The Trials (Assassin's Intent Book 1)

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The Trials (Assassin's Intent Book 1) Page 19

by Lanford, K. W.

  Yantis didn't bother to knock in his haste. He burst into the room and suddenly found a sword point at his throat. Jerald may be getting older, but his reflexes were still keen. "Forgive me Yantis, but bursting in on a room the queen occupies could be dangerous."

  Yantis pushed the sword down. "Yes yes, we have a problem. Broden and I arrived in the king’s quarters only to find that Braxton has placed Stolly on the throne, pending the demise of Broden." Everyone seemed to be paralyzed in place; no one said a word. Yantis was flustered. "Hello, did anyone hear what I said?"

  Mayla stepped forward, placing a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. "Where is Broden?"

  Yantis waved his hand impatiently. "He is locked in my room. Broden isn't our threat. It is his son and Braxton that we must worry about."

  Mayla nodded and tried to get Yantis to focus on her. "Where is Rix?"

  Rix knew he was playing a dangerous game, but he also had complete faith in his new dagger. The enchantment was strong. It had already lasted over an hour. For reasons Rix couldn't explain, he felt it was nowhere near its limit. So when Yantis and Broden made their hasty escape from the castle, Rix stayed. This Braxton fellow may be a problem, but Rix had no fear of Stolly whatsoever. Just as Rix had hoped, only moments after the others left, so too, did Braxton.

  Stolly was sitting in a cushioned chair before the fireplace, muttering to himself. Rix made a quick scout of the room to ensure they were alone. He quietly walked over to the door and slid the locking bar into place.

  Rix smiled a smile that anyone who didn’t know him would swear was pure evil. Had Aram or Tollis seen the smile, they would have laughed and hoped they weren't a part of his plan. Rix walked up to the unsuspecting Stolly. He had intended to simply observe and gather Intel, but sitting there before him was the smug little bastard that had contracted his father's murder. It was just too much for Rix to take.

  Standing before Stolly, Rix dropped the invisibility spell. With a yelp, Stolly tried to stand but Rix stopped him with the hold spell. He paced before the paralyzed little snake for a moment. Then he spoke. "At first I thought you having my father killed was just a coincidence. Maybe you didn't know who he was. Then after I thought about it more, I had a realization! Those idiots you hired said they didn't get paid because they had no proof it was Browman. So you knew!

  You sent those men to kill MY father. I never liked you. We had our disagreements, but never any bad enough to warrant that! I had envisioned a scenario where I ask you why. A scene where you explain it all to me so I could have some closure, but I have changed my mind. I don't need anything from you except for you to die."

  Rix drew his new dagger from a sleeve and leaned in close to Stolly. He was close enough to feel Stolly’s short, rapid, breaths against his face. He placed the tip of the dagger lightly to Stolly’s chest, just above his black, callous heart and pushed slowly. The keen edge of the blade slipped effortlessly into his flesh. The blade stopped for a moment when it hit bone, but a slight twist angled the blade to slip between the ribs and sink even deeper. At first Rix thought something besides bone had stopped the blades progress, but when he looked down he saw it was the hilt itself stopping the blade. Stolly never even flinched. The hold spell held him so thoroughly he couldn't even blink. That is until the light of life left his eyes and death took its hold. The now lifeless body slumped limply into the chair.

  Rix didn't fully know what to expect. He hadn’t killed many men before, but he had seen Aram and Tollis walk through men like a scythe through a wheat field. He stood there, watching Stolly "I wonder how long my father laid in the ravine before death finally came."

  Rix sat on the chair across from Stolly. He felt neither satisfaction, nor regret. Neither did he feel the sense of peace he had hoped it would bring. Suddenly he remembered the assassin. That was the first man he had killed. He had never even considered it. At the time, it was just what needed to be done. Perhaps this time was different because he knew Stolly; that should have only made it easier.

