Alvin blowing on a cup of coffee. Alvin was looking to get a fist custom made for his throat.

  And then, as if by some divine intervention, Melina raised her eyes to meet his, and she wasn't smiling. Nope, that was definitely not happiness to see him.

  Uh-oh, he was doomed. Melina was making her way across the crowd, zipping through throngs of people with that look of cold contempt she, as of late, reserved especially for him. Her coat was flung open from the speed she was gathering to get to him. Her round, firm breasts thrust against the silky material of her shirt, bouncing rhythmically as she zeroed in on him. Long, willowy nylon-clad legs poked out from beneath her form-fitting skirt, the gentle swell of her hips made his mouth run dry. When had she become so damn beautiful? His cock responded, tightening painfully.She's always been beautiful, you fool.

  Her hair was in a ponytail on top of her head, unruly curls falling around her face; he loved it when she wore it like that. He used to sneak up behind her, pull her close to him and ... Melina glared at him, cutting off his lustful thoughts. Her green eyes were spitting flames as she narrowed them. He was in for it, in a big way.

  She closed in on him, ignoring Garner; she firmly planted her body between the two men and whispered in Brady's general direction, “Why are you here Brady?” Her full glossy lips compressed into a thin line.

  “I'm getting a cup of coffee before I head out to the site,” he said, shooting for the laid back, ‘I didn't expect to run into you here,’ look.

  “You haven't gotten coffee here in a coon's age, Brady Campbell, that's Frank's job, remember?”

  So? he thought.

  “Frank's on another job site. I had to be in town anyway, so I told him I'd swing by and get some coffee.” His deep voice managed not to squeak on the way out.So there! He wanted to raise his fist in triumph.Who's the man?

  “You're not here because you need coffee, Brady, so what do you want?” Her perfectly arched eyebrow rose mockingly. Damn, she was like a dog with a bone. Her breasts bobbed up and down with each rasp of air she sucked into her lungs. The faint tint of red rising on her cheeks meant she was simmering.

  “Are you here to check up on me?” Yup, no confirmation needed, Brady thought, he was screwed.

  “I've hardly seen hide or hair of you for months, and now we can't stop running into each other. If there's something you want to know, spit it out.” For Garner's benefit she turned to him and smiled sweetly, flashing perfect white teeth.

  Garner looked mighty uncomfortable. His pudgy cheeks puffed in and out, as beads of sweat formed on his shiny brow. He sputtered a goodbye to Melina, and beat feet. She shook her head knowingly, clucking her tongue; he figured she knew what he was up to.

  “I don't need you anymore Brady, so quit skulking around here. Twice in two days is more than I can handle. This is my life, to do with as I please.” She stated it simply, daring him to say otherwise.

  Brady shrugged his shoulders, and grinned. “I can't help it if we run into each other Melina. We live in the same town. I have a right to coffee too, you know.” Did he sound defensive, or like the damn fool that he was?

  “You followed me here didn't you?” she accused. “You don't even like this place, said it was for sissies.” Melina's puffed her chest out in an imitation of Brady. “Don't know why any real man would drink that crap. Only a bunch of women could appreciatevanilla flavored coffee.”

  Hey, hold on there. I don't sound like that! That sounded downright caveman-like.

  “What's the sudden interest in me, Brady? You didn't even know I was alive until yesterday. If I'd dropped dead you would have stepped right over my cold, stiff body. You don't really care about what I'm doing, you care about how it affects you, and if it's going to interfere with your plans.”

  Ouch!He grimaced. That wasn't really the truth, and of course he cared. Was that how she felt, that he didn't care?Do so...

  “This is about me Brady, and what I want now, it's about my future. I don't want, nor do I need, your help, and I don't need rescuing. I'm well over the age of consent and can do what I want when I want.”Like I could stop her? Stopping her would be like trying to halt a stampeding herd of frightened elephants. One thing you had to admire about Melina was her grit, otherwise known as pig-headedness.

  Melina crossed her arms over her chest, and leaned in close to him. The faint scent of her fruity perfume drifted upward, taunting his nostrils. His head began to swim. That damn ponytail was winking at him, mocking him, as though saying, ‘Ha, ha, you can't have me.’

  It looked as though she was ready to pounce when she halted, mid brow-beating. She spoke calmly, as if he were a small child, her words chosen carefully. “I am filing for divorce today, Brady, the moment I get back to the office. Then I'm going to slut around. Oh, and did I mention I'm going to start dating Alvin as part of the slutting around package? It's a new me Brady, like it?”

