The Price of Happiness: A Strong Woman in the Middle Ages (A Medieval Tale Book 5)

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The Price of Happiness: A Strong Woman in the Middle Ages (A Medieval Tale Book 5) Page 36

by Lina J. Potter

  Prince Amir’s behavior was exemplary. He even managed to earn Jerisson’s approval. He doted on the little girl and thought the world of her. He gave her an eagle and taught her fencing. Lily was amazed when, one day, the prince came up to her and confessed that having grown up in the Khanganat, other women only saw him as a prince. Mirrie, on the other hand, saw a person in him. It was very important. Harem?

  “Mind me, Countess, you have very wild ideas of a harem here. Not only women live there, but a lot of cousins, second aunts, and third grandmas. The concubines barely reach ten percent. Even if I get them, they will remain the tokens of victory. It’s necessary for status. As for the rest, they could go have fun with the guards, or pleasure themselves; it’s their own problem.”

  Lily nodded and began remembering pharmacology. She needed to teach Miranda toxicology. She could’ve waited, but realized that Miranda urgently needed it.


  “Stop lying here like a sissy. I am ashamed of you, son!”

  Alexander Falion turned his head and looked at his father.

  “What happened?”

  “It’s been a month that my son has been getting wasted every night. I hoped that it would go away by itself, but you’ve lost your mind over that girl!”

  “Don’t call her that. She is Lilian.”

  “She is the most ordinary whore!”


  “While you lay here sniveling—do you even know that she is pregnant?”

  “I know.”

  “Do you want her?”

  “I love her.”

  Falion heartily slapped his son.

  “Too much is at stake. Get yourself together. I will order them to bring a hot bathtub. Have a bath and pull yourself together. I want my son back, not this sissy. Only once you look like a person, will I explain to you how to get that girl.”

  The Old Pike left the room. Alexander stupidly stared at the floor. To get the girl? Really? A sweet hope slowly spread across his body. He didn’t have any reason to pay a visit to Earton. What if Jerisson died? Why not see what my father has to say?


  The diplomatic mission from Ivernea left in the morning, with friendly goodbyes. The princes thanked Edward, and Lydia thanked the Countess of Earton. All of them received an invitation to Wellster and promised to visit.

  Gardwig was not going to depart. He was waiting for his daughter to sign the new agreement.


  It didn’t affect Lily in any way. She stayed back from court because of her delicate condition. Sometimes, she did visit the king, but only in the evenings, using the back entrance, wearing a cape and a mask. Such was the code of conduct. As before, the princesses enjoyed her visits to the palace and, together with Mirrie, wrote down the fairytales Lily told them. Lily saw Richard a couple of times. He was mainly Jerisson’s friend. As for Lily herself, she laughed and put up with the prince as the lesser of evils. The main thing was that he didn’t get her husband insanely drunk. She could tolerate the rest.

  The Eartons were in possession of a certain rare thing, something without which one couldn't build a family—namely, the feeling of family warmth. It was the feeling of warmth and belonging when one is peaceful and knows that someone is always waiting for them at home. This feeling has been beautifully described by poets and writers. Those lucky enough to experience it in real life call it different things. Some call it habit, others passion. But it took a man to truly experience it to know that he would never be satisfied with less. It was an indescribable feeling, to know that someone needed you, that they loved you for who you were, no matter what.

  Lily tried to build her love island in that medieval world, where she would always feel secure. Her family was Helke and Loria with their children, the Virmans, Leif and Erik, Ingrid and the lace-makers, the artisans, Leis, and his soldiers, Taris Brok, Alicia Earton, and Pastor Vopler with his son. They were all part of the small world that revolved around Lilian Earton and Miranda Catherine Earton. Jerisson had also become a part of it, and he wanted to stay there. In good times and in bad times, that island was a safe harbor amid the seas of trouble, where nobody judged or scolded anyone, where there was no place for anger or greed. Although they weren’t quite a real family yet, they were something very close. It only took Jerisson getting a taste of this warm feeling to become addicted to it. It wasn’t the madness of passion, not lightning between two people, but something different. They enjoyed being around each other.

  Even the strongest man needed a place where he could rest. Even the strongest woman needed the knowledge that she was not alone, that she had a strong shoulder to lean on.

  It was too early to speak about the union of the two hearts. That would only become possible after a lot of hardship, difficult decisions, blood, and death.

  There used to be a time when they suspected each other, when they were scared of dirty tricks, but Jerisson and Lilian had found a way to each other’s hearts. Still, they had yet to go through hardship side by side. They would cope. Happiness wasn’t fireworks, it was a fire in the hearth. Their fire would not go out. They would try to keep it burning.