  Rix barked a short laugh. Stolly was a tool after all. Perhaps he didn't feel satisfaction because it was over too quickly. Rix nodded to himself. That was it. The little bastard got off easy. Rix had to live his life without his father. Stolly would never know that pain. Rix stood up and looked around. Here he was in the castle; what kind of mischief could he get into? He looked back at Stolly. Deciding he couldn't just leave the body there, he did something Yantis warned him never to do. Rix opened a portal to an unknown location. The portal seemed to be well above the ground, for all he could see were tree tops. Wherever the portal opened to, there was a terrible storm blowing. Lightning ripped across the sky. Rix lifted Stolly and unceremoniously tossed him through, then closed the portal.

  There was only a small amount of blood on the chair, which seemed odd considering. Rix cleaned it up and sat down in Stolly’s chair. He smiled to himself when he heard Aram’s whisper. "Are you mad? Where is Stolly?" Rix turned his head towards the shadows beside the fireplace where the voice had originated and then he passed his hand over his face, casting a version of the masking spell Aram had taught him inadvertently. Rix’s features shimmered for a moment. Then, for all intents and purposes, Stolly sat in the chair. Aram walked out of the shadows with awe on his face. "How did you do that and where is the real Stolly?"

  Rix giggled, passed his hand over his face once more and Aram was looking into his own eyes. "What you should be asking brother, is can Arlaina tell the difference?"

  Aram let out a quick laugh. "That is amazing! But seriously, where is Stolly?"

  Rix waved a hand in dismissal. "The little toad is dead. I cut out his heart and watched him die. Then I opened a portal to the gods know where and tossed his stinking corpse through." Rix passed his hand over his face once more and resumed the image of Stolly. "I think I shall live as a king for a day. Care to join me?"

  Aram smiled a devious smile. "There is no end to your depravity. I like it, but I am once again glad you’re on my side. First we need to get word back to mother. She is fit to be tied."

  Rix sat back in his chair, assuming his best kingly air. He shooed Aram away like a troublesome gnat. "Very well, peon. Go and do your peon things while I sample the wine in my chambers."

  Aram shook his head in amusement before he opened a portal. "I'll be back in a few moments. Umm. Your Highness don’t do anything fun until Tollis and I can come."

  Rix’s eyes lit up. "Yes, please do bring the brainless ox. It would do my soul wonders to see him kneel before Stolly." Aram stepped through the portal laughing. Rix was well into his second glass of wine when Aram, Tollis and Yantis all walked into the room. Rix could see immediately that Aram hadn't told Tollis the whole story.

  Tollis glared at him with a profound hate that almost made Rix reconsider his little game. The moment of sanity passed quickly and Rix stood up proudly. "You said you were going to get help to regain control of my father’s castle." Rix flipped his hand towards Tollis in disgust. "Yet you bring that?"

  Tollis started for him, but Aram held him back. It was almost as hard as holding back the laugh struggling to break free from his guts. Rix was truly a master actor; if Aram hadn't known beyond doubt that it was Rix, he too would swear they stood before Stolly himself. Rix didn't give Aram time to reply; he could see the tears in the corners of Aram’s eyes and knew he couldn’t keep up the pretense long.

  "I suppose he will have to do. Tollis; kneel before me and swear fealty and we shall get this started."

  Tollis trembled in rage. "I will kneel before you as I spit into your grave, but not before hand."

  Rix rolled his eyes. "Oh please kneel before me; it would be awesome on so many levels."

  Aram and Yantis could hold it no longer; they both broke into rib splitting laughter. Tollis looked at them as if they had gone mad. "What in the flaming hells is going on here?"

  Aram couldn't do any more than point at Stolly and say, "Rix."

  Rix took an urgent st
ep towards Tollis. "Kneel before me you overgrown ape, before these fools give it away!"

  It was the pet name Rix so often used for him that clued Tollis in. He looked at Rix in awe. "Rix; why in the blazes do you look like Stolly?"

  Everyone was brought back to the seriousness of their current position by a heavy knock on the door. "Lord Stolly, is everything alright in there?"

  Rix walked over to the door, threw open the bolt and yanked the door open. "Why no captain, I am afraid these hooligans have barged into my private quarters to laugh me to death. Pass the order that these men are my personal guests and shall be given free run of the castle." The guard saluted and hurried off before Stolly could get into one of his tirades. Rix looked back into the room. "Shall we go and see what we can do for fun?"

