Sex With Your Ex

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Sex With Your Ex Page 11

by Dakota Cassidy

  The early spring breeze whispered across her heated skin and puckered her nipples to fine pebbles. She raised her arms above her head in invitation, but he needed no prompting. He licked a path to her nipple, soft and ripe, then with deliberate slowness, he placed his hot mouth over it, lingering. White-hot needles of pleasure pricked at the cleft between her thighs. She was slippery wet with anticipation.

  His velvet tongue lapped continual circles of ecstasy; she reached down with trembling fingers to feel the place where his lips had scorched a moist path. He nipped at her fingers’ intrusion, and hooked his fingers in the waist of her skirt and slid it over her hips.

  Melina tugged at his shirt, grabbing handfuls in an attempt to awkwardly remove it. Brady's breathing was labored as he stood and removed his clothing. She watched with urgent desire as he unzipped his jeans, his rock-hard stomach glistening, slick with sweat. He was truly perfection, she thought, sleek and rigid as he stood before her, hesitant and unsure.

  His cock thrust forward, long and thick, begging to be touched, and she obliged. Sliding her hand along his length, she circled him.

  Her touch jolted Brady, rooting him to the spot. He reached for her wrist, to stop this endless agony, but she moved too quickly for him, bending forward on the edge of the couch to cup his buttocks, as she pressed her full wet lips to his smooth cock. Her hair fell forward brushing across his thighs sensuously, and he tunneled his fingers through her soft curls. He hissed through his teeth while she teased him with feather light kisses of promise. She flicked her tongue over the length of him, hot and smooth.

  With love that had been buried so long, she took him deep in her mouth, with slow strokes of her tongue, as only she knew how to do. Melina cupped his balls, tight with the need for release. She gently kneaded them as she focused on the sensitive spot just below the head of his cock. Her tongue tasted a salty bead of semen; she licked it, savoring him.

  The searing velvet caress was more than he could stand. Brady groaned and pulled away from her. Kneeling before her, he framed her face in his powerful hands. She bracketed his body between her thighs as he plunged his tongue into her mouth, languidly deepening their kiss.

  His arms drew her close and she felt him as he inhaled her scent.

  Melina clung to his neck, as ripples of need shot through her veins. With each heave of his chest her nipples scraped him, intensifying their sensitivity. His hand reached under her, sliding her hips forward. He slipped a callused finger into her soft, wet cunt, already slick with desire. He parted the swollen folds, and lazily rubbed his thumb over her tender clit, assaulting her mouth with his skilled lips.

  Melina's hips bucked. She was devoid of any thought but this slow spiral of desire pulling her toward sweet release. Brady tore his mouth from hers, and she whimpered her dismay.

  “Shh,” he whispered, as he tenderly stroked her cheek. “Let me show you, Melina.” His plea was hoarse with restraint and need, tugging at her heartstrings. “Let me show you how beautiful you are to me, how much I want you,only you .” His eyes held hers with the promise of exquisite delights, for one long breathless moment. She acquiesced, lying back, as shivers of anticipation raced along her spine.

  Brady burned a path of lips and tongue to her navel, all while his expert fingers caressed, and teased.

  She purred his name when he trailed butterfly kisses along her inner thighs, arching her back as he inched closer to her cunt. His hot breath made her acutely aware of her body, and the ever-increasing need for his tongue. He explored her with slow strokes.

  Flames licked at her with a rhythmic dance. He cupped her bottom, kneading the soft flesh. She writhed beneath him as he pushed his tongue deeper, swiping at her throbbing clit. She shuddered and convulsed, as wave after wave of tingling heat turned into mindless climax after climax. Brady's lips remained fastened to her, riding out the silent storm he had provoked.

  She reached for him, pulling at his shoulders until he was above her. Holding his face in her hands, she whispered words of passion, raining kisses on his face. She ran her hands over his strong arms, squeezing the corded muscles in appreciation. Lifting her hips to meet his, and feeling his rigid cock press against her belly, Melina enticed him, grasping him with both hands, rubbing his hot shaft between her wet, welcoming thighs. She ached for him.

  In one swift motion he thrust deeply, lodging himself in the soft, wet folds of flesh that clamped around him tightly, making him groan into her mouth. “Feel how much I want you, Melina!” He pushed deeper into her for emphasis, she clenched him in return.

  He buried his face in the slender column of her neck, inhaling her sweet scent, and lay still, as though savoring this wondrous moment.

  * * * *

  Raising himself on flattened palms, he took in her beauty. Her hair fell around her shoulders in a cloud of curls; her lips were red and swollen from his kisses, green eyes smoldered with desire. God, he wanted her, to claim her, possess her. But he had to know.

