by Bryan Caplan
influence on children’s family values
influence on children’s fertility
influence on children’s grades
influence on children’s happiness
influence on children’s health
influence on children’s intelligence
influence on children’s politics
influence on children’s religion
influence on children’s sexual initiation
influence on children’s sexual orientation
influence on children’s success
influence on children’s traditionalism/modernism
influence on children’s traits
influence on children’s values
influence on teenage behavior
influence on teen pregnancy
life satisfaction of
protecting children from secondhand stress
reasons to have more children
supervision of children
time spent with teenagers
week in life of contemporary
See also Parenting
Parents-only getaways
Peer pressure, parenting and
Personality, family studies of
Philippine-American War
Politics, nature vs. nurture and
Pollution, economic development and
average income and
effect on environment
increased choices and
prosperity and
self-interest and limits on
Poverty, population growth and
Prager, Dennis
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Prenatal testing
Prosperity, population and
Quality/quantity trade-off
Quebec, bonuses for having children
Religion, nature vs. nurture and
Reproductive technology
artificial insemination
artificial wombs
consequences of advances in
costs of
egg donation
genetic engineering
genetic screening
sperm sortation
trait selection
in vitro fertilization
Respect, raising children with
Retirement systems, children and support of
Roberts, Russ
Rules, family size and changes in self-imposed
Sacerdote, Bruce
Safety, of contemporary children
improvements in since 1950
kidnapping and
mortality statistics
safety-conscious parenting and
violent crime and
Saffran, Bernie
Sagan, Carl
Saved! (film)
Science (magazine)
SD. See Standard deviation (SD)
Seagle, Steven
Seasteading Institute
Secondhand stress, protecting children from
Second National Incidence Studies of Missing, Abducted, Runaway, and Thrownaway Children
Self-esteem, nature vs. nurture and
Self-imposed rules, family size and changes in
concern for others and
family size and
fertility decline and
having more children and
limits on population and
Selfishness, having more children and
Serenity Prayer
Sex selection
Sexual behavior, nature vs. nurture and
Sexual initiation, parental influence on
Sexual orientation, parental influence on
Shared environment
effect on adult income
effect on drinking habits
effect on educational achievement
effect on time of sexual initiation
family size and number of
Simon, Julian
The Simpsons
Skenazy, Lenore
Sleep deprivation, parenting and
Smoking habits, parental effect on
Sociosexuality, parental influence on
Sons, parents and sexual initiation of
Sources, for mortality tables
Sperm donors
Sperm sortation
Spouse, selection of
Standard deviation (SD)
Stereotypical kidnapping
Stress, protecting children from secondhand
Stumbling on Happiness (Gilbert)
Success, nature vs. nurture and
Suicide, as cause of children’s deaths
Suleman, Nadya
Supernanny (television program)
Supervision of children
Survey of Consumer Finances
Swedish Adoption/Twin Study of Aging
Swedish Twin Registry
Switched at Birth experiment
Take-out meals
Technology, childcare and improvements in
parental influence on
time spent with parents
Teen pregnancy, nature vs. nurture and
Teeth, health of
children and
image of child safety and
supervising content of children’s
Texas Adoption Project
Third World
adoption from
fertility tourism in
price of
spent in childcare activities
Time (magazine)
Token punishments
Tolstoy, Leo
Traditionalism, nature vs. nurture and
Trait selection
Twinning, cloning vs.
Twinsburg Study
Twin studies
on character
direct vs. indirect effects
distinguishing nature from nurture and
effect of parents on children’s
future and
focus on middle-class, First World families
on happiness
on health
on intelligence
nature and nurture effects and
nature-nurture effect size and
on religion
on success
on values
Unique environments
United States
population and retirement in
size of family in
parents-only getaways
family size and changes in
nature vs. nurture and
Variance, nature-nurture effect and
Variation, explaining
Vernelli, Toni
Vertical transmission
Veterans of Foreign Wars Magazine
Vietnam Era Twin Registry
Violent crime, as cause of children’s deaths
Virginia Twin Registry
Vital Statistics of the United States 1950, Vol. 3: Mortality Data
War, as cause of children’s deaths
War and Peace (Tolstoy)
Weight, determination of
Witcraft, Forest
Women, decline in fertility and See also Mothers
Working moms, time spent in childcare
World Values Survey
World War II Twin Registry
Copyright © 2011 by Bryan Caplan
Published by Basic Books,
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Caplan, Bryan.
Selfish reasons to have more kids: Why being a great parent is
less work and more fun than you think / Bryan Caplan.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
eISBN : 978-0-465-02341-7
1. Parenting. 2. Parenthood. 3. Children. I. Title.
HQ755.8.C37 2011