  The four of them walked boldly through the castle. Yantis took the lead, as he was the only one familiar with it. He first led them directly to the wall in the inner courtyard. He had them wait while he stepped up close to the wall and did something. When he returned, he asked Aram to open a window into his room at Blackenwood manor. Aram focused and cast the spell, but nothing happened. He looked at Yantis in confusion. Yantis smiled and said. "Try it again, but this time keep the word 'mayhem' in mind." Aram did as he was asked and the portal opened as usual. Yantis smiled. "Now we needn't worry about uninvited guests."

  A young boy ran up to Rix. "My lord, I was sent to deliver a message for you."

  Rix scratched his chin in thought. "My message is short. Tell Maddox his father is coming." The boy nodded his head and ran off. Rix looked to his friends. "Being a king is boring. What say we set things as they should be?" Rix didn't wait for a reply; he started walking towards the castle. They approached the door and two guards stood to either side. "You there, gather up all the men. I have an announcement to make."

  The guard snapped a salute and ran inside the castle where he pulled on a rope and rang a bell three times. Guardsmen came out of the woodwork. In only a few moments, the entire inner courtyard was full of house guards. Rix looked out over them from the top of the steps. "Who among you are loyal to Braxton?"

  There was a small murmur and six guardsmen stepped forward. "We are the men Lord Braxton has entrusted with your safety."

  Rix nodded. "So is it safe to assume the rest of you are loyal to my father?"

  There was a moment’s hesitation and then a massive beast of a man stepped forward. "I am loyal to the throne and whoever may sit in it. I swore to protect my home and its people."

  Rix stepped down one step towards the man. "And just what is your name, soldier?"

  The big man looked nervous, but suddenly straitened his back with pride. "My name is Elrond."

  Rix tapped his lip in thought. "With a show of hands, who all among you would stand with Elrond here?" Of the one hundred or so guards in the courtyard, at least sixty raised their arms. "Good. Captain Elrond, take your men and gather up the rest of this filth. Put them all in the dungeons until their loyalties can be decided." A brawl broke out as sixty men tried to arrest forty. It was madness; Rix was enjoying every moment.

  Two of the men who had proclaimed loyalty to Braxton leaped forward to get to Rix. Unfortunately for them, they ran into Tollis instead. Tollis' daggers seemed to just appear in his hands as he met them on the bottom step. He blocked both men's swords simultaneously with his two daggers. Both men's eyes widened at the sheer power behind those daggers. Tollis flexed his chest muscles and brought both arms together swords and all. When the two swords crashed together, one guard completely lost his grip on the hilt and stood there dumbfounded. The other guard tried to pull back and get out of the entanglement. To his surprise, Tollis gave no resistance and his sword arm flew back over his head. Tollis stepped in smoothly behind it, drawing lines across both men's throats at the same time.

  It all happened in a heartbeat. Aram was momentarily stunned. Rix and Yantis were having a grand time. They were shouting out encouragement and warnings to the men, like they were gladiators in an arena. Aram was starting to wonder if lunacy was a requirement for becoming a mage. Suddenly, the guard who had spoken declaring his loyalty to Braxton broke from the crowd, trying to get away.

  Aram started to give chase, but Rix held his hand out towards the man and he froze in his tracks. Yantis said something to Rix that Aram couldn't hear. Rix shrugged and with a look that said why not, threw both hands out toward the crowd. It suddenly got very quiet. Every man that was still conscious froze. Yantis let out a low whistle. "That has to be close to eighty men; the most I have ever witnessed held at once is twenty."

  Rix shrugged, grinned and passed out. Yantis quickly removed his cloak and laid it over Rix's face. Just as Aram was about to ask why, he realized it was Rix’s face and not Stolly’s.

  Aram turned back to Tollis. "Tollis, give us a hand." Tollis didn't respond. He was caught up in Rix’s spell as well.

  Yantis walked over to Tollis and placed a hand on his head. Tollis came out of it and looked around in confusion. Yantis clapped him on the back. "I will take care of things here. Please carry Stolly back to his room quickly." Tollis was a warrior accustomed to taking orders without question. He hoisted Rix without much effort and followed Aram back inside the castle. Yantis went over and released Elrond. "How many of these men will you vouch for?"