  She whirled around and stomped out of the coffee shop. More than one curious stare followed. Alvin raced after her, his hair that he'd so carefully wrapped around his head turban

fashion, flapping in the breeze.

  Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Buddy.

  * * * *

  Melina curled up under the big down comforter. The cool sheets enveloped her, easing her tired body. Her nipples tingled as the smooth fabric scraped the sensitive flesh.

  A cruel sense of satisfaction welled up inside her, when she thought about seeing Brady in the coffee shop. She had certainly told him. Now she had to find the guts to do something about it.

  That he had tried to interfere burned her britches, but she chalked it up to his need to control everything. He didn't want her, but no one else could have her. It certainly wasn't because he cared, she thought defiantly. He had a boyish quality to him that, when called upon, could have charmed her socks off, at one time. Now her socks were staying put, she thought firmly.

  Melina had come to count on Brady in ways she hadn't discovered until he was gone, and then he was ... gone. She needed to prove to herself that she could make it on her own without him. The burning desire to show how little she needed him was tantamount to a sort of revenge. He had looked almost hurt when she so boldly suggested she might slut around, something she was sure Brady thought she would never do.

  Who needed to slut around when you had the internet and toys, she giggled to herself.

  Okay, so it wasn't like the real thing, but it ran a close second. She had a vivid imagination. Fingering the smooth surface of the vibrator, she closed her eyes and tried to conjure up an image of Brad Pitt. Lord, he had looked so good today.Who, Brad? Oh hell, okay so Brady was sexy. Big deal.And if women had wet dreams, he'd be a porn star.

  Crap! Her eyes flew open, wide. So what was wrong with a woman who fantasized about doing her ex?

  She groaned as her cunt filled with white hot stabs of heat. Flipping on the vibrator switch, she settled back against the pillows, letting the comforter drop below her waist. Laying the tip of the vibrator against her clit, she slid it into the fleshy folds as she ran a hand over her breasts. She ached when she remembered Brady's tongue as he rasped a path of wet velvet over her slick, needy flesh. His blond head buried between her thighs as he pressed her to his face. She would reach down, clutching at his hair as he thrust his tongue into her.

  Her hips moved in a circular motion, thrusting upward, as she slid the fake cock into her wet channel. She sighed when she remembered how thick Brady's cock was; when he filled her she'd never felt more complete. His full weight would press her into the mattress as he stroked her with long slow caresses. She would wrap her legs around his waist, taking all of him, thrusting upward. She ground her ass into the mattress when she remembered the feel of his lips wrapped around her swollen nipples. Increasing the speed of her thrusts, she fingered her swollen clit, stroking until she felt the first of a series of shudders.

  As she came, the mental image of Brady's face haunted her.

  * * * *

  Saturdays had always been reserved for sleeping in. Melina was hovering over a steaming cup of coffee and the paper when the doorbell chimed. Otis barked and spun happily in circles. It must be Celia, she thought; even maledogs were excited by Celia. “Damn,” she muttered, but brightened, thinking it would be good to hang out and do the girl-talk thing. Without turning around she hollered, over Otis’ barking. “C'mon in, door's open.”

  “Morning, Melina.” Brady's smooth-as-silk tenor floated to her ears over the chaos. He kneeled down to pet Otis. Lo and behold, hot on Otis’ heels, came traitor number two. Not to be outdone, Redding slid in and out of Brady's booted feet, rubbing his body against Brady's leg—and here she'd always heard that animals were supposed to be such good judges of character!

  Was this some sort of ancient male torture, called upon when men wanted to smoke a chick out? Hadn't they just parted badly yesterday? What makes a man think if he bangs his head against a brick wall it will crumble to the ground simply because he wishes it to be?

  She was tempted to run a hand through her bed head, but resisted. It didn't matter in the least to her if he caught her in the rattiest bathrobe she owned, with her hair plastered from sleep on one side of her head. Ugh! She moaned when she caught her reflection in the toaster.

  What was it that changed when two people who had known each other for years no longer shared their lives from day to day? Awkward silences began where small talk had once been an everyday, effortless occurrence. Looking one another in the eye was nearly impossible; suddenly you found spots on the walls that hadn't existed before, and out of the blue, modesty becomes a big issue. As if he hadn't seen her look like this every morning for the last seven years, she chastised herself. It was the principle of the thing. He had noright to see her looking like this. She tugged the collar of her bathrobe up around her neck and tightened the belt at her waist. Her stomach knotted into a tight fist. She glowered at him from across the table, then reconsidered. She wouldn't let him see how much he bothered her.