  “Say you love me, Melina, say the words,” he commanded fiercely.

  She wrapped her arms around his waist, and pressed her face to his throat. Huskily she whispered, “I love you, Brady Campbell, always. Now shut up and make love to me.”

  She wrapped her smooth legs around him, and pressed upward, as he lost all control and thrust further into her slick wetness. Her nails dug into his back, and she gasped as he moved his cock within her, slowly withdrawing almost leaving her, only to plunge forward again in smooth fluid thrusts.

  The rhythm of their hips melded as they moved in tight circles. He reached between them and caressed her nipple, twirling it between his fingers, then slid his mouth around it. At the touch of his mouth and the hard feel of him inside her, she exploded. Wrapping her legs around him tightly, she rode the climax to completion.

  Her hips ground into his as she gloried in the pulsing slide of hard male flesh, rasping within her. She reached around and took two handfuls of his firm muscled ass, insisting he go deeper, pushing him to the edge.

  He wanted to slow down; he threw his head back and clenched his teeth, his heart slamming against his ribs, his strong throat arching with the effort.

  “Come with me Brady,” she whispered against his throat, pleading with him, enticing him to join her in this erotic heaven they had created.

  Before he lost all control he pressed his lips to her ear and choked out “Oh, Melina, I love you, so damn much.”

  He felt only the raw beauty of being inside of her again as the man she loved, skin against skin, and the hot, wet passage that surrounded him. His body went rigid as he exploded into her. With shudder after shudder he came, her cries sending him into an abyss of frenzied completion.

  Slowly, the tension seeped from his strained muscles. He held on to her tightly, as his powerful body began to shake uncontrollably. Gathering him close, she buried her face in his neck. Hot tears of gratitude welled in Brady's eyes, and he blinked, trying to shrug them off. A myriad of emotions gripped his aching heart.

  Tenderly, Melina pulled him down to her breast, stroking his hair as she would a child, soothing this man she loved. Instinctively she allowed him to silently share his grief and remorse. She cupped his strong jaw, and felt his hot tears slide between her fingers.

  He kissed her fingers, unable to speak. He sent a silent prayer of thanks to Pricilla.Wherever you are now, Pricilla, thank you!

  If he wasn't mistaken, he could have sworn he heard her answer right back in that Texas twang.Anytime, Cowboy, anytime.

  Much later, Brady lifted his head and gently whispered the words Melina needed to hear. Words that healed her heart, and restored her ravaged soul. She pressed a finger to his lips, quieting him, and with a wicked smile, had her way with him for the second time.



  Pricilla and Verbena were sharing tea when the viewing room bell tinkled, signaling an incoming message.

  Pricilla sighed and smoothed her hair, savoring he
r newfound fondness for Earl Grey. The bell never rang for her anyway. Since that fateful day when she had gone to the viewing room without permission, she hadn't been back. She had stuck to every last promise she made to the Big Guy. Well, except for the root touch ups.

  Upon her return to Heaven, Pricilla had been awarded the illustrious Gold Harp in the “Most Difficult Mission Accomplished” category, and gained Upper-Level status with much pomp and circumstance. Heck, it had been like being queen for a day. She smiled fondly at the memory.

  Verbena had been so proud, upon her return from earth. Pricilla had promptly thanked everyone for their support, and slept for a week. Darn son-in-law had nearly killed her, and she had the wrinkles to prove it. Well, she would have wrinkles if her beauty wasn't suspended in a sort of animation. She was as pretty as the day she'd died.

  Upper-Level perks were the best thing since sliced bread as far as Priscilla was concerned, and since gaining her new status Pricilla had enjoyed many of them. But a calling had come to her late one star-filled night. So she'd joined the “Mentor an Angel” program, with Verbena as her Mentor Trainer. Whew! Had that been a wild ride!

  Now she and Verbena shared each evening, drifting on a soft, fluffy cloud, sipping tea and laughing at the good times. So many things had changed for Pricilla; her heart beat stronger with gratitude every passing day. She knew to the depths of her soul her baby girl was happy and secure, and it filled her with a serene sense of accomplishment and pride. Pricilla Watson had done something right for a change, and it felt incredibly good.

  “Pricilla,” Verbena said, “I think this one's for you.” Pricilla caught sight of the big screen TV that popped up out of thin air. She gasped. The viewing room TV! Clouds of white drifted away from the screen like thin puffs of smoke, revealing a young couple with their heads bent together.