  Elrond led Yantis through the crowd, releasing men. Once they were done, Yantis had them strip the others of weapons. Yantis instructed Elrond to move the men to the dungeons, warning him that the spell could fade at any moment. After Elrond was finished, he was to report to the king’s chambers. Elrond saluted and went about his task. Yantis made his way back to the king’s chambers.

  When Yantis entered the room, Aram was talking with Victor, Jerald and Mayla through a portal window, telling them what had transpired. Mayla saw Yantis enter over Aram’s shoulder. "Yantis is Rix alright? Could casting such a spell hurt him?"

  Yantis patted his hands in the air to calm her. "Rix is fine, only fatigued. He should be up and gloating within the hour." Mayla let out a sigh of relief.

  Yantis continued. "I think his plan was to place you on the throne. I have made preparations for it. Jerald, I need two hundred of your best men formed up outside the stables. I will open a portal in one hour. Mayla, at that time it should be safe for you to come home as well. If you will all excuse us, we still have much to do beforehand." They all said farewell and Aram closed the portal.

  Yantis smiled. "Now for the fun part." He opened a portal to his room. Broden was pacing the floor and stood stone still when he saw Yantis. Yantis beckoned him through the portal. Broden obviously recognized his own room, but to his credit he found the courage to enter.

  Aram pointed to the sleeping Rix in one of the chairs. "He could use a bed. Is there one in here I won't have to disarm to use?"

  Broden looked suddenly to the door of the trapped chambers. The can was still in place, so obviously no one was injured. "Yes, there is a bed through here." He pushed on a section of wall, which opened up into a small bed chamber, obviously intended for a maid or manservant.

  Tollis gently lifted Rix and carried him to the bed. As he laid him down he heard Rix mutter, "Thanks ape." Tollis just chuckled and left the room.

  Broden was pacing the floor, clearly ill at ease being here. Yantis walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I am afraid Stolly has been killed, but we have managed to reclaim the castle and set the ward."

  Broden seemed to relax instantly. "I am only sorry that I didn't get the chance to see the little bastard die. Often I have wondered if his mother had been unfaithful before she died. So what of the king's guard? They seemed ready to back Stolly."

  Yantis had just finished filling Broden in, when there was a knock on the door. "That will probably be Elrond." Yantis said as he walked towards the door.

  Broden blanched. "That man despises me. I doubt we can expect much from him."

  Yantis smiled. "Good thing you are just telling him May
la is the new ruler." With that, Yantis yanked open the door. There stood Elrond at attention, hands behind his back.

  Yantis stepped aside and motioned him in. Elrond walked in just far enough for Yantis to close the door. Yantis could see the confusion and anger in his eyes. Yantis could appreciate his position. Nothing could be more troubling to a soldier than to not know from where your orders are to come. Yantis looked Elrond over. He had been in the thick of the brawl, but didn't have a scratch on him. "I assume you know the good King Broden here?" Elrond nodded, but remained silent. Yantis clapped him on the back. "Relax Elrond, you are among friends. What do you know about Stolly being placed in charge?"

  Elrond looked him in the eye. "Only what we were told. That Broden was a traitor and the Mages Guild supported Stolly as the new king."

  Yantis laughed and Elrond looked at him confused. "Don't you see how ridiculous that sounds? How can the king be a traitor to himself?" Yantis laughed again. "And all this time, I thought Braxton was intelligent." Elrond looked even more confused, so Yantis simplified. "Do you remember King Aramis?"

  Elrond nodded that he did. "That was a man worth following. He was the reason I joined the house guard at all."

  Yantis winked at him and pointed to Aram. Elrond looked over, his eyes widening. He looked as if he didn’t know whether to run or kneel. "Relax, it isn’t a ghost. Elrond I give to you Aram Blackenwood, heir of Aramis Blackenwood."

  Elrond started to kneel, but Yantis stopped him. "Not yet my good man; there is more. Queen Mayla lives. It is to her you should give your loyalty. All of this is because of the meddling of the Mages Guild. I will have another two hundred men under your command in less than an hour. The mages can no longer teleport inside the castle. What I need from you is to make sure they don’t walk in either. The shield will keep them out of the inner wall. Post your men around the inner wall and stop anyone who tries to enter."


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