The Trials (Assassin's Intent Book 1)

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The Trials (Assassin's Intent Book 1) Page 3

by Lanford, K. W.

  Conner looked at him like he truly was the village idiot Rix claimed. "You were doing moves out there I have seen fifth years fail! As far as the mat work goes, what you just did would qualify you for the trials and this is your first day! If she was upset, my friend, it was only because she couldn't stump you!"

  The next two hours were spent on academics, reading, writing and mathematics. Many of the apprentices' families sent them to the Order for this part. Any other training and discipline they learned was just an added bonus. Aram had completed the academic portion years ago, so his masters used this time for the private lessons. Master Arlaina took him to a small room next to the gym and left him in the care of Master Dimsey.

  "Well Apprentice; if you demonstrate half of the natural ability you displayed on the tumbling mats, this training will go smoothly indeed." They spent the next two hours discussing different shadow patterns and what to look for in an acceptable shadow. Aram was anxious to try hiding, but Master Dimsey was adamant that the theories were harder to learn than the actual application.

  Aram listened intently and dedicated himself to the task. He was truly amazed at how many differences there were from one shadow to the next. He was already starting to see where the acrobatics would come into play. Depending on the shape of the shadow, he would have to contort his body to keep it contained in the darkest portions, while not forming any continual lines to draw attention to his outline. Master Dimsey (like every master he'd had before) was very impressed with his mental acuity and desire to learn every nuance. The two hour session went much faster than Aram had hoped and he was soon sent back out to the gym.

  Master Arlaina was at a series of platforms that looked like a stairway for a giant. Each platform was five feet higher than the last, till they reached a height of about forty feet. Conner was on the fifteen foot platform, while Master Arlaina gave him a few last minute instructions. She saw Aram walk in and waved him over. "Remember, Apprentice Conner; the higher the fall, the more important it is to use the right amount of leg pressure. Try again when you’re ready."

  Conner nodded, took a deep breath and stepped off the platform. When he hit the ground, the force of the impact jammed his knees into his chest with great force, knocking the air from his lungs and leaving him sprawled in the dirt, gasping for breath. Master Arlaina shook her head, clearly disappointed. "Are you alright?" Conner merely nodded and continued to try and catch his breath. "Well at least this time you didn’t need the clerics. Take a seat and catch your breath while we see what your roommate can do."

  Master Arlaina took Aram to the five foot platform. "Okay, any five year old can manage a jump from this height, but what we’re looking for is technique for the higher jumps. Let me show you." She stepped off the platform, landing first on the balls of her feet and bending her knees into a squat. "The technique is very important to master before attempting the higher jumps. Now you try doing exactly as I have done."

  Aram mimicked her jump exactly. "Good," Arlaina said. "Now do it again, paying attention to how much pressure you apply to your legs as you let them collapse to slow your fall." Again, Aram repeated the exact technique he had witnessed from her example.

  Master Arlaina went to the ten foot platform. "This jump will create more force on your legs when they touch down. The trick is to keep enough resistance in your legs to keep them from hitting your chest (she looked at Conner), while not putting enough to injure your feet, ankles or knees." With that, she stepped off of the platform, repeating the previous technique. This time she landed with one leg extended, the back leg's knee touching the ground and arresting her forward momentum with her hands to either side of her extended knee.

  Again, Aram’s technique was spot on. He looked back up at the platform with amazement. Before today he wouldn’t have even considered jumping off of it, but now he was eager to do it again! "May I do it again, Master?"

  Master Arlaina smiled "By all means, do it until you feel confident."

  Aram was like a kid at an amusement park! The thrill of the free fall was like a drug. He jumped at least ten times before looking at Master Arlaina and saying, "Do you think I could go higher?"

  They went to the fifteen foot platform. "A fall from this height gets tricky. The terrain upon which you intend to land will determine the proper technique to use. You can land the same way you just did if the terrain is flat, or you can incorporate a roll if the terrain is sloping. I will demonstrate the rolling technique. I would like you to try it first, even though the terrain is flat, because it puts less strain on your legs." She stepped off, lightly touching her feet to the ground, then going into a smooth roll back up to her feet.