  She nearly tipped right off her cloud. Her tea cup fell out of her hands and off into oblivion. Darn. She had lost more than one good set of china that way. She looked to her friend inquiringly, and Verbena smiled, nodding her head.

  “Well, I'll be dipped in moonshine!” She scooted closer to Verbena, and her breath caught in her throat. “Oh my, Verbena, would ya just look at ‘em! Ain't Melina just prettier than a field a Texas wildflowers?”

  Melina and Brady were ... where were they? Somewhere she couldn't place. Then as the screen panned wide, Pricilla's hand fluttered to her throat. Verbena gently laid her hand on Pricilla's “Now, now Prissy, hold on, don't get your panties in a twist. You know darn well there's a reason for this. He always has a reason.”

  Pricilla snorted. Boy, she'd heard that line before.

  Rows and rows of neatly lined gray monuments came into view. A breeze fluttered the tree tops, sending newly blossomed, pink petals to the ground. The sun shone brightly, glinting off the top of the young couple's heads. They stood solemnly before a marble headstone. “Turn up the volume, Verbena,” Pricilla urged, her voice tremulous with emotion.

  * * * *

  “I don't understand why we're here, Brady,” Melina said quietly, looking up at his tall frame with a questioning look.

  He wrapped his arms around her from behind, nuzzling her ear. “Because it's long past the time that you forgave your mother and moved on, honey.”

  Brady's outlook on life had taken a drastic turn this past year, she mused, certainly for the better. He was home more now and so was she. They lingered over dinner, smiling and laughing well into the night. They did other things long into the night too; Melina shivered with her newly-found desire that always needed quenching. She snuggled closer to Brady, absorbing his warmth and delighting in the pleasure it brought her.

  The dynamics of their relationship had changed; Brady never let a day go by without telling her how much he loved her. The road back to trusting him again had been long, and filled with twists and turns, but he hadn't given up, just kept right on reassuring her with phone calls and flowers and more importantly, words, until one day she had awakened to find that peace had found its way to her soul again. She didn't understand why Brady had asked her to come to the cemetery, but it had been at his request that she'd come.

  Melina gently laid the bouquet of brightly colored flowers, that Brady had insisted they buy, to rest at the foot of the headstone. She reached a hand out to trace the letters on the smooth marble of the grave. “Pricilla Watson-Mother and Beloved Friend” she read.

  Her heart began to pound and her hand shook as the wind picked up, sending a soft caress across her cheek. Shafts of warm sunlight burst through the trees, as prisms of color fluttered a dance, weaving in and out of the shadows like angel wings in flight. Melina could swear on the whisper of the wind she heard Pricilla's Texas twang call to her.I love you baby girl ... always.

  Melina shook her head in confusion. She turned to Brady on shaky legs and handed him the small bundle she held fiercely to her breast. Her eyes were wide when she sought Brady's, filled with unanswered questions. His blue eyes glistened as he gathered her close. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head and then leaned down to press another on the soft, whiskey-colored curls of his daughter.

  He turned his eyes heavenward with silent gratitude. “C'mon, honey.” He took Melina's hand in his as he led her back to the car. “I've got something I need to tell you.”

  * * * *

  Verbena wiped the tears from Pricilla's eyes and squeezed her hand. “Do ya think she heard me Verbena?” Pricilla's wide green eyes were genuine with concern.

  “Aw, honey, Iknow she did,” Verbena reassured her with a smile.

  Pricilla's heart swelled and she visibly brightened.

  Pricilla nudged Verbena with her elbow. “I'm a grandma, Verbena,” she said with pride.

  “Yes you are, young lady.” Verbena swatted Pricilla's leg with affection. “And isn't she just the most precious thing ever?” Verbena cooed.

  “Well of course she is, Verbena,” Pricilla confirmed with smugness. “Looks just like her grandma.”

  Verbena smiled fondly at her toughest assignment this side of the millennium. Some things, she thought, even eternity couldn't change...

  The End.

  About the Author:

  Dakota Cassidy admits freely she never gave much thought to writing anything more challenging than the grocery list. She still can't explain how this has all happened. One minute she was a mild mannered house wife by day reading the stuff, the next she was banging her fingers to bloody stumps pounding out a story on her laptop.

  With the support of her husband and a really pushy (but wonderful) friend, she bit the bullet, sent in her story and hit the ground running. She admits that she's now a slave to her laptop, spinning hot and sexy tales and creating new characters to play with.

  Dakota's stories are all about a good laugh, quirky yet passionate, a lethal combination for sure. She would love to hear your comments. Please drop by her website at

  * * *

  Visit for information on additional titles by this and other authors.




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