  Time went by. Richard’s new bride arrived. They said she was pretty. Lily hadn’t met her yet. Gardwig solemnly signed the contract, marked it with a ball, and left for home. His duty called him. His leg was almost painless. The ulcer was healing. Tahir equipped Gardwig’s medicus with a lot of advice and healing ointments. The man received them with awe and asked for permission to correspond. He was given a post pigeon. Gardwig approved of the idea. He felt a lot better and expected to live for at least ten more years.


  Count Lort wrote from Wellster. He professed his gratitude for curing his Majesty.

  “Dear Countess, you have a friend in Wellster. If you need anything or get into any trouble…”

  Lily replied with a thank you letter but said that she wasn’t going to visit Wellster any time soon. She said that she felt happy where she was, especially since her husband had come to his senses. She felt secure and peaceful. Why go to far-away lands if I can build my own happiness with my own hands, here and now? It was difficult, but nobody promised an easy way. Happiness was worth the effort.

  Lilian knew this very well. Looking into her husband’s blue eyes, she saw the same understanding there. In short, if Jerisson had gotten himself a smart and decisive woman from the very beginning, there would have been no circle of mistresses or his disrespectful relationship with women.


  Jerisson Earton was also happy. He didn’t only receive the woman of his dreams, but a lot more. Although Lilian was always busy running around workshops all day and was dead on her feet in the evenings, she was a real beauty, a real gem of a woman. She was a talented inventor. The whole of Ativerna envied him for such a wife. He had to live up to expectations.

  Jerisson thought very highly of himself. He very well knew that he deserved the best, and he got what he wanted. He fell head over heels for Lily.

  Mistresses? When a man has such a wife, he doesn’t need surrogates. Ladies! You are free to go! How silly they seem to me next to my wife, how very dumb. What did I see in them before? I do not know.


  Alexander Falion appeared two days after the departure of the Wellster diplomatic mission. He gave Lily a luxurious bouquet, supposedly for Miranda, and kissed her hand. Without much thinking, he invited her on a walk around the garden. Lily agreed. They needed to get things straight while her husband was away—once and for all.

  It was solely her fault. She gave the man false hope, and she would have to pay for it. She still had no idea how it would go between her and Jerisson. We are responsible for those whom we have tamed, and especially for those whom we have saved. She would take pleasure in being responsible for her husband for the rest of her life.

  They ambled along the path between the rose bushes, followed by a huge grey Virman shepherd dog. Alexander was the first
one to break the silence.

  “You seem sad, Lilian.”

  Lily lowered her eyes.

  “I have reasons to be both happy and sad.”

  “Will you tell me about them?”

  Why would I have brought it up otherwise? thought Lily with irritation. Her pregnancy gave her mood swings. She had to be careful with what she said out loud.

  “Obviously,” Lily gave him a sad smile. “Even before I tell my priest.”

  “Do I deserve such honor?”

  Lily didn’t adopt his playful tone.

  “You deserve honesty. I am expecting a child with my husband, and I am happy with him.”

  Alexander seized hold of her hands and looked into her eyes.

  “Lilian, it could've been our child.”

  Lily shrugged.

  “I don’t think so. You are married.”

  “That could be changed.”

  “Really? Would you poison your wife? Or drown her in a lake?”

  The man was taken aback. Lily continued her attack.

  “Alexander, do you know why smart women never cheat on their husbands?”


  “Because every man will ask himself if she cheated on her husband, will she not surely cheat on me? If you get rid of one wife… Do you see what I’m saying?”

  Falion gritted his teeth.

  “I understand everything, Lilian. But you gave me hope.”

  “I made a mistake.”

  “Should I just forget you?!”

  Strong hands lay on her shoulders and turned her to face the marquess.

  “Lilian! I love you!!!”

  Lily didn’t make a move. Nanook became tense. Everything was clear without words. Falion heard a growl. The dog was close to attacking him.

  For a few moments, Falion froze. Eventually, he loosened his grip, and his face turned to stone. All his emotions disappeared as if they had been washed away with water.

  “I am sorry, Lilian.”

  God will forgive you.

  “Forget about me, Alexander. It’s for the best.”

  “Best for you? Of course! Who would doubt that?”

  Lily lost her temper.

  “Alexander, what can we offer each other? Don’t talk about love, better tell me what place I would have in your life. The place of your mistress? No, thank you. I will manage. Despite psychological issues, your wife is wholesome and alive, and is going to live.”

  “Your husband is also alive—yet.”

  “I don’t recommend threatening my family.”

  Alexander was furious; Lily kept calm. Her state of mind was deceptive. She was tense as a taut string.

  What the hell?

  “And what will you do to me?”

  “I think you need a doctor, Falion. I don’t advise you to forget that you owe me anyway.”

  “What for?”

  “For your father.”

  “You weren’t saving him. You were saving your husband.”

  “I’ll make a note for the future: do not ever save the Falions!” Lily was angry.

  “Is this your last word?”

  “And our last conversation.”

  Falion flashed his eyes but realized that the conversation wouldn't be productive. He turned around and left. Lily stayed alone.