  The doubt and hesitation Aram felt on his first ten foot jump was gone; he was ready for that rush! He stepped off the platform, falling smoothly and in control, hitting lightly on the balls of his feet. He used the muscles in his calves to reduce the initial force, then bent his knees and applied resistance with his legs. He was prepared to go into his roll when he realized he had stopped! His knees were bent, with one hand in the dirt. He slowly stood up and hung his head. "Forgive me, Master; I seem to have run out of inertia too soon."

  Master Arlaina just looked stunned. "How did you know to use your calves in the initial contact?"

  Aram shrugged. "It just seemed like a good idea to slow myself as quickly as possible. Let me try again; I will do it the way you had intended me to."

  "That will not be necessary. I only wanted you to do that to gain confidence. What you have done is properly execute the fall the way I would have a fifth year attempt it. I do, however, want you to perform the technique I intended, but do it from the twenty foot platform."

  Aram grinned like a little boy who had just filched an apple pie cooling on a window sill and ran up the platform. He walked out onto the ledge and looked down, noticing the entire class had assembled to watch. He stepped off the platform and relished the sensation of free falling. He repeated what he had done the previous jump, but found he had too much momentum remaining after his hand touched the ground. So he went smoothly into a roll and up to his feet.

  This was the most fun he had ever had in his entire fourteen years at the Order; no, his entire eighteen years of life! It was freedom unchecked! There was a roar of excitement from his classmates as he came smoothly to his feet. Master Arlaina just shook her head in amazement. Then, noticing the look in his eyes, said. "Yes, by all means, jump until your heart’s content."

  Within the hour, Aram was blissfully jumping from the forty foot platform with not only skill, but relish! That evening, back in their room, Conner looked at him with awe. "So I guess the stories are true."

  Aram had just finished washing himself in the basin and was drying off. "What stories?"

  "The stories that say you aren’t human!"

  Aram turned towards him and rubbed his navel. "Damn! The cleric I had create this said no one would be able to tell it was fake! He owes me some money!"

  "Seriously, Aram; on your first day you mastered tumbling and the platforms! That isn’t natural. I have been working on the platforms for months! You saw how well that's going."

  Aram sat on his bed and looked Conner in the eye. "First of all, the tumbling isn’t too different from the moves I just spent five years perfecting. If you had taken martial training beforehand, you would understand how easy that is to assimilate into tumbling.

  "Second, as for the platforms, I saw your trouble before you even stepped off the platform and at that point, I didn’t have a clue." Aram could see by his posture that Conner was giving him his full attention. "Fear, I saw it in your eyes before you stepped off. Your mind had already decided you were going to fail, before you even took that step. What you need to do is focus more on the thrill! Enjoy that moment when you’re falling through the air, with nothing but the wind moving past you. Let your mind focus on that feeling and the landing will take care of itself. You know the techniques; trust them. If they didn’t work the class would be sh
ort lived indeed."

  Conner sat back and gave a slow shake of his head. "You know, I have never looked at it like that. It makes sense. I have seen lots of people make those jumps. Obviously, the techniques work thank you Aram. Tomorrow is going to be an awesome day." With that, they put out the lamp and went to sleep.

  The next morning, they got dressed and headed for the gym. Aram could see the excitement in Conner’s eyes. He was actually looking forward to this morning. After they had breakfast, Conner stood up. "Master Arlaina, I would like to retry the platform first thing this morning."

  Master Arlaina motioned him towards the platform and the whole class followed. He climbed to the fifteen foot platform, gave Aram a thumbs-up, grinned and stepped off. He nailed the landing with grace and ease, smiled from ear to ear and raced to the twenty foot platform. This time, his landing was a little harder than it needed to be, but was successful.

  Master Arlaina walked up to him while he was brushing off the dirt. "So tell me, Apprentice, what has changed in you overnight?"

