Amish White Christmas: Three Complete Novellas (Snowflakes on Goose Pond, Snow Angels, The Gingerbread Haus {Amish Christian Romance})

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Amish White Christmas: Three Complete Novellas (Snowflakes on Goose Pond, Snow Angels, The Gingerbread Haus {Amish Christian Romance}) Page 2

by Samantha Jillian Bayarr

  Darting her attention between them, Prissy looked on the verge of throwing a big tantrum as she often did when things were not going her way. “Why are you even talking to her? You’re supposed to be learning to skate, and that should not involve any touching!”

  Shocked by her question and agitated by Prissy’s rudeness, Ruby stuffed her feet in her cold boots and stood to face her accuser. “I was about to teach him how to skate. My feet were cold. Not that it is any of your business!”

  Priscilla pursed her lips and deepened her scowl. “I didn’t know that teaching someone to skate involved that much—touching!”

  Jesse moved between them. “I was only trying to warm her up so we could get started on the skating lessons. I don’t want to embarrass myself at the Christmas party on Saturday.”

  Prissy’s countenance changed suddenly as she cupped her hand in the crook of Jesse’s elbow. “I can’t wait to skate with you.” Then she turned her gaze sharply on Ruby. “Stick to the lessons and stop acting improperly or I will have a talk with your daed.”

  Stunned by Prissy’s statement, Ruby couldn’t find her voice. Her mind whirled with several things to say, but the words would not form on her tongue. Had Jesse already asked Prissy to accompany him to the Christmas party? If so, why wasn’t she teaching him how to skate? Was he mocking her by asking her to teach him?

  If only I hadn’t agreed to teach him to skate. At least it’s only a week away. After that, I won’t ever have to talk to either of them again!


  Jesse felt like he couldn’t catch a break with Ruby. Every time he had a chance to be alone with her, Priscilla interrupted them. If she thought he would skate with her at the party on Saturday, she was sadly mistaken. He wanted nothing to do with the likes of her. She was rude and bossy, and he didn’t like the way she spoke to Ruby. But he could hardly reprimand Priscilla without offending Ruby. They were cousins after all, and he wouldn’t do anything to upset his chances for taking Ruby to the skate party.

  First, he had to master the basics of skating so he wouldn’t embarrass himself—or her for that matter. Then he would worry about inviting her—once he was able to stay up on the skates without ending up flat on the ice. He had a lot to live up to if he wanted to be her skate partner for the evening. Surely she would not want to skate at a party with him if she would have to spend the entire evening holding him up. Or worse—if he caused her to fall. Being an expert skater, she would feel bogged down by his amateur skills. He hadn’t put on a pair of skates since he was in school, and even then, his daed had told him it was a waste of his time. There were always chores to be done and other things around the farm that were more important than pursuing a hobby.

  To Jesse, it was not just a hobby. He enjoyed being on the ice—even if he wasn’t very skilled at it. His daed’s scolding had stuck with him, leaving him only to admire Ruby’s ability over the years. He’d tried not to envy the freedom he saw in her as she would glide effortlessly across the ice. Up until now, he hadn’t had the nerve to approach her for lessons, but he knew it was the only way to get close to her.

  He had been enamored with her since before he’d left school. Being two grades above her, he had left his school-boy crush at school when he’d graduated. After she finished school, he’d begun to see her in a different light, and each year that passed, his feelings for her grew from crush to admiration, and finally, a possible romantic interest. He owed it to himself to explore those feelings he felt for her to be sure they were real and not just something he’d built up in his head over the years. His only worry was that she would not return his affection.

  He’d been dubbed as rude and critical, as his friends could be sometimes. He had gained the reputation by the actions of those so-called friends, and he often wondered himself why he didn’t find some new friends. He never went along with their constant teasing of others, but he’d never made an attempt at stopping them either, which made him guilty by association. He guessed that was why Priscilla had taken a liking to him. She would be better suited for one of his “friends” than with him, and she had gotten in the way of him getting closer with Ruby ever since she’d moved to their community. It was even more now that he’d finally been able to approach Ruby.