  She turned back to her reading, damning her appearance, paper in hand. She briefly considered winging it across the room at his head, but decided to take the high road instead.

  Oh Lord, she groaned inwardly, he looked good. She peeked at him from beneath her lashes. His thick blond hair was neatly trimmed and his jeans were too tight, and damn him for wearing that green turtleneck sweater, showing off all those bulging muscles. Her nipples tightened painfully. So he was attractive.Big freaking deal! There were lots of attractive men everywhere.

  “Brady, what do you want? Shouldn't you be doing billing for your customers today?” She smiled benignly, thanking the paperwork god for this very convenient excuse to avoid Brady. Melina had often helped Brady with the billing. As his company had grown, so had the mountain of paperwork. And Saturdays were for paperwork, enough said.

  Brady scooped Redding off the floor, pulled out a chair and set him on his lap. Redding purred with genuine delight as he stretched his chin upward so that Brady might have better access.Damn cat. I hate him, you should, too!

  With a wry grin he said, “I hired someone to do that, so my Saturday's are free now. I'd love to have breakfast with you, though. I'm starving.” He rubbed his rock-hard stomach, then winked at her.I'll just bet you hired someone to do your billing! She probably has big, bleached blonde hair, and an even bigger pair of... Her cheeks grew warm at that.

  Oh hell, what was he doing here anyway? Brady knew damn well she didn't want to see him, but he was going to force his way in on her anyhow. Damn bulldog.

  He had no right to sit inher kitchen, as though he belonged here ... looking so freaking good.

  She nudged Otis with her foot.Wanna unglue yourself from his ass, traitor? She sent her furry buddy a silent message with narrowed eyes. Otis promptly ignored her. She sighed and pretended to busy herself with the paper, which was now a bunch of blurry black lines.

  * * * *

  Brady's gaze burned a hole in the top of her head. He wondered exactly how he was going to worm his way back into her life, as Pricilla had so aptly put it. Mixed feelings assaulted him. He remembered the warmth he'd always experienced when they sat down to a meal together and how many meals he had missed because of what he'd done. He hoped this crazy plan of Pricilla's worked.

  And when had he started thinking that anything Pricilla had to do with might work? She was a flippin’ nut, and so was he for trusting her, but he was going to give this one helluva college try anyway. Brady's eyes hungrily roamed over Melina's slender form. God she looked beautiful, her hair falling in soft ringlets around her face and shoulders and her cheeks flushed with anger.

  She had lost weight, he thought with regret. She looked fragile and broken, and he wanted to take her in his arms and hold her, press her small frame to his and absorb the damage he had caused. His cock twitched at the idea of touching her again. But look at the trouble that had gotten him into. His cock yelled back, “That wasn't all my fault, buddy.”Shit, he sucked. This sucked.

  Melina quite effectively ignored him, never once raising her eyes from
the paper.

  Smile, Brady, and keep smiling, even if it hurts.

  Well this was just swell. Silence was golden but enough was enough. Brady decided to dive right into the deep end before testing the water to see how cold it was.

  “I thought maybe we could go out, and you know, have breakfast or something.”

  Melina's head shot up, wary eyes took him in. “Why not invite my lawyer to breakfast, Brady?”

  Well if that look didn't say ‘creep', he didn't know what did.Brrr ... it's mighty cold in here.

  “Is your lawyer hungry? I'll bet he's not as pretty as you. Nope, I'd rather have breakfast with you.” he joked. Her cold stare fastened on him. Was cold the adjective to use? He thought. How about plain old frigid?

  “Brady...” she began, but he put up his hand, stopping her mid-refusal.

  “Please,” he interrupted, “let me finish. I just want to spend some time with you, and maybe we can talk.”Did that sound rehearsed? He hoped not, even though he'd been up since six this morning practicing in the mirror.

  Thwack!Ball's in your court, Babe.

  Melina stared him down from the other end of the table. “No thanks,” she said simply, and then leaned back in her chair, with a confident smirk.

  Slam serve!Just like that? She didn't even want to hear what his plans were?

  “I know you hate my guts right now, Melina, but would having breakfast with me kill you? We need to talk...”

  “Talk?” She snorted. “What could we possibly have to talk about, Brady? And what makes you think I only hate you're guts now? I think I'm going to hate them for a long time to come!” She went back to her paper.You, sir, are officially dismissed. He took a deep breath.Okay this is going well. Remain calm, assert your position, leave no meal unturned.


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