  Conner grinned and pointed at Aram. "He has a navel." Then he shrugged and headed for the next platform. As he walked out onto the twenty-five foot platform, Master Arlaina stopped him.

  She turned toward Aram. "I take it this is your doing. If that is the case, you may want to go up there and coach him a little more. If he hits like he did on that last jump, he will be in need of a cleric!"

  Aram nodded and raced up the platform. He spent a few moments talking to Conner, gesturing and going through the movements in slow motion. He had Conner repeat what he had just done a few times. After he was satisfied, he saluted Conner and stepped off the platform, landing with a grace that had Conner wondering if the navel really was a fake.

  Conner hit the ground with precision and technique and rolled smoothly to his feet, a wide grin on his face. Master Arlaina shook her head in dismay. "I have been trying to get him to do that for months and you walk in and have him doing it in a day! Now I understand the fear in Master Julius’ eyes when Master Camen made the joke about making you a master. On the bright side, now I know what to do with you for the morning."

  She turned to face the class. "I have a meeting with Master Camen today. Anyone who needs help with the platforms should report to Apprentice Aram. The rest of you, continue with your assigned tasks." She looked at Aram. "Please try not to get any of your classmates killed while I am gone." Then she turned and left the gym.

  There were only three apprentices who didn’t need or want help with the platform. All three were fifth years, who had already mastered it. Aram had them all take the highest platform they had successfully attempted, just to get a feel for where they each were. Three were on the fifteen foot, two were on the ten foot and Conner, grinning like a maniac, was on the twenty-five foot platform. Nodding to himself, Aram went to work.

  Master Arlaina knocked on the door to Master Camen’s office and then let herself in; she was expected, after all. Master Dimsey was just finishing what sounded like his assessment of Aram.

  "Ahhh, Arlaina, right on time as usual." Master Camen stood up and motioned for her to take a seat.

  Arlaina had been expecting to give an assessment on her new student, but not for at least a week. "What can I do for you, Master Camen?"

  "Well isn’t it obvious? Young Aram isn’t your typical student, am I correct?"

  Master Arlaina nodded in agreement. "Would you believe, right now he is giving instruction to his classmates on the platform?"

  Master Camen slapped his hand on his desk. "I knew it! That boy is special. Tell me, Master Arlaina, have you noticed anything unusual about your new apprentice, other than the obvious talents?"

  Master Arlaina thought for a moment. "Now that you mention it, there does seem to be something strange going on with his eyes when learning something new; it’s like they go out of focus. At first I thought he was daydreaming, but he picked up everything I said and did with clarity."

  Master Camen looked purely giddy! "Oh, he is far from daydreaming, Master Arlaina. Far, far from it! I have suspected it for years, but wasn’t ever sure until our little sparring match.

  "What I am about to divulge doesn’t leave this room." He looked to Master Dimsey and Master Arlaina in turn and waited for their confirmation. "That boy is a mimic mage!"

  The two masters looked at one another, clearly not understanding. Master Camen explained. "A mimic mage is an extremely rare form of magic. It cannot be taught or acquired in any way except an unknown miracle at birth. A mimic mage cannot go about casting fire balls and the like, although I wouldn’t doubt young Aram could learn it! But no, a mimic mage uses his power to learn!

  "If you perform a task he has a desire to learn within his presence, he effectively absorbs your knowledge of the task, kind of like osmosis! That is why I have called you two in here! What I need from you is for you to actively think about every nuance involved in whatever you’re teaching him. The more clarity of the task you hold in your mind, the more he will absorb. When you see him "lose focus" as you said. You no longer need even talk, just think about everything pertaining to the task as completely as you can. Stay on that task though, for as soon as you have a thought that doesn’t pertain to the task at hand, the spell, for lack of a better word, is broken."

  Master Arlaina spoke up. "That explains yesterday. I showed him how to do a platform jump, but I thought about showing him the advanced version. Subconsciously, he performed the advanced version without meaning to."