  It was time for Jesse to make his move and find a way around Priscilla’s meddling. He wanted to be Ruby’s beau by Christmas, and the only way that was going to happen was if he could ask her to the skating party. The only problem would be to offset Priscilla, who was always vying for his attention. He hoped that spending time with Ruby over the next week would bring them closer together, but it would backfire on him if he couldn’t find a way to divert Priscilla’s attention away from him. He needed a plan to get closer to Ruby without having Priscilla in the way. Jesse liked Ruby, and he hoped she felt the same way about him.

  Chapter Five

  “Please, Tobias, I’ll do your chores for a month if you keep Priscilla busy while I skate with Ruby!”

  Tobias looked at his older bruder with skepticism. “What are you going to do when daed finds out what you’re up to? If he sees you doing my chores, we’ll be in trouble for sure and for certain.”

  Jesse was growing impatient. “Daed won’t find out. Please say you’ll help me!”

  Tobias stopped fluffing the hay in the horse stall and leaned against the pitchfork in his hands.

  “The way I see it, there’s two problems with that plan of yours.”

  “What would those be?” Jesse interrupted him.

  “Well, first off,” Tobias began. “I don’t see how either of us will have time to do any chores if we’re busy skating with those two every day. Secondly, Priscilla doesn’t like me—she likes you!”

  Jesse let out a sigh, his breath visible in the cold barn. “I think she is expecting me to ask her to the Christmas Skate Party, and I want to take Ruby. That’s why I’m trying to learn how to skate.”

  Tobias glared at his bruder. “I hope that doesn’t mean you expect me to take Priscilla to the skate party. I don’t like her!”

  “I’m not asking you to like her—just keep her away from me and Ruby for a few days so I can get to know Ruby better.”

  Glaring at Jesse, Tobias set his pitchfork back in motion. “I won’t make you do my chores, but if I ever need a favor, you will have to do it—no questions asked!”

  Jesse patted Tobias on the shoulder. “I will do that, little bruder.”


  “I wouldn’t be surprised if Jesse asked me to the skate party when we arrive at the Christmas Singing tonight. He was hinting at it when he took me home the other night,” Prissy said as she helped Ruby pack the remainder of the gingerbread cookies for the Singing.

  Ruby narrowed her eyes. She didn’t want to be put in the middle of a relationship between Prissy and Jesse. “What about his bruder, Tobias? He seemed interested in you when we were at the pond yesterday.”

  Prissy turned up her nose. “He’s nice enough, but he’s kind of young, don’t you think?”

  Ruby rolled her eyes. “He’s our age, Prissy!”

  “I know that, Ruby, but I prefer a mann who is more mature—like Jesse.”

  Ruby knew she wasn’t going to win this argument, so she gave up. “Gabriel’s waiting for us with the sleigh. We should probably get out there before he goes to the singing without us.”

  Prissy pushed by her without another word.

  It was going to be a long night.


  “Let’s go, Eden,” Jesse hollered from the back door. “We’re going to be late.”

  Eden was so excited to be attending her first Christmas Singing—even if she had to attend with both of her bruders. She’d never been able to attend before, but because she had her heart set on Ruby’s older bruder, Gabriel, she was eager to attend. She worried that her twin bruder, Tobias was taking an interest in bossy-Prissy, and hoped she would not be there—for the sake of Tobias and Ruby.

  Pushing her worry aside,
her excitement renewed and she wanted to be certain she looked presentable. With her best dress on, she felt confident in the pink one that complimented her blue eyes. Her blond hair was tucked neatly beneath her kapp, and she stole one last glance in the mirror before Jesse announced he was leaving without her if she didn’t come out of the washroom.

  She’d waited too long to be left behind.

  “I’m ready,” Eden hollered back as she entered the kitchen. “Please don’t go without me.”

  Jesse stood at the kitchen door smiling at his younger schweschder. “I can’t believe you’re so grown up.”

  Eden shrugged past him. “Don’t embarrass me by making a big deal out of this. I could have gone for a few years now—if Daed would have let me go.”

  “Do you have your mittens?” their mudder called after her.