  She knew she shouldn't have shown her weakness because someone could strike into the most vulnerable spot.

  Is it painful? No, only nasty. How did a handsome prince turn out to be like that? Should I also be wary of my husband?

  Lily managed to walk into the house and reach her bedroom without losing face. She burst into tears only after locking all the doors.

  Damn the hormones!! This is not love! I am so hurt!

  It’s only the hormones, Lily! You’ll be all right.


  The servants reported everything to Jerisson, and he called Falion to a duel. It was Hans Tremain who discouraged it. He had accidentally (or on purpose) entered the bedroom in the middle of a domestic dispute. Jerisson paced the room and comforted his wife. Lilian was close to tears. Mirrie was simply crying out loud. Her mother had already whispered to her to keep her father out of a duel, and the child tried her best. She gave a very talented performance.

  Hans looked at the scene and asked the earl to spare him a couple of minutes. Jess pointed in the direction of the study. He didn’t see Hans give Lily a wink. Everything will be fine, my dear friend! Stay strong. The men disappeared into the study, and Lily began to calm her daughter.


  Jess sat down in a chair and nodded at the opposite seat.


  “No, thank you. I’ve heard about the marquess’ visit.”

  “I will kill him!” shouted Jess, but Hans held up his hand.

  “I beg you Earl, don’t get so worked up!”

  “The bastard upset my wife!”

  “You want revenge, right?”

  “Yes!” Jess’ eyes flashed like he was a wildcat.

  “I will tell you something of which not even His Majesty knows. The Falions took part in the conspiracy.”

  Jess was instantly alert. He became calm, and his eyes turned into slits.

  “I see!”

  “I beg you to not take any action for at least three more days.”

  “Why not?”

  “I need a little more time. I will be able to catch everyone, both small fish and big fish. I beg you, Earl.”

  For a few moments, Jess remained silent.

  “Who told you about the visit?”

  Leir Hans smiled.

  “I have my sources in your home.”


  “My Lord, I’m afraid I cannot tell you.”

  “Call me Jess. So who is it?”

  “Call me Hans. Jess, I won’t say who it is.”

  “I won’t tolerate any ‘songbirds’ in my house!”

  Hans did not even argue.

  “All right. Let’s finish this business with the conspiracy, and I will get rid of my agent.”

  “Do you give me your word on it?”

  “I swear.”

  Jess relaxed a little.

  “Fine. Tell me your plan.”


  In two days’ time, the report was on Edward’s table. The king skimmed the report and looked at Hans.

  “So that’s how it is!”

  “Yes, Your Majesty.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “All too sure.”

  “In that case, invite the Countess of Earton to the palace.”

  “What about the earl?”

  “Explain everything to the earl. Make him prepare for what’s to come.”

  “What if he is against it?”

  “Then I will speak to him in person.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. How much time do we need for preparation?”

  “At least three days.”

  “It will happen tomorrow then. Remember, if something goes wrong, you will be hanged.”

  Hans smiled wryly.

  “If I fail, I shall die anyway, Your Majesty.”

  Edward smiled.

  “Fine. Go.” He rang the bell.

  ‘Where is the prince?”

  “He is with his sisters,” reported the secretary.

  “Send him to me immediately!”


  “Read it,” he pushed Hans report toward Richard. The prince read through it, and his face became stern.


  “No later than tomorrow evening.”

  “Those girls…”

  “If something happens to them, it will be on your conscience.”

  “Do we have another choice?”

  “I wish! It’s better to do it immediately than wait for Aldonai knows what.”

  Richard swore.

  “We have very little time then.”

  “Yes, and, you know, try to act as secretly as possible.”

  Richard understood. How cruel is the lif
e of kings!


  “Jess, we have no choice.”

  “Are you out of your mind? It’s my wife and my daughter you are talking about!”

  Jess forgot all decencies.

  “I understand, but we have no choice.”

  “I am your choice!”

  “Jess, it’s a state emergency.”

  “Find another honeypot, Richard.”

  “There is no other, Jess. Please understand!”

  “Never! My answer is no!”

  It took around two hours to persuade Jess. Hans joined in the discussion, and soon His Majesty was asking Jess himself. The Earl of Earton finally agreed, but hardly to everything.


  “We need to talk, Lily. It’s important.”

  Lily gave her husband a serious look. The urgency in his voice was unexpected.

  “What happened?”

  “Lily, I will understand if you refuse.”

  “Refuse what?”

  “It’s about the Falions.”

  Lily was genuinely surprised.

  “What have they done?”

  Jess sighed and began telling her. Lily listened attentively without interrupting. She waited until he finished and asked only one question.

  “What do I have to do?”

  “You are pregnant.”

  “What do I need to do so that it doesn’t affect our son?”

  Jess rolled his eyes and began to explain what would happen next.


  A letter to Lilian Elizabeth Mariella, Countess of Earton.

  My Lady,


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