  "Exactly the confirmation I needed!" Master Camen exclaimed. "Armed with this knowledge we can have him fully trained in weeks as opposed to years! There are great times coming, Masters, great times indeed."

  Master Arlaina leaned forward in her chair. "You have more secrets?" "Too many secrets to divulge at this time. Suffice it to say, the sooner that boy is trained, the sooner the rightful rulers of this kingdom take the throne."

  Master Arlaina entered her gymnasium and was stunned at what she saw. Every apprentice in the class was lining up on the forty-foot platform, eagerly waiting their turn. The entire class, even the first years, were lining up. Not only were they executing the jumps to perfection, they were truly enjoying themselves! A first year apprentice noticed her enter the room and ran over to her. "Master, did you see me? Did you see? Apprentice Aram showed me one time and I went flying! It was wonderful!"

  Master Arlaina had a thought. What if Aram could use his skill in reverse? Imparting his knowledge to another! This required a test. She walked over to Aram. "Well done, Apprentice, you have just saved me years of work in one morning! There is something I would like you to do for me. The rest of you work on your assignments. Aram, come with me please."

  Master Arlaina led him to the dexterity wing where she conferred with the master for a moment, then led him into the room designated for picking locks. "Show me the most difficult lock in this room to pick." She had never had any training in lock picking and had no clue as to how it was done.

  Aram walked over to a false door with a tiny key hole in it. "This is one of the hardest ones because the keyhole is so small."

  She handed him some lock picks. "I would very much like you to teach me how it is done. I want to know everything there is to know about picking a lock; not just this one, all of them."

  Aram shrugged. "That may take a while, but if you’d like me to, I would be happy to show you."

  She held up a hand to stop him. "What I want you to do is start to explain the theory behind picking locks and when you see me get a faraway look in my eyes, think of everything you know about lock picking."

  Aram did as he was told; he didn’t get very far into the theory when he saw her eyes go out of focus. He then went over four years of lock picking experience in his mind, remembering each lesson with clarity. "Is that what you wanted, Master?"

  Master Arlaina blinked a few times and a broad smile crossed her face. She took the lock picks from his hand and deftly picked the lock. Then she laughe
d out loud and threw her arms around him in a huge hug! "You are a gem; a one of a kind gem!"

  Aram was thoroughly confused, but the hug was well worth it! He would be the envy of the class for sure! She looked as though she needed to be in six places at once. "Okay Aram, head back to the gym. Tell everyone we are done for the day. Then I need you to go to Master Dimsey. I have a feeling you’re going to learn a lot today." Then she turned and nearly ran from the room.

  Aram walked back to the gym replaying the incident over and over in his mind. Apparently, he had somehow taught Master Arlaina how to pick locks in only a few moments. If that were true, he wondered if he could give Tollis five years worth of knowledge just as fast and really ruin Stolly’s trial day. The thought made him chuckle out loud as he walked the halls.

  Master Arlaina walked up to Master Camen’s door and just walked in without knocking. Master Camen was surprised, but when he saw the look in her eyes he pointed to a chair and said. "Tell me!"

  Master Arlaina told him about the class all mastering the platform and how that led her to suspect he could use his magic in reverse. Then she told him about her idea of a test, walked over to his living quarter’s door and with the lock picks still in her hand, deftly picked the lock.

  "Do you think he figured it out?" Asked Master Camen.

  "Does it really matter if he has? If he hasn’t, I am sure he will have a very good idea about it after the session with Dimsey he is in right now."

  Aram walked into Master Dimsey’s training room and looked around. He spotted Master Dimsey in an awkward pose in the shadow just under the lamp hanging on the wall. "That can’t be very comfortable."

  Master Dimsey eased out of the shadow and stretched out the kinks in his limbs. "Indeed, it is most uncomfortable, but the whole idea is to not be seen, not to be comfortable."

  "I’m sorry, Master, but you were standing there plain as day"

  Master Dimsey just laughed out loud. "To your eyes, my boy, but to the majority of the world, I would have been invisible.


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