  “Jah. Guten nacht, mamm,” Eden answered over her shoulder. She was too excited to kiss her mamm, fearing it would increase the lump in her throat.

  Excitement flared in her as she stepped into the waiting sleigh. She covered herself with the lap-quilt, not feeling the cold at all. Her bruders sat in front, leaving her feeling very important to be escorted to her first Christmas Singing. Snowflakes touched her warm cheeks as the horses set the sleigh in motion. The jingling of their harness bells kept her mind only on Gabriel and the events of the night before her. She would put all her worries aside for this one special night so that she could enjoy every aspect of it.


  Ruby walked ahead of Priscilla as she looked for her best friend, Eden Fisher, while Gabriel tied up the horses. When Ruby spotted her, she was delighted that she could share her friend’s first Christmas Singing experience with her. They approached each other and squealed with delight. Priscilla sat down after scowling at the two of them. Ruby was glad she’d left them alone; she didn’t like having her cousin tag along all the time.

  “Prissy doesn’t look happy to see me,” Eden said. “What’s her problem?”

  Ruby waved a hand at her. “Who cares what she thinks. She’s mad at me because your bruder asked me to teach him how to skate.”

  Eden’s eyes grew wide. “Tobias?”

  Ruby shook her head cautiously. “Nee. It was Jesse who asked me.”

  Eden was happy for her friend since she knew Jesse was sweet on her, but they hadn’t discussed it much. She still thought it best to keep quiet until Ruby found out for herself if it was what she hoped.

  “That’s wunderbaar, Ruby. But why do you look so glum?”

  Ruby looked at the floor. “Because I think he wants to learn so he can ask Prissy to the skate party on Saturday.”

  Eden looked at her friend, wondering if she should quell her fears with her suspicions, or if it would hurt her more if she was wrong about Jesse’s intentions.

  It’s probably better if I wait, Eden thought. Gott, please be with Ruby and Jesse. If it is your will, bring them together in love…and forgive me for not wanting mei bruder to fall in lieb with Prissy!

  Chapter Six

  Jesse met up with his friend, Gabe, Ruby’s bruder, outside the Yoder’s barn. Though he was eager to see Ruby tonight at the Christmas Singing, he wasn’t looking forward to the lecture he would surely get from his friend regarding his interest in his schweschder. He knew that Gabriel had taken an interest in his younger schweschder, Eden, and hoped it would help to smooth things over between them when his feelings for Ruby were discussed.

  I couldn’t find a better suitor for Eden than Gabe. He’s a gut mann, and it would be nice to have a friend as a bruder-in-law. But would he feel the same about me if I expressed my interest in his younger schweschder? Perhaps I should wait to mention it since he has so much on his own plate right now.

  Gabe patted Jesse on the shoulder. “I hear you asked Ruby to teach you to skate.”

  Here we go…Gott, give me the strength to endure his disapproval, and please don’t let my interest in Ruby cause a rift between Gabe and me.

  “Jah. She is the best in the community, and I’d like to attend the Christmas Skate on Saturday—and not just to watch.”

  “You know the rest of the guys are going to tease you for skating. They did it to me.”

  Jesse shrugged. “They aren’t really our friends anyway, are they? They like to make trouble and tease everyone, and I think we’ve outgrown a few of them since we left school so many years ago, don’t you?”

  Gabriel nodded. “I was only tolerating them because I thought you didn’t want to upset your cousin, Henry.”

  “Nee,” Jesse said. “Those are all Henry’s friends, and I’m tired of them hanging around. Perhaps it’s time I had a talk with him. They are taking their rumspringa to a far more rebellious level than I’m comfortable with, and I wish Henry would stop hanging out with them.”

  “Now that it’s out in the open, if you need help talking to him, I’ll help you,” Gabriel offered.

  “Thanks, Gabe. I appreciate it.”

  They walked toward the Yoder’s barn where the singing had already begun.

  “About mei schweschder…”

  “Gabe, I thought we had settled that part of the conversation. She’s teaching me to skate. Is that alright with you?”

  Gabriel punched Jesse in the arm playfully.

  “Don’t break her heart.”

  “But…” Jesse started to say.

  Gabriel chuckled. “You don’t have to say a word. I can see it in your eyes.”

  Gabriel figured it was better to let his friend off the hook, hoping that when it came time to tell Jesse of his real intentions toward his schweschder, Eden, he would be as lenient with him.


  Ruby spotted Jesse the moment he walked into the barn, as though she somehow sensed his presence. The hair on the back of her neck prickled as their eyes met. How was she going to get through a real skate lesson with Jesse without falling for him? Knowing it was best to guard her heart from reality didn’t make it any easier to think of him asking Prissy to the Christmas party instead of her. She shook the thought away as Jesse’s smile warmed her heart. Even from this distance, she could feel something more than friendship from him—was she reading more into his smile than he intended?

  Prissy rushed to her side. “Stop smiling at Jesse, Ruby, or he’ll think you’re interested in him. You wouldn’t want to do anything to mess up my chances with him, would you?”

  “Leave her alone, Prissy,” Eden said. “If mei bruder wants to smile at Ruby, you can’t do anything about it. He can like whoever he wants to like.”

  Priscilla turned up her nose. “I will have to tell him to act properly while you’re teaching him to skate. We wouldn’t want people getting the wrong impression about the two of you.”

  “Leave it alone, Prissy,” Eden warned. “You can’t control who people like, no matter how much you try. Your actions are making you look bad, so you might want to sit down and be quiet. Act respectable or you will be the one everyone is talking about!”

  Priscilla walked away from them, a scowl of defeat creasing her brow.

  Eden turned to Ruby. “Why do you let her push you around like that?”

  “She seems desperate to get married and wants to be the center of attention. She has been lying to mei daed for weeks trying to get me into trouble. He knows she is lying and hasn’t disciplined me, but Prissy is doing everything she can to get me out of the way so she can be the most popular. I’m not trying to be more popular than she is, be she feels threatened because I am well liked and she has become known in the community by her sour reputation.”

  Eden hugged Ruby. “I’m glad your daed believes you. But I sure wish she would leave you alone. You haven’t done anything to deserve to be treated that way by her—except be nicer than she is. We need to keep her in our prayers so she will leave you alone.”

  “What will I do if Jesse doesn’t ask her to the skating party? Prissy will blame me for sure and for certain.”

  Eden giggled, knowing the real
reason for her friend’s distress was that she, herself, wanted to be the one Jesse asked. “You leave Prissy up to me. I will find her a distraction so you can teach mei bruder to skate without her breathing down the back of your neck the entire time.”

  “I have a confession to make,” Ruby said.

  Giggling more, Eden laid a comforting hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “I already know you want to court Jesse—I have a feeling he feels the same way about you too!”

  Ruby began to shake. If what her friend said was true, then his request to teach him to skate was an excuse to get closer to her. How was she going to keep her head on straight and teach him without falling to pieces?

  Chapter Seven

  Ruby was nervous knowing Prissy’s eyes had not left her and Jesse the entire time they’d been on the ice. She was nervous enough with Jesse holding onto her to keep from falling, without having Prissy’s angry glare burning a hole in her back. But when she felt a sudden change in that sinking feeling, she sought out Prissy’s whereabouts to confirm the shift in her feelings. Eden’s twin, Tobias had approached Prissy, and Ruby struggled to watch them.

  “Are you going to watch your cousin all day, or are you going to concentrate on what you’re doing so we don’t fall on the ice?”

  Jesse’s question startled Ruby.

  “I asked mei bruder to keep her busy for me so I could concentrate on learning to skate,” he said.

  Ruby tipped her skates sideways, bringing them both to an abrupt stop. “Maybe this wasn’t such a gut idea. Prissy obviously wants to be the one to teach you to skate. She doesn’t even want me talking to you.”

  Jesse smiled, nearly bringing Ruby to her knees. “Well that isn’t up to her, now, is it?”

  Ruby shook her head mechanically, lost in the smoky baritone of Jesse’s voice, and the nearness of him made her feel warm.


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